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  1. Today
  2. Good ol' wrestling match. Gunloc should make it a good fight but I think Big Bear has got this.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Man, took me awhile to get to this. 😅 Mister E may be the smallest threat here. I'd say Victoria kills him, then Marie, seeing another side of Victoria, starts to engage her. From there, Victoria either somehow talks Marie out of fighting or kills her in a pretty tough fight due to her experience.
  5. Fox

    CBUB Character Submission Images

    Put your image here for your character submission. Images 300 pixels X 300 pixels square. You can use an online image cropper tool to crop your image to 300 x 300 before uploading.
  6. Well Rip was the main protagonist of his film and Thunderlips was a mere side character so I’m leaning Rip.
  7. I must go with the vampires as I think their durability and healing factor will keep them alive long enough for them to close the distance and start draining the witches blood.
  8. We have our first team! @Venom 2009 has submitted his combatants and 3 have been selected for the Battlesphere! Remember, you have until August 16th to sign up! Just message me your 5 potential combatants and your plus 1 (if you want one)!
  9. Mercenaryblade

    Alt image gallery

    Just a place to post alternate images of characters.
  10. Last week
  11. Want to know how you can participate in the next Battlesphere Battle Royal? Click the link and find out!
  12. BATTLESPHERE 3 DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO WIN THE BATTLESPHERE? Well, let’s find out! For the third Battlesphere Battle Royal, I’m opening it up to all of the CBUB. This means that any registered member of site can submit a team to represent them in the ‘sphere. All you need to do is give me 5 characters who are in the database as your potential entrants. I will then select 3 of those 5 to take part in the match. HOW DO I CHOOSE MY TEAM? 1) You must select INDIVIDUAL characters. So no: Teams Races Vehicles or Locations 2) Your character must have at least 3 wins, and no more than 20 total matches. Fantasy draft matches count, ties do not. 3) Remember, this battle is taking place in a sphere 40 feet in diameter. If your character is too big to fit inside, they probably won’t get chosen. 4) Your character won’t be chosen if they are overpowered. So if: They’re smart enough to know the winner of Battlesphere 5 before Battlesphere 3 They’re strong enough to curbstomp Spider-Man in seconds They’re fast enough to travel in time to the end of the match They’re tough enough to go 5 rounds with the Hulk Or they have cosmic power and can alter reality by snapping their fingers, They probably won’t get chosen. WHAT IF SOMEONE I CHOOSE FOR MY TEAM ENDS UP ON SOMEONE ELSES? Entrant approval is first come first serve. If someone asks for a character before you, they get considered first. It is also possible for a character to not make the cut for your team but make it on someone else. It’s not personal, I’m just trying to have a field of 30 combatants that’s fair and gives everyone characters they like to root for. It ain’t easy. OKAY, I HAVE 5 PEOPLE. NOW WHAT? Message me your five picks. I will review them and select the three that will represent you in the Battlesphere. If you need to choose new people I will message you to let you know how many more you need. I will also let you know when I have your three combatants. You will find out who made the cut when the Battlesphere begins! BUT WHAT’S THIS ABOUT A PLUS ONE? If you wish I can write you into the set up in a private box to watch the action. I am also giving you a plus one to join you as you cheer on your team to victory. Your plus one can be any induvial character in the Database. They are not limited by win/loss record, powers, or involvement in the Battlesphere. So if you want to try to have one version of your favorite character fighting for you while another version is your plus one… well, what’s the point of having access to time and transdimensional if you can’t have fun with it every once in a while? Important Note: I will not be writing you or your plus one doing anything that wouldn’t make it onto a Saturday morning cartoon. This is just for fun, let’s not make it weird. If you want a plus one, put their entry in the message you send listing your 5 potential combatants. AND WHAT DO I GET IF I WIN? Your winning combatant gets their pick of powers from one of the people they eliminated, while you get me to write a set up featuring your character in action. Plus bragging rights over your fellow CBUB-ers. For any other questions, drop me a message. I’m accepting team lists until August 16th, or until I have 10 teams total. Hope to hear from you soon! See you in the Battlesphere!
