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  1. Not too long ago, In your very own household... The frosty winter air gently blew against the window to your bedroom. Snuggled up in your favorite blanket, you are fast asleep in preparation for the day ahead. The night before Christmas had come and gone. It was Christmas morning at last. You and your brother had been looking forward to this day for many months now. You stayed up in all hours of the night in hopes that you would catch a glimpse of the Jolly Saint Nick, but alas, you missed him once again this year. Drifting off in your bed; your eyes grew heavier with each passing moment, and you fell asleep before the clock struck midnight. Now you would have to wait a whole other year before you could see the big man himself. It probably was not your fault for how tired you were on that night before Christmas. From a candlelight service at your church to seeing homes decorated with glistening lights, it was a long night for sure. Your eyes were still closed tight on that Yuletide morning. More time would have probably passed with you fast asleep if it was not for the excited shouts that were coming from of your little brother. Your eyes open fast to see him jumping out of his bed. He runs around the room that is filled with yours and his toys. Your eyes slowly adjust to the early morning light. A moment or two passed before you remember that it is Christmas day. Throwing your blanket off, you jump out of bed and hop over your toys. Despite missing out on your chance to see Old Saint Nick, your run to the living room to see what he had brought on that Christmas Eve night. Your brother is already there trying to see what all gifts were waiting under that tree. As your eyes move across the room, you see that the stockings over the fireplace were full of all sorts of treats. You soon catch sight of the plate that was left for the jolly man himself. Only crumbs remained where the delicious cookies once sat, and the glass of milk was completely empty. Even the carrots that were left for the reindeer had a nibble or two, and it appeared that there were boot marks on the floor that led straight to the fireplace. You walk closer to the tree to see gifts both big and small. As your excitement grows, you see your brother jumping up and down. While you see your name on a couple of the tags, you start to lean down to reach for one of the neatly wrapped gifts. Your excitement grew with each passing moment. Before your childlike hand can touch one of those gifts that sat under the tree, you hear your mom and dad stumbling out of their room. You stop to look back as they slowly walk in. The excitement slowly dims after hearing them speak. "No opening gifts until we have our breakfast!" Your mom says while heading toward the kitchen. "Oh man!" Your brother moans. "Hey, Santa can always come take these back if you don't behave!" Your dad interjects. Both you and your Iittle brother slowly make your way to the kitchen. It was as if you were dealt a defeating hand as you leave behind the colorful gifts that were brought to you that night before. Your dad puts on a pot of that Folgers original coffee while your mom gets a breakfast casserole cooked. Glasses of orange juice are poured for you and your brother while you all sit around the table and wait for that dish that you have had every Christmas morning for as long as you can remember. As everyone waits for that casserole to cook, your dad heads back into that same living room. He prepares a warm and cozy fire that heats up the entirety of the house. Your eyes continue to look back at the living room to see if your gifts are still there. Soon your mom and dad join you two at the table to sit around while everyone waits for the breakfast to cook. The timer goes off and the casserole is ready to be served. You notice your brother at the edge of his seat as your mom scoops up some of that casserole on a spoon and drops it onto his plate. Your dad makes a joke or two before taking a sip of that hot cup of coffee. Everyone starts eating away at the breakfast that smelled. It was a breakfast far different than what you got on any other day of the week. This breakfast was not of sugary cereal and a cold glass of milk, it was prepared by your parents in advance. While both you and your brother enjoy the taste of that warm breakfast, you both have lingering eyes that keep moving toward the living room. Your dad sits back with his newspaper in hand. Even though he acts as if he is reading the sport's page, he keeps a watchful eye over his two mischievous boys. A grin is on his face as he reflects on those Christmas mornings he had when he was your age. All the while, your mom is enjoying the breakfast that she made. She sees the excitement that both of you have, and her heart is warmed by the excitement that you both share. As you and your brother finish off the remaining crumbs of that delicious breakfast dish, you both start to get ready to head toward the living room. Before you both can leave the kitchen, you hear your mom call out to wait just a moment so that she can get her camera ready. You and your brother try not to moan in fear that Santa may come back to take back any of these glorious gifts. Once she walks back into that warm living room, the excitement completely takes over as you reach for a gift. You are suddenly stopped from opening that first gift you see as you are appointed the position of handing out the gifts on that Christmas Day. It was a position that you did not necessarily want, but it was one that came with a ton of responsibility. The old family radio comes to life as your dad tries to find a station that played all those famous Christmas carols. You start off with handing out the stockings that were filled. Your little brother digs through his and finds all sorts of goodies. Inside his stocking were candy canes, chocolates, and trinkets too. As for your dad, he had a razor and a toothbrush. Your mom on the other hand had a couple small items but nothing that was fun. They were nothing fancy or exciting, but they were enough to fill her stocking. If you did not know any better, it was as if Santa brought all the good stuff for only your brother and you. You soon get to the gifts and stand back to watch as your brother rips through that neatly covered wrapping paper. Within his first present he finds his favorite dinosaur. He jumps to his feet while holding a tyrannosaurus rex over his head. While his excitement only grows, your parents are both filled with joy that you do not quite understand at this point in your life. You look back at your brother, who is already playing with brand new his t-rex. Your dad clears away the shreds of that wrapping paper as if he were a vulture that just found a new pile animal remains. You hand out the next gift to your dear old dad. He opens the gift and finds a new package of boring white socks. You begin to wonder what your parents even ask Santa for on this special day. After your mom opens a present but are far too distracted by what awaits. You soon are faced with your first present of Christmas morning. Your heart is pounding ever so fast as your eyes are set on one sitting at the front. You sit down in front of the tree while your family watches you tear through that colorful wrapping paper. Overcome with joy, you cannot believe what you see. It is an action figure of Dash Rendar from that video game that you have enjoyed playing since your last birthday party. You are excited as Santa came through on this Christmas Day. While you start to open that toy, you hear your mom say that there are several other gifts under the tree that still need to be opened. One by one, the gifts are given out to your family. Your little brother gets all kinds of dinosaurs and trucks. He also has an assortment of clothes and books. Your mom and dad get a couple different things, but none of them look particularly fun. As for you, well, you get some things big and small. Along with Dash Rendar, you also received his trusted ship known as the Outrider. Just like your brother, you also get a couple books and some boring old clothes. As you and your brother ripped through wrapping paper to see your gifts, your mom was taking photos on her small polaroid camera. All the while your dad continued his duties of plucking the shards of wrapping paper off the living room floor. At that moment you did not know, but you were making memories that would go with you wherever you go. Your youthful mind would cherish these moments as the laughter and joy was shared by you and your family. You look back at the stash of toys that are waiting to be opened. Sitting alongside your Dash and his Outrider; there is an Autobot known as Ironhide that is looking to join your prized Optimus Prime. A box containing the figure of Destro sits on top of a coffee table as he is seeking to help your battered Cobra Commander in his efforts of world domination. Your young mind starts forming what adventures will be had once you finally free those small plastic figures from their boxes. It came at last for that final present that was sitting behind the tree. Your mom makes a comment that this gift was from your dear old grandparents. The present itself is lined with a nice bright ribbon while your hand begins to tremble over the last Christmas present. Your mom stands over you to take a couple photos of your opening that final Christmas gift. As you start to take off the ribbon, you watch your dad get ready to scoop up the remains of that wrapping paper. The paper starts to rip, and your eyes open wide. You see yet another Star Wars figure from your favorite Star Wars movie. Your dear old grandparents were able to get you that big monstrous Wampa that you have always wanted. You smile from ear to ear as you hold up your toy Wampa. This Christmas was fun indeed, and now it was time to start playing with your gifts. Before you could play with your new action figures, your dad reminds you of the games that you all play. You all sit around and play a game or two as a family. There are a couple laughs that are shared, your mind is still on the adventures that you will have with all your new toys. Once the games end, your brother goes down for a nap. Your dad is also taking a snooze on his comfy old recliner while A Christmas Story is playing on that family television. As everything starts to slow down, you have only just begun the adventures that you have been dreaming up in your mind. You race to your room to pick up that Fischer Price castle and start to make your way to that backyard door. As you are heading that way, you scoop up your new toys for an adventure in the snow. Before you can reach that patio door, your mom stops you dead in your tracks. "What do you think you are doing?! You must be out of your ever-lovin’ mind!" She shouts in her furious mother tone. "Go get your coat, your scarf, and your beanie! And don't even think about coming back inside before wiping off the snow from your pants! If you track in any snow, oh so help me, I will…" You want to say, "Ohhhh, mom!", but you do not want to risk waking up your snoozing dad. As fast as you can, your slip into all your warm winter clothes. Finally, you make it outside in that slushy white snow. In your mind, you are no longer in your own backyard but on the planet Hoth. You bring along your newest toys along with some of your old favorite ones. While the stickers have not been placed on your new Outrider, you decide that the adventure must happen before time passes away. Luke and Dash travel in the Outrider over the frozen tundra of Hoth. Within that Fischer Price castle, Darth Vader is meeting with Destro and Megatron about taking over the galaxy. Optimus Prime, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and your new Autobot known as Ironhide have traveled to their castle to face off against the evil threats. Optimus and the group soon find themselves surrounded by the evil forces under Vader’s command. After Han Solo calls for backup in the form of Luke and Dash, they wait patiently while the Outrider takes a spin around the frozen landscape that is your own backyard. You make noises with your mouth to reflect the ship’s engine come out of hyperspace. You almost whistle while blaster sounds come out of your lips. The Outrider flies over obstacles in the form of you and your brother’s outdoor playset. With the castle in sight, a new challenge erupts after your imagination goes wild. Dash’s prized ship faces damage in the form of an attack by none other than Darth Vader himself. The ship crash lands in the snow-covered world. After Luke and Dash emerge to travel toward the castle of Darth Vader, Megatron and Destro; the duo hears a terrible sound. You make a growling sound as the big and carnivorous wampa emerges out of a snow-covered cave that is your dog’s food bowl. Before Luke can confront the hairy beast, Dash steps in between him and the wampa. With your best impressions of the characters, you begin to dive deeper into the story that you are creating. In your impression of Luke Skywalker, “What are you doing, Dash?” As Dash, your voice deepens as you turn him to face the Jedi Knight, “Go be a hero, kid. Save your pals. I can take on this wampa all by myself.” There you have it on this cold Christmas morning. In a snow-covered yard, your imagination has run wild. With new toys and stories, there are thrills to be had. Within your hands, you create a battle between Dash Rendar of your favorite game taking on the wampa of your all-time favorite movie. The story could go either way as your imagination never stops moving. From Saturday morning fun to this cold Christmas morning, what will be the outcome of this story that you have created?
