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Match 20542 Colossus vs. Strong Guy

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In one of the largest gatherings of mutants in the school’s history, 50 heroes connected to various teams related to the X-Men gathered at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning.  Archangel, Banshee, Beast, Bishop, Cable, Cannonball, Captain Britain, Cerise, Chamber, Colossus, Cyclops, Dani Moonstar, Dazzler, Emma Frost, Feral, Forge, Gambit, Guardian, Havok, Hollow, Husk, Iceman, Jean Grey, Jubilee, Kylun, Longshot, M, Magma, Magik, Meggan, Multiple Man, Nightcrawler, Northstar, Polaris, Psylocke, Rachel Summers, Rictor, Rogue, Quicksilver, Sasquatch, Shadowcat, Shaman, Shatterstar, Snowbird, Storm, Strong Guy, Sunfire, Sunspot, Warpath, and Wolverine all came together upon the lawn in front of the X-Mansion.

WOLVERINE: What the hell is going on? Why were all summoned here?

NIGHTCRAWLER: While it is always nice to see so many familiar faces, I must agree mein friend. The call for us to come here was a bit vague for so many of us to be brought in one place.

STORM: I trust the professor has a good reason.

EMMA FROST: He better.

BISHOP: Maybe it’s the formation of a new mutant colony?

A giant green hologram of Professor Xavier appeared above the collected group.

XAVIER: Not quite, but I am well pleased to see that you all made the effort to be here.

CYCLOPS: Why are we here? 

A large hologram of Magneto appeared next to Professor Xavier.

MAGNETO: To train, but to also have fun. It is no secret that the threats we face are never ending and always escalating…

XAVIER: But that doesn’t mean we can't have fun while we hone our abilities.

MAGNETO: To wit, Charles and I have devised a tournament so that you may push yourselves to your limit while enjoying some competition.

XAVIER: All of you will be divided into 10 teams of 5. The first thing you will notice is that you have a shared history with your four teammates. All 10 teams were carefully chosen and crafted.

MAGNETO: Each member of your team will have a one on one skirmish with a member of a different team in the Danger Room. Whomever emerges victorious will earn a point for their team. No team will have more than one matchup against the same team. Every team will be vying for the most points.

STRONG GUY: What does the team with the most points win?

MAGNETO: You shall see, but trust me it will be worth it.

JUBILEE: I think I’m still a little hazy on how this works and what we are doing.

XAVIER: Patience, my child, all will be made clear once the tournament begins and you see for yourself. Before that though, we must announce the teams.

MAGNETO: I will let you lead off Charles.

XAVIER: The first team will be composed of my original students, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Beast, and Archangel.

MULTIPLE MAN: Heh, who didn’t see that coming?

MAGNETO: The second team will be the second batch of X-Men to join Charles from all over the world and make a GIANT impact. This team is Storm, Nightcrawler, Banshee, Colossus, and Sunfire.

WOLVERINE: I think you are forgetting someone, bub.

COLOSSUS: Da, and Yoshida was not with us for very long.

XAVIER: We have not forgotten you, Logan. We have another team in mind for you. But first the next team, the Uncanny X-Men, we will have Bishop, Forge, Kitty, Dazzler, and Longshot. 

MAGNETO: Now we get to you, Wolverine. You will be on the X-Men Blue team with your former X-Men Blue teammates, Rogue, Gambit, Psylocke, and Jubilee. Ah, the memories of our battles against one another.

JUBILEE: Yes!! My team is awesome!

XAVIER: The New Mutants team will be headed up by Cannonball and Dani Moonstar. It will also include Sunspot, Magik, and Magma.

MAGNETO: Emma Frost will form a team with her former Generation X students, Chamber, Husk, M, and Hollow.

XAVIER: Captain Britain, you will lead the Excalibur team with four of your first members, your wife, Meggan, Rachel Summers, Cerise, and Kylun.

MAGNETO:  Cable, Shatterstar, Feral, Rictor, and Warpath will comprise the X-Force team.

XAVIER: Havok, you shall be partnered with your original X-Factor teammates, Polaris, Quicksilver, Multiple Man, and Strong Guy.

MAGNETO: Last, but not least, the most obvious team, made up from Canada’s best mutants and heroes, Guardian, Sasquatch, Snowbird, Northstar, and Shaman of Alpha Flight.

XAVIER: You may take a moment to reconnect with your teammates before we begin.

MAGNETO: Time is of the essence, though, so as soon as you are ready, we would like Storm’s team and X-Factor to make their way to the Danger Room, so that we can begin with our first match.

The two holograms disappeared.

Chatter rose up from the large assortment of heroes as they shifted around into their teams. The talk was a mix of excitement and confusion, and some even wondered aloud if mutant mind powers may be involved in getting everyone to agree to this so quickly. Still, there was a thick air of anticipation in the air.

The Giant-Sized X-Men team and the X-Factor team made their way to the Danger Room while eyeing one another. The hologram of Professor Xavier reappeared.

XAVIER: We thought we should start with a rather obvious matchup. You will soon realize that all the pairings we have picked will have some sort of connection and this is one is no different. Guido Carosella, Piotr Rasputin, please step forward.

Strong Guy and Colossus separated themselves from their teams and stood next to one another.

STRONG GUY: Time to find out who is really the strongest, huh? Alright I’m down.

COLOSSUS: Da, good luck to you, Guido. Let us have our fight start off this tournament right.

Both men stepped into the danger room which quickly transformed into an abandoned factory.


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I can't fight the urge to vote for Colossus. Strong Guy power is everything Peter should not be fighting. Just like against Sebastian Shaw, Colossus has nothing to overcome Guido. I don't think he's powerful enough to overload him either.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.80 - broadwaybeyonder
5.00 - Boratz
5.00 - Culwych1
5.00 - patrickthekid

FPA Calculation:
4 Total Votes cast
19.80 Total Combined Score
19.80 / 4 = 4.95 Final Rating on the match

Colossus: 5
Strong Guy: 1

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