  13. AND FINALLY, AFTER WHAT SEEMS LIKE AN ETERNITY, THE BOTTOM LINE Al Rossi: Queen Bee uses her strength to rip off a pillar from the temple and swing it at D’Vorah! She whips herself into the trees on a web to evade being swatted! You can hardly see the action as Kytin and Korrll bugs claw into each other and cover the inside of the force field! Andel Sanap: The combatants seem to be leaving their ‘allies’ to their own devices. They are so focused on battling each other! Al Rossi: Zazzala smashes away with her makeshift Kytin swatter, knocking down multiple trees and sending the trunks crashing into the field. But look out! D’Vorah’s perched on the tree behind her! Andel Sanap: She springs off a branch and pounces on top of Queen Bee! D’Vorah pincers slam into the queen’s shoulders! Al Rossi: Down they go, crashing through branches until they finally land in a muddy river! Zazzala took the brunt of that one, Andel, now D’Vorah gonna make her pay for it! Andel Sanap: She opens her mouth! You can see the bile and maggots starting to drip out! This could be the end of Queen Bee and BY THE FOCE! Al Rossi: Queen Bee just yanked a pincer out of her left shoulder! Both her and D’Vorah are howling in pain as the Korrll royal uses D’Vorah’s own pincer to chop the other one loose! Andel Sanap: The surrounding insects are humming angrily as they start swirling around our combatants! Their rage is permeating the battle terrain! Al Rossi: Uh, Andel? Why is the force field flickering? Andel Sanap: What?! The force field is shutting down! The insects! They’re going into the audience! Al Rossi: Now who looks silly for wearing a beekeepers’ suit to the battle?! I’m outta here! Andel Sanap: Ladies and gentlemen, the arena is in chaos! Queen Bee and D’Vorah are still battering each other as their swarms are attacking our fans! They’re heading straight for the commentary booth and… BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!! Al Rossi: Hello, folks. Hopefully you can hear us. We’ve managed to get the power back on at TCC Arena and got the Kytin and Korrll under control. But Queen Bee and D’Vorah aren’t pleased at the moment, since the TCC have declared their fight a no contest! Andel Sanap: The fight was deemed unable to continue without endangering our attending fans. We still don’t know how the force field went down. Al Rossi: I’ll give you a hint. She’s French, blond, and spoiled rotten. Andel Sanap: Al! We have no proof that Miss Bourgeois was responsible for this. Al Rossi: Oh come on, Andel, it’s obvious! She’s still salty over losing Battlesphere 2 and now she’s causing trouble to get even! That’s why we’ve lost footage for those fights and why our equipment has gone screwy these last two fights! Andel Sanap: I assure you, fans, that the TCC is investigating these incidents thoroughly. They want to ensure that these fights have a definitive winner, and the audiences can enjoy them safely. Al Rossi: Especially with what we’ve got coming up, eh, partner? Andel Sanap: Indeed, Al. Why don’t you tell the fans what’s in store? Al Rossi: Don’t mind if I do! We are about to reach a milestone here at TCC Arena. Our sponsor, the broadwaybeyonder, is only 3 fights away from reaching 200 rated battles! In celebration of this event, he’s decided to have those 3 battles take place under the TCC banner. And the combatants? The victors of some of the broadwaybeyonder’s most successful and memorable contests! Andel Sanap: We can’t reveal the match ups yet, but we can reveal that the participants will be: Carmen Sandiego The Crypt Keeper Emma Peel Eris Katie Ka-Boom Members of Team Mortal Kombat Mira Nova Snow White & the Street Sharks! Al Rossi: And there may be a few non-rated brawls along the way! But that’s not all! Because I can now reveal that following the 200th battle, we shall begin the most ambitious project the broadwaybeyonder and the TCC have undertaken: the return of the Battlesphere Battle Royal! Andel Sanap: Yes, it is Battlesphere 3! And the TCC is changing the game! The winner of the Battlesphere will still be able to select the powers of one of the eliminated for themselves, but this time the winner may be… YOU! Al Rossi: Yeah, that’s right! YOU! The guy reading this transcript right now! If you are a registered member of CBUB, the TCC invites YOU to submit a team for Battlesphere 3! Not only may one of your favorites win the 30-person battle royal, but the broadwaybeyonder will write up a scenario featuring your winner! Andel Sanap: Just submit 5 characters you want to be considered for your team. The broadwaybeyonder will then select 3 of those 5 to represent you in the Battlesphere. And as a special bonus, the broadwaybeyonder will also give you a private box to watch the action and a plus one to watch with you! Al Rossi: Check the announcement in the Blog Entry section for details! This sure is gonna be a great month ahead for the TCC, Andel. Provided a certain French girl doesn’t louse it up for us again! Andel Sanap: Ahem. On that note, we look forward to seeing you for the festivities at TCC Arena. And don’t worry, the Commission is coming up with a solution to the draws for both Queen Bee/D’Vorah and Batwing/Ironheart. Stay tuned for battle 198, coming soon from the TCC! For Al Rossi and all of us at TCC Arena, this is Andel Sanap saying good night, and may the Force be with you all! Philippa Forrester: Chloe, are you in there? Chloe, are you okay? Chloe? Chloe?
