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Rumble 20716 Cleatus  vs. Frieren vs. Userkare (Frankenstein vs The Mummy)
Cleatus : 2
Frieren: 1
Userkare (Frankenstein vs The Mummy): 0

Rip (No Holds Barred) vs. Thunderlips
Rip (No Holds Barred): 1
Thunderlips: 2

Armor vs. Madison Jeffries (Box)
Armor: 1
Madison Jeffries (Box): 3

Karima Shapandar vs. Omega Red
Karima Shapandar: 1
Omega Red: 3

Star Butterfly vs. Luz Noceda
Star Butterfly: 2
Luz Noceda: 1

Match 20585 Michelangelo (Mirage) vs. Ken Masters

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Donatello swung his staff horizontally over from left to right, and then spun his metal staff before bringing the back end of the weapon down for the top of his opponent’s head. But one thing he had to give her credit for was that she was incredibly fast. He watched as the Chinese fighter hunched down from the two initial strikes and quickly hopped to her left to avoid the downward strike of his staff. Already, Chun-Li would switch from moving defensively to going on the offense as she swung her right leg upward and arced it in a crescent to the right, intending on striking Donatello across his face with her boot before she would pull her leg back and snap it out twice in two precisely aimed side kicks for Donatello’s head and his chest. The red masked genius widened his eyes at the sight of her level of technique, and he was forced to once again protect himself as he raised his staff up, blocking the first kick and then he pumped his arms out, positioning the staff outward to block the next two kicks. Donatello firmly planted his feet to the ground, stopping himself from skidding back from the sheer strength the woman’s leg seemed to possess, and it was even enough to make him widen his eyes in surprise at this demonstration of strength. Already, Chun-Li shifted with a step forward and she snapped her right leg horizontally to the left for Donatello’s head, then brought it back across to the right for a high reverse heel kick, then pulled it back to snap it out for another side kick for the Turtle’s chest once more.

Donatello shifted backwards with a step, positioning his metal staff defensively as he worked to keep up with Chun-Li’s speed, blocking the woman’s boot with the polearm of his weapon and he could feel the strength behind each blocked attack. Chun-Li then shifted with a step before she pounced to the air, now repositioning herself to be sideways before she turned with her weight, performing a corkscrew flip as she then swung her right leg down to slam a mighty impact down onto the mutant Red Ear Slider’s head.


Quickly, Donatello spun his bo-staff and positioned it horizontally before raising it over head—blocking Chun-Li’s foot as it then struck down onto the polearm of the metal staff. The force of the impact was enough to make Donatello stumble back, and he slammed his feet to the ground to prevent himself from moving back any further. Chun-Li landed into a perfect split, before she threw her weight and spin, turning onto her back and then flipped herself upright, now assuming her fighting stance once more. The Chinese Interpol agent then rolled her arms out quickly, intending on delivering two solid strikes for Donatello’s midsection, but the Turtle quickly moved his staff from right to left, using the weapon to block and divert the punches away from him. However, Chun-Li then shifted with a step, and she slammed her right foot down firmly onto Donatello’s left, causing the Turtle to wince in discomfort while she immediately turned with her hips and moved her right arm outward, intending on striking Donatello directly in his plastron protected mid-section.

“OOF!” The Turtle grunted as Chun-Li’s fist found it’s intended mark.

She was strong as she was fast. And to top it off, her level of technique was something to be admired and even respected. But the Turtle wasn’t someone who would be overwhelmed so easily if he didn’t allow it. Donatello shook his head from side to side as he now spun his staff in his grasp, and now positioned his weapon forward as he set himself into his fighting stance.

Keeping with the offense, Chun-Li then rushed at the Turtle, and she stepped inward and kicked her back leg around and behind her left leg, intending on hitting the Turtle’s right shin as aimed to land that instep kick. Donatello felt a strong and stinging pain hitting his leg, hissing out to express his discomfort but he worked to fight through it. Chun-Li rolled her fists outward, intending on moving it up along Donatello’s plastron in a series of quick punches before she leaned in and punched her left arm out in a mighty straight. Like before, Donatello felt a series of quick impacts striking him, and then something hard moved directly into his forehead, causing a powerful throbbing sensation. He had come to realize that this woman’s fists were like steel, and despite her build— she was capable of powerful strikes not just from her feet, but her fists as well. Immediately, Chun-Li jabbed her left and right fists outward for the intellectual reptile’s face, but Donatello weaved from side to side, dodging the strikes quickly enough. Chun-Li turned in a spun, and she swung her right arm across with her hand flattened for a ridge hand strike intended for the side of Donatello’s head, but the Turtle leaned back away from the incoming strike. Following this, Chun-Li lunged forward, and she pushed both hands in a double palm strike for Donatello’s chest. But the Turtle side-stepped to his right and he swung the lower end of the staff across, intending to strike at Chun-Li’s mid-section.

