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Battlesphere 2 Update #3

Battlesphere 2 Update #3

Andel Sanap: Greetings, fight fans.  This is Jedi Master Andel Sanap speaking.  Al has given me this opportunity to reveal to you four more combatants for Battlesphere 2.  These will be four of the 15 male combatants entering the match. 

First, from a galaxy far, far away…


Kylo Ren!  From my home dimension, the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa will be calling on all the powers of the dark side of the Force to be victorious.  A fierce combatant to be sure, who’s rage will make him a dangerous adversary. 

Next, speaking of violent combatants, will be…


Cain!  The first murderer, hailing from the Winchesters dimension.  Armed with his blade and tapping into the full power of his mark, Cain has been shown to be able to defeat demons and angels in combat.  Will he up to the challenge of the Battlesphere? 

Next, from Sonora, Mexico…


Speedy Gonzales!  The smallest combatant in the field, but the fastest mouse in Mexico is not one to back down from a challenge.  With his speed and Toon physics on his side, Speedy may be the toughest opponent to eliminate from the match. 

And our final combatant, from an undisclosed location…


John Wick!  A man some have declared the most dangerous assassin of the 21st century.  While not as powerful as some of his fellow combatants, Mr. Wick’s tenacity and killer instinct might just be enough to outlast them and allow him to walk out of the Battlesphere victorious. 

We have revealed 14 of the 30 combatants entering the Battlesphere this year, but before the battle begins, we have one piece of business remaining.  The 6-woman escort match is drawing to it’s conclusion, and there is one more preliminary bout before we proceed to the main event!  The three Battlesphere veterans looking for redemption who will be in competition against each other are…


Daenerys Targaryen,


Poison Ivy,


And Minerva Mink! 

 The contest will be taking place within the next few weeks, so be sure to stay tuned. 

Until then, for Al Rossi, this is Jedi Master Andel Sanap saying, ‘May the Force be with you all.’ 


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