  2. Callum Drift vs Buddy the Elf A somber mood has enveloped the North Pole this year, what should have been the jolliest time of the year has now turned into the most somber, bittersweet time of the year. It’s 3 days until Christmas and the man who’s responsible for bringing so much of it’s cheer, won’t be able to man his sleigh this year… “How is he doc?” “He’s… stable. Honestly with how severe that crash was it’s a miracle we haven’t lost him already. But for the time being, we’re gonna have to keep him under and hope for the best.” On the surface Callum Drift was calm and composed, accepting what the elf doctor told him with a stern expression. But underneath that unflappable facade, Callum’s emotions were a maelstrom. Fluctuating between anger, sadness, hopelessness, and then finally guilt. The crushing weight of guilt was now coursing through him as despite his centuries of experience as the big man’s security detail, he had failed when he needed Callum the most. “Can I see him for a moment?” Nooooooo! Santaaaaaa! You can’t leave us like thiiiiissssss! Why couldn’t it have been me insteeeeeeaaaaaddddd!!?!?!” “Uh sir? Your one hour visitation is up. Also they can hear you all the way on the next floor. Why don’t we get you to the cafeteria, maybe some food will cheer you up?” The elf nurse awkwardly lifted the still weeping man from the motionless patient and as best she could guided him down the hallway, the man still wailing obnoxiously all the way. Callum Drift barely acknowledged the odd sight though, his gaze not leaving the figure in the bed, his longtime client, leader, and oldest friend now currently hooked up to so many wires and hoses, all just to keep him alive a little longer. “I’ll be right outside Drift, just don’t take too long. I got a feeling you-know-who is gonna want a word with you very shortly.” Callum Drift nodded at the doctor before striding over to the stand beside the comatosed man. For a moment he said nothing, just staring at the pale, unmoving face of the man he had given his whole life to protect. The steady beepings of the machine next to them being the only thing assuring Callum that his charge was still at least breathing. “Hey old friend. I… I’m so sorry. I-I know you needed me elsewhere but I just… I just knew I never should have left your side. Somehow I just knew it… And I’m also sorry that I even thought about leaving all this behind. That it took a misadventure with some dickhead hacker to remind why it’s so important that we do this job. For all those people who still believe in decency, love, and compassion for our fellow men. And women of course! I’m not a sexist! Anyways what I’m trying to say is this: I’m gonna do everything I can to keep this ship running until you get back on your feet.” “CALLUM DRIFT TO THE MAIN OFFICE PLEASE! MRS. CLAUS NEEDS TO SEE YOU!” “Alright wish me luck Nick. I know I’ll see you soon.” Callum Drift marched with purpose towards the main office, leaving the still unconscious Saint Nicholas behind. He knew what he was being summoned for and he was more than ready to meet this challenge head on! On his word as commander of ELF(Enforcement Logistics and Fortifications) he vowed that he would carry out his fallen friends duties- “Hey! Mr. Drift! Is that you Mr. Drift?” A-hem. As commander of ELF he vowed to make certain his fallen friends duties- “Hey Mr. Drift over here!” He vowed his fallen friends duties- “Hey Mr. Drift can’t you hear me?” -and make sure that Christmas will- “Hey! Hey! Mr. Drift! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!” “WHAT? What do you want?” “It’s me, Buddy! Buddy the Elf! Don’t you remember me?” “Who?” “C’mon you know me! I was the elf who discovered he actually human, went on a grand adventure to find my dad, and now I’m the official head of the North Pole-Human Relations Committee!” “Huh?” Callum looked over this peculiar looking individual standing in front of him: he was a tall, lanky, and very awkward looking person, with stereotypically simple elvish clothing that looked strange upon a adult human male’s body. He also had a very goofy looking smile that kinda infuriated Callum, given the seriousness of their current situation. “You… you were the crying guy down at the ward weren’t you?” “Yeah sorry about that. I was trying to be strong for the other elves but it’s just… it’s Santa man, sniff, sniff how could this have happened to him? Waaaaaahhhh-hu-hu-hu!” “Woah okay Buddy, now’s really not the time to cry hug on my shoulder-“ “I just can’t believe this is happening! Waaaaaahhhh!” Those walking by the hallway at the time had a most amusing sight of the usually stern and no nonsense Callum Drift awkwardly holding up a sobbing Buddy the Elf. Buddy even had the gaul to blow his nose right next to Callum’s shoulder. “Alright, alright, look we’re gonna be fine okay? Everything’s… yeah everything is gonna be just fine.” “You really think so sir?” “Yes I do. Now could you please let me have my space back?” “Right yes sir! And Mr. Drift sir, I just want you to know that I will do my part to help save Christmas this year! For Santa!” “Okay and on that note I really have to go, I have a top secret meeting with the head lady in charge-“ “Oh we’re gonna have a secret meeting with Mrs. C?” “I’m having a secret meeting with Mrs. Claus. I’m sure you they could use your help down in toy testing lab or something so why don’t you-“ “BUDDY THE ELF TO THE MAIN OFFICE AS WELL PLEASE! MRS. CLAUS NEEDS TO SEE YOU AS WELL!” “Well would you look at that? They need me at the secret meeting too!” “Really? You?” “We’ll come on partner! Let’s not waste time standing around! Get a move on!” A very confused and flabbergasted Callum Drift reluctantly followed Buddy the Elf up the next floor, where the Main Office awaited them. Hopefully with some good answers to several very important questions. “Hello gentlemen. Glad you could make it.” “Hi Mrs. C! It’s been too long, how have you been?” “Oh I’m fine Buddy thanks. How’s Jovie?” “She’s great! She’s and little Susie are visiting her grandparents for this Christmas!” “Hello ma’am. How are you holding up after all that’s happened?” “Just barely Callum. But Christmas is just around the corner and I can’t afford to break down now. So please have a seat, we have much to discuss.” Both Callum and Buddy took said seats in front of the desk of Mrs. Clause. Both wondering what the North Pole’s matriarch summoned them for. “Okay so ever since news broke out that Santa Claus wasn’t gonna be able to fly this year, all everyone has been asking me is how are we gonna deliver the presents now? Who can possibly fly Santa’s sleigh now?” Callum Drift sat up a little straighter as he realized the direction this conversation was going. Mentally getting himself prepared for the big question that he knew was coming. “Those were not easy questions to answer, I know my husband left very big boots to fill, and I can’t imagine the kind of pressure that’d fall upon whoever I asked. But luckily I think I know the exact right person for the job.” Callum nodded his head at her words, a small smile starting to form on his face. “Someone I know I can trust, someone that knows how important Christmas is to the world, someone that in my heart I believe my husband would’ve wanted for the job. Callum…” Callum Drift stood up and opened his mouth to accept the offer- “I’m counting on you to help Buddy be ready in time for Christmas.” (Record player scratch) “…Come again ma’am?” “Gasp Mrs. C, are you telling me I get to be Santa Claus this year?” “That’s right Buddy, it’s gonna be up to you to make sure all the good children get their gifts this Christmas.” Buddy the Elf screamed like a little girl and ran around the office jumping and shouting with joy, like a kid who was just promised their favorite candy for dessert. Callum Drift glared at the unprofessionalism of the elf before he turned back to address Mrs. Claus. “Ma’am this is a joke right? Buddy the Elf? You want to entrust Buddy the Elf with the most important assignment known to man? How in the world did you come to that conclusion?” “Now Callum I know Buddy is a bit, excitable. But I figured his position as North Pole-Humanity liaison would make him more familiar with the outside world then most of us at the North Pole, plus him and Papa Elf helped design Santa’s Sleigh so it wouldn’t take him long to familiarize himself himself with it.” “Thank you much Mrs C!” Buddy the Elf had finally finished his celebration and came over to talk to Mrs. Claus again. “I won’t let you down! I promise to be the best Santa Claus I can be-“ “No! Sorry but I’m putting my foot down here! Ma’am if anyone is qualified to take on the responsibilities of filling in for Nick, it’s me! Not some overgrown, undisciplined, squeaky voiced manchild who is treating this assignment like it’s a joke!” “…You know I’m standing right here and can hear every hurtful word you’re saying right?” “Look Buddy, I’m sorry but you are not the right guy for this job. I am! Go back to doing whatever the heck you usually do and leave this to the professionals.” “Well excuse me Mr. Grumpy pants but I think you have a pretty big character flaw yourself.” “And what, pray tell is that?” “Christmas spirit and cheer. You have been nothing short of a negative Nancy ever since we got here, and Santa has told me multiple times that the most important thing to being Santa is having Christmas cheer no matter how hard the job might get.” “Buddy we are smack dab in of a code red in just days before Christmas! Sorry if I am a little too stressed about that then in being a happy go lucky fool like you.” “Well some people would argue in these situations maintaining your Christmas spirit is more important than ever! I know Santa would think so!” “Listen here you childish little-“ “Okay enough! Both of you sit down!” Both men reluctantly obeyed Mrs. Claus and sat, Buddy briefly stuck his tongue out at Callum before looking away. Callum rolled his eyes at the other man’s immaturity. “Admittedly I hadn’t considered that you would want this position Callum. But in the interest of fairness how about I make this a competition: you’re both familiar the Santa Claus Simulation Course right?” “Yes ma’am. It’s a simulated town that Nick uses to practice gift deliveries every year to keep himself warmed up for Christmas.” “Papa Elf helped design the course.” “Okay good, since we still got a few days before Christmas I’ll give each of you a chance to show how good you would be on the job. You’ll each run the simulation and whoever can delivery the most presents in the shortest time with alerting any of the alert systems, will be given the role as Santa. Sound fair?” Both men agreed on this condition. They both then stood and made their way to exit the room, but before leaving Buddy the Elf smiled and held out his hand to the unamused Callum Drift. “May the best replacement Santa win.” “Oh don’t worry, I always win.” With that Callum Drift brushed past Buddy without shaking his hand. “Geez, who stuck a candy cane up his a-“ ************************************ Merry Christmas y’all! So I got inspired after watching Red One(2024) with my family and then watching some clips of Elf on YouTube. Basically both Callum Drift and Buddy the Elf are gonna run a Santa Claus Simulator Course where they must deliver gifts to several houses without setting off alarms. Whoever delivers the most gifts in the shortest time wins the right to be Santa Claus this year. Who wins?
