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Rumble 20716 Cleatus  vs. Frieren vs. Userkare (Frankenstein vs The Mummy)
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9:9 - Knull vs. Wonder Woman

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Slot: The Team's Marvel Comics Character
Season Wins: 1
Season Losses: 1
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Knull at this Wiki
Official Site: Marvel

Wonder Woman

Slot: The Team's DC Comics Character
Season Wins: 1
Season Losses: 1
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Wonder Woman at this Wiki
Official Site: DC Comics

Battle Terrain
Location: Paris

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Wonder Woman is a powerful opponent and very skilled but against someone and something like Knull, she is someone who goes down HARD.

Knull ripped the Sentry apart and absorbed his Void essence, becoming so much stronger in the process and then later took down King Thor with his Necrosword.

Wonder Woman will put up a fight but Knull takes her down with brutality and then skewers her with the god killing Necrosword, All-Black.

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Wonder Woman has faster combat speed, but that's her only real advantage. Eventually, she's gonna get tagged, and Knull is definitely going to be going for the throat. Unless Wonder Woman has some ridiculous form or power I'm forgetting about she's going to get wrecked pretty hard

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