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A blog by yours truly. Nuff said.

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Marvel Man's Top 5 Anime List of All Time

Hello and welcome back ladies and gentlemen! This is Marvel's Corner!   No, you are not having that dream where Marvel Man updates his blog. No, this is actually happening. So sit right back and I'll tell you how I became the Prince of Blogs. And afterwards we'll discuss some Japanese Animation.    ----------------------------------------------------- Tonight's Topic: Marvel Man's Top 5 Anime List Of All Time   Before we begin, we have to take a look at what an anime is. We'll explore the origi

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

How to start an Electric Ferret Blog, today!

Welcome! This is Marvel's Corner!   Today I'm doing something that goes against everything good ol' Grandpa Marvel Man taught me about blogging. I'm spilling the beans. I'm letting it all hang out. I'm giving away all the tips and tricks.    So join me! Quickly! Soon my staff will realize that there is no lost puppy and come back to stop me. So act now! --------------------------------- Today's Topic: How to Start an EF Blog   Okay, I'm going to let you in on a secret. I know for certain that a

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

The End of Soccer

Welcome folks! This is Marvel's Corner!   Today I bring some sad news. This is my last soccer post for a while... But wait, that isn't the bad news. The bad news is that the Gold Cup Final occurred. And, well, check it out...   --------------------------------------------------------- Today's Topic: The Gold Cup Final   THE GOLD CUP: CONCLUSION   Well, the tournament progressed like everyone knew it would. The two superpowers of North America met last Saturday. The proud, valiant USA met the po

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

USA vs North/Central America: Gold Cup Part 2

Welcome one and all! This is Marvel's Corner!   Today we tackle the USA's Gold Cup performance, an NFL linebacker, and do quick overview of the other Gold Cup nations. So yes, for the time being, this blog is more about soccer than it is comics, movies, etc. I promise I'll get back to serving mistake-filled rants on those topics soon. But for now, there is only one reason for existing.    To see the USA take it all.    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

Marvel's Corner: Gold Cup Edition

Welcome one and all! This is Marvel's Corner!   We are back! After a few months long turf war with some other blogs, a tornado strike on our HQ, and a battle over union rights with my staff, Marvel's Corner is back. Don't worry, I crushed my staff's spirit. Those socialists were draining me dry. "We have car payments to make... My kid can't drop out of school, she's only in fourth grade... Blah blah... You can't pay me with Marvel money, that stuff doesn't exist... I haven't eaten in days..." Yo

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

Happy Birthday Deadpool! REVIEW: New Mutants #98

Welcome one and all, this is Marvel's Corner!   Today we celebrate a very special occasion. We celebrate one of my favorite hero's birthday! And who is this hero? Well, if you haven't read the topic title yet, it is none other than the Merc with a Mouth, DEADPOOL! To truly celebrate, I dug into the Marvel archives and found his first appearance: New Mutants #98.   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today's Topic: Happy B-day Deadpool/REVIEW: New Mut

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

A Day in the Life of a Character Reviewer

Ladies and Gentlemen! This is Marvel's Corner!   Today I dive into one of the hardest jobs on the Internet (and by job, I actually mean volunteering. I have yet to be paid!). The job? Working on the Electric Ferret Site, as an Official Reviewer.   Yes. Every little secret, from the end of the year parties, to the staff only section of the site. If you dislike having your mind blown, don't read this blog! --------------------------------------------------------- Today's Topic: Working for serge!

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

EF Interview: Into the Mind of an Admin

Ladies and Gentlemen! This is Marvel's Corner!   Today, before you lays a never before seen exclusive. A look into the mind of an individual so unique, so entertaining, that he puts us all to shame with his every word. Armed with his unique brand of humor, and a wit sharper than any sword forged by man, this individual now roams the Electric Ferret site as an Admin. But who is this man? How did he become an Admin? Is it true that he has my mother hostage?   Read on my readers

Marvel Man

Marvel Man in glitch

Digital Comics? Salvation or annihilation!?