  3. NEW CHARACTER RUMBLE! Vititate is bored with galactic affairs and goes to Earth for the hell of it. He comes across a house with a little girl running from a deranged Santa. He decides to give himself a challenge and fight the deranged Santa without force powers. Carrie Ann has to escape from the Vititate while he's fighting 'Santa.'
  4. On a frosty Christmas Eve, beneath the starry light, Two mighty Santas prepared to fight. Slay Santa, fierce, with weapon in hand, A demon’s grin spreading fear through the land. Violent Santa arrived with his hammer’s might, A warrior’s heart, ready to set things right. Their eyes met, sparks flew, the tension grew, As the clock struck twelve, the cold wind blew. In darkest of night, Christmas cheer was no more, So began the clash of these giants of folklore, Blood flew in the air as they traded blow after blow, This Christmas we would long for a ho ho ho! In that silent moment, the world held its breath, Awaiting the clash between life and death, For in this legend, the fight’s not the end, But the start of a story yet to transcend.
  5. 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a living creature was stirring, not even a mouse; There were not stockings hung by the chimney with care, And there were certainly no hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there. No, I am afraid the house that we are seeing belongs to a man with a disdain the Yuletide season. His hatred for the season was considered a myth, And he took away joy and good tidings without much reason. If you were to guess, this man was none other than Ebenezer Scrooge. This very tale takes place on the night before Christmas in the city that never sleeps. While you think you may know the story of the man who despised all things of joy and laughter, you may not know what all he did in that Christmas Eve night. The old cold-hearted miser cursed to himself for allowing that silly and bumbling Bob Cratchit for taking a day off. Oh, Bob would surely make up for the day that was lost. He would pay to make up for the money that Scrooge would not see on that lousy Christmas Day. He cursed and groaned until a cold wind blew into his home. While he cursed and he pouted, his thoughts quickly moved to his dear ol' nephew named Fred. Oh, Fred was an optimistic young man full of joy and hope. He loved the Christmas season and sought to spread that joyous wonder to his old bitter uncle. Always a young fool, the old Scrooge thought of his young nephew. If only he would grow wise and learn what truly mattered in this world. Money was all that mattered to the greedy old miser. He felt money added to your power, and made you a bit wiser. Now the old Scrooge despised the Christmas season. He loathed all the lights and the songs. His hate for the season did not need a reason. He did not feel he had a need to right any wrongs. If he could, the old man would stop the holidays from coming. The old man knew all too well that there was no way to stop Christmas from coming. He was not a green furry Grinch with a heart two sizes too small. While Scrooge was a man that was cunning, he had no desire to go out after nightfall. Oh, Scrooge was going to stay alone and keep to himself on this cold winter's night. While others may have enjoyed the celebrations, he desired for this day to be kept out of sight. There were very few things that Scrooge hated more than the Yuletide celebration. As his television set blared to life, the old Scrooge flipped through the channels with much fury. Every channel had a song or two for Christmas on their station. He flipped through the channels in a hurry. Soon, the old man found a channel that he always enjoyed. It was the channel of the boring old stock market. He smiled from ear-to-ear while watching stocks rise and fall. As I said before, there were very few things that he hated more than the Christmas season, but there was one that was close to the same level of hatred. Scrooge screamed and he shouted when one commercial came on. It was a commercial that had found its way on his screen more than he cared to see. Three to four men that were dressed in the oddest attire and spoke of ghostly apparitions. Oh, Scrooge did not care for the Ghostbusters. He did not care for them one bit. In fact, he hated the fame that they had gained and wished only for the worst on those four men. Before the commercial could reach its end, the old man turned off the television set and threw remote across the room without much regret. With the Silent Night underway, the stingy and bitter Scrooge put on his battered old robes. He scurried to his room in hopes of sleeping through this dreadful night. It was not long until he felt a chill pulling on his earlobes. The old miser jumped out of his bed in a fright. He heard a sound that was as dreadful as the joyous songs that he came to hate. A ghostly figure appeared in his room that was only visible by the pale light of the winter's moon. Entwined in chains and money boxes, the ghostly figure arrived not a moment too late. Scrooge rubbed his cold dark eyes to have a clear sight. He could not believe what visitor came into his room on that night of Christmas Eve. It was none other than the spirit of his old business partner, Jacob Marley. While the old miser was afraid of the spirit of his once close friend, he was far too petrified to leave. The ghost of Jacob Marley spoke with an agonizing voice. He was wrapped in chains of his own making from a life filled with greed. In life, he felt that he had no other choice. In death, he longed for the day that he could be out of these chains and finally be freed. He warned the old greedy Scrooge not to be selfish and cruel. Alas, the old man did not care for these warnings from his once close friend. Marley warned the old miser that nothing would be enough to break free from this curse, not even a jewel. There would no paradise to this suffering as it knew no end. On this very night, the ghost of Jacob Marley warned the old Scrooge, “You will be haunted… by Three Spirits… Without their visits, you cannot hope to shun the path I tread” Once the ghost of Jacob Marley departed from his sight, the old Scrooge found the strength in his legs. He walked down the hall and toward his study. The old miser sat back in his chair with the thought of drinking some kegs. His mind was astray while he felt a bit cruddy. He trembled and shook while turning on the television. Frightened by the warning of his old business partner, the old miser heard a sound that brought a promise of good tiding. With much reluctance, the old greedy man made a fateful decision. "Bah! Humbug!" The Old Scrooge yelled while dialing the number to New York's very own Ghostbusters. Oh, the spirits outside are frightful But the Ghostbusters are so delightful Since we've got no one else to call Let them bust, let them bust, let them bust Sitting at her desk, Janine hoped and prayed that the phone would not ring. She did not understand why Egon insisted that they work on this Christmas Eve night. She would rather be anywhere but here in this old fire station. The night was slow and there was a promise that they would call it quits before the clock struck midnight. She rolled her eyes when the Ghostbuster with large spectacles said that not even spirits take holiday vacations. Even with his insistence to stay throughout the entire night, the others finally were able to make the compromise that if a call does not come in before Christmas, they would all leave for the holiday. Janine watched the clock while also keeping an eye out for the Ugly Little Spud known as Slimer. Let us take a look at the Mean Green Ghost. He had an appetite like no other while causing mischief and mayhem everywhere he went. Slimer was loathed by many but became a mascot of sorts for the Ghostbusters of New York. With this cold Christmas season, he searched and searched for all the holiday treats that were left out for grabs. Venkman laughed as he watched Egon grow pink in the face after the Onionhead ghost took a bite out of his holiday delights. As I said before, Slimer was loathed by many, but he became part of the family for the team of Ghostbusters. Winston sat back in his chair while listening to the jingles and the jangles of an old radio. He longed to be with his family during Christmas but knew that a job was a job at the end of the day. He closed his eyes and thought about that holiday dinner that would surely be waiting for him. He felt that his mother's cooking would surely make him feel like a winner. He enjoyed all the traditions that he had on Christmas Day and usually partook in singing carol or two. Winston closed his eyes and dreamed of the smell of that delicious pie that his mother was probably baking in the oven at this very moment. Now ol' Venkman on the other hand was not one for the traditional Christmas routines. He hummed along with the songs that were played on Winston’s small radio. His mind and his thoughts were on the one that waited for him back at his home. Dana promised a gift that would bring out the spirit of the holidays. While Peter and Winston argued with Ray and Egon, they decided to come to compromise on that Christmas Eve night. Peter waited for that clock to strike midnight so that he could rush home to see what was waiting for him by his favorite gal, Dana. Ray, on the other hand, quite enjoyed spending the holidays with his fellow Ghostbusters. He saw them as more than just friends as they were brothers in proton-packs. He hoped and wished that a call would come through so that he and his brothers would go out to see what ghost or ghoul would come out on this night. He looked over at Winston who was singing along with the old Christmas Carols and smiled while Venkman tried to hum alongside the old tunes. As for Egon Spengler, well he was not much into the holiday traditions. He did not see the science or logic behind such nonsense. Ol’ Egon did not share the same interests that others had on this special day. His research and his work are what filled him the most. He felt that this night would bring the promise of a haunting or two. With the clock getting closer than ever to that midnight hour, Egon did not know what else to do. He glared at the clock as his mouth was about to sour. He looked over a collection of spores, molds, and fungus to keep his mind from wondering before the coming midnight hour. Before the clock struck midnight, the phone rang with a screech. Janine scowled as she reached for that blasted old phone. “Ghostbusters, what do you want?” Janine answered in the most unenthusiastic tone. She could not believe her ears as she heard the cursing of a naughty old man. If it was not for the Christmas season, she would have been a little less kind. She gave the information to her fellow Ghostbusters. Ray smiled from ear to ear while Winston pouted with his fleeting holiday cheer. As for the others, Egon was relieved that there was a haunting on this Christmas Eve while Venkman was disappointed that he was not get to see the gift that Dana had promised he would receive. So, this was a cold winter's night with snow all around. Many had either stayed indoors to avoid the brisk cold air, or had gone to bed in hopes that they would not miss a visit from old Saint Nick as he stopped by without much of a sound. Decorations were hanging and lights were glistening. The skies were clear with stars that were bright and twinkling. It was a night that was soothing without much of a fright. The Ghostbusters were going to try to bust these ghosts with all of their might. The sirens on the Ecto-1 flashed along with the hanging Christmas lights. They drove through the empty streets and headed to the mansion of the greedy old Scrooge. Venkman’s wonderous gaze fell upon a nice neighborhood as his eyes widen with each passing home. He made a comment or two about wanting to move to one of these houses with the lovely Miss Dana. As they approached the mansion of Ebenezer Scrooge, Peter cleared his throat while looking over the large home. Ego pulled out the P.K.E. Meter and saw that the readings were off the charts. Winston on the other hand, he was hoping that they did not lose their wits and their smarts. “A minute or two more and this guy would have been Scrooged.” Peter said with a with a triumphant grin. "How long did it take you to come up with that one?" Winston grumbled as he put his pack over his shoulders. Peter thought to himself and nodded. "Ah, car ride over here." He replied with a smirk. “Well, we are here now! Might as well make the most of it!” Ray said with a joyous smile. “Don’t look too excited, Ray.” Winston groaned before shaking his head. “I just have to remember that a job is a job.” “Keep your packs ready to go. Janine said that this Scrooge was going to be haunted by three spirits. This is not going to be a simple in and out.” Egon said before knocking on the door. The large door squeaked opened with a cloud of dust in the air. It seemed as if this mansion had not seen a decent cleaning in quite some time. Emerging from the cloud of dust, the team of Ghostbusters saw a thin old man with a cane in his hands. The old bitter man glared upon the team that he absolutely despised. Scrooge scoffed before asking a question that he already knew the answer to, “Bah! Humbug! Are you those silly Ghostbusters that are always on my television?” “Well, huh" Peter chuckled before giving off a mischievous grin. "That is who you called.” He said sarcastically. "Let's get one thing straight, I do not care for any of you! Not one bit!" The old Scrooge growled as his lips curled over his stained yellow teeth. "We can be on a merry little way then and you can call us back in a couple of days if you would like." Peter continued saying in that sarcastic tone. "Hopefully those naughty old ghosts do not give you too many problems." "Wait!" Scrooge sighed before shaking his head. The man closed his piercing dark eyes before lowering head in humiliation. "There is no reason for you to go. I called you for a reason, now do what you fools do and get rid of the ghosts that are supposed to come!" Scrooge said while gritting his yellow-stained teeth. "Very well then but with it being Christmas Eve and all, our normal rates will be a tad bit higher." Peter said with a slight nod. "Oh, and Ray here would love some hot cocoa with some extra whipped cream if you have any." Ray’s eyes went blank as he shook his head at Venkman. Winston tried his best to hide his smile while Egon prepared to head inside the dusty old mansion. "Just get on with it!" Scrooge growled and scoffed while the team sauntered into his mansion. **************** There you have it! Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the Scrooge's house, The Ghostbusters were stirring for the Three Ghosts of Christmas! Merry Christmas to all, and Happy New Year to You!
