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Tournament - Juggernaut vs. Mr. Incredible
Juggernaut: 10
Mr. Incredible: 0

Rumble 20544 General Kregg vs. Stripe vs. Brigade
General Kregg: 2
Stripe: 0
Brigade: 1

Waspinator vs. Grumble Bee
Waspinator: 3
Grumble Bee: 2

Colossus vs. Strong Guy
Colossus: 5
Strong Guy: 1

Rumble 20541 Batman (Nolanverse) vs. Judas Breed
Batman: 2
Judas Breed: 0

Super hero RP

Guest KevinDWolf93

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Ohhhh my brain hurts, I'll look at what you guy's have for awhile before posting my stats

*EVIL LAUGH* this is the simple stuff It get more horrible later

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*EVIL LAUGH* this is the simple stuff It get more horrible later


Posted my stats. Also, I also wanna know the levels so we have some comparison.

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Posted my stats. Also, I also wanna know the levels so we have some comparison.

No comment also There 15 levels just to tell you

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No comment also There 15 levels just to tell you


So in other words, you don't have any idea if a one=regular human, etc?

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Total: 16

Strength: 2

Dexterity: 1

Vitality: 3

Intelligence: 2

Speed: 3

Stamina: 3


Strike: (Short): 0

Projection: (Mid): 2

Launch: (Long): 0

Accuracy: 0



Total: 15

Strength: 3

Dexterity: 1

Vitality: 1

Intelligence: 1

Speed: 1

Stamina: 2


Strike: (Short): 2

Projection: (Mid): 1

Launch: (Long): 1

Accuracy: 2



I will post Tom and Derek's later.

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Thought about making a new char, and so I will.


Code Name: Sixth Sense


Real Name: Jonathan Sears


Appearance: http://www.doctormacro.com/Images/Brando,%...Dolls%29_08.jpg


Were-Appearance: http://www.elfwood.com/~zachariah/Werebat-...ch.3355993.html


Origin: Jonathan was once a simple country man, pointing his shotgun at random teenagers that loitered on his lawn. One, named Gerard, was not like the others. Every day he showed up on his lawn. Every day. One day, Jonathan watched him for a bit. That day Jonathan found out the Gerard was NOTHING like the others. Gerard whistled ad a bat flew to his shoulder. Jonathan shrugged. Not that unusual here in the back country. The unusual thing was, the bat started to lick his arm, and he started bleeding. He ducked behind a tree, and Jonathan followed, pointing his shotgun at the space behind the tree. He heard laughter, and spun around, to face... nothing. Where had he gone? Jonathan lowered his shotgun. If he wasn't on the ground, he must be- CRACK! a branch fell right next to him. He spun around and shot the monster that was now flying at him in the chest. It killed it, but not before it left a glancing bite on his chest. That would not have turned him, but the kid's bat swooped down and started licking the wound eagerly. "AAAH!" Jonathan screamed, throwing the bat off. He felt himself changing, him growing extra arms under his arms, he regular arms turning to batwings, his ears lengthening, his face stoutening, his new arms taking a huge muscled form, mostly sinew and pure strength. He felt lighter... as if he could fly... and he did. He flapped his old arms in a fast circular motion, and he started to rise up. He grabbed his shotgun with his foot, and tossed it up to his new arms. He felt the familiar grip and smiled. He teeth flashed and grew pointed. He flapped toward the city, hoping to stop the same thing from happening to anyone else. The first one he encountered was Ragdoll. He pointed the shotgun at the back of Ragdoll's head and fired. Ragdoll merely turned, his hand turning to a crossbow and shooting at Jonathan. Jonathan did what any sane person in the same situation would do: run away. He hid behind a building, gripping the wall with five sets of claws, the sixth holding his shotgun.

And so begins the story of Sixth Sense.


Primary Powers:


He can kill things with his shotgun; Shotgun Usage.


He can strike with his claws; Claw Slashing/Stabbing/Torture Cutting.


He can make large amounts of winds with his wings; Buffeting.