  14. I'm thinking the X-Factor team wins this, too, mainly due to Pixie arguably being the weak link for the X-Men Blue Team.
  15. The tough part of this contest seems to be between Storm and Magik. Illyana's sorcery is formidable, but Ororo's experience and array of weather powers may allow her to prevail.
  16. Ooof. I'd have to guess Jean's superior experience with the Phoenix Force (at least to her daughter's) and Team 1's feats with team experience overall may win this.
  17. Good set-up, Pizza Guy. Never watched Star vs. the Force of Evil or The Owl House, but from glancing the profiles of characters from both shows, you seem to have them in-character. As for the match, from a glance (again), Star looks to be more powerful with her magic, more combat-ready, and of an athlete, so I might be inclined to give her the edge. Man, we need more of a younger crowd to join CBUB so more of the community can be familiar with these characters. 😅
  18. I’m truly convinced that once the Spartans get in a phalanx formation nothing can break them up. Voting team Spartans and Knights.
  19. Going with flight+flamebreath for the win. Especially since Vermithrax is on the dragon team. That dragon tanked a lightning bolt, got stabbed in the head with a magic treated spear, had a cave in dropped on it and it still just kept coming. It took a wizard suicide bomber in its talons to finally kill it.
  20. TONY SHIAVONE: Hello everyone, welcome to the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Georgia and welcome to CBUB Championship Wrestling. My name is Tony Schiavone and I’m joined by Mike Tenay as we bring you the second match in the tournament to crown the first ever CBUB Heavyweight Champion of the World. MIKE TENAY: It’s an honor and privilege to be here for this legendary occasion, Tony. TONY SHIAVONE: Indeed it is. And what makes it so legendary is just how vast and encompassing this tournament is, it includes wrestlers from different promotions and different worlds. You will see competing for this championship, the best of the best. I know I have said it before, but at the end of this tournament it will be the biggest night in the history of our sport. MIKE TENAY: I couldn’t agree more. TONY SHIAVONE: Here tonight to help us take in this first round matchup we have invited 16 time world heavyweight champion, the Nature Boy, Ric Flair. RIC FLAIR: How’s everybody doing tonight? Woooooo! MIKE TENAY: So glad you could be with us here tonight, Nature Boy. RIC FLAIR: You can count on me. The Nature Boy is always where the action is. TONY SHIAVONE: Ric, we wanted to have you out here with us because both of the wrestlers competing in this match have talked about drawing inspiration from two men you know very well, Sting and Vader. RIC FLAIR: Two legendary figures to emulate, Woooo! I know all about drawing inspiration from a legend and making it my own. It’s not an easy thing to do and many fail to live up to those they take from. TONY SHIAVONE: We will see if these two men can do that tonight. Mike, why don’t you tell the people at home, who may be unfamiliar, a little more about the two wrestlers competing here tonight. MIKE TENAY: Certainly. First, there is Gunloc from the Capcom Wrestling Association. The CWA is home to legendary wrestlers like Zangief, R. Mika, and Mike Haggar. However, one of the hidden jewels of the promotion has always been Gunloc. He was a mainstay on their Saturday Night Slam Masters program as well as their more violent outing, Ring of Destruction. Gunloc competed both in singles competition as well as tagging with his friend and rival, Biff Slamkovich. He even did stints in Japan under the name Lucky Colt. Gunloc is a quick striker with his sonic punches, has a fisherman suplex that puts Curt Hennig to shame, and has shown amazing strength in putting away opponents twice his size with his Head Rocker Super Slam. It is a sight to see. TONY SHIAVONE: And his opponent? MIKE TENAY: His opponent will be Raiden from Alice Springs, Australia. Raiden has had a long wrestling career both in his home country and abroad. He is a vicious giant who cares nothing for his opponent’s safety and even had ties to a