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  1. The Chroma Conclave looked cool so I had them high on my list from this topic, but I will leave them to you since I do not know much about Vox Machina. May need to check it out.
    1 point
  2. I need to check back more often lol. Kid Goku should have won I reckon. He's way too durable and even very early on, people were already pulling off far greater strength feats than anything in Korra, like Roshi destroying the moon or Goku casually shrugging off a point blank bullet to the face
    1 point
  3. In that case, I'd have to agree that the Ripleys should win this. Most of us know about Ellen Ripley, Anna Ripley is a force to be reckoned with in The Legend of Vox Machina, and Planet 51's Ripley seems to essentially be a Xeno himself. Between the ladies' smarts and abilities and the alien dog himself, Team 1 should be able to tackle the other aliens.
    1 point
  4. Snake. I never bought into Seagel as an action star, none of his fight scenes looked realistic and his characters were always one dimensional and flat. Snake Plisskin was one of my personal childhood heroes and he would destroy any Seagel character he comes across.
    1 point
  5. Team Ripley. Ellen eats Xenomorphs for breakfast and she isnā€™t even the strongest person on her team.
    1 point
  6. A good of an inspiration for a fight as any. I regret selling off my Marvel cards as a kid. Would be nice to just have them around.
    1 point
  7. Perfect for the season, a scary clown match. There are so many of them in the database. This was an unexpected pair, and you tied them together pretty well. Art has the jump on Jack, and I expect him to win this fight, but I am casting my vote for Jack. Banking on the rage and the homefield advantage.
    1 point
  8. Vampirism spreading through the Disney Princesses? Great work, Broadway. Enjoyed it. At first blush, Sally seems more in line with this sort of situation, but it's hard to not be impressed with Esmeralda's ability to get out of sticky situations. She has the improvisation needed; I'm going with her.
    1 point
  9. Yeah, that was me! I mean... C'mon, it's a good pic. We all know why! Heh heh heh heh!
    1 point
  10. Sounds like some great memories! That takes me back - pretty sure I had that awesome soundtrack on cassette (showing my age there) šŸ˜
    1 point
  11. Another good set-up, Johnny, and nice tie-in to the Marvel/Capcom fighting games. Not sure why someone decided to add such a huge alt image to Silk's profile, though (her last one). As for the match, I'd have to agree that if Silk has anywhere near Peter's skill and ingenuity, she's at least got a good shot at subduing Lilith.
    1 point
  12. Awesome cards! And apt as I could easily imagine a heavy metal soundtrack playing whilst these two battle it out.
    1 point
  13. I would rather see Esmeralda win but I think Sally has more to offer.
    1 point
  14. Got some ideas for both the Chroma Conclave and Vox Machina....just need to find time šŸ˜€
    1 point
  15. A Marvel character lost to a Horror/Thriller character? Color me surprised!
    1 point
  16. THE BOTTOM LINE Al Rossi: Jax STRAIGHT into the Ground Pound! The seismic wave knocks the Sharks right out of the earth! Andel Sanap: Jab and Streex fall but Ripster and Big Slammu are able to recover. Johnny Cage leaps in with a green energy kick. Johnny Cage: Donā€™t suppose you guys will be open to an ā€œI know youā€™re in there! You can fight it!