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JohnnyChany last won the day on February 14

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  1. Last day to vote for match 6.
  2. If it's possible I would also appreciate this.
  3. Can it be a fictional professional wrestler (like Mike Haggar or King of Dinosaurs)?
  4. The private room of the Thai generals was thick with cigar smoke and the stench of corruption. Three men sat around an elaborate mahogany table with glasses of expensive whiskey in hand. They discussed their most prized enforcer. "Fahkumram has been efficient," the first general said, swirling his glass. "No one dares oppose us when he's around." "Efficient, yes," the second general added, "but he’s also dangerous. The man is a beast, but he only fights because we hold his family. That’s a tenuous leash." The first general leaned forward. "That’s why we need options. I’ve been thinking about Apachai Hopachai. You remember him?" The second general scoffed. "The Death God of Muay Thai? He vanished years ago. Rumors say he’s training some weaklings in Japan." "I saw him in action before he left. That man could level trees and crumple cars with his strikes. He had the leg strength to leap several meters into the air." The third general shook his head. "Fahkumram is irreplaceable. There’s no proof Apachai would be better than him." "Then let’s find out," the second general said with a sly grin. "Put them against each other. If Apachai wins, we recruit him. If Fahkumram wins, we confirm we have the best." "And if we lose Fahkumram in the process?" the third general asked, his voice tight. "If he sees this as a way out, he’ll throw the fight." "We don’t tell him," the first general replied. "Make him believe his family’s safety depends on guarding an important deal. He’ll fight with everything he has." The third general exhaled. "Fine. But even if he wins, what if Apachai refuses to cooperate?" "He’s a simple man," the first general sneered. "Easily manipulated." The three clinked their glasses together and adjourned with an intent to put their plan in motion. At the Ryozanpaku dojo, Apachai sat cross-legged on the floor, watching Honoka Shirahama, younger sister of the Ryozankpaku disciple, Kenichi, excitedly move her Othello pieces. They were the only two at the dojo currently and enjoying one of their regular play dates. "Apapapapapah!" he cheered as she claimed more tiles. "I’m getting even better! One day soon, I’ll beat Akisame!" Honoka declared. A knock at the gate startled them. Honoka jumped up. "That must be my delivery! I saved up for a present for Kenichi!" She dashed off, leaving Apachai humming happily to himself. Minutes passed. Then more. Apachai frowned. "Honoka?" he called out. He received no response. Apachai grew uneasy, he stood and walked to the gate. There, taped to the wood, was a note. Come to the docks if you want to save your little friend. Apachai’s jovial nature evaporated in an instant. Without hesitation, he turned and sprinted into the night. At the docks, the three generals stood beneath the dim glow of overhead lamps. A van pulled up, and armed men stepped out, wheeling a massive restrained figure forward. Heavy iron shackles bound his wrists and ankles, and thick chains wrapped his torso like a steel cocoon. Fahkumram, a towering colossus at seven feet five inches, glared at the generals. His body, a living testament to war and hardship, was rippled with scars and tattoos. "How many more?" he asked. "How many more fights before you release my family?" The first general smiled. "Your job is almost complete. Tonight, you guard this area. No one gets past. We have important business to attend to and expect some unwanted company." With a nod, the guards unshackled him. He stretched his massive arms. His muscles flexed like coiled steel. Without another word, he took his place, waiting. A short time later, Apachai arrived at the docks, his breath heavy, his eyes darting around. "Honoka!" he called out repeatedly. He stalked through the maze of crates and shipping containers. His eyes scanned every shadow. Then, he found a hidden corner of the area, well lit, and heard voices in the distance. Fahkumram stepped forward to impede his path with fists clenched. "You can’t go any further," Fahkumram declared. “I am here for Honoka! Return her to Apachai!” “I don’t know that name. Try someplace else.” “Apachai was told to come here for his friend. Apachai is here. Where is friend?” “One last time, turn around and leave this place.” Apachai shook his head. ‘No. I will ask those other men I hear. I will ask everyone until I find Honoka!” Fahkumram exhaled slowly, then raised his fists. "It didn't have to be this way," he said softly. The Death God of Muay Thai and the Indomitable Giant of Thailand squared off, the air thick with tension. The battle was set, and only one would stand victorious.
  5. Great continuation of your story. Good go either way. I'm picking Juggernaut. I don't think this version of the Titans can't beat him on first try.
