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Rumble 20541 Batman (Nolanverse) vs. Judas Breed
Batman: 2
Judas Breed: 0

Tournament - MST3K vs. Athena (Tomorrowland)
MST3K: 4
Athena (Tomorrowland): 0

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Oroku Hiroto: 0
Samael: 1
Kim Minsu: 3

Rumble 20539 Whitespikes vs. The Xenomorphs
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The Xenomorphs: 3

Cameron Poe vs. Castor Troy
Cameron Poe: 3
Castor Troy: 0

5:5 - Pinkie Pie vs. DeathKlok


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Pinkie Pie

Slot: The Team's Entertainer
Season Wins: 0
Season Losses: 1
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Pinkie Pie at Wikipedia
Official Site: Hasbro


Slot: The Team's Entertainer
Season Wins: 0
Season Losses: 1
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about DeathKlok at Wikipedia
Official Site: Cartoon Network

Battle Terrain
Entertainer: Studio 54

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Pinkie Pie gets noticed for being a bright pink cartoon horse, but other than that I feel like no one would really want to take her under their wing.. DeathKlok might get noticed as well, but putting their band in the context of the real world no one would want to have them cause they're too big of a liability and they kinda destroy everything they touch. Tough call, cause both of them are forces of chaos but I feel like people would lean towards DeathKlok more cause while they are fucking horrible to deal with, they're cash cows. Pinkie Pie doesn't have the same money pull.

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I wanna say Pinkie Pie... it’s disco which leans towards her and further from Deathklock. Plus yeah, them destroying things is also not very disco. If this were a metal venue I’d pick them. Granted, Pinkie Pie isn’t right up that alley but I think it’s less harmless for Studio 54 to go that route.

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1 hour ago, Macklemore said:

Song slaps, but it ain't canon.

Status: True.

The Gypsy Bard is a song from Friendship is Witchcraft: Cherry Bomb. [Episode 7] which is a FANMADE PARODY series (produced by Sherclop Pones). It's based on (and uses re-edited visuals from) the original show MLP FiM (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), which is owned by Hasbro.

But still... it's catchy.

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I like Deathklok. I think Metalocalypse is a very entertaining show,

The problem I keep coming back to with Deathklok is that bad decision making is built into their whole shtick.

It's like if somebody had chosen Spinal Tap in this slot, you would have to acknowledge that buffoonery seems to follow along with them.

Still, this is a hard one.  Who would the jaded celebs at Studio 54 pick up on?  The bubblegum pop act of Pinkie Pie or the Metal of Deathklok?

I think the answer is Deathklok.

Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath were both touring in 1977 and I think Deathklok would easily be recognized as the next big thing in that genre.

Pinkie Pie sings songs that are cute and all, but it would be difficult to NOT notice Deathklok, who is clearly the more subversive act.

I'll take Deathklok on this one... and fully expect them to screw something up with their poor decision making in the process.

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49 minutes ago, Bergy_Berg said:

Whatever anyone feels about MLP, Friendship is Witchcraft is 100% worth a watch.

Fun fact: Friendship is Witchcraft was made by Jenny Nicholson, who is now a fairly popular commentary YouTuber with over 600K subscribers. She's pretty funny, y'all should check her out. She talked about her experience with the Brony community in this video. Warning, it's really long.

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