ā€ speech? Big Slammu: Forget it, man! Youā€™re not the only ones who can rock and roll! Seismic Slam! Al Rossi: Slammu goes for his own ā€˜Ground Poundā€™! Cage is sent off balance, but Jax leaps in with a right hand to take him down! Jax: Thatā€™s for stealing my move! Johnny Cage: Aww, and I thought it was because you liked me. Jax: Shut up and punch somebody! Ripster: Try me on for size then, fish bait! Letā€™s kick some fin, bros! Andel Sanap: Meanwhile, Miss Nova and Miss Wren are circling around the creature that was Miss Ka-Boom. Miss Nova fires with her laser but it seems to have no effect on the mutant teenager. Al Rossi: Oh but there is an effect, Andel! Look at her eyes! Sheā€™s firing her own lasers at Mira! Mira Nova: AAGH! Al Rossi: Direct hit! The blast sent her into a stalactite! Sabine is checking on her! Mira Nova: Donā€™t worry about me! Keep up the pressure on thatā€¦ thing! Sabine Wren: Nothing weā€™re hitting her with is doing any good! Sheā€™s just getting madder! I think I might have an idea. Mira Nova: Is it a good one? Sabine Wren: Might be more of a crazy one. Mira Nova: At this point Iā€™ll take it! Sabine Wren: Then take some of these too. Mira Nova: Uh, Sabine? Arenā€™t these yourā€¦? Sabine Wren: Just trust me and follow my lead! Andel Sanap: As Miss Nova and Miss Wren re-group, Liu Kang and Raiden are not having much luck with Eris. Al Rossi: Liu Kang goes for a bicycle kick and falls to his feet as Eris apparates away! Raiden charges in with Electric Fly but Eris just makes herself intangible again and flies straight through her! Eris: Hmm. Tingles. Is that the best you can UGH! Andel Sanap: Liu Kang caught her with Fire Fist! Al Rossi: Nice teamwork by the Kombatants! Hades: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yay, team. Rah rah rah. How about they actually finish this already? Andel Sanap: Lord Hades! Al Rossi: We told you we would handle this! Hades: Yeah, you did. But I didnā€™t think they would wasting time with these jamokes! You could have brought in Sub-Zero and Scorpion and instead you have the two Tinkerbells over there! Andel Sanap: You made a deal with the TCC, Lord Hades, and we will honor it. Hades: OK, cool, cool. But you donā€™t pick up the pace I might just have see what my portal can dish out for me. Al Rossi: Yourā€¦ portal?! Hades: Yeah, my portal! Usually I use it to find me a monster to do my bidding, kidnap a princess, squash a hero. Looks like little Eris tried her smoking hand on making it work. Ha! Not very well, or she could have gotten some real heavy hitters instead of Miss Temper Tantrum and the Sardines. Andel Sanap: So thatā€™s how Eris selected her back up. It appears you were wrong about Miss Bourgeois, Al. Al Rossi: Er, well, maybe. But she still could have caused all of those malfunctions! Andel Sanap: Letā€™s get back to the match. Jab and Jax are going blow for blow! The two boxers are exchanging strikes but Jab seems to be getting the worse of it! He goes for his headbutt but Jax lands an uppercut to the chin! Al Rossi: Down goes the Street Shark! Streex: Clint! Iā€™m coming, bro! Ripster: No, Streex! You help Slammu with the other one! Iā€™ll take the man in the iron gloves! Andel Sanap: Johnny Cage is dodging Slammuā€™s attacks while launching green energy balls, but they seem to be annoying Slammu more than hurting him! Big Slammu: Stay still, creep! Johnny Cage: You first, gumbo breath! CRUNCH! Big Slammu: AAAAAAAHH! Al Rossi: And just like that, Slammu is now a soprano! Slammu is staggered by the low blow kick, and Johnny delivers a quick combination of punches to bring him down! Andel Sanap: Streex with an axe handle strike from behind! Jax meanwhile is holding his own against Ripster! Al Rossi: But what about Ka-Boom? Sheā€™s stomping around trying to find Mira and Sabine! Katie Ka-Boom: WHERE ARE YOU, YOU MISERABLE LITTLE MPPH! Al Rossi: An explosion of color around Katieā€™s head! Andel Sanap: Miss Wrenā€™s grenades! Miss Ka-Boom coughs and splutters as the purple paint coats her face! But what is the strategy here? Sabine Wren: Ha! Nice one, bubble head! But itā€™s still no good! This freakā€™s still too ugly! Mira Nova: Oh, well in that case, maybe we should try some orange instead! Katie Ka-Boom: Iā€™M NOT A FREAK! Iā€™M Aā€¦ Sabine Wren: Yeah, yeah, we know already. Youā€™re a teenager. Whoā€™s in desperate need of some make up! Try some of this! Al Rossi: Mira and Sabine take flight and hurl their unusual ammo at Katie! Sheā€™s getting so mad she might bring down the whole Underworld if she goes boom now! Katie Ka-Boom: STAY STILL AND