The Chinese Interpol agent widened her eyes as she was forward to cross her arms out in front of herself, her forearms taking the brunt of the weapon’s impact. Donatello followed up by spinning his staff in a figure eight motion, only to bring the back end of the weapon down for the top of his opponent’s head but Chun-Li quickly raised both arms up, blocking the weapon with her forearms again. The red masked ninja pulled back and he immediately swung his staff horizontally as he aimed for Chun-Li’s sides, striking the Kung-fu fighter firmly. Chun-Li hissed and gasped as she felt the impact of the Turtle’s weapon slamming into her body. Donatello quickly then swung the lower end of his staff upward, intending on striking the Chinese woman onto her chin.

Chun-Li quickly turned and spun to her right, barely evading the staff as it swung upward. Donatello again spun his weapon in a figure eight motion, and he now leaned forward, only to thrust his staff outward in quick succession, intending to bombard Chun-Li with mighty impacts. Chun-Li felt strong thrusts of the staff moving into her mid-section and shoulders, and the Interpol agent hissed and winced in discomfort as she hadn’t expected the Turtle to come close to matching her speed. And his strength— that was something which she hadn’t been anticipating at all. Donatello then swung the back end of the staff downward, attempting to slam the weapon down onto Chun-Li’s head but Chun-Li spun to her left and hopped back to get some distance between herself and her opponent.

The Kung-Fu fighter attuned herself to the energy within herself and felt it in the form of a powerful rush. She directed the flow of energy through her body and through her arms, before manifesting a sphere of blue energy with a yellow core in the palms of her hands. Chun-Li then raised her arms before she thrust them out, palms facing forward, and the energy ball was launched at Donatello.


The red masked intellectual Turtle narrowed his eyes at seeing his opponent firing off an energy-based projectile at him. He spun his staff skillfully within his grasp and now swung the weapon down on top of the projectile. He tensed the muscles within his arms, focusing more of his strength into the swing and watched as the projectile dissipated. Donatello had widened his eyes at this accomplishment, and a newfound sense of confidence came to him now. He watched as his opponent again now turned and threw another energy projectile at him, and Donatello responded by spinning his staff and slammed it down to the ground, only to catapult himself up and ahead, before he allowed gravity to pull him down and over Chun-Li.

Chun-Li turned to meet her opponent, and she snapped her left leg horizontally to the right, performing a swift roundhouse kick before bringing it back across to the left in a heel kick for the Turtle’s head. Donatello quickly leaned back from the two incoming kicks, and he responded by swinging his left arm to the right in a mighty hook punch, but Chun-Li moved inward, and she snapped her left hand across while positioning her right hand close to her chest in a ridge hand chop to block the incoming fist. Swiftly, she rolled her arms for Donatello’s chest and face, but the Turtle gripped his staff, using the weapon to divert and deflect the incoming strikes away from himself. The red masked ninja then placed his staff to the ground firmly, getting a reaction out of Chun-Li as she leaned back out of sheer reflex, but then the Turtle threw his weight upwards and back while gripping his staff, now kicking both his feet up as he executed a reverse kick flip. Chun-Li felt a mighty impact slamming into her chin, causing her to be launched in the air, and she shut her eyes in reaction to the immediate pain which radiated from her jaw. The mutant Red Ear Slider now set himself to his feet, now watching as Chun-li now was being pulled by gravity only to thrust his staff upward and he slammed the blunt end into the solar plexus of his opponent, causing the Interpol agent to gasp out in discomfort and pain.

But Donatello then pressed the button on the staff of his metal electro bo-staff, causing a current to move through the weapon and into his opponent. Chun-Li widened her eyes and yelped out in agonizing pain, feeling the current linger in her nerves as it moved through her body.

Donatello quickly moved his staff down, now slamming Chun-Li hard onto the arena floor and watched as the woman briefly bounced off from the ground. Not wanting to lose the opportunity, Donatello shifted forward and spun his staff in a figure eight motion, now hitting Chun-Li’s body multiple times, juggling her while she was in mid-air. Then, the red masked genius now turned in a spin and he pushed himself to a leap, now kicking his right leg out in a jumping back thrust kick which moved directly into Chun-Li’s midsection.


