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Match 12141 The Star Wars Fanatics vs. Trekkies

Guest captain Manzini

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Guest captain Manzini

A long time ago in a basement far, far away......



Boys and their intergalactic vessels.....

Episode 1

Melvin Grossman sat in his old sagging chair, his enormous girth straining the poor piece of furniture to it's breaking. He was at his limited edition R2D2 computer, it's hazy blue light worsening his already terrible eyesight as he squinted through his thick eyewear, heavily engrossed in the chatroom he was in. "Ah yes", he mused, "there's nothing like spending my saturday night lording my supreme knowledge of all things Star Wars over my lesser warsies." "But, I suppose all stormtroopers need a Darth Vader". "In fact......WHAT....IN THE HELL.....IS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Melvin's portly face became an extremely bright shade of red as he looked upon the offending post interrupting his daily rounds of the warsie chatrooms...."The death star looks like a poorly designed christmas ornament that a single red shirted ensign could take out!?!?!?!??!!!!?!!?" "Trekkies, in MY CHATROOM!!!!!! "This blasphemy must be dealt with at once....


And thus began yet another internet flame war, but this was no ordinary flame war. Nay, this was the pen ultimate, mac daddy, grand slammin', ultimate flame war. A flame war so vicous that over 100 nerds grow to be involved. Brother turns against brother, pizza's rot in their boxes untouched by the usually voraciously hungry nerds, exams and term papers get left undone....and even the comic book stores stand empty on free comic book day, their precious merchandise untouched by foul smelling unwashed hands. Soon, the flame war grows too large for even the internet, and the unthinkable occurs....a face to face battle royale of epic proportions to settle once and for all who has the ultimate franchise.....


Several days later in a large grassy field.....


Outside. The final frontier. These are the voyages of about 50 or so trekkies. Their one day mission:To wage a battle royale against the warsies in an effort to prove that Star Trek is the ultimate science fiction series and that George Lucas is a no talent hack compared to Gene Rodenberry. To accomplish this they shall boldly go where no trekkie has gone before.... the sunlight.


When Warsies Get Wild

Episode 2

The battle lines had been drawn. The warsie alliance was set to take on The Evil Trek Empire. 50 brave warsie knights came to the field of battle to face off against their opponents.....



The two encampments glared at eachother from across the field of battle, the trekkies clad in polyester starfleet uniforms, rubber klingon suits, and vulcan ears, wielding klingon Bat'leth's and large plastic phasers, perfect for pisto whipping wayward warsies. Their counterparts also stood ready for battle, clad in traditional jedi and sith robes and wielding plastic light sabers which were terrific for bringing tragedies upon testy trekkies. The two sides began the traditional pre-fight trash talk.....


"Hey trekkies, tell ya what. After we're done terminating you like obsolete programming software, we'll mop up your blood with your boy toy Shatner's toupee!"


"Hey Warsies, hows it feel to have the most innaccuracies in any film franchise! Everyone knows a parsec is a unit of distance, not time!!! Everyone but that hack han solo, that is!


And so on and so forth. This went on for about 40 minutes or so until the trekkies uttered the phrase that fills the hearts of warsies everywhere with a rage that makes the hulk whimper in fright.....


"Hey warsies, Greedo shot first"!!!!!


Every warsie's eyes bulged with rage as adrenaline filled their portly and extremely thin pale bodies as 50 plastic lightsabers surged with light.....



Melvin Grossman(aka, lead warsie)-"May the force be with us, friends. Charge!!!!!!"


Cornelies Pinderhues(aka, lead trekkie)-"It's a good day to die, my allies. Resistance is futile, Warsies!!!!!! Charge!!!!!!



And so the epic battle royale of franchises begins. Star trek, Star Wars. Both excellent in their own right. But in the world of nerds, there must be an ultimate franchise. And there can be only one. So, to quote yet another franchise, what shall be the "One franchise to rule them all?"
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Guest LoneWolf

I'm probably in the minority here when I say I like Trek better. It just has more actual science in it... Made up though it may be.. Also the aliens are more generic and similar to humans, but w/e... Wars kind of threw me off with the newer films whereas Trek has never really let me down that harshly before.