  6. A shoutout to @Macklemore whose suggestion for how Sidney vs. Julie would turn out helped inform the flow of the match.
  7. FINAL GIRL FACE-OFF Round 1: Match 7 MATCH 5 RESULTS INTERROGATION ROOM SHOWDOWN Julie James panted as she reached the interrogation room that had been shown to her on the video screen. Her boyfriend, Ray Bronson, lay beaten on the ground. Julie rushedly woke him up and struggled to lift him. JULIE: Come on, Ray… we have to get you out of here. Ray spoke with a weakened voice. RAY: Julie… you should leave me. Save yourself while you can. Julie ignored him. Determination burned in her eyes as she pulled him toward the door. The dim lights flickered above them. The moment she stepped toward the exit, a hulking figure loomed in the doorway. MATTHEW CORDELL: No one escapes. Julie barely dodged as Cordell swung his nightstick and smashed a dent into the metal doorframe. She shoved Ray behind her and pulled a shard of broken glass from the floor. Julie held it in front of her defensively. JULIE: You’re not taking me down that easy. Cordell lunged at her; his sheer brute strength sent her crashing into the wall. Julie scrambled away just in time as he drew his gun and fired off a shot that barely missed. She retaliated by slashing at his exposed face with the glass shard, cutting into his scarred flesh. Ray groaned as he struggled to stand. RAY: Julie… watch out! Ray threw himself at Cordell in a desperate attempt to protect Julie. The Maniac Cop was too strong. With a sickening crack, Cordell snapped Ray’s neck and dropped his lifeless body to the floor. JULIE: NO! Before Cordell could turn his attention back to Julie, another gunshot rang out. Sidney Prescott stood in the doorway, her weapon smoking. SIDNEY: Hey, officer. You have the right to remain dead. She charged at Cordell and engaged him in a fierce fight. Cordell slammed Sidney into the wall, but she recovered quickly, striking him in the head with the butt of her gun. He staggered backwards, but didn't fall. Sidney dodged his next two attacks and landed a blow of her own. Finally, Sidney seized an opening, driving Cordell’s own nightstick through his throat. The hulking cop gurgled and dropped to his knees, then collapsed to the floor. Sidney took her gun and fired upon Cordell repeatedly for good measure. Sidney breathed in heavily as she turned to Julie. SIDNEY: There’s no reason why we both can’t survive this. I’ll help you… after I find Dewey. Julie, grief-stricken, nodded as she knelt beside Ray’s lifeless body. Soon after, Sidney stumbled into another interrogation room, the one where Dewey Riley sat tied to a chair with blood trickling down his face. He was groggy but conscious. He looked up as Sidney approached him. DEWEY: Sid… you saved me again. Sorry I couldn’t be more help. Sidney untied him and helped him up. DEWEY: You’re amazing. You always were. Sidney offered him a small, sad smile, and steadied him as they prepared to leave. HOST CHECK-IN Randy Meeks and Elvira appeared. Elvira again lounged on her red couch as Randy pumped his fist with excitement. RANDY: YES! Sidney takes the win! And Dewey’s safe! I can breathe again. ELVIRA: Julie may have survived, but Sidney was the one to take down the Maniac Cop and save her hostage. That makes her the winner. Randy beamed with pride. RANDY: No arguments here. ELVIRA: Randy, I must say, between having my poster on your wall and pining over Sidney, you’ve got good taste in women. Randy blushed. RANDY: I told you, I… I do not have a crush on Sidney. ELVIRA: Oh sure. Your secret is totally safe with me and all of our viewers. Randy cleared his throat. RANDY: Moving on! Sidney won because she took out the threat before going after her friend. Julie did not go with that strategy, and it cost her. ELVIRA: I think you were right; Sidney may go far in this tournament. But let’s talk about who might be joining her and the other first round winners in the next round. Elvira stood up from her couch. ELVIRA: Match seven! From an unforgettably violent family reunion in Columbia, Missouri we have Erin Harson and opposite her, now that she has been rescued from Bounty Island, will be Jennifer Remming. RANDY: Oh man, this is the battle of survivalists. Erin Harson? She’s never in danger…she is the danger. She used her experience from growing up in a survivalist compound to take down an entire gang of masked killers using only her wits, weapons, and sheer brutality. ELVIRA: And Jennifer? RANDY: Jenn may seem like a surprising pick for the Final Girl Face-Off to some horror fans out there, but you need to put some respect on her name. She took out a sea monster while stranded on that island. Her ability to use her environment to