  6. Since we got new Christmas characters, and Christmas is tomorrow, I might as well make this match. Which team will win this fight?
  7. ChristmasCon wasn’t on my list this year. Normally this time of year I’d be in the workshop, checking my Naughty & Nice list, catching up on the elves' latest prototypes, checking my Naughty & Nice List again, or—my personal favorite—prepping my palate for all the cookies and milk I was about to taste from around the world. December was a busy time of year. But this year was different. A troubling message had made its way to the North Pole, you see. A mysterious group calling themselves the Canon Santas had gained notoriety online, declaring that Christmas had become “diluted” and “misinterpreted.” Worse, they claimed I was a fraud—a mascot created by corporations to sell toys. Me, a fraud! I'd been tuning it out for months, but eventually the noise became too much. I found how these naysayers had organized a panel at ChristmasCon titled "Santa Claus: Exposing the Impostor". And hundreds, nay, thousands of "fans" were scheduled to attend. I’ve been called worse, of course. But with how many were going to be there, that was concerning. What concerned me even more was what the elves had discovered on social media. The Canon Santas weren’t just skeptics or disgruntled fans. They were actively encouraging people to boycott Christmas traditions until their version of “canon” was officially adopted. They were holding online campaigns targeted to children. Children! They were starting to question me, the joy of the season was crumbling because of online conspiracy theories and a fake story of declaring a "true, canon Santa." I had to step in. Not to argue. Not to defend myself. But to stop the season of giving from turning into one of division. So here I was, boots crunching on a thin carpet of faux snow, walking into a convention hall buzzing with dark, mean-spirited holiday cheer. The air in the hall smelled of peppermint, pine, and plastic—an odd combination, but one I’d grown used to over the years. Booths lined the walls, selling everything from vintage ornaments to custom Santa suits. My coat was freshly brushed, my gloves pristine. A few people paused to glance my way, likely assuming I was just another cosplayer among the crowd. Twinkling lights dangled from the rafters, and oversized candy canes framed every doorway, but there was something wrong—a tension beneath the carols piped through the speakers. The cheer was wrong. The holiday spirit was here, but it was knotted with something ugly. Pride, anger, self-righteousness—the kind of emotions that ended up inside people that fall on my Naughty list. As I made my way deeper into the convention hall, I passed booths selling Santa-themed merch: collectible figurines, custom hats, even handmade wreaths proclaiming "The One True Claus." Fans bustled past me, chattering excitedly, their costumes elaborate and oddly aggressive. This wasn’t the Santa I knew. It wasn’t the Santa they knew, either, though they seemed certain they were right. A saw a long line snaked out the doors of a panel room filled with fans in every imaginable iteration of me: Cyberpunk Santa, Viking Santa, even one gentleman in a suit labeled “Fitness Santa: Abs for Christmas!” I continued walking, then I saw the sign. "Santa Claus—Exposing the Impostor!" People were streaming into the room beneath it. I shook my head and sighed, following them inside. The room was packed, standing room only. Rows of chairs stretched toward a stage where the Canon Santas had already begun their show. At the center stood Jeff Kyle "Saint Claus" Harrington, flanked by an array of poorly lit slides depicting everything from Coca-Cola ads to pop culture references of me. He gestured animatedly at the images as he spoke, his voice dripping with disdain. This was the man that was the face and voice of the Canon Santas, according to my elves. He was the one I needed to speak to. “The Santa Claus you’ve been sold,” Jeff declared, “is a lie! A construct of capitalism! The true Santa is a figure of folklore, stripped of his roots and twisted into a caricature. And this,” he pointed dramatically at the screen, “is what they’ve turned him into! A marketing tool created to sell toys and keep the masses docile!” The crowd erupted in applause. I waited, letting the noise settle before stepping forward. No need to interrupt the moment. Let him have his applause; he’d worked for it. The murmurs of the crowd buzzed around me as I moved closer to the stage, boots clicking against the polished floor. Jeff continued, feeding off the energy of the room. “And now,” he said, voice rising, “Before we crown our one TRUE canon Santa, I have something else to say. If this so-called real Santa, if he exists, if he has the nerve to show up here today and defend himself!?” He leaned over the podium, scanning the crowd like a predator looking for prey. “Well then, I say this is your last chance to show your face and do it!" I took a step forward. “Well,” I said, stepping out of the shadows at the back of the room behind Jeff, “here I am.” The crowd turned as one, a wave of gasps, murmurs, and even a few screams. Honestly, I was shocked they recognized the real Santa Claus so immediately. “Another cosplayer?” Jeff said, though his voice wavered just enough for me to catch it. “Nice try, old man, but the real Santa wouldn’t dare show his face here.” I smiled warmly, taking a few steps closer. “Hello, Jeff,” I said, my voice carrying easily through the room. “And hello to all of you. Looks like quite the turnout.” The crowd murmured louder now, rippling waves of excitement and confusion. Jeff straightened, his chest puffed out as if to reclaim his attention. Jeff pointed an accusing finger at me. “You expect us to believe you’re Santa Claus?” he scoffed. “You waltz in here, dressed for the part, and think we’ll just fall for it?” I clasped my hands behind my back, smiling. “You seem to know a great deal about me, Jeff. Surely, you’d recognize the real thing when you see him.” Jeff turned to the crowd, gesturing dramatically. “This impostor is here to distract us from the truth! He’s nothing but a corporate mascot, a fraud! If he really is Santa Claus, let him prove it—not with his words, but by showing he’s worthy of the title!” I smiled, shaking my head. “No, Jeff. I’m not here to argue. I’m here to remind everyone why Christmas matters.” "I say we kick his ass!" shouted a Viking-themed Santa standing in the back of the crowd. The crowd erupted in cheers, their enthusiasm unsettling. They weren’t just looking for proof... they were looking for a fight. I sighed. “Prove it? Haven’t I done that a thousand times over? What more do you want?” “No!” Jeff shouted. “Because it’s not you. You’re a fraud. And now you’re going to face the real spirit of Christmas.” Jeff rushed me and the crowd followed suit, fans surging forward, some wielding tinsel lassos, others with oversized stockings they swung like nets. One fan threw a sack full of fake presents at me, aiming for my head. I ducked and rolled, summoning a swirl of snowflakes to try and make a quick escape. “I admire your enthusiasm,” I said, “but this is no way to honor Christmas!”
