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Olivia Munn, Thundercats, TMNT, & Many More Things

Marvel Man


Welcome back to Marvel's Corner!


Well, it's been a few months since I posted anything new, but somehow the blog still managed to reach 2,900 views? Now that's impressive. Give yourself a cookie or something. 


Anyways, I'm back. We've got brand new stuff (There's an interview with an EF Admin I still haven't posted. Lots of juicy secrets & info!) Throw in all the nerdy news I report on, & the random posts I post on slow news days and this is the Electric Ferret Blog to follow!


That, and I'm also the only blog still functioning (Nova won't post on his blog until July 30th) But let's get to the news!


Today's Topic: A Whole Bunch of Stuff I Haven't Talked About These Last Few Months


• Michael Bay is planning on directing a new live-action TMNT movie. It will star Megan Fox, & the US Military, as they do some comedic action bits. Oh, and four ninja turtles fit in somewhere. 




Also, I've finally learned how to site my sources. (Via Topless Robot)


• You guys remember how Bryan Singer vowed to make a grand return to the X-Men with his new X-Men: First Class movie? Well, they've found their Proffessor X. His name is James McAvoy:





Yes, I realize the man has hair. But Xavier being bald isn't that much a part of him right? It's not like he's always been bald... 


But seriously, why would you replace this guy?! He is Prof X!




(Via Hollywood Reporter


• Any of you guys watch the Daily Show? If you don't, walk, nay, run! Run to your nearest television and sit there until it comes on. Sure, it could take a while, considering it's Friday, and it'll show again on Monday, but it's definetly worth the wait. It's like watching the news, but 100 times better. 


Unless you watch Brian Williams, in which case it is only about 10 times better. 


Anyways, they're looking for a new Asian-correspondant. Well, naturally they turned to America's #1 source for all things Asian.




Olivia Munn


... Uh.. Oh yeah, blog. 


Anyways, check out her first tryout: http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox/2010/06/will-olivia-munn-pass-her-daily-show-tryouts.html 


How do you think she did? And is she the right person for the job? Couldn't this go to Jackie Chan?




• Thundercats.




Describing them is pretty much impossible considering they're old cartoons featuring cat-people's adventures as they battle a powerful mummy-sorcerer. Also, Snarf is hated by everyone who watched the show. Anyways, they're back. 




I must admit that doesn't look bad. Not bad at all. However, can Cartoon Network make such an awesome cartoon? I have younger relatives who were pumped about the Ben 10 Live Action movie. I watched it and it was as if CN put a bunch of YouTube clips together and threw in all the special effects their MacBook could handle.


Anyways, I don't want to get my hopes up. Still, it actually shows promise. Will watch it next year.


(Via Toyfare)


• Everybody's heard of 300, right? Just in case you haven't, it featured a semi-naked Gerald Butler fighting alongside 299 Spartan soldiers. In the story they fight off millions of Persians in what can only be described as one of CGI's greatest triumphs. If you bother watching the DVD's actual footage, you will find out the whole movie was Gerald Butler swinging a plastic spear at green tennis balls. All were then replaced via special effects. 


Oh, and his abs were fake. 


Anyways, it was based off a novel by Frank Miller titled 300. Miller recently decided the world does not have enough Greek graphic novels. Plus, he's running out of money. Thus, he has begun writing Xerxes, a prequel to 300. 




This one will feature Xerxes as he performs great acts of military superiority over the Greeks. Among them will include the time he killed several Greek kings by putting "Kill Me" signs on their backs.


Via Redriff 


Anyways, I'm beat. Goodnight folks. This is Marvel Man, signing off.



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MM, you know you got that Thundercats news from me! Unless this was posted earlier than my post. Too lazy to check. ANYWAY, love Daily Show and Colbert Report. I think Olivia Munn was great. Loved the skit where all the correspondents thought she was replacing them. I had my hed scratching at Prof X's actor and at Bay directing a TMNT movie. But you slipped up! Bay hates Fox. Don't you read Yahoo? It's some model who's replacing Megan Fox. Sure, she probably doesn't have any/much acting experience, but she must act better than Fox. ZING!

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Haha! I agree. Olivia had a good segment. "I always thought you were Mexican." Ah, Jason Jones. You're next in line for a show.Anyways, I actually got that Thundercat news from Topless Robot, who despite their name provide excellent news. Still, I saw your post in that topic, so I included it here. I guess you should get some credit too. And yes, Fox was replaced by a nameless hot model in Transformers 3, but can Bay resist exploiting the American psyche by employing her again? The man created her career. Well, him and whoever wrote "Girl then leans over car in an attempt to fix Bumblebee. Audience & Shia get eyeful".

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Haha! I agree. Olivia had a good segment. "I always thought you were Mexican." Ah, Jason Jones. You're next in line for a show.Anyways, I actually got that Thundercat news from Topless Robot, who despite their name provide excellent news. Still, I saw your post in that topic, so I included it here. I guess you should get some credit too. And yes, Fox was replaced by a nameless hot model in Transformers 3, but can Bay resist exploiting the American psyche by employing her again? The man created her career. Well, him and whoever wrote "Girl then leans over car in an attempt to fix Bumblebee. Audience & Shia get eyeful".
I always saw Jason Jones as a wannabe Ed Helms, but that's just me.
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