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Rumble 13692 T-850 (Terminator) vs. T-1000 (Terminator) vs. T-X (The Terminatrix)

Guest maggog

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This. This may be the best example of why no one should ever bother arguing with a fanboy. There is no winning when you argue with a fanboy. You can be right in everything you've said, your argument can include damning evidence, but you will never persuade a fanboy that you're correct. Jaeger, DSkillz, this is friendly advice from someone else who fell into this fanboy trap.


I'm a fanboy why? Because you say so or just because I have a different opinion than someone else? What do you mean theirs no winning? Is this about arguing just to argue? I know I've been right. I've proved Jaeger wrong a billion different ways and he's repeated himself a billion different time knowing everything he says is false.



I already did. I just wanted to prove that in fact he was a fanboy and essentially set an example for the rest of the board in future dealings with him. :)


I think I did a good job of it.


I am not sure who you think you proved who was a fanboy considering I don't entertain a word you say, You did nothing, but come up with lies over and over again Is all you did.

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I'm a fanboy why? Because you say so or just because I have a different opinion than someone else?

You're a fanboy because so far you haven't been able to provide any proof for your claims, nor been able to refute the claims of your opponents in any way other than. "I don't think that's true, so I'll ignore that."

What do you mean theirs no winning? Is this about arguing just to argue?

Winning, in a debate, means you manage to get your opponent to agree with your point.

I know I've been right. I've proved Jaeger wrong a billion different ways and he's repeated himself a billion different time knowing everything he says is false.

And this is why you're a fanboy.

I am not sure who you think you proved who was a fanboy considering I don't entertain a word you say, You did nothing, but come up with lies over and over again Is all you did.

If what he's said are lies, then you should easily be able to find proof which shows that, however considering you haven't done so far, I highly doubt you can.

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The T-1000 would *insensitivity* the T-X.......... Hard and good.


Did you even read the OP? Obviously not.


The scans say in the OP Movie versions. No comic and that comic Is non canon anyways.

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I'm a fanboy why? Because you say so or just because I have a different opinion than someone else?


You're a fanboy because so far you haven't been able to provide any proof for your claims, nor been able to refute the claims of your opponents in any way other than. "I don't think that's true, so I'll ignore that."


What do you mean theirs no winning? Is this about arguing just to argue?


Winning, in a debate, means you manage to get your opponent to agree with your point.


I know I've been right. I've proved Jaeger wrong a billion different ways and he's repeated himself a billion different time knowing everything he says is false.


And this is why you're a fanboy.


I am not sure who you think you proved who was a fanboy considering I don't entertain a word you say, You did nothing, but come up with lies over and over again Is all you did.


If what he's said are lies, then you should easily be able to find proof which shows that, however considering you haven't done so far, I highly doubt you can.

Oh Ok, so I am suppose to agree with someone because they want me too or should I agree with them if I feel like they're right? I would think it's the second one and I do not feel he is right and he's just arguing just to argue. He is just trying to get the last word in is all.... I need to show proof hes a liar why? Cause he obviously hasn't watched the movies and doesn't know a thing about the T-800, T-1000 or T-X? In that case he shouldn't be posting on this thread.

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I need to show proof hes a liar why?

You need to show proof that what he is saying is wrong, because so far the only one who has shown any kind of proof, is Jaeger.

Simply saying that you don't like what he's saying, so it's wrong, doesn't work, you need to provide evidence that supports your claim of him being wrong.

Cause he obviously hasn't watched the movies and doesn't know a thing about the T-800, T-1000 or T-X? In that case he shouldn't be posting on this thread.

Yes, because disagreeing with you obviously means he has absolutely no clue what he's talking about, rather than the fact that he has more information about said topic [/sarcasm]

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I need to show proof hes a liar why?


You need to show proof that what he is saying is wrong, because so far the only one who has shown any kind of proof, is Jaeger.


Simply saying that you don't like what he's saying, so it's wrong, doesn't work, you need to provide evidence that supports your claim of him being wrong.


Cause he obviously hasn't watched the movies and doesn't know a thing about the T-800, T-1000 or T-X? In that case he shouldn't be posting on this thread.


Yes, because disagreeing with you obviously means he has absolutely no clue what he's talking about, rather than the fact that he has more information about said topic [/sarcasm]

What proof has Jaeger shown? He has shown jack crap from what I've seen.


I never said I disliked what he was saying, I was just saying I didn't agree with what he was saying because he is either lying, trolling, doesn't know what hes talking about or its all three.


He has no information. All he can go on about is how he thinks the T-X can beat the T-1000 when the T-X has a shitty recovery ability, the T-1000 was faster than her and the T-X lost her shapeshifting abilities after the T-800 broke her arm.. lmao.... the T-1000 can do the same.


So yes Jaeger saying the T-X who lost her legs from being pinned down by a helicopter and couldn't use her super strength to lift that trash off of her legs, but had to rip them out of get free and couldn't regenerated her legs and died from a bomb explosion is going to beat the T-1000 who was burned, frozen, fell from insane heights, grenade blast, head blown apart, had his entire body blown to tiny pieces and regenerated like nothing happed.