  8. Jason Bourne shook the thin layer of snow off his coat as he walked off the New York City street and into the department store. He made his way past holiday displays and busy shoppers, doing his best to look inconspicuous as he made sure to avoid any security cameras. Finally, he arrived at the jewelry department, where a young woman in a store uniform stood behind a glass display counter. She gave a friendly smile at Jason as he approached. “Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you find something?” Bourne gave a quick glance behind him before he replied. “Yes, if you could. I’m looking for a gift. A present for a friend of mine.” “Well, you’ve come to the right place, sir,” the clerk said. “Is this friend a… close friend?” Bourne cleared his throat. “I met her last year, when I came to New York.” The clerk nodded and held up a hand. “Oh, I understand. Say no more, sir. I don’t mean to pry, but it does help me find the item you believe she would like. Now what would you like to get for your friend? Earrings? A necklace, a bracelet?” The clerk leaned forward over the counter and grinned. “Perhaps a ring?” Bourne looked slightly uncomfortable. “Actually, I’m looking for a collar.” The clerk was taken off guard. “A… collar, sir?” “Yes, a collar. For her dog?” “Oh. Oh!” The clerk laughed. “Pardon me, sir! For a moment I thought…” “Don’t bother,” said Bourne with an understanding smile. “I’ve already gotten something special for my friend, but I was hoping to find something special for her dog too. You wouldn’t happen to have anything like that here?” The clerk paused in thought then nodded excitedly and motioned for Bourne to follow her around the counter. Bourne kept up with the clerk until they reached the edge of the display case, where the clerk knelt down and gently lifted up a silver dog collar, with a row of small diamonds wrapping around it. She held it up for Bourne to get a better look at it. “Do you think this would be a good fit, sir?” Bourne nodded in approval. “It’s very… nice. How much does it cost?” “Oh, this is a specialty piece, sir. But it comes to $10,450. If perhaps you would like something less expensive…” “No, this will be fine. However, I am not able to pay that much money at the moment. Perhaps you could have the collar set aside for me and I could…” “I’ll pay double.” Bourne turned behind him and saw a man with long black hair and goatee. Bourne’s eyes narrowed as the clerk stammered. “Um… pardon me, sir, but I was already assisting this gentleman and he is wanting to purchase this item.” “And he told you that he doesn’t have the money,” the man said bluntly. “I will pay double for that collar right now.” Bourne took a step towards the man as the clerk backed away from the counter. “Er, if you gentlemen will just wait a moment, I’ll get my manager and we can get this all sorted out.” With the clerk ducking into a back room, Bourne looked the man up and down. “Look, if you have that much money, I’m sure you can find something else.” “And if you are willing to spend that much money, I can say the same for you… Mr. Bourne.” Bourne kept his voice calm as he replied. “My name isn’t Bourne. I think you have me confused with somebody else.” “Right,” said the man, glancing around the store. “Increased security, cameras. Whoever you are getting that collar for must be pretty important for you to take the risk of being spotted.” Bourne glanced over the man’s shoulder to see a security guard standing by the escalators. “It’s for someone special to me… Mr. Wick.” Wick raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t think that Blackbriar knew nothing about the famous Baba Yaga, did you?” asked Bourne, his voice becoming less friendly. The two men held their gaze for a moment, each searching the other’s face for a sign of weakness. “Look,” said Bourne. “Neither of us can afford to be drawing attention to ourselves, and it’s the holidays. So how about you walk away, I finish my business here, and I won’t go to security and let them know there’s a man with a gun walking around the jewelry department?” “Better idea,” said Wick coolly. “You leave, I buy the collar, and I don’t leave an anonymous tip for the CIA that one of their most wanted is walking around New York?” Any further argument was interrupted by a scream and the sounds of gunfire. Instinctively both Bourne and Wick dropped down, and reached for their guns, looking up to see four men in colored ski masks aiming semi-automatic rifles at fleeing customers. “Everyone on the ground! NOW!” the one in the green ski mask shouted. He fired off more rounds at the ceiling as people slowly obeyed his orders. The security guard slowly reached for his revolver, only for the tallest of the four in a blue ski mask to shoot him in the arm. He snickered as he strode over to the downed officer, aiming for his head. “Someone’s trying to get on the naughty list!” “Dude! Quit screwing around!” The man in the red ski mask pointed at the other two. “Grab all you can get your hands on! And move it! Cops will be here soon!” The two nodded, ran to the jewelry display and started smashing the glass. Bourne looked over at Wick, watching as he moved his finger to the trigger. He shot Wick a warning glance. These four idiots clearly weren’t professionals. Engaging them in the store would only result in more innocent people getting hurt. Wick turned away from Bourne but lowered his weapon. As one of the thieves shoved jewelry and cash into a pillowcase, Blue Mask grabbed a hold of the clerk’s wrist. “Hey, lady! What you get me for Christmas this year?” “Let go of me! Just take what you want and leave us alone!” Blue Mask yanked the collar out of the clerk’s grip. “Aww, come on, lady! Where’s your Christmas spirit?” He slammed the butt of his rifle into the clerk’s gut, forcing her to the ground. Bourne and Wick watched in disgust as the robbers finished filling their pillowcase with loot. “Alright! Alright, let’s go!” Red Mask shouted. The four ran out of the store into the street, with Blue Mask bringing up the rear as he pocketed the dog collar. “Merry Christmas to all, and to all, SCREW YOU!” he laughed, and disappeared after his accomplices. John Wick jumped to his feet and took off at a run out the door as Jason Bourne ran to check on the clerk. He helped her up to a seated position as she gasped for breath. “I’ll be okay, I’m okay,” she coughed. “But they got away.” A look of determination came over Bourne’s face. “No, they won’t.” Jason Bourne bolted for the door and onto the street, with people still scrambling in the robbers’ wake. He now had a new mission: find the thieves, reclaim what they stole, and get the collar back. And if John Wick decided to get involved, he would need to use all of his skills to stop him. OK: The winner will be whoever 1) Finds and defeats the gang (lethally or non-lethally). 2) Defeats their opponent one-on-one (both armed with a revolver and any weapons they acquire from the gang). 3) Secures the dog collar. Merry Christmas and… Game On!
  9. Dear Uncle Scott. Or I guess Santa Claus. I regret to inform you that I won’t be able to spend Christmas at the North Pole this year, my parents decided that me and Charlie need to spend more time getting to know my dad’s side of the family and are taking us to Florida for Christmas. Believe me, I’m just as sicken about this as you are. But now I got bigger things to worry about. I got a bad feeling about this cop that came by our house this evening, or at least he claimed he was a cop but I think he was a bad guy in disguise. I’m positive I saw that uniform he was wearing at the costume store last Halloween, and he asked a lot of questions about our security system and what days we’d be in Florida. I tried to tell my parents about him but they wouldn’t listen to me, Charlie didn’t believe me either. I know you’re gonna be super busy this time of year but could you please check by our house while we’re gone and make sure he doesn’t try to rob us? I still have that snow globe you got me last year and I’d hate for that big meanie to make off with it whilst I am away. Merry Christmas Uncle Sco- Sorry, Santa Claus. Lucy Miller. P.S. I’ll leave some milk and cookies out for you before I go. ************************************ “Pardon me for speaking out of term Santa, but need I remind you that Christmas is just around the corner and that we’re still below the toy line for children this year? We kinda need you at the North Pole there sir,” the dry voice of Bernard came from the sleigh’s walkie talkie. “Relax Bernard I’ll be back before you can even miss me. I just gotta check on the house real quick, I promised Lucy I would make sure no bad guys were gonna sack the place while she’s gone,” Scott Calvin/Santa Claus replied to his Head Elf. “With all due respect Santa, is it possible that that she might be mistaken about this ‘burglar disguised as a cop’ thing?” Bernard asked in annoyance. “Well, yeah most likely she is. But Lucy’s real worried and I promised her I’d check on the house. So I’ll just hang around for an hour or two and then head back to the North Pole with plenty of time to finish preparations,” Scott assured his elf before bringing his reindeer drawn sleigh down for a landing. Leaving the reindeer on the roof Scott quickly went down the chimney and arrived in the living room, finding a plate of milk and cookies waiting for him. “Thank you Lucy,” Scott smiled as he dug into his treats. ************************************ Outside the Miller house, a suspicious looking van parked outside the driveway. “This is the last house on the block Marv, belonging to a Dr. Neil Miller,” Snickered the diminutive Harry. “Oh we get to rob a doctor’s house Harry?” The slow witted Marv excitedly asked. “A psychiatrist’s house Marv. Lucky for us they make a good wage as well,” Harry grabbed his crowbar as they exited the van. “What’s up with that anyways? I mean I never saw a psychiatrist and look at me!” Marv spread his arms with a smile. “The perfect picture of mental health,” Harry sarcastically agreed. “You check the windows, I’ll try the back door.” The two crooks split up, with Marv making his way to the windows on the East side of the house. Using his crowbar to force open the window, Marv climbed through the opening as silently as the night. Not able to see in the pitch black room Marv pulled out his flashlight but struggled to turn it on, wacking it several times until finally it turned to reveal he wasn’t alone. “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” Screamed Calvin. “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” Screamed Marv in a much higher pitched tone. “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH- Oh dammit! You made me spill my milk and cookies!” Scott complained about his ruined treats. Still screaming Marv leaped out the window that he came in through, the snow only barely cushioned the fall. Crawling to his feet Marv scrambled around the house, shouting out to his partner. “Harry! I saw him Harry! He’s real!” “Wha-? Marv?” Harry barely had time to react before his partner came barreling into him. “Ow! What the heck is wrong with you?” “Santi Claus is in the house!” “What?” “Santi Claus is in that house!” “Get off of me! What are you talking about Marv?” “SANTI CLAUS IS IN THAT FRICKING HOUSE HARRY! I saw him with my own eyes!” Marv exclaimed pointing at the house wildly! “Marv would you calm down already? Need I remind you that A, the house is deserted, you probably just got spooked by your own shadow. B, why the hell would Santa Claus be in someone’s house in the days leading up to Christmas? And C, none of that matters because Santa Claus is not real!” Harry furiously berated his associate. “HO, HO, HO! Merry Christmas to all!” Harry and Marv nearly jumped out of their skins as they looked up towards the rooftop to see none other then the jolly old Kris Kringle himself. “What the friggity, friggidy, frackle?” Harry couldn’t believe his eyes. “It’s him! I told you I saw him Harry! I told you!” Marv exclaimed half shocked but half excited as well. “That’s right little boys, it is I! Santa Claus himself! And I must say I am very disappointed in both of your behaviors this year. I see many lumps of coal in your near future, not to mention a long stay in the state penitentiary. But since it’s “Tis the season to be jolly” and all, Santa Claus is giving you one last chance to change your naughty ways. Go home and never trouble another household again or else I’ll-“ (Reindeer Farting) “Are you serious Comet? I’m right in the middle of this big, important speech and you go and do that?” Scott Calvin demanded. Comet the reindeer bellowed and bleated in annoyance at his Santa. “Carrots? Look sorry but Lucy forgot to lay out some carrots for you guys. And now really not the time for it anyways,” Scott argued back with his reindeer. “The magic reindeer! Harry! It’s Santi Claus’ magic reindeer!” Marv cheerfully shook his friend like an excited little kid. “Yeah if he bought ‘em from a reject circus! Don’t tell me you’re buying this load of baloney Marv!” Harry irritatedly brushed off his partner in crime. “Look guys I’ll get you some chow when we get back home, for now let me handle these guys,” Scott finally managed to settle down his disgruntled steeds. “Hey! Big Red! Look this whole schtick of yours is very amusing. Robbing houses dressed as discount Saint Nick is a little much for my taste but I respect the commitment. But pal, this is our racket! And we aren’t in the mood to share, capisce?” Harry shouted up at the jolly old elf. “Hey I told you I’m the real Santa Claus. And I’m not trying to rob this house, I’m trying to stop you guys from robbing it!” Scott shouted back down at the burglar. “Oh sure, you’re Santa Claus and I’m the freaking Tooth Fairy! I just forgot my wings back in my home in Fairy Tail Land!” Harry sarcastically replied. “I played a round of poker with the tooth fairy last week pal. And I don’t remember him being a short, pudgy Italian guy with a squeaky voice,” Scott deadpanned. Marv snickered a bit at the jab, only for Harry to elbow him roughly in the gut. “Shut up Marv! Now listen up you fat old geezer, you can call yourself whoever you like but we both know you ain’t the owner of this house, which makes you just as guilty as breaking and entering as we are. So unless you’re plan is to call the cops and try to explain to them how breaking and entering is okay as long as your “Santa Claus” I think you should listen to me carefully: we’ll pull back for now, but come midnight tomorrow we’ll be back to plunder this place for all it’s worth and if you’re stupid enough to get in our way again I’ll plug you full of so many holes your ass will whistle the National Anthem every time the wind blows! C’mon Marv let’s go!” “Uh by the way Santa! I sent my mom a homemade Christmas card this year! Will that help me get on the good list this year?” “I said shut up Marv!” Scott watched the two burglars drive away with a serious expression on his face. He hated to admit it but the short Italian guy was right, he couldn’t call the police just yet, not without having a lot of interesting conversations. So there was only one thing for him to do: “Hey Bernard are you there? Bring along some of your best elves to Neil’s house. We gotta catch ourselves two unreformable naughty listers.” ************************************ Okay so I started this back in December as what was supposed to be my Christmas match but obviously I procrastinated on it hard. Sorry it’s so late after Christmas but here it is. Basically can Tim Allen’s Santa Claus home alone Harry and Marv or do the Wet Bandits succeed in robbing the house? You decide.
