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Battlesphere 3 Rules, FAQ

BATTLESPHERE 3 DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO WIN THE BATTLESPHERE?   Well, let’s find out!  For the third Battlesphere Battle Royal, I’m opening it up to all of the CBUB.  This means that any registered member of site can submit a team to represent them in the ‘sphere.  All you need to do is give me 5 characters who are in the database as your potential entrants.  I will then select 3 of those 5 to take part in the match.    HOW DO I CHOOSE MY TEAM?   1)      Y

Pokemon Mainline Game Timeline theory

Pokemon Game Timeline Theory Outline   Before we start, I should note that this timeline theory will only cover the mainline games from Red/Green/Blue/Yellow to Scarlet & Violet, if you want a timeline including the spin-off games, let me know and I can work on that.   Since Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire’s post-game the fact that two timelines exist in Pokemon, as stated by Zinnia, a member of the Draconid Tribe and a major character in said post-game.  I will


Nesh in fandom theories

Battlesphere 2 Update #3

Battlesphere 2 Update #3 Andel Sanap: Greetings, fight fans.  This is Jedi Master Andel Sanap speaking.  Al has given me this opportunity to reveal to you four more combatants for Battlesphere 2.  These will be four of the 15 male combatants entering the match.  First, from a galaxy far, far away… Kylo Ren!  From my home dimension, the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa will be calling on all the powers of the dark side of the Force to be victorious.  A fierce combatant to be s

Battlesphere 2 Update #2

Battlesphere 2 Update #2 Al Rossi: Helloooo, fight fans!  Al Rossi here, running solo today to give you some more info on Battlesphere 2!  I’m going to be introducing you to 3 of the first time combatants who will be making their debut appearances in the Battlesphere.  First off, coming to us all the way from Looney Toon Land… Lola Bunny!  A skilled athlete and fearless competitor, Lola is definitely going to be a fan favorite and difficult to eliminate.  And with her Toon based p

Battlesphere 2 Update #1

Battlesphere 2 Update #1 Al Rossi: Helloooooo, fight fans!  It’s Al and Andel, back for this special report!  Today we are going to be introducing you to 6 of the 30 combatants that will be entering Battlesphere 2!  Andel Sanap: All six of these combatants will be entering the Battlesphere for the second time.  Each one of these women were able to qualify for Battlesphere 2 by meeting 3 criteria set by the TCC.  They needed to make it to the final 10 of the first Battlesphere, they ea

Aust Williams

"Explain to me again, why you hired my squad to do this mission, Mr. President?", These were the words spoken by a voice that belonged to mercenary Aust Williams, as the Australian man, began smoking a cigarette, while the president of the U.S, Mark Padilla sighed and after a couple of minutes, responded. "Because, it would be just like another Vietnam, Williams. Those...things would be killing men left and right, and you know who they would put the blame on? Me of course!! I plan, on being popu


ND7 in blogs

How to Not be a Jerk at McDonald's

Well, if there's one thing I've learned from working at a McDonald's for the last few weeks, it's that people are massive jerks. As such, I've decided to provide you with a handy-dandy little guide on how to not be a complete imbecile when you go to a McDonald's.   1. KNOW WHAT YOU WANT BEFORE YOU START CROWDING THE COUNTER The people working the front counter registers have several jobs, but one primary function: to get people in and out of line as quickly as possible. People who


CanisMax in blogs

Calm Before the (Snow)Storm

*This blog is meant to be the starting point for a series of winter themed rumbles.  It will be featuring a plot device I used in Snow White vs Cinderella.  If you want to see that, click here!  Match 16928 Snow White vs. Cinderella - CBUB Rated Matches - The Electric Ferret Message Boards If you want to see what’s in store, read on!*  Calm Before the (Snow) Storm Once upon a time, the wielders of magic looked across the expanse of time and space between their kingdoms.  They were Yen

Agent Carter Season 3 Episode 0

The man in the blue suit ran down the New York City street, panting for breath as he push himself to go faster.  The moon was covered by clouds and he desperately tried to avoid the glow from the street lights.  He occasionally glanced behind him, and slightest trace of movement drove him onward.  His right hand was still wrapped around a revolver, but he knew it wouldn’t do him any good.  He heard a creaking noise behind and above him.  He looked back and faintly outlined by the street li

Night Shift Episode 0

When the gods walked alongside Man, Shiva and his celestial brethren ruled over a time of enlightenment and tranquility.  But as is the case of all times of peace, it was not to last.  It came to pass that a race of demons known as the Raktabija broke free from their subterranean crypts and spread like a plague on the land, slaughtering all who stood before them.  Humanity cried out to the gods for salvation, but the prophecies of the Raktabija proclaimed that only a woman could destroy them.  A

Jailhouse Rock Part 1

Part 9.1 The winds of change roll through Verse City, both on the surface and in the underbelly. In an abandoned warehouse, Commissioner Donquixote Doflamingo subdues General M. Bison, making him an offer he can't refuse. Elsewhere, Amanda Waller and Vince McMahon play their own game of chess. Moving figurative pieces into place so they may capture their goals. In the Grand Arena, a Black Swordsman duels a user of the Dark Side. They fight for the victory, they fi