MMPPH! FIGHT! *cough cough* AGGHHHH!!!! Sabine Wren: Why should we? Itā€™s not a kid like you should be out fighting anybody anyway? Mira Nova: Yeah, shouldnā€™t you be home by ten? Mommy and Daddy are gonna ground you if your late again! Katie Ka-Boom: NOBODY GROUNDS MEEEEEEE!!! Mira Nova: Um, Sabine? I think weā€™re about to reach critical mass! Sabine Wren: Keep it up! If we get her mad fast enough, sheā€™ll burn herself out! Hades: OKAY! EVERYBODY HOLD IT! Al Rossi: Hey! Hades has apparated to the battlefield! Jax and Johnny Cage are still disposing of the Sharks, and Eris turns away from Liu Kang and Raiden, who look exhausted trying to pin down the goddess. Eris: I wondered if you were ever going to show your flaming face around here. I figured youā€™d just hide in a corner while these ā€˜heroesā€™ do your dirty work. Hades: Eri, babe, I donā€™t need these people to take back whatā€™s mine, okay? The floorshows been fun and all but itā€™s time to get down to brass tacks. So now that they given me a chance to finally set foot back in MY domain, let me show you how that portal is supposed to work! Andel Sanap: By the Force! Hades snapped his fingers and a glimmering crystalline portal has appeared in the cavern! Three figures walk through! Itā€™sā€¦! Gooey Gus: Slime Anyone?! Harley Quinn: Oy vey. Poison Ivy: Harl. I told you not to go into that portal! Harley Quinn: But it was so bright and pretty! Hades: Cut the chit chat, ladies. You and Bazooka Joe can do me a real favor by trouncing tall, dark, and smokey over there. Right after I give her 4 yearsā€™ worth of payback. Eris: Oh, please. You werenā€™t god enough to beat me then, and youā€™re not god enough to beat me now! Hades: And THAT is where you are wrong, Eri! Because this time Iā€™m not gonna stop blasting you until there isnā€™t enough of your smoke left to fill a SANDAL BOX! Al Rossi: Hades is firing up! His flame is burning brighter! Eris is starting to summon up a magical blast of her own! Andel Sanap: But look! Here comes Miss Nova and Miss Wren, flying ahead of a rampaging, mult-colored Katie! Sabine Wren: Everybody duck! Sheā€™s gonna blow! Hades: Say goodbye, Eri! Eris: See you in Tartarus, little god! Katie Ka-Boom: Iā€™M A TEENAGER!!!!! KA-BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! Andel Sanap: BY THE FORCE! Al Rossi: That explosion rocked the Defiant! All of our combatants are sent flying by the force of that explosion! Gooey Gus, Harley, and Ivy are sent flying back into the portal! Poison Ivy: What the heck is going on?! Harley Quinn: This never would have happened in Khazan! Gooey Gus: Iā€™M BURNING MAD! Iā€™M STEAMING MAAAAAAAAAAAAD! Andel Sanap: The disappear into the portal! Arcs of magical energy scatter across the cavern! Al Rossi: The turbulence is forcing Sabine and Mira to land! Raiden and the other Kombatants form up around them! Andel Sanap: Al! Look at the portal! Itā€™s starting splinter! The energy from the explosion is shooting into it! Al Rossi: Better get the TCC on the line! Thereā€™s no telling what damage that mass of magic and Toon energy could do! Andel Sanap: Not necessarily, Al. Donā€™t some of the images in the portal look familiar? Al Rossi: What are you talking about? Itā€™s just a shifting mess ofā€¦ Hey! Thatā€¦ Thatā€™s TCC Arena! Thatā€™s Batwing and Ironheart! Andel Sanap: And if Iā€™m not mistaken, that energy bolt is heading straight for the control room! And yes! Thereā€™s the EMP blast! Thatā€™s what caused the malfunction! Al Rossi: And those other blasts! One of them is taking out our cams while Arcee and Kimberly were battling! And another knocks out a cam as Carnage dumps Judge Doom in a vat of Dip! Andel Sanap: And another strikes our generators to deactivate the shields during the Queen Bee/Dā€™Vorah match. Al Rossi: So wait a minute! You mean it really wasnā€™t Chloe screwing around with our equipment? Andel Sanap: Apparently not, Al. It appears to be this battle getting out of hand that resulted in causing chaos throughout the timeline. Al Rossi: Oh. Andel Sanap: Is