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen! This is Marvel's Corner!   Now, today I take on a formidable threat to comics, which, up until recently, I had avoided. What could this strange thing be? What could cause such a divide in opinions? The answer's simple. Digital Comics! So step on board Marvel's train of challenges and puzzles. Look at the picture, which is half way done. Look at the book, and behold the illustrations! Etc.  __________________________________________________ T

Marvel Man

Marvel Man in editing

The Rise of EF Animation Studios: Part 1

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen! This is Marvel's Corner!.   Today I introduce you to a new segment. The Rise of Electric Ferret Animation Studios!   What is "EF Animation"? Click on the link and find out.   Seriously, click it.    ...   Did you click it?   ...   Okay. I'm pretty sure you clicked it. Let's get down to it. -------------------------------------------------------- Today's Topic: EF Animation   So, what is this so called "EF Animation"?    It is the new arm of the Electric Ferre

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

Halloween Edition: Top 10 Comic Book Costumes

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen! This is Marvel's Corner.   First of all, Happy Halloween everyone! Now's the time of the year when children are free to knock on random houses, and receive free candy. Did I mention that you can dress up as anything? Add in all those costume parties for those too old to trick or treat, and you have a pretty awesome holiday.    But in comics, where people can dress up as anything everyday, costumes have to be pretty awesome for anyone to notice. That's why I ma

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

How to Save the CBUB

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. This is Marvel's Corner!   Now, before we begin, I want to apologize for the our absence. You may not know it, but due to the dire economic recession, I was force to fire most of my staff.    Well, the staff didn't take it that well, (They kept talking about the fact that they needed to feed their families or something). In desperation, they tried to keep me from blogging (They even formed picket lines!) Well, a few months later, and the strike is officially o

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

EF Interview: Ex-Admin, Current Moderator, Always Awesome

Welcome back. This is Marvel's Corner!   Today I have a special surprise. An interview with an EF ADMIN! ... I mean, EF MODERATOR!   Click on the blog for this once in a lifetime opportunity as this Mod tells all.    Also, Marvel's Corner has reached four thousand views. I congratulate all of you, and promise to continue providing the Electric Ferret with a blog (because my fellow members are lazy/have actual lives to live). But enough about them, look no further fo

Marvel Man

Marvel Man in glitch

Olivia Munn, Thundercats, TMNT, & Many More Things

Welcome back to Marvel's Corner!   Well, it's been a few months since I posted anything new, but somehow the blog still managed to reach 2,900 views? Now that's impressive. Give yourself a cookie or something.    Anyways, I'm back. We've got brand new stuff (There's an interview with an EF Admin I still haven't posted. Lots of juicy secrets & info!) Throw in all the nerdy news I report on, & the random posts I post on slow news days and this is the Electric Ferret Blog to follow!   That

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

Presenting: Captain America

Welcome one & all! This is Marvel's Corner!   Today we tackle a pillar of Marvel folklore, Captain America, as we examined who will play him on the big screen. Don't know who it'll be yet? Then check our the blog! ------------------------------------ Today's Topic: Captain America   Let's get to it. His name is Chris Evans, and you will forever know him as...     THE HUMAN TORCH?!   Wait, let me check.      Gah! It is him!   Darn. I guess this officially retcons the Fantastic Four movies.

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

Dear Marvel Man 3/16/10

Welcome to Marvel's Corner!   It's Women History Month, and you all know what that means. I need female readers. How do I do that on such a male dominated site?   Good looks? Add an advice column? Chocolates?   Well, I went with the second choice... ------------------------------------------ Today's Topic: Dear Marvel Man   Alright, like I said, March is Women History Month. That's when we celebrate all the great things women do. Without women, who would cook our food, clean our homes, etc?   ..

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

The Daughter of Galactus?