He can bite things and cause damage; Biting.


He has a batlike sense of hearing; Echolocation.


He can fly, as a bat does; Flying.

Equipment: Shotgun



Sixth Sense:


Total: 15

Strength: 2

Dexterity: 3

Vitality: 3

Intelligence: 1

Speed: 3

Stamina: -2


Strike(Short): 3

Projection(Mid): 2

Launch(Long): -2

Accuracy: 2

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So in other words, you don't have any idea if a one=regular human, etc?

....yeah pretty much I update that later. If it really bugs you then me and kev would try to figure it out at the end of the week.Hopefully

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Guest hamtaroblazex
...Hold on. I might still join yet.

You better...or I'll...I'll.....I don't know...but when I do....Im sure it would be bad!


Btw....I'll have my stuff later!....so stop poking me!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest KevinDWolf93

Alright everyone sorry for ilding so long. Had school shit to work out. Now then, apparently some people still have not gotten a good grasp of the point system. That's ok. No problem. Now then I complied a bit of a FAQ for this issue. If you still have problems please don';t hesitate to ask and we'll do what we can...Well first lets bring it up so we can take this one at a time.


Welcome to my insane point system where I will destroy your mind with the weird and complex point system. Stats are what determined some of your abilities. Note that you can have negative stat if you take away from one the abilities(You can only make a stat go to -3 level ) the benefit from this would be 1 more points each decrease. Levels: 1,2,3 (Beginner levels) just to tell you. Ok now to move on to credits.










(Weapon part of it)







So to start off simply, you start with 15 points to spend(the draw:15...not sure why he put it like that, but yeah). Like he said you can give a negative stat to add more(what ill get into later)points for spending. Seems simple enough concept.


ok so 0 is pretty much average. The norm for an average person who does basic stuff to keep in shape but is pretty much otherwise untrained in it. So nothing special in other words. Your not useless with 0 strength, but comapred to some of the nastier things you'll be facing it might as well count for nothing(for the most part). Ex. 0 stat for projectile skill when using a gun = you know which way bullets come out of the gun, how to pull the trigger and point(not necessarily aim) it in a general direction of what you wish to hit and little else. In terms of physical stat, again basic untrained average. For ex. someone with a 0 in strength can lift a small dog or a few bags of groceries just fine, and can even a tv(if you have another guy holding the other side :o ). Run of the mill human stuff, but having to exert self in a situation may not go too well.


Now negative stats are pretty much what you'd expect of a dump stat. Your guy is below average in that field. So someone with negative in intelligence for example is not the smartest tool in the shed. Now the differences are fairly marginal. Going back to intelligence: -1 is probably soemone who didnt take any AP classes, and is a tad slow with comprehension and easily fooled. Still functional though as a human. -2 is a bit worse. Probably as stupid as someone can be while still being completely functional(low IQ or slow-witted). -3 is where your guy probably has some kind of disorder. He is defintiely going to be penalized for actions that the stat is needed in.


As for the plus stats. You have 15 points to spend+any points you got from taking negative stats. +1 is fairly well trained in it(head to the gym twice a week for strength or something) and +2 n 3 are that more so where you approach a skilled human. We put it at max three for now, because those are the thresholds for purely human level. We figured that around 4 or 5 is when you begin to get into superhuman level(definitely not the hulk at this point, but more than Bruce Lee or Schwarzaneggar can pull off for sure) and thats where power system(which we'll get out soonish) comes in. If your guy decidedely has superhuman stats(strength, intelligence, speed,etc) or otherwise is in a situation(werebeast, power armor, etc) where that is the case just give that stat a three and talk to me or sky once the power system is up(again soonish).


