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  1. I must go with the vampires as I think their durability and healing factor will keep them alive long enough for them to close the distance and start draining the witches blood.
    1 point
  2. We have our first team! @Venom 2009 has submitted his combatants and 3 have been selected for the Battlesphere! Remember, you have until August 16th to sign up! Just message me your 5 potential combatants and your plus 1 (if you want one)!
    1 point
  3. I’m truly convinced that once the Spartans get in a phalanx formation nothing can break them up. Voting team Spartans and Knights.
    1 point
  4. Going with flight+flamebreath for the win. Especially since Vermithrax is on the dragon team. That dragon tanked a lightning bolt, got stabbed in the head with a magic treated spear, had a cave in dropped on it and it still just kept coming. It took a wizard suicide bomber in its talons to finally kill it.
    1 point
  5. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 50 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- Indiana Jones and Zorro were fighting each other on top of a mountain in the Mountain Zone. After a long time of fighting with swords, whips, and fists, Indy was the winner, as he kicked Zorro off the mountain. Zorro screamed in horror as he was falling down to his doom. But before Zorro hit the ground, he was caught by a giant hand. When Zorro regained himself, the masked man was shocked to see he was being held by Lady Kong. The hero in black could see that the giant ape was madly in love with him, which he didn’t like at all. “Hey, senorita. Thanks for the save. But do you mind putting me down? So, I can find a way for all of us to get out of this dome.” Zorro said, as he tried to be careful to not enrage Lady Kong. But the only response Zorro got was Lady Kong using him to rub the side of her face. "No! Stop! I’m not into tall hairy women!" Zorro yelled at the giant primate. Lady Kong stopped as she heard the sound of heavy footsteps. Zorro and Lady Kong turned to the source of the sound, and they were both shocked to see another giant ape was now standing near them. Once Queen Kong saw Zorro, she fell in love with him. Queen Kong grabbed Zorro by his cape and tried to pull him away from Lady Kong. But Lady Kong let out an angry roar, as she used both her hands to hold on to Zorro. Don Alejandro De La Vega found himself in a tug-of-war between the two gorillas. "Hey, Quit It!" Zorro yelled. Queen Kong then used her hands to hold onto Zorro’s upper body. “Please, Stop!” Zorro could feel his body being pulled past its limit. The two apes kept on pulling and pulling, until Zorro was split in half, with him letting out one last scream of pain. Queen Kong and Lady Kong looked at their hands in horror, as the man they loved was dead. The two apes looked at one another with anger in their eyes. Both blamed the other for the Death of Zorro. The female Kongs roared at each other and got into a fight. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. Hard to believe that this arc has now reached 50 parts. While there are other characters fighting each other in the dome, this match will focus on the two giant gorillas. Think of the other fights as obstacles for the primates. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who will win?
    1 point
  6. Forgot to vote here. I was leaning toward Lady Kong myself, though, since she has more muscle mass. In fights between similar creatures in nature, the more muscular one tends to win out.
    1 point
  7. By lore Pennywise probably slaughters everybody else here. It is millions of years older and thus more experienced then the others and it’s said to rival the power of one of the main godly beings of the Steven King “Macroverse” the Space Turtle/Maturin. So yeah I’m voting Team 2.
    1 point
  8. I’m voting for Team 2 because of better range weapons (Samurai and Mongols archery skills were well documented) better all round armor (the Knight’s were too clunky and impaired vision and movement), and much more iconic feats, namely the Spartan’s repealing a 1 Million strong Persian army and the Mongols conquering the single largest amount of square miles in the history of the world.
    1 point
  9. Well it’s been a while since I saw either film but as I recall the Babadook was a manifestation of the Aussie mother’s guilt and that once she acknowledged it’s existence she was able to fairly easily intimidate it and lock it away in the basement. The Crooked Man meanwhile is actually one of the forms of an actual demon of Hell who can only be defeated if you know its name. So in my opinion The Crooked Man wins simply cause an actual demon is much scarier then your inner guilt taken form.