Welcome one and all! This is Marvel's Corner!   Now, I normally don't report things that are happening right now. No. I actually wait a couple weeks. However, the news I have, begs, nay, DEMANDS that I report it. What is it?   Galactus has a kid. ------------------------------------------- Today's Topic: Galacta   Alright, let's take this from the top. I want all my readers to understand.   1. What's a Galactus?   This is a Galactus:     The Big G is the top rung of the Marvel Universe (usually

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

DC goes to war! For an hour & 40 minutes

Welcome back! This is Marvel's Corner!   Today we take a look at DC's newest comic book event. Yes, another one. Did anyone know "Blackest Night" ended? Who won? Anyways, it's Superman time!   ------------------------------------------- Today's Topic: The 100 Minutes War!   As most of you know, Superman has been away from Earth recently. He went to a little planet called...   *looks through papers*   ... "New Krypton"?      Alright, cool, a whole planet full of kryptonians. I can run with that

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

Spider Man: 2010

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen! This is Marvel's Corner!   Today I look into Spider Man, One More Day, and more! But don't just read the description, click on the blog!   ------------------------------------------- Today's Topic: Spider Man: 2010   You guys remember One More Day? Yeah, I still have nightmares too.   Still, for those that don't, it goes something like this:   A long time ago, Peter Parker gained the abilities of a spider after being bitten by a "Cold War Era-Radioactive" Spide

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

The Marvel Wars: Australia

Welcome! This is Marvel's Corner!   We are now in 2010! Not only that, but in this post I declare war against Australia! Join my crusade! You can help by clicking on this blog and/or telling your friends to click on this blog too. Woo!   ---------------------------------------- Today's Topic: Australia & Black Panther   Alright, we all know what Australia is. It looks like this:     ... Wait... Hold on...   Darn America's Public School System!    Anyways, my assistants tell me that this is

Marvel Man

Marvel Man


... Are made to be broken.   Welcome young and old! This is Marvel's Corner!   Guess what?   C'mon. Guess.   I dare ya.   That's right! It's SUNDAY! Woo!   ... What?   My blog has what?!     Anyways, once again, it's not me, it's you. I want to thank everyone who bothers to check this blog. I enjoy writing it, and I hope someone out there enjoys reading it. Anyways, until next time, this is Marvel Man, signing off. Excelsior!   Note: Due to technical difficulties, I will be forced to pretend

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

Hey, my blog!

Welcome back! This is Marvel's Corner!   Well, I hope everyone had a good holiday season. I know I did. But anyways, now I'm back.   Like I said I would...   Before you people get excited though, this post isn't really a regular post. I'm just checking up on the blog and wondering if anyone even checks them anymore. Those who do are in for a treat. Just look what the folks here at Marvel's Corner have in store.   This Month/Next Month:   • Reviews of the latest comics (Or at least, the ones

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

He's back... (Not Batman)...

Hello and welcome! This is Marvel's Corner!   I'm afraid that I can't truly tell you what today's blog is about. It's a surprise... But someone's back. Someone that's very good... And also very bad... Be very afraid!   *scary piano music*     ...   Alright, time to move on... --------------------------------------------- Today's Topic: He's back...   I thought he was gone for good. Everyone I talked to said it would never happen again...   I still get flashbacks.    Obviously, I'm talking abou

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

Guess who's back?

Welcome one and all, this is Marvel's Corner!   In this blog we have Cavemen, Batman, & Pirates! Yes, it's about DC, but I'll try to make fun of them somehow. So click on this blog!    ...   Hmm...   ... Yeah...   I think that's enough. It might've been too much. Anyways, let's get to it. ------------------------------------------- Today's Topic: Cavemen, Pirates, & Batman   Alright, in case any of you read DC comics, STOP! Do not be afraid. There are better comics out there. There are

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

Marvel vs Twilight: Part: 1

Hello and welcome! This is Marvel's Corner!   Today I'm not posting my Soap. Instead I'm posting the first part of my Twilight/Marvel crossover. Enjoy: ----------------- The Rise of Twilight... ------------------------------------ New York: Midnight   "That's right folks, hundreds, no, thousands of fans are lined up for the Twilight midnight showing. We have reports of this happening all over the country. Not since Star Wars has a franchise inspired so many fans. We are witnessing history!"   Th

Marvel Man

Marvel Man

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