The Interpol agent was sent flying across eight feet before she hit the ground and skid back two more feet, and a wash of pain moved through her form. Fighting through the pain, Chun-Li planted her hands to the ground and pushed herself to her feet. The stinging sensation still radiated through her form, but she shook and snapped her arms, now moving into her fighting stance as she slowly moved her arms in a Tai Chi manner, now setting herself and was prepared to fight once more.

Donatello then ran towards Chun-Li, and he turned in a spin only to swing his staff over to the right. Chun-Li quickly dropped to a hunch, evading the metal staff as it passed over her. Donatello spun and brought the back end of the staff upward, then brought it down once more to catch Chun-Li but the Interpol agent moved back twice to evade the weapon, now knowing what it was capable of. The Turtle spun his staff before he gripped the center grip, only to thrust his weapon outward several times. Chun-Li gasped and widened her eyes, but she weaved from side to side, now working as fast as she could to avoid the electric metal weapon from contacting her.

Chun-Li hopped to her left, distancing herself from her reptilian opponent. As before, she directed the flow of energy within herself to now move through her body, into her arms and hands. She then threw her palms outward, firing off another Kikouken at the red masked ninja. Donatello responded to this by swinging his staff upward, striking at the energy projectile and causing it to dissipate. However, this was the opening which Chun-Li needed as she now dashed forward and now pounced to a leap, only to now throw her weight downward and positioned herself upside now, only to throw her weight to the right and she parted her legs, quickly moving in towards the Turtle.


Stunned by the defiance of physics and curious to know how that technique worked, Donatello’s curiosity was rewarded with an immediate swift kick. His head rang with immediate pain as more kicks now moved across his face, and the red masked ninja now stumbled back as his senses were jarred from the impacts which he had been subjected to. Chun-Li now flipped down to her feet, and quickly rushed at the Turtle with the intent to keep the assault going. She immediately then rolled her arms out, impacting her fists directly into the genius’ mid-section and chest, causing Donatello to cough out in discomfort before she then turned in a spin and took aim for the back of Donatello’s leg, now snapping her right leg out in a mighty side kick.

“AAAUGH!” Donatello shut his eyes as pain moved through his entire head.

Quickly, the Turtle turned and now fought through the pain which he was experiencing. He turned to face his opponent, and now gripped his staff as he readied himself to continue the battle. Already Chun-Li was on the offense once more, as she ran at the Turtle and now directed her energy to flow down to her legs. As she neared Donatello, she snapped her right leg out in quick succession multiple times, energy seemingly bursting from her feet as each strike landed onto Donatello’s chest, mid-section and his head as she unleashed her Lightning Kick technique. The red masked intellectual winced his eyes in further discomfort and pain, working to fight through the stinging pain which Chun-Li bombarded him with from those mighty legs. Keeping with the attack, Chun-Li shifted forward and she snapped her left leg out with another series of Lightning Kicks for the Turtle. The Turtle was forced to stumble back from the impacts, and he groaned in agony from the punishment which he had received from the Chinese woman.

He had to admit, this woman was excellently skilled and perhaps one of the hardest opponents whom he had to ever face. But the mutant Red Ear Slider needed to keep fighting, and so he took in a deep breath of air through his nostrils and released a sigh from within as he gripped his staff, working to keep himself standing.

Chun-Li then zeroed right in on the Turtle, turning in a spin and she swung her right leg back across to the right in a spinning back wheel kick, intending to strike at Donatello’s head before she turned to face him once more, and swung her right leg across to the left while standing on her other leg, intending on striking Donatello’s head once more before she then shifted a step forward and thrust her arms out, her hands aimed for the mutant’s mid-section in a double open palm strike. But Donatello raised his staff, blocking the incoming kicks before twirling his staff and positioning it horizontally in front of himself, blocking the double palm strike with his weapon.

Quickly, Donatello leaned forward and thrust his head out, striking his bald head directly into Chun-Li’s forehead—and pain moved through the Chinese Interpol agent’s head, now causing her senses to be jarred for the moment. Donatello turned and he swung his right arm across in a spinning back fist, striking Chun-Li across the face. The Interpol agent shifted back from the blow, but Donatello continued with the spinning, and he arced his left leg across to the right in a jumping spinning inward crescent kick, again striking at Chun-Li once more. Donatello then spun his staff in a figure eight motion, now batting away at Chun-Li’s arms, shoulders and her legs as fast as he could. The Interpol agent widened her eyes as she raised her arms and worked to block the staff but found herself getting struck multiple times by the Turtle’s weapon, a bit fearful that he should activate its electrical function.