Yes whats the T-1000 going to do with his regenerating factor and superior strength against the T-X... Just how? How? Seriously, I understand the woman was hot, but that doesn't give anyone the right to have a crush on her and think she wins because of which shows hes a flat out fanboy. As I said in one of my posts, them having a hot woman play a villain was stupid.... The T-1000 use to scare the shits out of me....


And I believe I did say, the TERMINATOR had his head blown apart and his entire body blown to tiny pieces before.


T-1000 Stomps.

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What proof has Jaeger shown? He has shown jack crap from what I've seen.


On the contrary, over the several topics we've discussed which includes the Terminator 3 novelization by David Hagberg and the fact whether or not The Terminator in T3 was a 850, I showed that:


1.) The novel was completely the opposite of what you said, i.e. isn't canonical to the films, states the "800" is actually a 850, and demonstrates the reason in being noncanon as per duraplast flesh.


2.) I've gone into great detail about the differences between a 800 and 850, the existence of the latter and why The Terminator in T3 isn't the former - I've even demonstrated the fact by pointing out technical differences i.e. the fuel cell as taken from T2's garage scene, a statement by Frakes, and the dual cells seen in T3.



I never said I disliked what he was saying, I was just saying I didn't agree with what he was saying because he is either lying, trolling, doesn't know what hes talking about or its all three.


On the contrary once more - it is you who lied about the novel and are consistently constantly spewing the same lies, and at this point, I've convinced it is you who's trolling. What's more is... you don't seem to be aware of what you're talking about - i.e. the T3 novel itself, the differences and existence of the T-800 and T-850, as well as several other things, such as the difference between a nuclear detonation and smelting temperatures, etc. This extends to the following...


He has no information. All he can go on about is how he thinks the T-X can beat the T-1000 when the T-X has a shitty recovery ability, the T-1000 was faster than her and the T-X lost her shapeshifting abilities after the T-800 broke her arm.. lmao.... the T-1000 can do the same.


Incorrect. The T-X was designed to eliminate cybernetic organisms, i.e. other Terminators. It demonstrates this via its' comic appearances and the prompt manhandling of the T-850 in T3. What's more is there's nothing that indicates the TX lost its ability to shapeshift after it received damage to it's right limb from the RPG - that is pure speculation on your part - nothing indicates this to be the case.


So yes Jaeger saying the T-X who lost her legs from being pinned down by a helicopter and couldn't use her super strength to lift that trash off of her legs, but had to rip them out of get free and couldn't regenerated her legs and died from a bomb explosion is going to beat the T-1000 who was burned, frozen, fell from insane heights, grenade blast, head blown apart, had his entire body blown to tiny pieces and regenerated like nothing happed.


Evidently she didn't have the sufficient strength to lift a large transport helicopter, even after the extensive damage she received from it crashlanding atop her. That doesn't, in anyway, indicate that she cannot defeat the T-1000. Once more I refer you to the comics where they indicate the TX's superiority to the T-1000 by way of it's plasma weaponry. And before we go any further: The comics supplement the films canon - there's nothing to render it noncanon other than the aggravated ranting of fanboy saying so. Simply no evidence to put that forth. And another thing: The T-1000 wouldn't survive a fuel cell explosion like the TX didn't. :) Beyond that the TX being able to survive all what you listed amounts to nothing when, once again I reiterate, the TX has the weaponry to deal with the T-1000 relatively easily.


Yes whats the T-1000 going to do with his regenerating factor and superior strength against the T-X... Just how? How? Seriously, I understand the woman was hot, but that doesn't give anyone the right to have a crush on her and think she wins because of which shows hes a flat out fanboy. As I said in one of my posts, them having a hot woman play a villain was stupid.... The T-1000 use to scare the shits out of me....


Nothing indicates the T-1000 being superior to the TX in strength, rather the opposite. It does have a regenerative factor but that amounts to nothing against the plasma weaponry of the TX's. I do not have a crush on Kristanna Loken - she's a paltry actress as is and the only aspect she has going for her is her sexuality but that in of itself at best isn't enough. Though I will say the portrayal of the villain amounts to jack shit - so the comment about the T-1000 scaring you, as well as the hot woman playing matters little. It is what it is and the TX, quite frankly, is still superior.


T-1000 Stomps


Incorrect - though it isn't to say you have not the right to have the opinion of saying as such. It's merely that with all the evidence given forth by me and the lack of any on your part plus the obvious trolling/ignoring, it's pretty much precisely an incorrect opinion. :)


Though I've the feeling you'll ignore this post simply because of the "large" content it contains, which isn't how one debates though it is perfectly in your right to do so (it is still perceived against you negatively though), I feel as if the point's been made.

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Again not reading through all that crap. It's probably not worth reading anyways. The T-1000 would destroy the T-X. You can type that wall full of nonsense until your fingers bleed. Not going to bother.

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And all this talk about the Plasma weaponary is flat out stupid and in that cross over scan, she didn't even use a plasma canon, it was a flame thrower...... Either Way this debates about movie versions. Not that trash.... The Plasma Canon that couldn't even burn the T-800's shirt and flesh is going to destroy the T-1000? Yup that makes sense.


