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Match 20578 Lilandra Neramani vs. Agent L

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Megastory 24.4



Previously: A surviving Shi’ar crew was rescued by the crew of the Normandy from the Serenity gang. Imprisoned on Babylon 5 space station, River Tam was taken while the rest of her companions were murdered. Marcus Cole joined Normandy crew is pursuing the perpetrators.

The Normandy was destroyed by the fleeing Khan Noonien Sing aboard the rouge Federation vessel Vengeance. Commander Sheppard and the survivors had to defend themselves against Tyr Anasazi who was sent by Khan to finish them off.

After that victory, The Normandy Crew as ambushed by the Starjammers who took Marcus Cole prisoner.



Commander Sheppard cursed as the Starjammer took off.

He and the rest of the stranded/surviving crew of the destroyed Normandy had chased the Marcus Cole’s kidnappers to their ship but were unable to stop them from escaping with their prisoner.

Aboard the Starjammer Corsair sat proudly in the captains chair.

“Chod. Let our benefactor know that we have what she wants.”

“Right away captain.” the huge lizard biped marched to do the deed.



* * * * * * * *



It was a put together state dinner. Babylon 5 hosted as they normally did for human/extraterrestrial affairs.

Though the Shi’ar were on a military campaign, they were wise enough to take advantage of a first contact. There as some exchange of culture and goods but being that their flotilla was destroyed, the Shi’ar didn’t have much to offer.

The Shi’ar knew of Galactus. They’re sector of space hosted a few Green Lanterns. They knew of Voltron and were shocked to learn that the legendary robot defender of the universe had returned with new paladins.

Deathbird let Lilandra take the lead in these talks. But this, negotiations of military threats, was one that Lilandra insisted she take part in. When a Shi’ar officer came to get her, Deathbird was relieved.

Among the conquered races was a civilization of shapeshifters. One even served in the Imperial Guard under the codename Hobgoblin. This one worked as a spy taking the shape of a human as soon and the ceasefire with Commander Sheppard was established.

It was he who pulled Deathbird out of the meeting and to a quiet place.

“This star base is too crowded.” the spy said. “It’s hard to find safe space.”
Deathbird glowered at him. “As much as I am grateful to be away from these weak humans it does not reflect well on our negotiations. This had better be good.”

“The girl that was taken from the prison has a connection to the Phoenix force.” said the spy.

Deathbird pursed her lips. “What else?”

“This galaxy, the planets are fiercely divided. Even the to the point of an individual planet’s nation states. One such faction is covertly studying the Phoenix. They are trying to harness avatars.”

Shaking her head in disgust Deathbird murmured to herself. “Ignorant mammals. They don’t understand what they are doing.”

“One other thing.” said the spy. “The Starjammers have a captive ready for questioning.”

Deathbird’s frown softened. This was news that pleased her.

Returning to the meeting, Lilandra questioned Deathbird about what called her away.

“Later.” her sister said.

Captain Sheridan was arranging a ship that could take the Shi’ar back to their galaxy. He was ambiguous as to what type of faster-than-light technology the Milky Way used. There were so many options after all.

But the Shi’ar opted to stay. They were equally evasive about what destroyed their flotilla.

Both factions respected each other’s secrets.

Delenn walked with Lilandra, the two forming a bond.

“You seem interested in something.” Delenn inquired.

“I sense something.” Lilandra admitted. “Not here but… here. Out here somewhere.”

“You mean not on the space station but somewhere in the galaxy?”

“Yes. A connection. I’ve never felt a connection like this. I feel so drawn.”

“Well since you’re staying maybe we can help you find the source. Tell me more about your feeling.”

Thoughtfully, Lilandra began. “It’s a blue world. Mostly water. Much strife among its nation-states.”

“Sounds like Earth.” Garabaldi intruded.

They looked at him.

“Uh sorry. It just sounded like home.”

“Earth.” Lilandra considered the word. “It feels right.”

“We can take you there.” Garabaldi offered. “I’m not a delegate or anything but I don’t see how it could be a problem. Since you’re staying for a while and everything.”

“That would be lovely. But I cannot abandon my mission. The M’Kraan crystal must be safeguarded. And we must destroy the monster planet.”

“We have our people bolstering the guard your soldiers put up for the crystal. And the entire Milky Way galaxy is on the lookout for the monster planet. Should it appear again, we can certainly arrange to have a you a part of the attack so that you can complete your mission.”

“Then I will go to earth. But the M’kran Crystal goes with me.”



The blue world was actually unimpressive. Lilandra expected a glorious planet teaming with space bridges, satellites, space stations and orbital platforms. Certainly there were but so sparingly that she had to search to actually see them. It seemed calm. Almost blissful.

The entire trip the kindred mind drew her. She didn’t try to communicate with it but she didn’t resist the contact. The kindred mind was definitely on this planet. This close now, she had a name with it. Xavier. Charles Xavier.

Their landing was uneventful until the boarding ramp lead down to a pair of black suited individuals. As Lilandra came down, The MIB’s approached her. A third woman in black addressed her.

“I’m Agent L. Please come with us.”

“Why?” Lilandra asked suspiciously.

Her two Shi’ar guards looked on.

“You have an extraordinarily powerful item on your person. We can’t let you bring this here.”

“The M’Kran crystal stays with me.” The words drew her Shi’ar guards to stand next to her.

One of the Men in Black held up a small cylinder object. Lilandra turned around to address her guards and right when she did, the MIB activated the device.

Both Shi’ar dropped. Lilandra acted, snatching up the nearest weapon.

“You will not take it from my person!”



Fight Parameters:


Lilandra must escape capture from the Men in Black. Lead by Agent L

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A good crossover of characters which has me a little stumped at the moment. I was initially sure I was going to vote for Lilandra with her telepathy, Shi'ar armor, hand to hand training and all of that.  But then I thought about it some more and I didn't want to shortchange the MIB. They have encountered all sorts of alien technology and abilities, and Lilandra does have a habit of getting in trouble and being put in dangerous positions. Gladiator and the Imperial Guard tearing apart the MIB headquarters would be a sight to see.

In the end, I think I am still going with Lilandra who is smart and capable enough to escape. If this were Agent K and his vast experience and ingenuity, it might be a different story

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L and the MiB have a lot going for them and the Shi'ar do tend to get themselves screwed over. L is very competent. On paper I go Lilandra, but in practice L tends to come out on top.

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