The red masked Turtle then thrusts his staff outward for his opponent’s chest, but Chun-Li sidestepped to her right and she pushed the weapon away with both hands. She now focused on the energy within herself and channeled it to move throughout her entire body and directed it into her arms and hands. Blue energy now swirled in the palms of her hands as she circled them around herself in a Tai Chi styled motion. Donatello widened his eyes at this, and he moved his left hand down to his belt, now taking hold of one of the many smoke pellets which he had on himself, only to throw it down at the ground, all while Chun-Li now threw her arms out and unleashed a large sphere of energy in front of herself. But the smoke now moved in front of Chun-Li’s field of vision, and she suddenly found herself coughing profusely as the black smoke infiltrated her lungs, interrupting her Kikousho technique.

Suddenly, something was dropped and when Chun-Li looked ahead to see any sign of her opponent, she moved her sights down and noticed a Roomba in front of her. It wasn’t long until the top compartment of the device opened up and shot a red beam of light, now leaving a stinging sensation on her legs. Chun-Li stepped back, and the device immediately followed, firing off another laser at the woman. Chun-Li quickly hopped to her left, and the Roomba fired off another laser. The Kung-Fu fighter then spun to her right and charged at the Roomba, only to raise her right leg up and stomped down onto the machine, smashing and crushing it with tremendous strength.

But then, Chun-Li widened her eyes as she noticed movement coming from her left and turned to meet the Turtle who somehow stealthily got away from her moments ago. Without hesitation, Chun-Li jabbed her left and right arm out three quick times for Donatello’s mid-section and face, but the Turtle blocked the incoming strikes with his staff as he used the weapon to divert the weapons away from himself. Quickly, he spun his weapon and then thrust it upward, using the center of his staff to beat it firmly into Chun-Li’s forehead. The Chinese woman felt a pain moving into her forehead once more, but then shook her head to fight off the momentary daze. Immediately she retaliated by directing her energy down to her legs, and she turned only to snap her right leg out in a quick barrage as she unleashed her Lightning Kicks.

But Donatello side-stepped to his left, and he took aim for Chun-Li’s standing leg and he swung his staff over to the left and to the right, striking at the woman’s knee.

Pain immediately shot through Chun-Li’s leg, and it was a sharp and hot feeling sensation which caused her to lose her footing and cease in her lightning kicks. The Interpol agent was no stranger to pain, as she had been in many fights in her life, but this didn’t detract from how painful her leg was feeling. Donatello stopped in his movements, and he blinked at seeing his opponent now laying on her side as she clutched at her leg. The Turtle then moved over to his opponent, and he looked down at Chun-Li’s leg. Donatello lowered his staff down, and held his hands out—looking to Chun-Li.

“Can I check to see if it’s broken?”

“Ah… Aaaah… Y-Yeah… Mmmrph!”

The red masked ninja moved his hands to Chun-Li’s leg, feeling for any broken bones. To his relief, there wasn’t anything broken but his touch was enough to make Chun-Li hiss in pain as she clenched her teeth. Donatello looked at the knee for a moment, noting how swollen it was and already was seeing a black and blue marking on it.

“I don’t think I can stand on my own… I’m calling it in. I’m done.” Chun-Li said.

Donatello then took hold of Chun-Li by the hands, and he helped the Chinese fighter to her feet. The mutant Terrapin then helped the woman to get stable, aiding her as she now made her way over to the other side of the arena, before allowing her to move on her own when she was confident enough to do so. After reaching her friends, Chun-Li slowly allowed herself to sit down and clutch at her bruised leg.

The red masked intellectual Turtle now stepped over towards his brothers. Michelangelo gave his brother a firm nod in approval of his victory, and now looked ahead to see who would be ready to face them next. Leonardo, meanwhile, moved his right hand out and gave a firm pat on Donatello’s shoulders.

“You’ve really come a long way, Donatello. You’ve improved tremendously.” Leonardo spoke.

Donatello nodded his head, now turning to look over to the opposing team, now seeing that they were down two members. None the less, a small sense of remorse moved through the mutant Turtle’s mind as he particularly didn’t like the way he had won that fight. But a win is a win, he figured and would have to put his feelings in the back of his mind. Still, he shook his head from side to side while breathing a sigh and now stepped back as Leonardo now looked over to the other side of the arena, watching the remaining two opponents.

“I suppose it’s my turn then.” Ryu spoke out as he moved his hands down to his waist, now taking hold of the flaps of his black belt, firmly fastening the belt as he readied himself for a battle.

However, as he was about to step on to meet the fight ahead of himself, Ken moved his left hand out and now gave Ryu a hard stare as he shook his head from side to side, catching the Japanese fighter by surprise.