there anything you wish to say to Miss Bourgeois? Al Rossi: Er, not now, Andel! Weā€™ve got a fight to call still! The explosion has died down, but the portal is still glitching. Whoā€™s left standing? Andel Sanap: Team TCC has weathered the storm. Hades is passed out with his ā€˜hairā€™ extinguished. Eris is looking battered and supremely annoyed, and Miss Ka-Boom is staggering around in a crater. Katie Ka-Boom: Uhhhh but, Mom, I donā€™t wanna go to school today! ZZZZZAP!! Al Rossi: One Space Ranger laser blast set for stun and down goes the teenager! Jax: So much for the easy part. Sabine Wren: Easy?! What do you mean ā€˜easyā€™?! Johnny Cage: I think heā€™s referring to the goddess we still got to kick out of here, doll. Sabine Wren: Oh yeah. Eris: And Iā€™m not going anywhere, you miserable mortals! Raiden: Now, Mira Nova! Al Rossi: Andel! Look! Mira is ghosting up behind Eris! Eris doesnā€™t see her! Eris: AAAGH! Andel Sanap: Tangean brain squeeze! Eris is paralyzed! Mira Nova: UGH! If youā€™re gonna do something, do it fast! I canā€™tā€¦ hold herā€¦ forā€¦ long! Raiden: All of you! Everything you have! Now! Al Rossi: Eris is met with a blast of lightning, fire, green energy, energy waves, and blaster fire. Eris is trying to apparate away, but with Mira locking on that brain squeeze she seems to be trapped in a physical form! Andel Sanap: Step by step the goddess of discord is pushed backward towards the portal. Sweat beads down Miss Novaā€™s face as she strains to hold on! Eris: RELEASE MEā€¦ YOU INSECT! Mira Nova: I amā€¦ a member of the elite Universe Protection Unitā€¦ of the Spaceā€¦ Ranger Corps. ARGH! I protectā€¦ the galaxy from the threat of invasionā€¦ from the evil Emperor Zurgā€¦ sworn enemy of the Galacticā€¦ Alliance! Al Rossi: Miraā€™s back is to the portal! If she isnā€™t careful sheā€™ll get sucked in with Eris! Sabine Wren: Mira! Youā€™ve got to get out of there! Mira Nova: Iā€¦. I canā€™t! I canā€™t breakā€¦ the hold! Eris: If Iā€™m leaving my new kingdom, Iā€™m not leaving alone! Raiden: Liu Kang! Sabine Wren! Move! Andel Sanap: The Mandalorian Rebel and Kombatant Champion take to the air! Liu Kang come careening down again towards Eris! Liu Kang: *Untranslatable* Al Rossi: Right into the bicycle kick! Mira has just enough time to activate her jetpack before her eyes roll back in her head and she ghosts through Eris! Sabine grabs a hold of Liu and Mira and flies them out of the portalā€™s reach, but Eris is clawing to rim, desperately trying to pull herself out! Eris: How dare you! You will all be sorry for this! Raiden: But not today. Be Gone! Andel Sanap: A final burst of mystic lightning, a howl from Eris, and she is enveloped by the portal! Referee: Winners: Team Mortal Kombat, Mira Nova, and Sabine Wren! Al Rossi: Whew! Now that was a battle! Andel Sanap: I hope that the broadwaybeyonder found it considerably epic. Al Rossi: And I hope the fans liked it too! But weā€™re running up against the clock, so may I just sayā€¦ Hades: HOLD IT! NOBODY MOVE! Al Rossi: Oh now what?! Johnny Cage: Hey, hey, Hades. Looking for some Rogaine? Hades: Not! In the mood for jokes, laughing boy! Raiden: Lord Hades, your realm has been returned to you. You will honor your agreement with the TCC. Hades: Yeah, yeah, ABOUT that! Thereā€™s one small, tiny problem here. Well, a couple of problems actually. The biggest one has got to be that you SCREW UPS BUSTED MY PORTAL! How the heck am I gonna summon monsters and wreak havoc now?! Mira Nova: Pretty easy, Iā€™d think. I mean, you being the god of death and all. Hades: Spare me the flattery! If you had just taken out Eris quick and easy, I wouldnā€™t have had to get involved and I wouldnā€™t beā€¦ portal-less. Sabine Wren: No one asked you to get involved! We had it under control! Hades: Shut it, kid! Give me one good reason why I donā€™t just charbroil you turkeys right here! Tommy Oliver: Okay! Hereā€™s one! HYAH! Andel Sanp: BY THE FORCE! Al Rossi: What the heck?! Thatā€™sā€¦ The Red Zeo Ranger! Itā€™s Tommy! And is that Jason?! Andros?!?! Itā€™s