  10. Clark Griswold is on edge after having yet another disastrous Christmas along with the Griswolds also being just turned away from a New Year's gathering. The family has just pulled up to the driveway at their house when they see some commotion in the kitchen window. Ellen is upset about when she and the family see silhouettes of two men walking through the house, but as she turns to her husband, she sees a sight that makes her even more nervous. "Honey?" Ellen says. "You have that look in your eye again. Please don't do anything ra -- " Clark, however, is too far gone at this point. His Christmas and New Year have already been ruined, but the sight of his happy home being looted has now pushed him past his tipping point. He briefly turns to his wife with the crazed, wide-eyed, grinning expression she pointed out moments ago, then without a word, steps out of the station wagon and walks straight to the garage. Meanwhile, Marv has just plugged up the kitchen sink and turned on its faucet to let the tub overrun. Harry admonishes him and tells him to hurry and help take their pillaged goods outside. Just as they turn toward the exit, a tall figure emerges from the doorway ...
  11. Stave VI SCROOGE'S DEATH SCROOGE was dead to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. The difference in his death and that of his former partner, Jacob Marley, was that Ebenezer Scrooge was surrounded by many that he had inspired in his later life. Scrooge found redemption on Christmas Eve night and set out to spread joy rather than continue his life of greed. Scrooge was surrounded by family and friends in his death. The chief mourner was his nephew, Fred but a great many others had come to mourn. Oh yes, a great many others came to be by his side to celebrate the life of Ebenezer Scrooge. Ebenezer Scrooge was as dead as a door nail. There was no doubt about that. He was as dead as Jacob Marley. The mention of his funeral brought a great many emotions through all that had known him. Scrooge had found peace and redemption in his later life. While Marley was bound by chains to wander the world in his death, Scrooge was at peace. As mentioned, he was surrounded by family and friends in his death. He was not lonely in the end. His nephew, Fred signed the burial of the register along with the clergyman, the clerk, and the undertaker. The funeral of Ebenezer Scrooge saw Bob Cratchit along with his family. Even Tiny Tim came to pay his final respects. Scrooge had left a great deal of his estate to his nephew, but he had spread out the remainder of his wealth among a great many. From Bob Cratchit and his family to the those less fortunate, the old Scrooge had left a great bit for everyone after he passed away. While a great many gathered to mourn Scrooge's passing, they were overcome with joy that he had found peace later in his life. A joy that many that had known him prior to his redemption found rather inspirational. Even the ghost of Jacob Marley came to see Ebenezer Scrooge be laid to rest. The mention of Scrooge’s funeral brings me back to point that I started from. There is no doubt that Ebenezer Scrooge was dead. While a great deal of his life was like that of another man that had died, Scrooge and Marley had different paths in the end. This must be distinctively understood that Scrooge was in fact dead or nothing wonderful would come from the story that is to come. The story that was the life and death of Ebenezer Scrooge had followed the ghost of Jacob Marley. Fred was left in charge of Scrooge's manor, the young man only wished to continue to bring honor to his uncle's legacy. The former home of Ebenezer Scrooge became a warm haven for widows and the fatherless. Even in his death, Scrooge continued to impact the lives of many. His contributions and impact in his later life brought hope to the city around him. There were more than family and friends that came to mourn him in his passing, the city came to pay its respect the man that found redemption on Christmas. With Scrooge Manor becoming a haven for the widows and the fatherless, Fred also set out to make it lively and festive around the holidays. Surrounding trees were decorated with ornaments that caught the eye of all who sauntered by. Carolers lined up to sing the glorious songs of the Christmas season while the former home of Ebenezer Scrooge became a beacon of hope and holiday joy. Bob Cratchit continued the business that Scrooge left behind. Rather than become overwhelmed with greed, Cratchit sought to use the business for the good of mankind. After Scrooge's redemption, Bob was delighted to see his young son grow into a young healthy man. The generous Ebenezer Scrooge even became a mentor of sorts to the young Tiny Tim. Despite Scrooge's final wishes for those that he left behind to donate their money to those in need rather than spend it on his funeral, Tiny Tim saw it fit to leave a single rose on his mentor's coffin. Hymns were sung as Ebenezer Scrooge was laid to rest. There were many tears that were shed for the old Scrooge. The stone that was placed over his grave became a reminder of his life's journey. His gravestone was a reminder to all that came to visit that redemption is possible for ages. After the mourning crowds had departed, the young Tiny Tim stayed behind to look over the gravestone of Ebenezer Scrooge. The young man shivered as he wrestled to find the right words to say. His voice trembled and shook as he muttered a fitting line that he had shouted all those years ago on Christmas Day. "God bless us everyone..." Stave VII THE HAUNTING OF JACOB MARLEY MARLEY'S ghost watched as the friends and family of Ebenezer Scrooge paid their respects to his old business partner. Still bound in the chains and locks that he had forged in his greedy life; the ghost of Jacob Marley felt a single lock come undone after Scrooge's passing. In Scrooge's redemption, Marley found that there was a chance for him to find peace even after death. Underneath his locks and chains, the ghost of Jacob Marley listened to the muttering words of Tiny Tim. With those muttering words of Tiny Tim, who was not so tiny anymore, Marley continued his journey around the world. Traveling far, wide, high, and low; the ghost of Jacob Marley sought to right the wrongs that were done to those in need. From as far as the east is from the west, and the north is from the south, Jacob traveled all over the corners of the Earth. In these endless travels, Jacob saw the worst that mankind had to offer but also saw glimmers of hope in different people. As he had offered a chance to his friend all those years ago, Marley offered the same for others in his travels. Little by little, more of those cursed locks had come undone. Time became a stranger to the old ghost of Jacob Marley. Days had become weeks, and weeks turned to years. After a while, Marley had all but forgotten the days and weeks. Despite the passing days, Marley always remembered the coming of Christmas. In his endless travels across the globe, he would often find himself at the foot of Scrooge's grave. The constant reminder of that gravestone gave hope to the tortured spirit. In his journey for peace and redemption, the wandering ghost of Jacob Marley had encountered many corrupt men and women. Cries of terror from kings and queens followed Marley all throughout the world. The evils of greed from all corners of the world became haunted by the wandering ghost of Jacob Marley. Little by little, the chains that Marley had created in life continued to loosen their powerful grip. The Ghosts of Christmas followed the wandering Jacob Marley in his long journey. The tools of the corrupt varied in each place that Marley traveled to, but the greed was all the same. At the turn of the century, the tools of the greedy changed drastically. The world saw wars that spread across the globe and the horrors only grew worse with the passage of time. Jacob Marley was nearly free from the locks and chains that bound to this purgatory. The old ghost of Jacob Marley visited the grave of Ebenezer Scrooge for what he had hoped would be the final time. He hoped that he could break the final lock to the cursed chains and finally find his own redemption. While the years since his own death has become a blur, Marley still remembered the words of Tiny Tim, "God bless us everyone..." even though, Bob Cratchit and Tiny Tim had long passed away, Jacob Marley remembered them in the Christmas Carol of Ebenezer Scrooge. During his many travels, the wandering spirit had heard of a town that was under the control of an evil man. Even though this despicable man controlled it with an iron grip, the residents stood together with the hope of a better tomorrow. There was a rich history amongst the people in the town. The town was full of many people with wonderful lives. Jacob Marley traveled across the seven seas to and to the upper parts of the United States. Up ahead he could see the sign for the town that read, "Welcome to Bedford Falls." While roaming the snowy streets on Christmas Eve, Marley heard the sweet melody of Auld Lang Syne from within one of the homes. A large crowd gathered to help a man in need. From within the singing crowd, the wandering ghost could hear the soothing jingle of a ringing bell followed by a young girl exclaiming to her father, "Look daddy, teacher says, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings!" The ghost of Jacob Marley soon realized that an angel helped the man in this home realize that he had a wonderful life as he was surrounded by wonderful friends. He also realized that his journey did not end here at the home of George Bailey. No, this Christmas Eve night was far from over for the town of Bedford Falls. Jacob Marley set his sights on the miserable Mr. Potter. Stave VIII IT'S A MISERABLE LIFE POTTER was furious over the news that he had received on that late Christmas Eve night. The town of Bedford Falls came together to help George Bailey. For Mr. Potter, George Bailey had been a thorn in his side for far too long. His hope was that warped, frustrated young man would find himself in jail before the year's end. These hopes and plans ultimately failed with the residents of this town banning together for that idealistic young man. The old man Potter was angry indeed. His plans crumbled before his very eyes on that dark and snowy night. He spat and grumbled under his breath once he heard the sweet tune of Silent Night playing on his radio. The richest and meanest man in the country threw a paper weight from his wheelchair to destroy the radio. He had no desire to hear the joyful Christmas songs that played on the radio. In fact, Mr. Potter would see to it that this would not be a Merry Christmas for the town of Bedford Falls. His mind started to run once again to form a new plan on shutting down Bailey Brothers Building and Loan once and for all. The old man Potter wheeled himself over to his desk. His desire to obtain more wealth was no longer the only thing that was driving him. His heart now desired complete control over this town, and to see the fall of George Bailey. The old man planned out a scheme that would for sure give him what he wanted. After feeling the cold chill of the winter air pushing against his neck, Mr. Potter screamed for his assistant to warm up his office. Despite hollering for his assistant, Mr. Potter's eyes did not move away from the papers that were piled on his desk. The cold winter air slowly crept over to the old man's arms and legs. Mr. Potter hollered again for his assistant to turn on the heater in his office. Once again, his eyes did not leave the papers that he had on his desk. Soon after, the cold chill had completely taken over all parts of Mr. Potter's body. He looked up and screamed at the top of his lunges for his assistant. Spit and drool ran down his lips as he looked around his office. There was no sign of his assistant anywhere in sight. Mr. Potter was all alone in that cold office, or so he thought. The warped, frustrated old man found himself looking around in all directions. There were no sounds or carols that could be heard from the outside. In fact, there were no lights shining outside at all. The lights in his office had started to grow dim and the only sound that Mr. Potter could hear came from a faint knocking at the door. Mr. Potter's voice became a faint whimper as he called out to his assistant once more. The only sound that could be heard was from that knocking which became louder and louder. The old man's eyes widened as the door tore open and he saw the ghostly image of terror itself wander into his office. A grisly image of a tired soul that was bound in chains and locks came before him. This tormented spirit dragged along money boxes and padlocks that were forged in a life that had been wasted on greed. The old banker leaned back in his wheelchair with his eyes widened with fright. "What are you?!" Mr. Potter cried out. "In life, I was a lot like you. In life, my spirit never rose beyond the limits of money-changing holes! In death, I was doomed to wander without rest or peace, incessant torture, and remorse. I have seen your greed and evil for far too long. I am here to right the wrongs of your evil deeds! I am here to stop your pursuit of senseless power!" Jacob Marley screamed. "I... I… I will never stop!” Mr. Potter stuttered. The old man raised up his head and stuck out his chest in defiance. “I will have control of this town!" Mr. Potter yelled with confidence. ******************* Can the ghost of Jacob Marley either stop Mr. Potter from destroying Bedford Falls or even find a way to redeem him? Or will Mr. Potter continue his life of greed in his pursuit to take over Bedford Falls?
