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Beast vs. Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski)
Beast: 1
Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski): 4

Cloud City vs. Cloverfield Creature (Clover)
Cloud City: 2
Cloverfield Creature (Clover): 4

Rumble 20614 Lydia Frye vs. Cana Alberona vs. Eve (Stellar Blade)
Lydia Frye: 0
Cana Alberona: 0
Eve (Stellar Blade): 2

Tournament - Adrian Monk vs. Lt. Columbo
Adrian Monk: 1
Lt. Columbo: 4

Rumble 20613 Batman (Terry McGinnis) vs. T-X (The Terminatrix)
Batman (Terry McGinnis): 2
T-X (The Terminatrix): 0

Match 14987 Christie Monteiro vs. Elena


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A short distance from the jet of Lucky Glauber in Los Angeles, the fight between Kokoro and Aoi Umenokouji raged on in front of Hitomi and Lucky himself. (REF: KOKORO VS. AOI UMENOKOUJI) With a combo of punches and palm strikes, Kokoro knocked Aoi to the ground. Aoi’s orange tinted eyes flashed as she screamed obscenities at Kokoro. Kokoro delivered a well placed kick to Aoi’s head to finally knock her out.

Lucky stared at the scene before him in disbelief. “What was that about?”

“I don’t think I have ever seen someone so angry in my life,” stated Hitomi.

“Something is very wrong,” said Kokoro. “The Aoi that Akira introduced to me was one of the nicest fighters I had ever met. Nothing like the woman you see here.”

“Did she still have the weird orange eyes?” asked Lucky.

“No,” Kokoro answered.

“Maybe she was possessed by some sort of evil entity or object. Maybe the same evil thing we are trying to stop,”  Hitomi guessed.

“That would explain why she attacked us here,” said Lucky. He turned his attention to Kokoro. “I think they are on to your plan and they know you are trying to stop them.”

“But which ‘them’ is it?” Hitomi wondered. “Shadoloo? G Corporation? The Mishima Zaibatsu? Someone else?”

“Whomever it was (REF: SARAH BRYANT VS. MATURE), the message is clear. We are all in a lot of trouble. If this power can corrupt sweet, innocent Aoi, then who else could possibly resist it? Can anyone? Could one of us be next?” questioned Kokoro.

“If they sent an attacker after us then they probably sent one after Zack and Helena as well,” said Hitomi.

Fear and anxiety took over Kokoro’s face. “I will try and contact both of them at once. I hope they are ok.”  (REF: BRAD WONG VS. LEI WULONG)    


Geese Howard touched down in Brazil and immediately made his way to the location of the Brazilian Martial Arts tournament.

“Do you have the asset with you?” Urien asked him over the phone.

“Yes, and she is ready to go,” Geese replied.

“Excellent. After some initial hiccups with the crazy girl (REF: MAI SHIRANUI VS. TIRA) and that russian operative (REF: SERGEI DRAGUNOV VS. GUILE), things seem to be getting back on track,” Urien remarked.

“If this Ken Masters is as strong as you say he is, will this girl even be enough to take him down?” Geese wondered.

“Perhaps. She is much stronger than she appears. But, defeating Ken isn’t really the point. He knows of her and how happy and full of joy she usually is. When he sees her like this, he will want to know what is going on and it should distract him from joining up with the others,” Urien explained.

Geese walked through the tournament venue and looked over the crowd . He had heard Ken Masters was in attendance in support of one of the competitors  (REF: SEAN MATSUDA VS. EDDY GORDO) , but the US Martial Arts champion was nowhere in sight.

“I do not see him,” Geese said into his earpiece.

Geese sought out the young fighter, Sean Matsuda, and found him taping his wrists in the corner of the venue next to his sister, Laura.

“Why aren’t there any fights going on?” asked Geese.

“They moved the tournament up because they were scared of a potential tropical storm,” Sean replied. “Sorry old man, you missed it.”

“A pretty disappointing event if you ask me, I didn’t even get to participate,” Laura added.

“Where is Ken Masters? Is he still not here with you?” asked Geese.

“He is long gone. Left right after my match against Eddy. Something about needing to help stop Bison from his next evil scheme or the like,” said Sean.  (REF: LISA HAMILTON VS. JULIA CHANG

“There is always something going down,” commented Laura.

“Too bad it meant he missed the bear outburst. He probably would have got a kick out of that,” said Sean.

“Bear outburst?” Geese inquired with a lifted eyebrow..

Laura chuckled. “Yeah, a few hours ago a big bear came into the venue and started a scene. Had to stop taking tournament pictures of the competitors until they could remove him from the premises. Never seen anything like it.”

“Eddy Gordo appeared to know the bear. So, if you're interested to learn about it, I would ask him,” Sean stated. “But, you better hurry if you do. They are about to take their last pictures then everyone is heading home..”

After Geese Howard left their presence, Sean had a suggestion for his sister. “Do we have to stay for the last group shots? Standing with him will just remind me of my failure to defeat Eddy Gordo. I’d much rather just go train instead.”

