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CBUB Match Judges
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Everything posted by Darkender

  1. I just can't stop thinking about all of the genuine hours I've invested writing in the CBUB and then the FPL. I don't even write outside of here and school. If anybody knows any other writing sites where I can continue to just write in a community setting that would be great.

  2. I guess I won't finish The Conspiracist :,(

  3. This is the longest it has ever taken me to write one character. Ugh.

  4. Ah! The FPL is back! Now I can go back to not being able to write anything at all. -___-

  5. I'm so terrible at dialouge, it's laughable.

  6. Coming Soon... The Death of Sollus: A Catatonia Excerpt

  7. Check out my new match.

    1. Bergy_Berg
    2. Darkender


      In the FPL matches... Skylar vs Algorithm

  8. Exal is giving us a taste of that bitterly honest old FPL. I love it.

  9. I have a couple matches and mini fics in my Word that I simply haven't gotten to posting yet. #LazyLife

  10. I'm determined to get this character in, I'm simply running on CP time is all.

  11. OMFG! That was the best game I've ever seen in my life... I *vulgarity*ing hate Ray Allen though.

  12. Eh, this idea started off good but now...

  13. Can there be a better feeling than finishing with exactly 200 words?

    1. Darkender


      True! But this feeling lasts longer.

  14. I want to read more on Sollus. I want moar!

  15. Damn. I swear I used to be creative.

    1. Mercenaryblade


      Know the feeling

    2. treacherous


      Nope. You're more creative now. I was there before, I know.

    3. Darkender


      True, but at least I had ideas. :(

  16. All these characters I have't read yet. Ugh.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fox


      Less character writing, more match writing!

  17. These new FPL guys write faster than I can read, SHEESH.

    1. treacherous


      That's why I vote by who has the coolest screen name. So far Kate Awesome is Awesome is winning.

  18. Could someone do me the favor of adding Dr. Destiny from the JLA animated series to the database?
  19. She's brought down a nation with some berries before does that count? haha
  20. There's a couple FPL fics I need to get to.

  21. A quick little thing I thought up when I was done reading the last book. Tell me what ya' think.
  22. The brisk wind was cold against her face, chapping her already dry lips. She sat up, wincing as her sides screamed in pain. She closed her eyes, allowing the pain to fade before she took in her surroundings. Looking around she realized she had no idea where she was. What surrounded her were desolate buildings where embers still flickered with burning life. Vehicles abandoned and streets without signs of life. What happened? She thought. The last she had remembered she had fell asleep in the Capitol apartment. Were they overtaken in her sleep? No. No way would she have slept through such a thing. This still begged the question of where she was at the moment. Then it hit her. What if she was captured? What if she was placed back into the games to show the people of Panem how to clip the wings of a mockingjay? Her heart raced and hands went clammy as she realized she still had her bow. She took it in her grasp and it hummed to her touch. She drew back the bowstring and took a cautious step forward. Meanwhile, in the shadows of the rubble a figure stood. His chiseled frame exposed by his ragged clothing. He watched the young girl with her bow drawn run for cover, checking every corner. He looked to the sky and watched the still sun, it wasn't real. Then again, he knew this wasn't real for a while now. The only question was how to escape. However the means, and he knew this girl was the key. He watched her intently as she broke down a door to what was left of an apartment. He knew what he needed to do. The night came dramatically, but Riddick had no need for the sparkling lights of the sky, for he was a creature of the night. He moved silently across the rooftops before landing above his prey. Slipping in through a window, he made his descent through the complex. He walked the ground level corridor before bending down to observe the razor thin wire that lay before his feet. He pulled his makeshift blade and took a step back into the shadows. Katniss held her bow at the ready. She knew whatever was out there was coming for her, no doubt waiting for the advantage of the night. The day was too silent for comfort. Every squeak or rustling from the winds sounded like an enemy coming in for the kill. So she waited, keeping her hands busy with traps of all sorts. "Your traps are amateur." She released an arrow into the direction of the voice. It flew into the darkness without a sound. Without hesitation she flung herself through the window, rolling as she hit the ground and running. Riddick strolled to the window as he watched the Katniss run, now with a pack full of supplies. "Let the games begin." He said with a smirk.
  23. When that burst of inspiration dries out and you don't want to force the rest of the story <<<<<

  24. YAAAAASSSSS! Freedom! Now I will take a hiatus...

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