her advantage makes her a perfect opponent for Erin. Their challenge will be a trip down to Texas and a faceoff with Leatherface. ELVIRA: I love how this tournament flows from one thing to the next. Our last pairing featured two Final Girls closely tied to the chainsaw wielding legend, and now we will get an appearance from the man himself. In fact, we will get to see two of them. RANDY: That’s right. Due to the fact that the Texas Chainsaw Massacre has multiple timelines with multiple versions of Leatherface, Elvira was given the greenlight by the Powers That Be to use her Mistress of the Dark Arts abilities to bring us two Leatherfaces. Elvira winked with a smirk. RANDY: Jenn and Erin will be placed in separate farmhouses. They’ll have time to gather weapons and make traps before Leatherface is unleashed. Whoever survives the longest—or takes him out the fastest—wins. ELVIRA: It will be like Home Alone, but R-rated! RANDY: Kevin McCallister could only dream of being as badass as these two ladies. ELVIRA: I can’t wait to see what they come up with! FARMHOUSE PREPERATION ERIN: Alright, let’s do this. Erin scavenged throughout the house, she set up makeshift traps, tripwires rigged to swinging hatchets, broken glass scattered beneath windows, and boards with nails facing upward. She sharpened kitchen knives and secured a shotgun she found in an upstairs closet. In the other farmhouse, Jennifer took a moment to gather her thoughts before she sprang into action. JENN: I’ve fought a monster before. This can’t be much different. Jenn created pitfall traps. She set up jagged wooden spikes beneath the floorboards. She gathered flammable materials, ready to set a blaze if necessary. A hidden knife was tucked into her boot, and she tied a length of rope to use for potential strangulation. Over the next several hours, the respective farmhouses settled into an eerie silence as Erin and Jennifer completed their preparation. And then the distant sound of chains rattling broke the silence. Vrinnnn! Vrinnnn! Dual chainsaws roared to life. The battle began.
  8. FINAL GIRL FACE-OFF Round 1: Match 6 MATCH 4 RESULTS SAMANTHA CARPENTER'S ATTEMPT Samantha Carpenter gripped her knife while breathing heavily. SAM: You’re not real… you’re not real… The mausoleum echoed with the groans of twisted, reanimated versions of her past. There was the bodega clerk who had protected her and her beloved sister, Tara, from Ghostface, now a decayed, mindless puppet of the Tall Man. He lurched toward her. Behind him, Richie Kirsch, his face still bearing the wounds of their final battle, sneered as he raised a jagged piece of metal. Liv McKenzie and Anika Kayoko, their forms eerily vacant, shambled toward Sam, their Lurker forms driven by the Tall Man’s will. Samantha gritted her teeth. SAM: You all should’ve stayed dead. Sam fought fiercely, she sliced through the Lurkers, her rage and skill carried her through the horde of minions. She drove her blade into Richie’s throat, kicked Liv back into an open crypt, and used a broken tombstone to bash Anika away. Just as she thought she had a moment to breathe, a soft whirring sound filled the air. The Sentinel Sphere gleamed in the dim light. It extended its blades and zipped toward Sam. SAM: Oh, shit. She ducked and weaved between headstones, desperately trying to lose the sphere. She dodged its deadly assault for a while, even using broken pillars as cover, but the relentless sphere was faster. A sharp whirr and a spray of crimson marked the end of Sam Carpenter. The sphere embedded itself in her skull, drilling deep before dropping her lifeless body to the ground. SIENNA SHAW'S ATTEMPT Sienna stood over desecrated graves, her heart pounding. Jonathan Shaw, her little brother, stared at her with vacant, empty eyes, his body controlled by the Tall Man’s power. Behind him, her mother, a pale, ghostly figure, watched her with a sorrowful expression. SIENNA: No… you can’t be here… you’re dead. She clenched her fists as Jonathan lunged at her, and she forced herself to fight back. Every swing of her sword felt like it was cutting into her own soul, but she pressed on. When a Sentinel Sphere targeted her, she grabbed one of the Lurkers and used it as a shield. Sienna watched as the sphere sliced through the reanimated corpse instead of her. The Tall Man watched from a distance; an amused smirk spread across his gaunt face. Two Gravers worked behind him, digging an open grave. TALL MAN: For you, my dear. SIENNA: Not today. The Gravers lunged, and Sienna fought back with everything she had. She disarmed one, grabbed its shovel and, with a mighty swing, took off its head. With precision, she turned her sword on the Tall Man and cleaved through his