“No, not yet. We’re down by two and they’re down by one. I can still put up a fight!” Ken spoke with defiance in his voice.

“But your last fight was an intense one. Are you sure that you want to go through with this?” Ryu asked, a brow raised in a quizzical manner.

“Yeah! You think I’m going to let these cosplay upstarts get the better of us?” Ken chuckled.

The red gi clad Martial Artist now stepped forth, making his way over towards the middle of the arena. Focusing his stare over to the opposing team, he set his sights upon Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and the now unconscious Raphael. He took in a deep breath of air through his nose, working to collect himself as he now rolled his shoulders backward, and then turned his head from side to side all while shaking his legs to get himself loose.

Leonardo was about to step his way forward, but then he felt a hand being placed down onto his right shoulder. He turned and blinked in surprise to see that it was Michelangelo. The wily Turtle now shook his head from side to side, deciding to take this fight as his own.

“I gotta do this, Leo… For Raph. Besides, if I get through this… You need to be at one hundred for Ralph Maccio over there. I’ll deal with the Johnny Lawrence wannabe over there.” Michelangelo whispered.

Leonardo nodded in understanding before he now moved over to Donatello, placing his hands on his genius brother’s shoulders and began to look him over for any serious injuries. Donatello moved his hands up, shaking his head from side to side to signify that he hadn’t suffered anything too harsh and would be ready to fight if he needed to do so. The most which he would need to do is collect himself and review in his mind the battle which he had won. Michelangelo now stepped on ahead, making his way over to the middle of the arena all while he moved his hands down and took hold of his twin nunchaku, drawing them out from within the belt around his waist. He lightly spun the nunchaku within his hands, staring over to his opponent.

“You really gave Guile one hell of a fight! Hah hah! That’s no easy or small feat! You should be proud of yourself!” Ken smirked in mild anticipation of what could be an exciting fight.

“I’ve seen how you fought Raphael. And I’ve seen how he fought you… I’m not going to make the same mistake as he did. We’ve come too far to stop now… I’m taking this quite seriously.” Michelangelo responded.

Ken nodded his head in approval and respect of Michelangelo’s determination and resolve. He clenched his hands firmly into fists, and now turning with his left side facing forward as he raised his fists in guarding position, entering the Ansatsuken fighting stance. The wily Turtle now twirled his nunchaku within his hands, and he snapped himself into his own fighting stance as he readied himself for what could be the hardest fight in his life. Michelangelo turned his sights over to the now unconscious form of Raphael, and returned his attention to Ken Masters, knowing how skilled and powerful his opponent was but also saw how much of a fight Raphael gave him, pushing him to the brink.

And now Michelangelo wanted to redeem his brother’s loss and bring his family one step closer to achieving a rather high goal. If the Turtle had any hope of winning this, he would have to make himself focused and fight past his own limitations.

The arena horn blared, signaling for the match to start.

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The next and second to last match in the tournament finals of the Mirage TMNT storyline is posted and ready for participation! Honestly, I hadn't expected this competition between the two teams to go on this long but seeing as how the Turtles suffered one loss, and the Street Fighter team had suffered two losses with the defeat of Guile and Chun-Li, it was only reasonable that this proceed on as per KOF team tournament rules with the elimination of all members for both respective teams. So I decided that here we are going to have an underdog fighting an experienced veteran-- in the form of Michelangelo against Ken Masters.

Writing out the recap between Donatello and Chun-Li was relatively easy for me to do as I started on a Saturday night, and worked for a few hours on Mother's Day Sunday. I knew well enough of Chun-Li's moves based on having somewhat played her in the many Street Fighter games she featured in, and I tried my best to emulate her style when it came to translating it through text. Kung-Fu, specifically, Chun-Li's brand of Kung-Fu is a mixture of Kempo and Taichi, and I wanted to convey her emphasis with kicking techniques and fluidity where as Donatello had a more rigid style with his bo-staff, though I tried to make it written out as evenly as possibly between the two. I honestly had been expecting Donatello to lose, considering how popular Chun-Li is in Street Fighter, whether it's for her design, gameplay or... other things which her fans appreciate her for. But I think Donatello had claimed a big win against someone as skilled and as strong as Chun-Li.

Now... we have an interesting match up between Michelangelo and Ken Masters. It's practically an underdog and the Turtle who is often most underestimated, going up against the United States Martial Arts champion and fan favorite Street Fighter. I'd also like to remind people that despite Michelangelo often being perceived as the fun loving, goofy, pizza eating goober of the TMNT which his 1987 toon counterpart set as the standard, that is NOT who Mirage Michelangelo is at all. Sure, he's pretty wily and easy going but he's not at all an idiot which most incarnations of Michelangelo portray the character as, and is known to be the Turtle with the most potential out of the four when he really applies himself. And right now, Michelangelo is taking this fight against Ken quite seriously.