criminal organization in Southtown headed by notorious kingpin, Geese Howard. RIC FLAIR: I bet this Geese guy knows how to throw a good party. I should talk to Raiden about getting an invitation, Wooo! MIKE TENAY: I don’t know about that. By all accounts their relationship is over, but the point is Raiden’s history sheds a good light on how ruthless he can be. In the ring, Raiden moves well for a man his size and he has a very strong super dropkick. His Giant Bomb shoulder tackle is brutal as is his Crazy Train barrage of punches and double axe handles. Gunloc needs to be very wary of Raiden’s finisher, the Raiden Bomber Lariat or he will get his head knocked off. RIC FLAIR: You’re getting me even more jazzed up for this match, pal! Raiden’s entrance music echoed through the arena. TONY SHIAVONE: Speaking of Raiden, here he is. The mammoth mauler, Raiden, walked down the aisle in his traditional blue mask and singlet and was accompanied by a barefoot bald man in purple trunks. RIC FLAIR: Who’s that goofy looking guy with him? MIKE TENAY: That is Hwa Jai, a kickboxer from Thailand and a teammate of Raiden from the King of Fighters tournament. He appears to be here to offer his moral support. Raiden stopped before he entered the ring and went up to the front row of fans. There he shook hands with another mountain of muscle that was sitting in the front row. TONY SHIAVONE: What’s going on here? MIKE TENAY: That’s Alexander the Grater, from Melbourne, Australia. He is a member of the Capcom Wrestling Association and just like Raiden, has taken huge inspiration from Big Van Vader. I wasn’t aware they knew each other. RIC FLAIR: Probably ran into each other in some big man Vader fan club down under. Not exactly the kind of club you would find this sylin’,proflin’, limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheelin’ and dealin’ son of a gun. But, to each their own, wooo! MIKE TENAY: I think this spells trouble for Gunloc. TONY SHIAVONE: We can ask him about it. Gunloc is currently backstage with our very own Mean Gene Okerlund. Gene? Gunloc stood backstage in his brown military bomber jacket next to hall of fame interviewer, Mean Gene Okerlund. MEAN GENE: Yes, I am here with Gunloc. Gunloc, how does it feel to be participating in this unprecedented tournament? GUNLOC: It feels great, Mean Gene. I am glad to have been invited to CBUBCW. My guns are loaded and ready for action. MENE GENE: You just saw, like everyone did, that a very familiar foe of yours, Alexander the Grater, is in the audience and is friendly with your opponent. Does that concern you? GUNLOC: Not at all. If Raiden is that much of a wuss to seek Alexander’s help then he won’t last long against me. I’m going to take him to training camp. MENE GENE: is there anything else you would like to say? GUNLOC: I’m dedicating this match to Jessica Haggar. I hope you’re watching. Gunloc pointed at the camera and then walked away from Mean Gene. His music played in the Georgia Dome and he walked out to a great reaction, ready to rumble.
  21. Another good Xavier Invitationals chapter, Johnny. This one feels more like set-up towards the rest of the arc, though. As for the match, Box just might have the edge here. He could possibly invent something to get through or counter Armor's exoskeleton, but in the heat of battle, that may be tough to do. Instead, his own armor may be tough enough to slug it out with Hisako until her exoskeleton wears off, then he could knock her out.
  22. Dragon Clan vs. T. Rex Clan Battle takes place on a remote island. Combined with dense forest and vast patches of open plain the teams will be fighting for territory rights.
  23. Next batch of new characters making themselves known. Mister E perceives a new threat in Victoria Neuman. He decides that she must be eliminated. Marie needs Victoria for her own purpose, but doesn't mind taking he down a peg or two. Still she realizes it has to be her and not Mister E so we have a three way battle. Who wins?
  24. Oh I finally saw their match way down on the 11th. Oh well. I'm sure somebody is happy to see their characters being used a second time.
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