neck. His body collapsed backward and fell perfectly into the grave dug for her. HOST CHECK-IN Elvira appeared with a welcoming and mischievous smile. Next to her, Randy Meeks shook his head with disappointment. ELVIRA: Now, we all know the Tall Man never stays dead for long, but for tonight, Sienna has secured her victory. Talk about terrifying tenacity! RANDY: I really thought Sam had it. She fought so well, but those damn Sentinel Spheres... They don’t leave much room for error." ELVIRA: Oh, cheer up, Randy. Surely, the next match should lift your spirits! Fresh from surviving massacres in Texas, we’ve got Erin Hardesty and Heather Miller! RANDY: Two survivors of Leatherface, facing off. It feels right that they go against one another. ELVIRA: Now, for all you wondering, why no Sally Hardesty representation? Well, let’s be real darlings, she screams way too much, even for me. And they’re not even the good kind of screams. RANDY: My eardrums agree. Now, let’s break down our chosen Final Girls. Erin Hardesty survived Leatherface’s rampage by outwitting and outrunning one of horror’s most brutal killers. She was resourceful, clever, and had the sheer will to survive. Heather Miller, on the other hand, had a much more complicated journey. She was thrown into the madness of the Sawyer family legacy, only to later embrace it, discovering that Leatherface was in fact her cousin. ELVIRA: Which leads us to our challenge. Both of these women survived Leatherface’s game of death, but now they’ll face something perhaps even more terrifying... Victor Crowley in the swamps of Louisiana! Elvira shivered theatrically. RANDY: For those unfamiliar, Victor Crowley is an undead, vengeful force of nature. He was cursed by his father’s failed attempt to save him from a burning house, and now, he slaughters anyone who enters his domain. He’s relentless, brutal, and worst of all... He seemingly can’t be permanently killed. ELVIRA: Not unless one of these Final Girls stumbles upon his father's ashes. RANDY: This match isn’t about slaying the beast…it’s about survival. The one who lasts the longest and escapes wins. ELVIRA: Oh, and I have a message for Heather. You won’t be able to rely on your “cuz” this time. Let’s hope some sudden revelation doesn’t convince you to try and suddenly side with Victor! RANDY: I doubt that’ll happen, but Heather’s ability to adapt might be what gives her an edge. She adjusted to the Leatherface revelation quickly, even after he had just brutally murdered her friends, maybe she can adjust to this madness too. ELVIRA: I Keep going back and forth in my mind. I honestly have no clue who’s going to take this one. But that’s what makes it exciting! RANDY: Exactly. Now, let’s take everyone on a trip to the blood-soaked bayou. HONEY ISLAND SWAMP Erin looked around and sighed as she took in her surroundings. ERIN: Great. Another nightmare. She held tight a makeshift weapon, a rusty machete she had found lodged in a tree. Her body tensed as the humid air clung to her skin. The distant sound of swamp creatures filled the air. Nearby Heather rolled her eyes. HEATHER: I swear, if my cousin isn’t being looked after during all of this, I’m going to be pissed. She picked up a discarded hatchet close to her feet and eyed it with violent intent. From the thick fog, a figure emerged. It was the hardened survivor of Victor Crowley’s wrath, Marybeth Dunston. She appeared weathered and eyed the two women with grim determination. MARYBETH: Listen up, I was brought in to help you out. You two don’t know what you’re in for. Crowley’s not just some masked slasher. He’s a goddamn hurricane of death. He doesn’t stop. He doesn’t think. He just kills. ERIN: Great. Any weaknesses? MARYBETH: None. The best thing you can do is run. Stay hidden. And don’t let him get his hands on you, or you’ll end up looking like something out of a butcher shop. HEATHER: Lovely. Are you saying we can't fight back? MARYBETH: No, you can. You most likely will need too. Hack away at him with everything you got if he captures you. ERIN: Wait, are you a survivor? Are you also being made to compete in this tournament? Marybeth did not respond. Before either Heather or Erin could say more, the world around them blurred, and they were suddenly somewhere else. They now found themselves in separate areas of the swamp. The deadly game of cat and mouse had begun.
  9. Mary Poppins has put together an unlikely alliance to help put these unruly children in their place. Can they succeed?
  10. Congrats @Culwych1, well deserved.
  11. Captain Jack will have some damage to his ship, but he will prevail.
  12. A good read. I'll also be going with the Apes.
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