Laura smiled and hugged Sean’s shoulders. “If you want to cut out early to go train, then I got your back baby bro.”

The siblings left the venue without another word.

Geese Howard located Eddy Gordo by the stage with his friend, Christie Monteiro.

He reached out to shake Eddy’s hand. “Congratulations champ on your tournament victory. May I ask you about the bear attack?” 

Eddy scoffed. “It wasn’t much of an attack. It was just Heihachi Mishima’s pet, Kuma. Apparently the old man ditched Kuma high and dry in the Brazil jungle during his fight against some green monster. Kuma was understandably very upset and looking to blow off some steam.”  (REF: KUMA VS. BLANKA)

“That bear is lucky that security was able to calm him down, I have been itching for some action,” said Christie.

“In the end it was much ado about nothing, some men came in and picked him up,” stated Eddy. "My guess is to take him back to Heihachi."

Geese Howard quickly processed all this new information in his head. The last bit of data Urien had on Heihachi was that he was off the grid. The former head of the Mishima Zaibatsu had not engaged with either Jin Kazama or his own son, Kazuya, in some time. If Heihachi was back in the game then that was going to be potentially damaging to Urien and Geese’s plans. Geese assumed Heihachi must have heard about Soul Edge. It was the only reason he would so quickly abandon his best friend.

“Are you okay, man?” asked Christie. “Why so much interest in Kuma?”

“Yes,” answered Geese. “Just a simple curiosity. You don’t hear much about bear sightings in Brazil.However, I must be going. Congratulations again on the tournament victory. I believe you have many amazing things coming your way.”

“Thanks,” stated Eddy.

Geese left the tournament venue and returned to his chopper. He set up his travel itinerary for Japan.

“I considered going after Ken Masters myself, but I believe Heihachi is the bigger threat,” Geese announced. “He poses a much more immediate danger to the Mishima Zaibatsu and the G-Corporation than Ken does to Shadoloo. For the plan to work, we need all three organizations operating at near peak effectiveness.”

“I agree,”  replied Urien. “What did you end up doing with the asset?”

“I still set her loose on the tournament grounds,” Geese answered. “No use in letting some potential chaos go to waste. She can mop up the fighters here and I don’t need her for Heihachi. I want to take on that man with my own fists.”

Back at the venue, Eddy Gordo stood on the stage alone posing with his Brazilian Martial Arts trophy for photographers. Suddenly, a dark skinned woman with short white hair and wearing a white bikini rushed the stage. An orange glow illuminated her eyes. She kicked Eddy across the face and smashed his trophy over his head. She knocked him off the stage and then proceeded to attack the photographers.

“Eddie!” Christie shouted.

“I will destroy all of you!” his attacker screamed. “I know what you did. He told me everything. You wiped out my home. Slaughtered all those innocent people.” The orange glow in her eyes intensified. “I will never forgive you!”

Christie jumped on the stage. “I don’t know who you are or what you are rambling on about, but I am going to take you down.” 


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Battle of the young capoeiristras! Another good set-up, Johnny.

3 hours ago, patrickthekid said:

Though I wonder what Eddy did to make Elena so mad.

She's pretty clearly under someone or something's influence, given she had the same glowing orange eyes as another normally cheerful fighter that went on a rampage earlier in this match.

As for this match, I think Elena may have the edge here, given that she's already enraged and has a healing technique.

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3 hours ago, patrickthekid said:

Nice. Someone finally decided to do this match. Though I wonder what Eddy did to make Elena so mad. She's usually pretty bubbly. I think the two will go at it and it will be evenly matched... until Elena applies healing to herself. Then she will come out on top.

The implication is that she has been infected by fragments of Soul Edge just like Aoi Umenkouji and is being manipulated by Urien and Geese Howard.  She was actually chosen because she is so usually cheery and bubbly as a way to unnerve Ken who unfortunately for them is no longer there.

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I'm so jelly that you can write so fast and consistently! And the stuff is good. Ugh. New rival :D

My internal rage aside, I like where the story is headed. Feels like things are happening. Can't wait to see what Heihachi is up to.

I think both competitors are good. They have some strong combos but I like the fluid-ness of Christie just a bit more. Unless Elena has gotten stronger because of the fragment, I don't think she necessarily wins. Maybe a stalemate but my vote goes to Christie.

Also, do you think you'll have guest characters from the games in this story? Like Link or Spawn from Soul Caliber? Or Pac-Man? Darth Vader? Think that could be fun lol.

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If you ask me, this one is too close to call... Elena does have that healing ability, but as far as I know-- that leaves her pretty vulnerable.

Hmmm.... Ssssh... I'm gonna have to probably say that if Elena can use it quickly and heal while Christie is down, then that might be in her favor there.

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On 10/4/2020 at 12:48 PM, SSJRuss said:

Also, do you think you'll have guest characters from the games in this story? Like Link or Spawn from Soul Caliber? Or Pac-Man? Darth Vader? Think that could be fun lol.

There are a few spinoff characters that I will be throwing into the mix, but no one famous from outisde their respective franchises.

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