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Review: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid - Seasons 1 and 2



Review: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid - Seasons 1 & 2



Season Aired: Winter 2017 and Summer 2021

MAL Link: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid & Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S

I watched it at: Crunchyroll



I began watching Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid without knowing anything about it or having any particular expectations for it. I figured it would be cute (which it is) but upon completing two seasons I found that the show is also poignant, deep, funny, friendly, engaging and... dare I say... life affirming.

I found the show warmly entertaining, like time spent hanging out with friends.




The Plot in a Nutshell:

Our main character Miss Kobayashi finds and rescues a dragon who has come to Earth from another world. The dragon asks Miss Kobayashi what reward she would accept for this deed. As Miss Kobayashi is drunk at the time, and not really processing the enormity of what she is dealing with, she says she would like a maid before heading home to sleep it off.

And that is how Miss Kobayashi ends up with a dragon for a maid.

This dragon, named Tooru, seems strangely happy being the maid for a human. Intrigued, other dragons begin appearing from the other world to see what's so interesting about humans.


My Verdict: 

Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (seasons 1 and 2) was very enjoyable to binge. It is funny, witty and sometimes heart-warming entertainment start to finish.

The first season gets us interested in the characters while the second season is exceptional in deepening both the characters and the lore of the dragons.

Each episode is presented in a format of short story segments (or skits) which focus on a couple of the characters at a time. It is a sitcom format for an ensemble cast that gives each character time to shine and keeps what's going on fresh.

There is a lot to love in this show and it is absolutely worth giving a chance. I personally found it quite entertaining.

Score: 4.5 out of 5


5     Brain wildly entertained. Neurons saturated with entertainment.

4.5  Brain extremely entertained. Neurons firing regularly. Outside world forgotten.

4     Brain entertained. Neurons well stimulated. Brain wants to look for the blu-ray.

3.5  Brain in Neutral. Neurons a little stimulated. Brain generally pleased.

3     Brain in neutral. Neurons flat lined. Meh, brain pleased just enough.

2.5  Brain in neutral but occasionally displeased.

2     Brain displeased and not entertained. Brain thinking about doing something else.

1.5 or less - Brain suffered through the show so it could tell you not to.



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