    1 point
  10. And I bet Indy was looking down at the spectacle with a wry smile. 😆 Congrats on getting this arc to a 50th chapter, Venom. Decent set-up, but as with a fair amount of matches in this arc, it's pretty short. This one had potential for more in-jokes, too. Heh, this is why, sometimes, one shouldn't take poster art as gospel. The poster for the King Kong film that came out the same year as Queen Kong had Kong big enough to stand astride both Twin Towers, but he wasn't nearly that size in the actual movie. Here's the Queen Kong film in question: And my God, does it look hokey as hell. I've never seen Queen Kong, but I've actually seen King Kong Lives (where Lady Kong came from), though, and I thought that movie was cheesy. Anyways, as you can see in the film, Queen Kong is actually around 60 feet tall. That would make her taller than Lady Kong, but Lady looks more muscular. This one may take some thought.
    1 point
  11. Congrats on 50 parts. Going to go with Queen Kong who does appear to have quite the size advantage.
    1 point
  12. Okay, if Lady Kong is 50 feet tall, than Queen Kong looks like she's significantly bigger.
    1 point
  13. Can't speak for the comics, but the cartoon is pretty good. Since it's a Disney show aimed at middle schoolers, though, don't expect to see busty women. Also, I think the animated Moon Girl has the edge in this one. She's 13 years old compared to comics Moon Girl being 8 and probably more combat-oriented, so even though comics MG might be physically stronger due to her Inhuman heritage, cartoon MG might be a better fighter.
    1 point
  14. A very belated congratulations to you, @Twogunkid, for winning CBUB's second Tournament of Writers! Sorry for not doing this weeks sooner. Your entry had been copy/pasted to the Outstanding Fight Set-ups Thread and moved to the CBUB Hall of Fame.
    1 point
  15. I second DSkillz, generally speaking the latter versions just have better feats and better upgrades. T-850 for the win.
    1 point
  16. As much as I want to go Bloody Roar, I think Sailor Uranus has her number.
    1 point
  17. Sorry to take the easy position but yeah Zords>Monsters 95% of the time and I expect this time to be no different.
    1 point
  18. Eh, the T-850 was an upgrade over the T-800 in just about every way, so the T-850 should win this.
    1 point
  19. Goode set-up, Venom. It's interesting to read up on your initial stumbles as Lord Zedd. There's a part of me that's actually rooting for Zedd to get at least a win or two over the Rangers at some point in this arc. As for the match, Primator might've had a chance against the Zords if he were smarter about his shapeshifting and he had a stronger partner in the fight. As it stands, though, Grumble Bee already went down to the original Megazord and Primator isn't that bright, so I'm fully expecting the Thunder Megazord and Dragonzord to win this.
    1 point
  20. This match-up is reminding me that I need to see those last two Indiana Jones movies and that Antonio Banderas did indeed do a second Zorro film. Decent set-up with good one-liners of Indy and Zorro taking shots at each other's box office success (or lack thereof, lol), but the set-up itself is pretty short. As for the match, it appears Zorro may have an edge in this one. True, Indy has the better weapon in Kirito's sword, but the question is whether he has the power to use it. Apparently, even Kirito had to level up before he could use it. Meanwhile, Zorro is well-trained and battle-tested with his cutlass (not to mention that the cutlass is built for fast strikes, unlike Kirito's sword), so Zorro would likely get off some slashes before Indy. Add in the likelihood that Zorro is a bit nimbler than Indy, and this may be an uphill battle for Jones. Zorro's definitely gonna work for this one, though.
