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Rumble 20541 Batman (Nolanverse) vs. Judas Breed
Batman: 2
Judas Breed: 0

Tournament - MST3K vs. Athena (Tomorrowland)
MST3K: 4
Athena (Tomorrowland): 0

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7:3 - The Loch Ness Monster vs. Gamera


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The Loch Ness Monster

Slot: Team's Japanese Asset
Season Wins: 0
Season Losses: 0
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about The Loch Ness Monster at Wikipedia
Official Site: Scotland


Slot: Team's Japanese Asset
Season Wins: 0
Season Losses: 0
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Gamera at Wikipedia
Official Site: Kadokawa

Battle Terrain
Location: Cairo

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Cairo being next to the Nile, I can see Nessie and Gamera having a more aquatic battle. And if we take into account different characterizations of Nessie, she might have Gamera beat. I remember the Loch Ness from the Godzilla animated show was pretty beast.

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Judging from their stats, I'm sure these two would have an impressive battle. Nessie nearly killed Animated Godzilla, who was strong in their own right and at least comparable to Gamera as they sit in the same tier. But Gamera is also in other tiers, so he isn't very consistent.

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Alright, I'll be fair and assess Nessie based on that Vs. Battle Wiki entry. 

If the fight were in the water entirely, she would actually stand a good chance. Yes, Gamera's fire might be a bit of a problem, but her durability is strong enough to tank hits from the Animated Godzilla, who is stated as an Island-level threat. Gamera's attack potency is at most large-island level, which means that while technically higher, that specific attack is relatively slow and needs a certain degree of charging up, if memory serves. As for Nessie, she is significantly bigger than the Animated Godzilla, and is at least substantially longer than Gamera. However, she is very weak on land, and even underwater, she doesn't seem to have many attacks beyond just tooth and claw attacks, although less-so on the claws because she got stubby little legs. To be fair, she stands a much better chance than I initially gave her credit for. If it was underwater, she would stand a better chance, but even then, Gamera is much more durable, is a lot bigger than the animated Godzilla, has a higher damage output, and is himself (itself) not a bad underwater combatant, being a turtle. The terrain is the biggest deterrent here, but even in the idea scenario, this one wouldn't go her way

The whole episode she's in is here, if you want to watch it

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