Team Forever Red! Andel Sanap: And they all look ready for a fight! Johnny Cage: Sheesh. Almost glad to see those unitard wearing losers again! Jax: I think I got a few more rounds left in me. Liu Kang: What will it be, Hades? Do you truly desire Kombat? Or will you keep your word as a god? Hades: Er heh heh, well, when you put it that way, you really did do a bang-up job! Thanks a million for all the help with Eri. Be sure to tell those folks at TCC theyā€™ll have no problems from me. And hey! If you have the time, come on back! Weā€™ll dance, weā€™ll kiss, weā€™ll schmooze, weā€™ll carry on, weā€™ll go home happy! What do you say? Raiden: Farewell, Lord Hades. Andel Sanap: Just how did Team Forever Red get down here? Al Rossi: Come on, Andel! The TCC higher ups have monitoring the battle! When they saw Hades was getting involved, they called the calvary! Andel Sanap: And, Al, Iā€™m getting word from our communications officer aboard the Defiant that a message is coming in from the person who made the call to send in the Rangers! Al Rossi: Great! Put him through! Chloe Bourgeois: Hellooooo, everyone! Al Rossi: Oh no! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois! Chloe Bourgeois: Who were you expecting, the Misfits? The TCC asked me to keep an eye on this fight and send in some back up if things got too tough for you two. Al Rossi: And you agreed to this out of the kindness of your heart, right? Chloe Bourgeois: Weeeeell, mostly to see the look on your faces, but sure why not? Andel Sanap: It appears we all owe you our thanks, Miss Bourgeois. Chloe Bourgeois: Iā€™ll take it. But isnā€™t there something else Iā€™m owed? Al Rossi: Hmm? Whyā€™s everybody looking at me? Andel Sanap: Allen. Al Rossi: Oh alright, fine! *sigh* Iā€™mā€¦ sorry, Chloe, for accusing you of causing those malfunctions at TCC Arena. I hope you can forgive me. Chloe Bourgeois: Hmm. Maybe later. Right now, I got to get back to training for Battlesphere 3. So pick up that team of so-called ā€˜heroesā€™ and get your old butts up here! Chloe out! Al Rossi: Why that littleā€¦!! Andel Sanap: Allen. Al Rossi: I meanā€¦ oh forget it. Well, folks, this has been a heck of ride to get to 200 official battles. Over 15 years of battles, contests, and stories. The broadwaybeyonder hopes youā€™ve enjoyed the journey and will continue to help grow the CBUB in the years ahead. Andel Sanap: A noble sentiment, Al. Al Rossi: Thanks, partner! But enough of the slow piano music! Weā€™ve got even more action! Itā€™s the one the CBUB has been waiting for! Battlesphere 3! And we all know at least 1 lady whoā€™s guaranteed to be there and she's ready to bring home a win! Will Chloe Bourgeois finally be victorious? And who are the other 29 combatants you and the broadwaybeyonder have selected? Youā€™ll find out next month! When the Transdimensional Combat Commission presents Battlesphere 3! For Andel Sanap, Philippa Forrester, Chloe Bourgeois, and all the rest of the TCC, Iā€™m Al Rossi! Thank you and good night! boadwaybeyonder: And Iā€™m broadwaybeyonder! Be safe, be well, be awesome!
    1 point
  17. Not sure about this one. Goku's faster and may be more durable than Korra, but I don't know if he could take Korra's strongest bending attacks. Also, I wonder if Korra could bend Kid Goku's Kamehameha wave, since she's bent massive amounts of energy before.
    1 point
  18. Great concept for a fight. Was initially thinking Norman would have the advantage because the dark would affect Maya's sight advantage, and nothing would affect his auditory advantage. After reading the setup I changed my mind. With her prior knowledge of Norman and being able to setup equipment within his house, I'm giving the nod to Echo.
    1 point
  19. Congrats on your 200th CBUB match, broadway! Good continuation of the TCC arc. The MK fighters are the only characters here I have more than a passing familiarity with, but after looking up the others, if feels like Eris's team should win this.
    1 point
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