Remember-- ENVIRONMENT IS ALSO A FACTOR IN THIS BATTLE! Something I feel like people need to seriously consider.

For new readers who are just hopping onto this storyline here, I suggest you look at the Mirage TMNT Respect Thread to see what the Mirage Turtles are more than capable of.


Michelangelo is Low Tier Superhuman in terms of physicals. Think Above Peak Human due to his mutation and training.

Michelangelo possesses his Twin Nunchaku, Shurikens, Smoke Bombs, and Kunai.


Ken Masters is in Peak Conditioning due to his training.

Ken Masters has his moveset from the Street Fighter games.

Ken Masters DOES NOT have access to Violent Ken mode as he is free of Shadaloo's Mind Control.

Battle Environment Map


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Michaelangelo works  best with his unpredictability. Ken is a little flashy and highly stylized. I would take a powerful fighter to beat him. This turtle can get pretty fierce and he might surprise Ken. But then Ken would bust out with his special moves, a hurricane kick seems appropriate.  It may even take a dragon punch to do Mickey in. It possible for Michaelangelo to win but the odds are in Ken's favor.

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39 minutes ago, leroypowell3 said:

Michaelangelo works  best with his unpredictability. Ken is a little flashy and highly stylized. I would take a powerful fighter to beat him. This turtle can get pretty fierce and he might surprise Ken. But then Ken would bust out with his special moves, a hurricane kick seems appropriate.  It may even take a dragon punch to do Mickey in. It possible for Michaelangelo to win but the odds are in Ken's favor.

You seem to really favor Ken. Do you main as him in the games?

Also, keep in mind, Michelangelo has seen the way Ken fights. And Michelangelo is also the most talented of the Turtles, and even has easily beaten Raphael in Mirage canon in a sparring match, which prompted Raphael to lose his temper. And keep in mind, in this arc, Raphael gave Ken a fight and even so much as bruised or cracked one of his ribs.


And even if you take away Michelangelo's accomplishments in this arc, Michelangelo, in Mirage canon also has defied some serious odds stacked against him. Here's a display of his skill when Michelangelo was dehydrated, malnourished, tortured and beaten when he takes down a Triceraton guard.



And let's not forget, Michelangelo has fought creatures from folklore and mythology that are arguably more powerful than Ken. With his brothers, he faces Cerberus, Manticora, Grendel and Fideal all took place in the Hall of Lost Legends, a sanctuary and museum where figures of mythology and folklore reside. In the Mirage universe, these mythological figures do exist, but are confined to the Hall of Lost Legends.


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Just now, leroypowell3 said:

I have that comic. Or had it. The scans of the fight with Rapheal at least.

Awesome! I wish I had more of the Mirage stuff in my shortboxes! But I have the comic where the Raphael scans came from as well!

1 minute ago, leroypowell3 said:

And I'm a Ryu guy.

As am I! I prefer Ryu over Ken, even if they play quite similarly.

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Great set-up as usual, Rakai. Since there's about less than a day left to vote and rate this match as I type this, I hope a few more folks get in comments. Great recap with Donatello and Chun-Li. Chun-Li's skill and grace really came off well in the fight, as did Donnie's skill and ingenuity. 

On 5/12/2024 at 10:30 PM, RakaiThwei said:

But the smoke now moved in front of Chun-Li’s field of vision, and she suddenly found herself coughing profusely as the black smoke infiltrated her lungs, interrupting her Kikousho technique.


That's the technique of Chun-Li's that I meant to post in my comment for your last match, not the Kikoken. I thought the Kikosho may give Donnie trouble, but he figured out a way to counter it. Also, an interesting and unexpected way to end the fight. 

As for the match, we've got Michelangelo's wilder style against Ken's fury. Both arguably rely as much on their athleticism as their skills. Ken may be slightly fresher than Mikey and has his ferocious speicials, but Raph did manage to injure Ken's ribs earlier. Since it's doubtful Ken's ribs are healed yet, that just may give Mikey the edge he needs. 

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34 minutes ago, DSkillz said:

Great set-up as usual, Rakai. Since there's about less than a day left to vote and rate this match as I type this, I hope a few more folks get in comments. Great recap with Donatello and Chun-Li. Chun-Li's skill and grace really came off well in the fight, as did Donnie's skill and ingenuity. 

Thanks for commenting DSkillz!

Yeah, the recap was a bit of an interesting thing to write out. I felt it was a match between two contrasting styles here and I really wanted to convey Chun-Li's grace as best as I could. Great to know that I accomplished that!

37 minutes ago, DSkillz said:


That's the technique of Chun-Li's that I meant to post in my comment for your last match, not the Kikoken. I thought the Kikosho may give Donnie trouble, but he figured out a way to counter it. Also, an interesting and unexpected way to end the fight. 

Yeah, I had to figure put a way for Donatello to get around that attack! And I wanted to do something different with the way the fight ended instead of the usual knock out.

39 minutes ago, DSkillz said:

As for the match, we've got Michelangelo's wilder style against Ken's fury. Both arguably rely as much on their athleticism as their skills. Ken may be slightly fresher than Mikey and has his ferocious speicials, but Raph did manage to injure Ken's ribs earlier. Since it's doubtful Ken's ribs are healed yet, that just may give Mikey the edge he needs. 

Great breakdown and great in remembering that Raphael had injured Ken's ribs. That's something that needs to be kept in mind of as that could affect Ken's performance in any fight.

Thanks for commenting!

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Heehee Donnie's a softie, but he knows what to do to get the win and how to effectively provide a win for his team as well. People shouldn't underestimate him, similar to Mikey, but often some do. His use of the smoke pellet, roomba, and staff was a great move, and I'm glad you used it, as it shows how Donnie is a fighter capable of both strategizing and innovating his techniques based on equipment, strategy and experience. The fight shown here was well balanced, and presented a good narrative for how the Turtles can win against these Street Fighter upper echelon opponents. A lot of people seem to think that they are far more impressive than they actually are because of the accomplishments they have, but I think the Turtles do stand a great chance of winning here as the experiences they have had, have improved them by leaps and bounds, and I think that will be enough for them to win the rest of their matches here.



Ken is a tough opponent, but I think that Mikey can win this one if he works to take advantage of the openings that Ken provides when he goes in close for his quick-hit combos, as his need to stay up close and personal leaves him vulnerable to counters and counterattacks viable in taking him down. Ken is also, all about timing in his attacks, and if Mikey can work to interrupt or interfere with that aspect of his fighting style, then he could exploit that and do some real damage against his opponent. Mike is quick, but he is also tactical, and I think that in being so, Mike could potentially turn the tide in a way Raphael could not. Raph was an offensive-speed based fighter, while Mike is speed-strategy based, and I think that difference in my opinion will lead to a different fight and different results when paired with Ken by comparison.

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1 hour ago, Z451 said:

Heehee Donnie's a softie, but he knows what to do to get the win and how to effectively provide a win for his team as well. People shouldn't underestimate him, similar to Mikey, but often some do. His use of the smoke pellet, roomba, and staff was a great move, and I'm glad you used it, as it shows how Donnie is a fighter capable of both strategizing and innovating his techniques based on equipment, strategy and experience. The fight shown here was well balanced, and presented a good narrative for how the Turtles can win against these Street Fighter upper echelon opponents. A lot of people seem to think that they are far more impressive than they actually are because of the accomplishments they have, but I think the Turtles do stand a great chance of winning here as the experiences they have had, have improved them by leaps and bounds, and I think that will be enough for them to win the rest of their matches here.

Yeah, out of all the Turtles, Donatello is generally considered to be the nice guy of the bunch but he's not afraid to fight if he's go to. He's even had to teach Casey Jones a lesson one time, especially when Casey was in a drunken stupor as he was extremely depressed after having killed a teenage boy by mistake during one of his patrols. But yeah, I had to write out how the fight between Donatello and Chun-Li would've gone, and I wanted to show that Donatello had to make a use of his skills, his gadgets and ingenuity to deal with someone like Chun-Li who often gets by with her own grace and skill. I saw this as a match between rigidity and fluidity, assuming that's an appropriate analogue for it.

1 hour ago, Z451 said:

Ken is a tough opponent, but I think that Mikey can win this one if he works to take advantage of the openings that Ken provides when he goes in close for his quick-hit combos, as his need to stay up close and personal leaves him vulnerable to counters and counterattacks viable in taking him down. Ken is also, all about timing in his attacks, and if Mikey can work to interrupt or interfere with that aspect of his fighting style, then he could exploit that and do some real damage against his opponent. Mike is quick, but he is also tactical, and I think that in being so, Mike could potentially turn the tide in a way Raphael could not. Raph was an offensive-speed based fighter, while Mike is speed-strategy based, and I think that difference in my opinion will lead to a different fight and different results when paired with Ken by comparison.

