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Review: I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level



Review: I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level



article-showcover-300_year_slimes_max_level.jpgSeason Aired: Spring 2021 - 12 episodes

MAL Link: I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level

I watched it at: Crunchyroll



I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level invites the viewer to share a warm and homey exercise in extreme cuteness. 

It doesn't have any sharp edges or unpleasant topics for the viewer.  There's no existential questions to ponder.  It's just a fluffy and harmless kitten of an anime show that sits there purring in your TV screen.

If you're in the market for a super cute and wholesome anime series about a family of friends getting into and out of wacky fantasy-based situations, then this show probably has you covered.


The Plot in a Nutshell:

Meet Azusa who is a witch with the gifts of beauty and immortal youth.  She's been kicking around the Highlands for 300 years killing slimes to make a bit of money. 

Now, slimes are a low level monster which provide very little experience points, but if you happen to spend 300 years defeating a few each day, you can level up to the top. And so it is with Azusa.

Once word of her great level gets out, various individuals across the land take an interest and seek her out.  Generally, each episode of the show is concerned with some new character arriving and becoming part of the circle of friends orbiting Azusa. These characters have their own quirks and the episodes spend more time delving into their personalities as the series progresses.


My Verdict: 

I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level is perfectly fine escapist entertainment about cute characters doing cute things. If you are in the mood for that, then you will probably be pleased with your viewing experience.  If your mood is for more mature or mentally challenging content, you will want to look elsewhere.

I found it to be an agreeable and occasionally humorous bit of fluff to relax with. 


Score: 3.5 out of 5

Review Rating Scale:

5     Brain wildly entertained. Neurons saturated with entertainment.

4.5  Brain extremely entertained. Neurons firing regularly. Outside world forgotten.

4     Brain entertained. Neurons well stimulated. Brain wants to look for the blu-ray.

3.5  Brain in Neutral. Neurons a little stimulated. Brain generally pleased.

3     Brain in neutral. Neurons flat lined. Meh, brain pleased just enough.

2.5  Brain in neutral but occasionally displeased.

2     Brain displeased and not entertained. Brain thinking about doing something else.

1.5 or less - Brain suffered through the show so it could tell you not to.



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