  12. Next batch of new characters making themselves known. It Christmas time and Terrorsaur has taken over a city for the holiday. His next move it to take over the Predacons. A few human servants seems like a good idea. Howard Langston and Myron Larabee are both out to impress the city's ruler hoping to stall him until help arrives. Vote Howard Langston if he can gain Terrorsaur's favor. Vote for Myron Larabee if he can gain Terrosaurs favor. Vote for Terrorsaur if he sees them both as useless and destroys them both.
  13. NEW CHARACTER RUMBLE! Infernals are attacking and trying to ruin Christmas! Wintergreen responds to the threat. As does the Titan Megazord, but the Zord is also identifying Wintergreen as an enemy? Can Wintergreen avoid destruction and defeat the infernals?
  14. Flying high in the sky, Santa looked down at his list and smiled. "The Wizard World is next, huh? They don't seem to have many naughties by my calculations, all of them seem to be doing everything properly and living their life to the fullest. Isn't that nice, Rudolph?" he asked the reindeer frontmost of the sleigh. "Lead me down to Hogsmeade Village, I need to make one more trek to a wizard shop for something that one of the Weasleys want. I think they deserve a little bit more than what they currently have, don't you think?" Santa said, prepping his body for the anticipated yet sudden landing. "Wait for me here, I'll be right back," says Santa as he walks toward a wizard shop. Santa Claus felt more at home in the wizarding part of the world, the need to hide was not present as wizard and witches did not have the same reaction to seeing him as normal people did. Unfortunately, that proved to be the wrong move. Walking across the empty Hogsmeade Village, he realized that something was wrong. Many of the people were moving around fast and staring directly at the ground, not looking left nor right. "Aren't you feeling the Christmas spirit?" Santa asked, holding a random person back, stopping him dead in his tracks. "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is here. Don't let him see me, please," said the man, moving past Santa as if he wasn't even there. Almost on queue, Voldemort and the Death Eaters appeared, walking through Hogsmeade Village as if they owned the place. Santa didn't know what to do, but he knew he needed to stop this display of arrogance in any way he could. "Voldemort," he said out loud, unintentionally causing every person in the center of the village to focus their attention on him and the Death Eaters, "what brings you out of your pit of despair on this joyous day?" asks Santa. Angered by Santa's ignorance of his power, Voldemort pulls out his wand and points it at Santa. "Cru-," his call for the Cruciatus Curse is cut short by Santa throwing a candy cane directly at Voldemort, pushing his wand out of his hands. The center of Hogsmeade Village was bustling and filled with astonishment, as an unusual face-off was about to unfold. The villagers looked in amazement as the world's happiest man in a thick coat of red and green faced the darkest wizard of all time, who was shrouded in black. Santa Claus vs. Lord Voldemort, the merriment of Christmas against the aura of darkness. Santa emerged from the snow filled street, his jolly laughter echoing through the air. He was resilient, his face full of robustness and his eyes twinkling with Christmas spirit. In his hand, he carried a staff cleverly crafted from a pine tree, it's smooth surface studded with baubles from his tree back at the North Pole. On the other hand, the cold calmness of Voldemort could not be overlooked. His stoic face and ghostly paleness contrasted heavily against the saturated colors surrounding him. He held a staff made from the roots of a dark Elder tree, bare and ominous. As the match started, both Santa and Voldemort circled each other, their eyes locked in a standoff. Santa was quick and agile. He was leaning heavily on his strength and decades of experience that came from delivering billions of gifts annually in a night to the children around the world. Voldemort, with the agility of a snake- a result of his affinity with Nagini, tried to corner Santa. However, Santa bobbed and weaved with the agility and lightness one would not expect from a man of his proportions. His strength lay not just in his muscles but his profound positivity and undying holiday spirit. Santa started to gain the upper hand, his physicality surprising Voldemort. Each merry laugh from Santa seemed to hit Voldemort like a physical force, the cheer and happiness contained therein too pure, too powerful for any form of darkness. As Voldemort grimaced under this assault of cheer, Santa took his chance, nudging Voldemort lightly with his pine staff. Caught off guard by the jolly frolic and by the unexpected strength of Santa, Voldemort stumbled backward. His death eaters watched in shock as their leader struggled against the cheer-filled resistance. Voldemort regained his footing, his sneer more intense. He, however, looked slightly shaken. For a long moment, the hushed crowd watched as the two mythical figures squared off again. The tension in the air was palpable.
  15. NEW CHARACTER RUMBLE! Miles Quritch, now in his Avatar body is working security on the Polar Express. Vector has been sent on a mission to destroy Christmas, starting with killing the passengers and crew of the express, and riding it to the North Pole. Quritch is intent to stop Vector. But Miles has ulteriror motives and is really trying to harvest the magical energies from the train and North Pole. Vote for the express if the denizens of the train can discover the true motives and also defeat these two villains.
  16. Bright festive lights decorated homes in neighborhoods all around the world, and lit fireplaces warmed many different families within. This year marked yet another yuletide season as everyone preparing for Christmas. For those in the North Pole, they were preparing themselves for everything that could potentially go wrong. In recent times, there were a great many unusual occurrences that had taken place on the big day. Last year, a great many villains on the naughty list had plotted on stealing Christmas from the entire universe. It was the heroics of the Bad Batch in rescuing Santa Claus himself from the clutches of Captain Hook that Santa was able to unite a great many heroes in reclaiming the North Pole. Christmas was saved when many had come together against these dastardly villains. It was a beautiful sight indeed. Santa felt a great warmth within him while watching so many come together in friendship and fellowship. Speaking of dastardly villains, Santa remembered the year before last when Dick Dastardly stole his reindeer and sleigh. Ol' Kris Kringle gave off a chuckle or two when he thought about his head elf, Bernard during that little fiasco. He definitely thought Bernard was going to blow a gasket, but alas everything worked out in the end. While double checking the list of naughty and nice, Santa could not help but ponder on what could possibly happen this year. Bernard updated him on recent productivity in the workshop, and provided him with new routes to take on Christmas Eve. After Bernard left to check on the sleigh for maintenance, Santa continued looking over the naughty and nice list. His thoughts began wander once again. In his time of reflection, he did have a troublesome memory. A thousand years ago, there was an evil demon that had lost a bet. For his sentence, he was to partake in good deeds and deliver presents on Christmas for a thousand years. Santa was overjoyed during this time, as it brought slight relief during his busy schedule, but Kris Kringle began to worry. With the thousand years finally at an end, the evil being could become wicked once again. Ol' Saint Nick stood up and ran through the North Pole. After looking over the enormous snow globe in the workshop, he tried to track down the menacing Santa that sought to spread death and destruction. Sadly, the jolly Santa was unable to track to wicked being with the snow globe. "It looks like it will be another challenging Christmas." Ol' Saint Nick said to himself while looking over the snow globe. "What is it, Santa?" Bernard asked while looking over a clipboard. "Do you remember that.... other Santa?" Kris Kringle moaned. "You mean that bad drunk one in the mall that breaks into locked safes?" Bernard muttered while looking over the papers on the clipboard. "No... The other Santa." Santa re-emphasized. "It's not ringing a bell. Does this have anything to do with how production has decreased from previous years?" Bernard responded while it eyes were still glued to the pages on the clipboard. "BERNARD!" Santa snapped. "The other Santa... From a thousand years ago." Bernard's hands started shaking while he slowly looked up at Santa. "Oh... him... Has it already been a thousand years?" He asked while his voice shaking. "Unfortunately, so." Kris Kringle responded. "WHY? WHY? Why does every year have to be a challenge?" Bernard cried. "Perhaps we could use some help this year." Santa sighed. "Well, the Bad Batch did help you last Christmas!" Bernard exclaimed. "I'm not talking about the Bad Batch! Perhaps someone a little more...." Santa replied while trying to find the right words. "A little more WHAT?" Bernard growled. "Krampus..." Santa hesitantly replied. "Krampus? Really?" Bernard sighed while resting his head on his palm. "It will be perfect!" Santa said with a jolly smile. Santa prepared his sleigh. It had been a long while since he had visited Krampus' workshop. After Santa gave it a good deal of thought, he was unsure if he had actually ever set foot in Krampus' workshop. He certainly had a great deal of curiosity on what he would find in that shop of horrors. After hooking the reindeer up to his legendary sleigh, Santa sat back and took hold of the reigns. Bernard walked up the steps and approached Saint Nicholas. The head elf had a distressed look on his face while giving Santa the map to Krampus' workshop. "Are you sure about this, boss? It is not too late to call in a favor with Mickey Mouse and his pals! I'm sure the Bad Batch or Luke Skywalker could assist, or maybe even the Avengers! I hear the Justice League is on standby! Even the Three Musketeers could lend their swords!" Bernard pleaded. "It'll be fine, Bernard! Krampus punishes the naughty, and this Santa is definitely naughty." Santa said with a smile. Santa nodded at his head elf and took off into the night. The bells on the sleigh jingled as he flew through the night sky. The jolly Kris Kringle arrived at Krampus' workshop. Just as he suspected, the shop was truly the thing of nightmares. There was not even a hint of freshly baked cookies or happiness in the air. While Santa strolled through the shop of horrors, he encountered the horrifying Perchta the Cherub and the mischievous Der Klown. Teddy Klaue even jumped out for a fright, but none of it fazed the jolly Kris Kringle. Santa had seen much over his lifetime, and had faced a great many horrors in Christmas past. His warm cheeks formed into a large smile as he reflected on that little fiasco with Jack Skellington and Halloween Town. He even let out a chuckle when he thought about the Grinch's attempts to steal Christmas from the residents of Whoville. Santa had quite the history of wild adventures during the Christmas season. He shook his head when he remembered being on trial during that little mishap on 34th Street. While thinking about all the crazy adventures, old Saint Nick did not realize that he was being watched by Krampus himself. Krampus appeared before the jolly Kris Kringle. His horns were long and sharp. The eyes on Krampus were dark and brooding. There was an unsettling stench that radiated off his warm breath. While a great many would feel uneasy around the beast, Santa put out his hand with a massive smile that went from ear to ear. His pearly white teeth reflected off the dark void that was Krampus' eyes. "Top of the morning to you, Krampus! How might you be on this delightful morning?" Santa greeted. Krampus did