    1 point
  21. I literally posted this in my last reply but I’ll do it again to once more prove that Zorro can easily take on groups of 6+ men in hand to hand combat. Sorry but nothing Indy’s done puts him ahead of Zorro here. At 1:54 we see Zorro dodging gunfire. And at 0:55 we see him dodge gunfire again. So if Indy’s a bullet dodger then so is Zorro by proven feats. Also I’m not gonna dignify the Indy nuke feat with a response. That’s just silly. So has Zorro. At multiple points in the clips I just showed you. Stop acting like punching a guy hard is some outlying feat, that’s literally base level athletic human strength. Firstly I recall him punching out the Thuggees but I don’t recall him using a sword to defeat them. I do remember him using a sword to chop the bridge but that’s about it with Indy’s sword feats. Secondly taking out random mooks is not the same as facing a Master Swordsman that Zorro clearly is. No he is not! There is no feats in the films or otherwise that show Indy as anything but a base level athletic human, same as Zorro. To say he has any kind of athletic advantage over Zorro is ridiculous, they are both normal, athletic men period! Neither has any advantage over the other EXCEPT that one of them is actually a trained swordsman with countless feats to showcase his fencing skills, therefore in a purely battle of swordsmanship Zorro will obviously defeat Indiana Jones. Can you actually show me a feat of Indy disarming a sword with his whip btw? Cause I definitely don’t remember him ever doing that.
    1 point
  22. Zorro spends half his time as either a drunkard or an aristocrat depending on when in his time line you pull him from. It doesn't change what he can do. Also Jones describes himself as teaching part time, not the other way around. He has been adventure sense he was like 8 years old. He also rode with Pancho Villa, so he's done the revolutionary thing as well. He is also a combat veteran of some of the most intense battles of WW1. At almost 60 in Crystal Skull we see him take down whole groups of Spetznaz in melee combat. As in he basically winning a fist fight 1 v 6 against tier one special forces while almost a senior citizen. Point me in the direction of this version of Zorro doing anything close to that. Indy also has bullet dodging feats in the Young Indiana Jones and we regularly see him out move people that are already pointing guns at him. He also, you know survived a nuclear bomb. So there's that. He can also hit hard enough to send men sliding across the floor and KO two guys at the same time. He can also hold his own in a sword fight as he takes out multiple sword wielding Thuggee and the like. So yes. Jones is faster, stronger, has more combat experience, is better in a fist fight, is arguably just as good if not better at using his whip in combat, and a decent swordsmen himself. Not that he needs to be he is fast enough to disarm Zorro with his whip. Close the distance and pummel Zorro into submission. Also Indy won a boxing tournament and has wins over a couple of Olympic champion boxers.
    1 point
  23. Looking into them I think I'm going to go with Charade Chloe.
    1 point
  24. A nice and amusing chapter, Venom. I liked the monsters being paired off against one another and the thought of Alpha 5 throwing down in the previous entries. This is a more straight up traditional fight and I'm always going to go with the zords over Rita and Zedd'ss monsters.
    1 point
  25. These new character rumble introductions have always been a great idea. It works because I am very intrigued by Bonhomme Carnaval.
    1 point
  26. One thing is for sure, Ladybug is definitely gonna win. And lose.🤣 But seriously tho by feats Marinette Dupain-Cheng has far greater strength, speed, and fighting skills then Brad Pitt’s Ladybug. So I’m voting for her.
    1 point
  27. Faster? Stronger? Tougher? In what ways? Need I remind you that Indy is College Professor who occasionally moonlights as an adventurer? Zorro meanwhile is a revolutionary fighter first and foremost and Antonio Banderas version in particular was trained by the OG Zorro(Anthony Hopkins) as a young man to dedicate his life to fight corruption and protect the innocent. Who do you honestly think will have the physical advantages: an American professor who only does field work occasionally or a Mexican revolutionary during the 1800s who fights regularly everyday? Also man it’s not like Zorro ain’t a good fist fighter himself. By feats he’s at least close to Indy: Zorro can more then hold his own if this was a fist fight. Not that it’ll even get to that point anyways because both men are starting out with swords and Zorro is gonna slaughter Indy within a few seconds. Zorro is a trained master swordsman and Indy has zero sword feats to my knowledge. Zorro is gonna cut Indy to pieces.