T-1000 Stomps.

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Jack crap? On Jaeger's end, I see official quotes from the novel you claimed referred to the Terminator as a T-800. On your end, I see a bunch of shit you pulled out of your arse and started flinging about. The difference is astronomical.


I referred to THE TERMINATOR as a T-800? It depends which part of THE TERMINATOR you're talking about.

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Again not reading through all that crap. It's probably not worth reading anyways. The T-1000 would destroy the T-X. You can type that wall full of nonsense until your fingers bleed. Not going to bother.


It's in his fairly large posts, that he has shown the various evidence to support his position, something that you have yet to do.


At this point, I'm done, you haven't shown any evidence to support your nor disprove his claim, and you can't take the time needed to actually read his reply, to figure out whether he might actually know what he's talking about.


Typical fanboy behaviour.

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And all this talk about the Plasma weaponary is flat out stupid and in that cross over scan, she didn't even use a plasma canon, it was a flame thrower...... Either Way this debates about movie versions. Not that trash.... The Plasma Canon that couldn't even burn the T-800's shirt and flesh is going to destroy the T-1000? Yup that makes sense.


T-1000 Stomps.



That clearly isn't a flamethrower - a flamethrower isn't as linear nor is it almost solidly red in coloration. It's an energy weapon and we're told it was destroyed by plasma weaponry. And nothing dictates that the comics aren't canon to the films, so either buck up and prove this to be the case or stop trying to hide behind the OP's statement and configuring it to your liking just because you cannot provide facts.



I referred to THE TERMINATOR as a T-800? It depends which part of THE TERMINATOR you're talking about.


...He was referring to your comment of the Terminator in the Terminator 3 novel being a T-800, which you said, whereas it wasn't true as it explicitly states it is a 850. Backtracking ain't going to do much now at this point other than make you look stupid further. >.>

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And all this talk about the Plasma weaponary is flat out stupid and in that cross over scan, she didn't even use a plasma canon, it was a flame thrower...... Either Way this debates about movie versions. Not that trash.... The Plasma Canon that couldn't even burn the T-800's shirt and flesh is going to destroy the T-1000? Yup that makes sense.


T-1000 Stomps.

Where does it say that this is only about the movie versions? Is it buried on one of the first couple of pages? Or are you trying to give a little weight to your pitiful argument by discounting anything that wasn't in theaters?

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It's in his fairly large posts, that he has shown the various evidence to support his position, something that you have yet to do.


At this point, I'm done, you haven't shown any evidence to support your nor disprove his claim, and you can't take the time needed to actually read his reply, to figure out whether he might actually know what he's talking about.


Typical fanboy behaviour.

Evidence? What evidence are you wanting to see? Since you obviously aint seen the the movies. Now i'm a fanboy? How could you expect someone to not be a fanboy with the username TERMINATOR-FAN?



Where does it say that this is only about the movie versions? Is it buried on one of the first couple of pages? Or are you trying to give a little weight to your pitiful argument by discounting anything that wasn't in theaters?

The scans of the characters show only movie versions. My pitiful argument? How's your argument? Oh nm... You never had one to begin with.



That clearly isn't a flamethrower - a flamethrower isn't as linear nor is it almost solidly red in coloration. It's an energy weapon and we're told it was destroyed by plasma weaponry. And nothing dictates that the comics aren't canon to the films, so either buck up and prove this to be the case or stop trying to hide behind the OP's statement and configuring it to your liking just because you cannot provide facts.




...He was referring to your comment of the Terminator in the Terminator 3 novel being a T-800, which you said, whereas it wasn't true as it explicitly states it is a 850. Backtracking ain't going to do much now at this point other than make you look stupid further. >.>

Yes that is a flame thrower. Plasma Blast don't blow out nothing, but fire for several seconds. A Plasma Blast makes one shot as seen in T3 and once a Plasma Blast has been launched, it has to recharge. Which would also give the T-1000 plenty of time to reform ( as good as new again. ) and you know why that comics non canon? Cause theirs no proof of James Cameron stating such.... Plus the scans of the characters in the OP show to be that of movie versions. Not that garbage. The OP yes did configure that so please stop kissing everyone elses ass, thinking you're going to join their gang and think you're gonna get somewhere.


Again where is your proof of Arnold being a T-850 besides wiki's that I can go edit for you? Show me a clip from T3 stating the term " T-850 " I bet you can't. You know why? Cause I have watched T3 closely and it never stated such and yet you guys cry about me not providing evidence when you do the same? Whatever.







See that right there shows you're trolling and flaming.



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The scans of the characters show only movie versions. My pitiful argument? How's your argument? Oh nm... You never had one to begin with.

If you're talking about the images at the top, those are just the battle pictures. Those are the pictures that show up for every match or rumble the characters are in. If I use Superman from the animated series, the picture of him from the comics still shows up.


I'll admit I've done very little to argue the point that the T-X beats the 1000. Other people have put forth everything I would have to say on the matter, and I don't see broken records as a good source.

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