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Rumble 20541 Batman (Nolanverse) vs. Judas Breed
Batman: 2
Judas Breed: 0

Tournament - MST3K vs. Athena (Tomorrowland)
MST3K: 4
Athena (Tomorrowland): 0

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Oroku Hiroto: 0
Samael: 1
Kim Minsu: 3

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Whitespikes: 0
The Xenomorphs: 3

Cameron Poe vs. Castor Troy
Cameron Poe: 3
Castor Troy: 0

7:3 - Lord Drakkon vs. Rogue


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Lord Drakkon

Slot: The Team Anchor
Season Wins: 0
Season Losses: 0
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Lord Drakkon at Wikipedia
Official Site: Saban


Slot: The Team Anchor
Season Wins: 0
Season Losses: 0
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Rogue at Wikipedia
Official Site: Marvel Comics

Battle Terrain
Combat Terrain: Pandora Daytime

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6 minutes ago, Fox said:

Hopefully someone will do an analysis on this one because I have no clue what Drakkon's chances are here.

I got you.

Drakkon with his armor/suit will have the advantage of not needing the breathing apparatus and having protection from Rogue's power draining abilities, which is her strongest attribute. With that out of the way, we come to which of them can win in a blow-for-blow fight. Rogue has incredible strength, but Drakkon has defeated Power Rangers by the dozens. And a lot of the time he does this by himself, forcing them to de-power so he can take their morphers and add it to his own. At his strongest, he was able to contain most of the Morphin' Grid within himself and alter reality, wiping out other universes at will. I won't hold that against Rogue, because that would be unfair, but even before he reached that level, he was still a major threat. He has the ability to bend others to his will and make forcefields that takes multiple Power Ranger efforts to deplete. He has also defeated zords without the need of one himself. His skill in martial arts and swordsmanship is next to none, which is apparent by how he dominated other Power Ranger teams that had different weapons/fighting styles. I don't think Rogue has enough in her to put him down for good.

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12 minutes ago, Macklemore said:

Can anyone showcase any Planet level feats for Lord Drakkon? I genuinely have never seen this transpire ever, in any of the Power Rangers media I've confused.


Above showcases his power after taking all the morphers from the power rangers. Once he combined them with his own, he was granted access to the Morphin Grid (kind of like the center of the universe or god-plane) Three entities control the Morphin Grid and he basically one shots them. After that he takes the Heart of A Master, which gave him control of the Multiverse.



Above shows him gathering more Morphers. He one shots a whole team of rangers coming at him. (Both RPM and Samurai)

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So I'm confused how this Drakkon dude is within the limits of this category. If he's just taking on Power Rangers, or honestly even Zords, that's one thing. Like, Captain Marvel would wreck multiple Zords, and honestly so would Rogue with her base powers probably. But multiversal manipulation? That's way out of the purview of this challenge. It seems to me, and I'm reaching here because I haven't read PR comics, but he seems to dominate the Rangers moreso by knowing how their powers work and having some control over that. He deactivates that Yellow Rangers suit and all. Is that accurate? 

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2 hours ago, Bergy_Berg said:

Which is a feat that is strictly outside the bounds of this slot.

I know, I was just stating how strong he got. I'm disregarding him altering reality and putting his limit at just before that.

1 hour ago, Peypeypeypey said:

So I'm confused how this Drakkon dude is within the limits of this category. If he's just taking on Power Rangers, or honestly even Zords, that's one thing. Like, Captain Marvel would wreck multiple Zords, and honestly so would Rogue with her base powers probably. But multiversal manipulation? That's way out of the purview of this challenge. It seems to me, and I'm reaching here because I haven't read PR comics, but he seems to dominate the Rangers moreso by knowing how their powers work and having some control over that. He deactivates that Yellow Rangers suit and all. Is that accurate? 

The comics seems to imply that when he takes a ranger's power, it stacks to his own. We see him become increasingly harder to fight off as he takes on more power. He only seems to have some control over their powers because after he's had enough of their powers within him, he has a broader since of control. This is because the Morphin' Grid, which the comic explains is how every Power Ranger, regardless of universe, gets their power.

Now he does body others that don't get their powers from the Morphin' Grid as well, like Rita Repulsa and various other villains in the PR universe. So we know his dominance isn't just PR specific.

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