    1 point
  28. Indy may not have the same skill with a blade as Zorro, but he uses his whip as much if not more then Zorro. I'd wager Indy is as good with a whip. He is also faster, stronger, tougher, and better in fist fight them Zorro. Jones holds almost every advantage, aside from swordfighting. And he has the weapons, skills, and toughness to get past Zorro's sword, close the distance and turn this into a fist fight. Which Dr. Jones wins.
    1 point
  29. Good, patriotic set-up, broadway. Wish I had actually read it on the 4th. It really reminds me of those WWF shows from the '80's. As for the match, I think even a Hulked-up Hogan is overmatched here. DC's Uncle Sam once exchanged blows with Black Adam, and given that it's the 4th of July for the match, Sam is at his peak. The fact that Sheik, Volkoff, and Blassie are still ringside likely means they're going to interfere in the recap, but it shouldn't change the outcome.
    1 point
  30. In a straight swords and whip fight then I’m backing Zorro without question. That’s literally his whole stick. Indy’s better with his fists and a gun.
    1 point
  31. Sorry but my dad was the biggest Hulk Hogan fan in 80s and I just can’t vote against him. Not even against Uncle Sam. Throwing a heavily bias vote towards Hollywood Hogan.
    1 point
  32. Ah, the TCC tourney continues! Sorry about missing this one, broadway. Queen Bee really should've won the vote on this one, though, since she generally operates on a higher tier than D'Vorah.
    1 point
  33. I am glad someone got up a 4th of July themed fight. I was thinking of doing something with Uncle Sam and G from Street Fighter. As for this match, Uncle Sam can't lose on the 4th of July, not even to Hogan. That's not good wrestling business. Especially not in the patriotic fervor of the era. Hogan isn't going to job clean though, brother. I predict interference from the Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff that distract Hogan long enough to cost him the match.
    1 point
  34. Always enjoy seeing the return of the commentators. By the transitive property of the CBUB, Queen Bee should win. She has defeated Q-Bee who has defeated D'Vorah. None of that actually matters I know, just wanted to bring up the cross section of bee themed female fighters that have all intersected on this site. Cool fight, Broadway. Looking forward to what's next. Are you referring to the one I was doing with Mortal Kombat, Red Earth, Eternal Champions, etc.?
    1 point
  35. Good one. Hogan could do this but I think Sam honestly is just a higher level.
    1 point
  36. Don't worry, Chloe. You will always "bee" my Queen Bee. 😉 Anyway, I give the setup a 5.0.
    1 point
  37. Peter will have to jump in as Spiderman at some point just because that's how it works lol. Jimmy wins by default because he completes the job.
    1 point
  38. Aww I thought you were going back to your fighting game crossover series 2. Oh well. My vote goes to Queen Bee.
    1 point
  39. Peter tends to cheat with his spider powers but that's usually to get photos of Spiderman. In a regular environment he's not phenomenal but still does well. Jameson is a tougher boss than White. I'll go with Peter.
    1 point
  40. I think even 80's April can handle Pabu with mild difficulty.
    1 point
  41. Thank you. I had a blast.
    1 point
  42. Alpha always kinda annoyed me but I see him winning simply cause the Puddies are probably some of the weakest mooks in fictional history.
    1 point
  43. I don’t know, all they’d really have to do is save as many civilians as possible until the Martians dropped dead from a common cold. Heck both Peter and Jaime are certified scientists, they could probably figure out the Martians lack of immune system in half the time it took Tom Cruise and the other humans.
    1 point
  44. Good set-up and continuation to this arc, Venom. Looks like Zedd is starting to have a corrupting influence on you. 😛 Let's see where this goes. As for the match, since this is early Alpha-5, he doesn't have much in the way of attacking power. He apparently was able to ward off some Putties in the episode "Power Ranger Punks", though, so he probably could at least get away.
    1 point
  45. I'm always down for a name battle royale even if I too am unfamiliar with the combatants. Looking them over, Chloe Frazier has two liabilities on her team, so she loses. Team 1 for the win.
    1 point
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