Finally for weapon handling part of stats. Thats the level of how, at the beginning of the RP, well versed and skilled you are with that category of weapons. So for example soemone with ranged 1 is good with their weapon of that category(if applicable) and maybe a few weapons that could be considered similar. Though if your guy is a bowman, that probably wont translate well into wielding a desert eagle aside from aiming. Also skillwise is a difference. Someone who has a level 1 in ranged and utilizes a bow and arrow is fairly skilled with it, probably practices at least semi-regularly and can usually hit the targets pretty well. While someone with level 3 skill can

an arrow with a given well-aimed shot among other nice feats. Again anything past level 3 is superhuman level(richocheting bullets, being able to slice through solid objects with a sword, etc) and you'll have to pm me or sky about it.







Is is that a good rundown of everything about the sheet? Do you understand better? Did I miss anything? Please give thorough feedback if I missed anything. Thanks :blink: .

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Guest bobisbeast
















--Accuracy: 3

The best necromancer/mad Scientist/Doctor ever




Armor:clothes on his back

Weapons: Customized laser pistol

Other: Backpack which is larger on the inside than it is on the outside, Banjo, Doctors kit ranging from run of the mill medical stuff to magical potions and the like, Cat and two Kittens, a box of twinkies, books on Necromancy and mad science, and a small collection of Knick knacks

Fred the Robot-











--Stamina: 2

(Weapon part of it)



--Launch(Long): 0

--Accuracy: 2

The best robot cyborg thing that shoots energy bombs and can turn his hands to laser swords ever.




Armor: himself and a pair of clothes


Weapons: Himself


Equipment: Sunglasses and Cool Hat

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Ok, I'm using Hero Maker 3, it's still in Alpha but much better than 2.5 in my option.


Codename - Omega Lighting or just Omega. hm3-beta.png


Real Name - Julio Hernandez.


Bio - Eh, just an ordinary day for me.

Go to school, flirt with girls.... get smacked.

Hey, I was just your ordinary teen, till night.

That's when I become Omega Lightning! I'm the sidekick of my Town's superhero Thunder Man.

How and why I was in Reach Town I will explain in a story. Let me get my rocking chair and reading glasses.


Along time ago in a galaxy far far away.... sike!

More like a year ago, in New Jersey... me and my girlfriend Claudia were going on a date, all nice and smooth, until my arch nemesis Captain Nerdy pants.... Captain Sycho finds me and tries to kill me.

Of course, I charge in and beat him up... not before costing 100,000 dollars worth of destruction.

Thunder Man told me later that he would send me to Reach City to hone my skills. You know the whole " Great Power Comes Great Responsibility. " thing.

Don't get me wrong, I follow everything by the book and would risk my life to save my friends.

So here I am ready to have fun and whoop some badies into next week!

When I was younger I had this mutation in my genes which allowed me to run at Super-Human speed.

My hero, Thunder, had the same thing. He can run as fast as light now, but my powers generate much slower.

Fastest I can run is 100 Mph.

Gotta go someones calling me!


Affiliation - Hero


Public View - Golden Boy.


Appearance - 16 year old boy, brown hair, brown eyes. Manlish/Boyish features.


Costume - Boy..... my costume.... one little thing, NEVER LET YOUR GIRLFRIEND BUY YOU SPANDEX. Look at my pic that I put up.


Primary Powers - Super Speed is my thing. I can run at 100 mph max... no more than that or else * Runs thumb against his neck * Along with that I have Super Human Reflexes.


Secondary Powers - I also can heal fast due to my cells also having the weird gene.


Equipment - My handy dandy Cell-Phone, water proof two!

* Uses fists and no armor. *


Associates - I'm more of a team man ,myself.



--Strength: 1





--Stamina: 2



--Launch(Long): 0

--Accuracy: 2


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Guest KevinDWolf93
SO should I repost my character with the stats or just post the stats?


Whichever you prefer. If its just stas then make sure everyone is labeled

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Okay, stats for Headhunter:


--Strength: 3

--Dexterity: -1 (Not like he's out of shape or anything, but his Titanium armor isn't really meant for agility)

--Vitality: 0

--Intelligence: 1

--Speed: 2

--Stamina: 3

--Strike (short): 2 (Assuming this means hand-to-hand skill)

--Projection (mid): 2

--Launch (long): 0

--Accuracy: 3

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