SSJRuss in The Loser's Club

Rakai'Thwei's CBUB Character Submissions

Here is a list of characters I have added to CBUB and they are categorized by their respective franchises. I most certainly will be updating this list overtime as more and more characters are added by me to the CBUB rosters. I hope that they will see matches of their own and grow records of their own.   But the Twilight characters were added so they could be jobbers. Ha ha ha ha!   -Rakai'Thwei   Arthur Arthur Read   Dead or Alive/Ninja Gaiden Hi


RakaiThwei in Character Database

Review: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid - Seasons 1 and 2

Review: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid - Seasons 1 & 2 (Non-Spoilery) Season Aired: Winter 2017 and Summer 2021 MAL Link: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid & Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S I watched it at: Crunchyroll   Review: I began watching Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid without knowing anything about it or having any particular expectations for it. I figured it would be cute (which it is) but upon completing two seasons I found that the show is also po


Fox in Anime Score 4.5

Review: Zombie Land Saga and Zombie Land Saga Revenge

Review: Zombie Land Saga & Zombie Land Saga Revenge (Zombie Land Saga seasons 1 & 2) (Non-Spoilery)   Season Aired: Fall 2018 and Spring 2021 MAL Link: Zombieland Saga & Zombieland Saga Revenge I watched it at: Funimation and Crunchyroll   Review: Zombie Land Saga is the bizarre three-way love child of Japanese Idol Culture, Josie and the Pussycats and Dawn of the Dead.  One of the things that makes Anime such an intriguing and


Fox in Anime Score 4.0

Review: Killing Bites

Review: Killing Bites (Non-Spoilery) Season Aired: Winter 2018 - 12 episodes MAL Link: Killing Bites I watched it at: Kawaiifu   Review: KIlling Bites is an R-rated B-movie. It's the kind of outrageous sex and violence filled schlocky sci-fi grindhouse you might have found on direct-to-video or late-night cable once upon an age ago.  The kind of show where you see somebody casually pick up their own chopped-off arm and beat their opponent to de


Fox in Anime Score 3.0

Review: The Slime Diaries

Review: The Slime Diaries That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (Non-Spoilery)   Season Aired: Spring 2021 - 12 episodes MAL Link: The Slime Diaries: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime I watched it at: Crunchyroll   Review: The Slime Diaries is a spin-off of the popular anime That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. The show That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime follows the adventures of the character Rimaru Tempest who was killed in mo


Fox in Anime Score 3.5

Review: Fate Zero (Seasons one and two)

Review: Fate / Zero (Seasons one and two) (Non-Spoilery)   Season Aired: Fall 2011 - 25 episodes MAL Link: Fate/Zero - Season One Fate/Zero - Season Two I watched it at: Crunchyroll   An Introduction To "Fate": Fate requires an introduction as it is somewhat complicated. The source material for Fate is an epic Japanese visual novel which may be as lengthy as Lord of the Rings.   There are three paths or routes that a reader may take in t


Fox in Anime Score 5.0

Review: The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent

Review: The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent (Non-Spoilery) Season Aired: Spring 2021 - 12 episodes MAL Link: The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent I watched it at: Funimation   Review: The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent invites the viewer into a world of enchantment, romance and fantasy. It is a pleasant enough world, inhabited with characters who generally seem kind and chivalrous. There's a bit of danger to be dealt with, which provides some small


Fox in Anime Score 2.5

Review: Shadows House

Review: Shadows House (Non-Spoilery)   Season Aired: Spring 2021 - 13 episodes MAL Link: Shadows House I watched it at: Funimation   Review: Shadows House invites the viewer into a world of mystery, suspense and intrigue. I did not know what I was getting into when I started this series, but I was quickly hooked and binged the 13 episodes straight through. My major complaint right now is simply that there was not more of it.     Th


Fox in Anime Score 4.5

Review: Higehiro: After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took in a High School Runaway

Review: Higehiro After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took in a High School Runaway (Non-Spoilery)     Season Aired: Spring 2021 - 13 episodes MAL Link: Higehiro I watched it at: Crunchyroll   Review: Higehiro invites the viewer into a world of heavy interpersonal human drama that is played straightforward and serious from start to finish. You will not find typical anime story devices such as a clownish comic relief character, a flight of fantasy o


Fox in Anime Score 3.5

Review: Horimiya

Review: Horimiya (Non-Spoilery)   Season Aired: Winter 2021 - 13 episodes MAL Link: Horimiya I watched it at: Funimation   Review: Horimiya invites the viewer into a world of teenage romance, essentially.  It's a romantic comedy focusing on an ensemble cast of characters all going through the process of growing up and dealing with emotions. The art direction on this series immediately got my attention with its unique bright pop. It is a visuall


Fox in Anime Score 4.0

Review: To Your Eternity

Review: To Your Eternity (Non-Spoilery)   Season Aired: Spring 2021 - 20 episodes MAL Link: To Your Eternity I watched it at: Crunchyroll   Review: It is rare that I review a series before completing watching it in full, but the last twelve episodes have been an amazing storytelling experience and I feel pretty confident in scoring this one. To Your Eternity invites the viewer into a world of courage, tragedy and ... more tragedy.  Depending on


Fox in Anime Score 4.5

Review: I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level

Review: I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level (Non-Spoilery)   Season Aired: Spring 2021 - 12 episodes MAL Link: I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level I watched it at: Crunchyroll   Review: I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level invites the viewer to share a warm and homey exercise in extreme cuteness.  It doesn't have any sharp edges or unpleasant topics for the viewer.  There's


Fox in Anime Score 3.5

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