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Rumble 20592 Art the Clown vs. The Leprechaun
Art the Clown: 1
The Leprechaun: 0

Rumble 20591 Leatherface (2003) vs. Victor Crowley
Leatherface (2003): 0
Victor Crowley: 1

Rumble 20590 The Creeper (Jeepers Creepers) vs. The Djinn
The Creeper (Jeepers Creepers): 0
The Djinn: 2

Rumble 20589 Nathan Drake vs. The Xenomorph Queen
Nathan Drake: 0
The Xenomorph Queen: 5

Rumble 20588 Waldstein vs. Metera vs. Mutagen Man
Waldstein: 0
Metera: 1
Mutagen Man: 2

Theme Pool


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I quite like the idea of loss being a theme. When the main character loses someone or something close to them it can lead to a lot of other ideas in the theme pool such as madness, revenge, action etc but the hurt caused by and reaction to the loss is at the centre of the story.


The classic example of course would be Batman losing Alfred to an enemy (or even through the inaction of a friend).

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Sorry about not posting here earlier. I was, you know, into All-Star Weekend, heh, and I've also been under the weather all day today.


As for a match idea, how about characters competing in an individual sport (i.e., billiards or tennis)?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest LoneWolf

Working of one of the 9 MAJOR sins or 9 layers of Hell.



Region iv: Traitors to their lords


You can see how much of a mind control device medieval religion really was. The absolute bottom layer of Hell, the place for the most unforgiveable sin.... Those who betray their lords.

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Two characters of the opposite sex against two other characters in a competition other than fighting


Two characters that hate each other teaming up against a common enemy


You're very late, man. The theme for this month's challenge has already been decided:



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  • 3 weeks later...

  • Theme of "Game masters", characters who have game based attributes and would have matches deciding who's the King of Games.
  • Pet show? A little bit weird but certainly original. We'd have like Ace, Krypto, Thor's frog, maybe a few MLP FIM pets if anyone is inclined to add them, Mega man's dog, Bronx, etc.
  • International Battle Royale, Writers pick a country, and characters created non fictionally in that country, and pit them against other characters from a different country (for ex: Batman, USA, Goku, Japan, Pocong, Malaysia, etc,)

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Guest bigballerju

Some ideas for theme.


1. Make a match with characters from the CBUB Top Contenders list.

2. Make a match with manga vs comic characters. (No DBZ)

3. Make a match that pits the Movie Genre's iconic characters vs Comics. ( Say Godfather vs Kingpin)

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Guest Square Pickle

Theme ideas:


1.) Old Skool fiction vs New School fiction- (Beowolf vs Godzilla)


2.) "King of the Theme" Battle Royal (4 popular fighters of "close enough" power)- (Hulk vs Superman vs Thor vs Shazam) or (Jason vs Micheal Myers vs Freddy vs Leatherface).


3.) David vs Goliath (big size differences, but close in power)- (Heracles vs Leviathan)

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Meh, I'm not that great for theme ideas, but what if the characters engaged in a debate of some kind?

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Guest Ruinus

I like the idea of a role reversal where either a hero is a villain and a villain a hero. For instance, a setting where Batman is and has always been evil and where the Joker was and has always been good. It would have to be a pair that is well known and in the same setting, like Batman and the Joker, Superman and Lex Luthor, not... I don't know, evil Goku and good Sephiroth.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest sithisson

Battle of the bands. Looks like a few are in that database but then again there are characters with music talent of their own who could just create a band of their own for this. Someone like Homer for example.

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I guess my suggestions would be combinations of either




One character had to be unused and the other doesn't matter. One has to be from the horror category and the other one can be from any category. Like the title, it will be a survival and it doesn't matter what kind of survival horror.




Past vs. Present or Future


I don't really know what the right title for this one is but I like the idea of old versus new. Some from the past fighting some from either the present or the future.

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Make a three on three match without the use of DC and Marvel characters.


Except that would shut Rank 5's (such as yours truly) and Rank 4's out.


As for actual ideas... ATM I got nothin'. *shrugs*

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Guest bigballerju

Oh sorry I forgot about you lower Ranks. :P


I say make everyone then do a story explaining two characters from different Universes having to partner up for the first time against a common match up. It can't be DC or Marvel.

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My one thought is that if we want to dig into the depths of the database that we make it so the fights can't be actual physical confrontations. Make them have to be dance contests, or races, or game show contestants, etc.

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I like the idea of a role reversal where either a hero is a villain and a villain a hero. For instance, a setting where Batman is and has always been evil and where the Joker was and has always been good. It would have to be a pair that is well known and in the same setting, like Batman and the Joker, Superman and Lex Luthor, not... I don't know, evil Goku and good Sephiroth.


That's actually an interesting one, but we could open it up a bit. A known hero goes evil (no mind control). The story could revolve around three primary elements:

1 - Why he goes bad

2 - What he does when he goes bad

3.- Who goes about fighting him and why (so in this case it could indeed be his typical enemy).

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Guest bigballerju

Oh I really like the role reversal theme.Oh boy what a interesting challenge it would be if someone tried to explain how Joker turns good.

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Guest Ruinus

It'd be nice if we could get a few more suggestions in here, so I'll try providing a few.


Betrayal: Two fomerly good friends end up on opposite sides of a conflict. Doesn't matter what, a war, a battle, a dance competition, whatever. Two friends end up fighting in some way.


Love: One character is doing his damndest to make another character fall in love with them. Could be from the same setting, could be different ones. Hell, doesn't have to be resolved. It could just be their first meeting that sparks a flame, or their wedding day.


Poem/Song: This set up has to be in poem or song form. The longer the better.


Freeform constricted: Whatever you want, but it has to be under over 5,000 words.


The aforementioned role reversal: Write an alternate reality version where a good guy is a villain, and where the villain is the good guy. Example, a world where Batman is evil and the Joker is a good guy. A world where the Z Fighters are powerhungry dictators and Cell, Android 17 and 18, Freiza, etc are good guys trying to free Earth. Why these people are good/bad and why they are fighting is up to you.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Lunacyde

Since im new not sure if this has been done before but how about the match has to draw influence from a particular song and the song must be posted in the setup as well. I think this would be a cool idea vor next month.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Hayesmeister5651

Some themes for July:


Since July in the USA means Independence Day, how about a time travel/history related story? A character gets sent to the year 1776 and can completely change the course of the Revolutionary War. It doesn't even have to be USA related, just any very important time in history. Maybe Lex Luthor goes back in time to the Stone Ages and starts ruling then? Or if you have a character that lived through major wars like Wolverine, you could have him change a certain battle or something along those lines.


I was thinking if some random person on the street gained Dr. Manhattan-like powers, how would they deal with it?. This person could be even yourself. I think it'd be cool to read what fellow EFers would do with such power.


Another one that can be about yourself is if you gained immortality. How would you(or maybe a character you made up) deal with out living anyone you will ever know? To the point where sun explodes the Earth and you float aimlessly through space, would you find other life? Would you meet a god-like entity? Could you find a way to end your life?

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Guest MarvelFan15

I'm thinking of something along the lines of introducing certain characters to an atmosphere totally opposite to what they're used to, or writing the series and characters in a style intrinsically different than what was originally intended.


Like, making Warhammer 40K a kids-themed setting whilst warping Hello Kitty into a crapsack world of horrific proportions.

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