not respond but let out an unspeakable groan. The beast growled and groaned while its large tongue slithered out of his mouth. "Uh... I know it has been a bit. I can only say that I am sorry that I have not visited." Santa said while bringing back his hand. "Listen pal, I was needing some help." Krampus let out another groan as his long tongue came back into his mouth. "Do you remember that other Santa? The demon one that was supposed to do good deeds, deliver presents, and whatnot for a thousand years?" Santa asked. Krampus growled as he shook his head. "Well... That thousand years came and went pretty darn fast, if you ask me. I'm afraid he will be up to no good this year. I'd day even worse than naughty.... Evil, in fact. I may have to make an evil list for now on." Kris Kringle muttered. Krampus growled and groaned as he pointed at a snow glove on his shelf. Santa gave a quick glance at the snow globe and then looked back at Krampus. He sauntered to the shelf and looked upon the snow globe. Within the globe, he saw a household that he had been to multiple times before. There was one Christmas in recent memory that he did not stop by. It was a Christmas where Krampus had paid this particular family a visit. The Engel family were plagued by the visiting Krampus. After their horrifying ordeal, they were rich in the Christmas spirit ever since. Each one sought to perform good will towards men, except for a few mishaps here and there. Santa was overjoyed when he saw that family trying to be better than they were before. "Oh yes! The Engels! They have certainly turned over a new leaf since you paid them a visit!" Santa exclaimed. "What about them?" Krampus pointed again at the globe while gritting his teeth. The snow globe turned into an image of the demonic Santa appearing over their home. Kris Kringle sighed and glanced at Krampus. "So, he is going to target that family and their entire neighborhood?" Krampus nodded with a groan. "If you help me stop him, and save this family... We could... We could save Christmas... Not just for the Engels but for so many others." Santa said. Krampus growled and shook his head. He turned his slightly to look toward his factory of horrors. He then turned back to face the jolly Saint Nick. "If you help me, then you can come visit the North Pole." Santa said with a warm smile. A sickening smile formed across the face of Krampus as he agreed to help Kris Kringle. On Christmas Eve within the Engel family home, the families gathered for yet another festive celebration. Since their experience with the Krampus all those years ago, much has changed for the different members in the family. Omi had since passed away, and most of the children were moving onto adulthood. Some of them were in college while others were trying to figure out what they would be doing with their lives. The once dysfunctional family was much closer than they once were, but there were still hints of their old antics. With the night before Christmas when all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse; except for the unusual scream across from their house. Tom and Howard immediately jumped to their feet. They crept toward the front door and creaked it open with much hesitation. Across the snow covered street, they saw the large home of the Mason family. There rose a great many of clattering sounds from within the elegant home. They heard faded screams and the crashing sounds coming from the large home. The disturbing sounds then started to cease. "Maybe we should just go back inside... What'd ya say, Tommy?" Howard gulped while glancing over at his brother-in-law. "The Masons may be selfish pricks, but they may need our help." Tom sighed. The two men steadily walked across the snow-covered street. Howard looked in all directions with a baseball bat gripped tightly in his hands. "You know ever since that Krampy thing came around, I've done better. I've stopped drinking..." Howard said while shaking his. "Okay... I only drink a couple times a week, but I've been nicer. Hell, I even volunteer at the soup kitchen." He said with a sour look on his face. "That is a good thing." Tom breathed with a puzzled look while glancing over at Howard. "This happened to us however many years ago. It was terrifying and horrible, but maybe we can help these jerks." "You really don't like them, do ya?" Howard smirked. "Not my favorite individuals. They always brag about how much they have and where they've gone. Sometimes they even brag about the people that they rip off. Hell, maybe they deserve a visit from Krampus this year." Tom mumbled whIle shaking his head. "But we can at least try and help them." Tom slowly opened the front door to the Mason house. Howard and Tom walked inside and what they found was a scene of nightmares. "Talk about a nightmare before Christmas." Howard moaned while covering his nose. All over the dining room, they found the dead bodies of the Mason family. The family patriarch, Darren had his hands nailed to the table with different utensils and a turkey leg sticking out of his mouth. One poor soul was face down in a bowl of egg nog, while another individual was crushed into a glass case. A Christmas star was impaled into the back of one young lady, while another had a hole in her forward from being bludgeoned with a table leg. Tom stumbled back as he started to gag. "This.... I don't think this is Krampus!" Tom cried as he staggered back toward the door. "Where are you goin'?" Howard yelled. "Whatever did this could be heading to the house next!" Tom replied while dashing through the snow. Both men got back to Tom's house as quickly as they could. They burst through the door and saw the family huddled together around the warm fireplace. "Everything okay? Is it..... Is it Krampus?" Sarah asked. "I don't know..." Tom said breathlessly. "Good news, you might be getting new neighbors!" Howard said with a forced smile. "What?" Sarah asked with a puzzled look. "The Masons are dead." Tom said while giving Howard a dirty look. Suddenly, there was a banging sound on their rooftop. There was a clatter coming down the chimney. All of the electricity in the house had turned off in an instant as the fire started to dwindle. Then they heard a powerful crash around the fireplace. The family backed up against the wall and watched as a large figure busted through the brick. "HO HO HO!" The evil Santa roared while glaring down the family. "Santa?" Max muttered. "Not exactly, Max!" The evil Santa screamed while stepping toward the frightened family. Everything in the house went cold as familiar noises stirred throughout the Engel home. The family heard footsteps from the floors above. There were growls and giggles coming from all around. The evil Santa stopped in his tracks. "You got to be kidding me!" The evil Santa growled. Suddenly, Max turned his head and he saw the horned creature that haunted his dreams for so many years. Krampus sauntered into the living room and stood between the Engels and the evil Santa. "I... I think we better get out of here!" Tom yelled while pulling his family toward the front door. The evil Santa watched while the family dispersed. He then turned his attention back to Krampus. "You are not going to ruin this for me!" The evil Santa roared.
  17. "Oh, the weather outside is frightful But the fire is so delightful And since we've no place to go Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!" Dean Martin's voice sang over the speakers throughout the logging company. With the thick snow that covered the world around and the blurry haze of white flakes that continued to fall, it was a convenient carol that played over the radio. The heavy blizzard closed the roads, and some of the workers for this logging company had no choice but to stay behind until the roads were clear. While a radio played the chorus of timeless Christmas tunes, some of the men sat around a small television that was hanging on a wall. Their eyes glued to the screen while they watched their favorite football teams battle it out. With what food they had in the break room's refrigerator, this group of men did the best they could with what they had. There were many laughs during the game and clanging glass bottles of beer. It was certainly the best of a tough situation on this mountainous terrain. Deep within the snow-covered forest that surrounded the wood logging company, a darkness formed in the thick powdery snow. A darkness that led to an endless abyss between space and time. Emerging from the abyss, a foul beast emerged from the endless void. This wicked creature's feet crunched against the white flakes beneath it. Tattered dark robes covered the specter as it slowly stepped forward. A power surged through the body of the evil being as strength returned to its arms and legs. Stiff cracking sounds pierced through the bitter cold air while the creature's fingers clutched the handle of its sword. The sinister being slowly drug that same sword across the snow-covered world while his strength continued to return. With his other hand, he dropped a large flail on the icy ground and fell forward. Leaning against a nearby tree, the wraith had finally regained all of the power that it once had. Memories started to trickle in little by little while the wraith pushed itself through the thick trees that stood before it. Falling to his knees, the specter remembered his life as a man and the corruption of a ring. His service to the Dark Lord Sauron burned inside of him while snow continued to fall from the skies. The wraith unleashed a horrifying screech with thoughts surrounding that fateful day on Pelannor Fields. That bloody curdling screech echoed through the frigid cold air while the memories of the Rohan woman and the halfling plagued the mind of the wraith. The Black Captain pushed himself to his feet. He glared back at the flail that he had dropped on the ground. Gazing around at his surroundings, the Lord of the Nazgul began to realize that this was not the world that he once lived upon. The Chieftain of the Ringwraiths sauntered to his deadly flail. He reached down and his cracking fingers wrapped around the handle of the flail. Walking through the frigid forest, the Witch-king of Amgmar made his way toward a sound in the woods. There were many thoughts that went through the mind of the Black Captain, but the worst of thoughts centered around the Dark Lord. The Lord of the Nazgul knew that he was brought into this strange new world for a reason. He would need to find a way to raise his master from that same endless abyss so that they may finally rule over the kingdoms of this world that they so rightfully deserved. The further he walked, the louder the sound became. He could hear what sounded to be music coming from a large building. There was a faint light that shined from within the building. The sound of the Christmas carols could be heard clearly from outside the logging company. The Witch-king unleashed another horrifying screech as he circled around this building filled with music. Knowing that he needed soldiers, the Lord of the Nazgul dropped his sword and flail in the snow. He took out the dark Morgul blade. The weather outside was indeed frightful and with the arrival of the hooded stranger, terror soon entered the doors of the logging company. For the workers that were trapped inside by the terrifying blizzard, they soon would experience a nightmare between life and death. The Lord of the Nazgul was black mantled, huge and threatening. Upon his head, he wore a crown of steel, but between rim and robe naught was there to see, save only for a deadly gleam of eyes. He crept within the walls of the logging company and pierced the workers one by one with the end of the dreadful Morgul blade. The Black Captain inspired a level of fear amongst the souls of the workers. With the radio still playing the Christmas tunes and the television showing the final moments of a football game, the men that once were trapped by the frigid storm slowly started to become wraith-like servants of the Witch-King of Angmar. "Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special…" