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Rumble 20539 Whitespikes vs. The Xenomorphs
Whitespikes: 0
The Xenomorphs: 3

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12:8 - The Judderman vs. The Noid


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The Judderman

Slot: The Team's Corporate Mascot
Season Wins: 0
Season Losses: 1
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about The Judderman at this Wiki
Official Site: Bacardi Limited

The Noid

Slot: The Team's Corporate Mascot
Season Wins: 0
Season Losses: 1
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about The Noid at this Wiki
Official Site: Domino's Pizza

Battle Terrain
Marketing Challenge: Heinz EZ-Squirt Colored Ketchup

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Both are creepy in different ways, but one has the feeling of being creepy based on appearance and ad pitches, whereas the other has the notion of being creepy based on being a grown man in a bunny suit.

One is creepy because of a more fantastical sense of danger and horror, he mystifies you and entices you into doing things, while the other is creepy because of the notion of what he is in the most simplest of forms.

My point is, the Noid may appeal to kids for sure based on his more goofy appearance, but I can also see kids and perhaps adults going to the Judderman side just as easily, not because they are necessarily horror addicts, but rather because there is something mystical, something dazzling about him and his world that attracts people's attention, stays in their mind, and sticks with them.

Let me ask everyone this, which sticks in your mind more soundly, more distinctly, a horror movie that you like or were scared by, or the last McDonald's commercial you saw last month, last week, or yesterday?  Which influences you more to buy something, a goofy cartoon, or a more inspired form of media?

The K-Fee commercials from Germany for example, used this particular tactic to appeal to their audience, and have likely boosted sales of the product in question vicariously as a result, whereas McDonalds, Burger King, Duncan Donuts, etc., routinely create some of the same ads, but get by on their fame and already present notoriety, so for me, it suggests that scary advertisements can stick, and can leave an impact on people, if done right, even to entice them to buy different colored ketchup.

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