A very good and decent breakdown to how this fight could play out!

As always, thanks for commenting!

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From a game mechanics standpoint, Ken has been the strongest character in SF6 for pros and casuals since its release which on its face would speak to how well his fighting style matches up against a variety of other martial arts and styles which I think would serve him well against the turtles. As for how he compares to the fighters Michaelangelo has fought thus far in this arc, I think the strongest fighters Mikey has defeated are Guile and Kula Diamond. I would pick Ken over either of those two as well as over Mai who is Mikey's only defeat thus far.

Outside of the arc into their actual lore, I would have thought the only real advantage Michelangelo would have would be in team fighting or fighting large groups neither of which is useful in this scenario. However, I don't want to discount his one-on-one fighting experience especially given the scans shared in this thread. 

Could Ken use the injured ribs as a motivation to push himself even harder to victory? Perhaps. Would it even matter since an injured Ken puts him at a supreme disadvantage despite being the fresher of the two, probably not. 

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19 minutes ago, JohnnyChany said:

From a game mechanics standpoint, Ken has been the strongest character in SF6 for pros and casuals since its release which on its face would speak to how well his fighting style matches up against a variety of other martial arts and styles which I think would serve him well against the turtles. As for how he compares to the fighters Michaelangelo has fought thus far in this arc, I think the strongest fighters Mikey has defeated are Guile and Kula Diamond. I would pick Ken over either of those two as well as over Mai who is Mikey's only defeat thus far.

When it comes to game characters, I'm very iffy about utilizing game mechanics because they're implemented to make the game more fun for the player, especially when it comes to fighting game characters. Because then we're going to be talking about frame rates, invincibility mechanics, etc... For me, the best way to gauge a game character from a fighting game is to look at cutscenes or in-canonical alternative media such as Street Fighter IV: Ties That Bind, and the Juri OVA. To my knowledge, those are the only canonical films which do line up with the games. A case CAN be made for Joey Ansah's Assassin's Fist live action movie, as it's an adaptation of the games canon-- which also incorporates elements from the non-canonical Alpha OVA films, but I feel like it's a grey area for that specific film. As for the Udon comics? That's also a grey area, while the story and timelines don't line up with the games, the powers of the characters do save for a few elements which are completely original to Udon (i.e. Shin Ryu, Darkstalkers vs Street Fighter, Petra, etc).

Yeah, Ken is definitely someone who is more skilled than Kula... But as for Guile? I don't know. I do know that Ken and Guile are brothers in law, because their respective wives are sisters to each other, and they likely have fought each other around the events of Street Fighter II, but Capcom's stance on the story of SFII (and it's iterations) are muddy at best. SFII happened but other than that, no word on who fought who and who beat who has ever really been released-- the only concrete information is that Akuma killed Bison.

Sorry for my little tangent.

19 minutes ago, JohnnyChany said:

Outside of the arc into their actual lore, I would have thought the only real advantage Michelangelo would have would be in team fighting or fighting large groups neither of which is useful in this scenario. However, I don't want to discount his one-on-one fighting experience especially given the scans shared in this thread.

That's something which I have been trying to show A LOT of people that while the TMNT work best as a team, they can fight individually just as good. And I feel like that is something which people don't really take into consideration because they've been shown working as a team more often than not. There were more scans of Michelangelo fighting on his own, but I omitted from posting them up. Here's some more of Michelangelo fighting a genetically altered Triceraton who was developed more for speed than brute strength. And this was Michelangelo after he was starved and tortured.





26 minutes ago, JohnnyChany said:

Could Ken use the injured ribs as a motivation to push himself even harder to victory? Perhaps. Would it even matter since an injured Ken puts him at a supreme disadvantage despite being the fresher of the two, probably not. 

Possibly. But I would think that Ken is fairly tough enough to fight through pain. I was considering on pulling the healing ability which Ken had demonstrated in Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie, but I wasn't too sure if that would've been a good idea as it would've put Michelangelo at a disadvantage more so. Ken has the experience and power, Michelangelo has the speed and unpredicability. And both are not at one hundred percent... I would think that Michelangelo's fight with Guile might have worn him out, and Ken's fight with Raphael... MAYBE I shouldn't have had Raphael injure him in that way but the votes were really close.

Oh well, live and learn I guess.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - JohnnyChany
5.00 - Boratz
5.00 - Z451
4.80 - DSkillz

FPA Calculation:
4 Total Votes cast
19.80 Total Combined Score
19.80 / 4 = 4.95 Final Rating on the match

Michelangelo (Mirage): 7
Ken Masters: 4

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