Great set-up man!

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Guest Shoggoth breeder

If I was able to rate matches this would get an 'A'


And I don't have any interest in either one of the series.

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Guest LoneWolf

If you watch the older Star Trek series, they are far superior to the Star Wars films. There is clearly a lot more established storyline with ST as well, since it has been through several TV series, where SW has mainly only been movies (and a few novels). There are also more ST movies than SW.. so SW doesn't really have anything except a cluttered mess, which no-one can agree on and generally is divided between new and old (I might be wrong, maybe no one likes the new stuff at all).

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Haha, a war of fanboys! :lol: This is your best match yet, cap. Don't know enough about either SW or ST to say which I would think this is better, but good job!

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Guest bigballerju

Star Trek has bad movies as well and the ones that are good are not on the level of the original Star Wars movies. The original Star Wars movies changed film and are iconic. Star Wars has a crapload of novels and comics that Star Trek can't touch. Star Wars has made billions of money which shows you right there how many fans it has.


Hell you can't tell me when you watch the Star Trek reboot Abrams didn't take from Star Wars. Even IGN did a comparsion showing this.


Star Wars will always be superior to Star Trek. Excellent setup

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Match Final Results


A Easy A here. Well done!



B Very funny and detailed, but the spelling and grammar errors barely prevent me from giving a "A" here.



The Star Wars Fanatics: 21

Trekkies: 9

FPA: 3.1


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Star Trek: TNG is superior to all six Star Wars films combined. Aside from that, the original series was great, Voyager was okay, Deep Space 9 was okay and Enterprise was sheer shit.


If we take the EU into account, stuff like the Darth Bane trilogy, KOTOR, Star Wars: Legacy and Jedi Outcast give Star Wars the win. But if we ignore the EU, Star Trek will forever be superior.


Also, the Star Trek reboot was nothing like Star Wars. At all. That was pure, hard science fiction, while Star Wars is more like a fantasy story in a sci-fi setting.

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Also, the Star Trek reboot was nothing like Star Wars. At all. That was pure, hard science fiction, while Star Wars is more like a fantasy story in a sci-fi setting.

And just what's wrong with that? I'd rather play Star Ocean over and over, than watch anything Star Trek.
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I recommend that you watch Plinket's review of the new Star Trek movie so that he can explain to you exactly how wrong you are. http://redlettermedia.com/plinkett/star-trek/star-trek-09/. Fair warning: There's some foul language in there


I can't watch those videos right now, but frankly, using someone else's opinion to back your own up is a fairly lazy way to debate. If you'd post some reasons yourself as to why they're similar, I'd be more than happy to address them.


EDIT: Ugh, I just reread this post and realized how dickish it sounds... sorry bout that.


@Rob: Uh, okay? I've never heard of "Star Ocean", so would you mind telling me what it is and how it's relevant to this debate? :huh:

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I can't watch those videos right now, but frankly, using someone else's opinion to back your own up is a fairly lazy way to debate. If you'd post some reasons yourself as to why they're similar, I'd be more than happy to address them.

I was just putting it out there. It's an enjoyable video

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Guest force_echo

Star Trek is harder than Star Wars (I mean, what isn't? You would have to go to something like Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy or Futurama to find something softer than SW.), but it's nowhere near "Pure, hard science fiction". Mass Effect is considerably harder than Star Trek, and it's a space opera. Then you have Jules Verne, Isaac Asimov, and Arthur Clarke, etc. who regularly write a lot harder than Star Trek.

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Guest LoneWolf

AVP pretty much summed it up, classic Star Trek and TNG > everything else. Great match, whoever gave you an 'F' with no explanation, is a troll and the reason why anonymity is a problem. Thanks for ruining it for everyone! It's people like you who get laws to police the internet enacted.

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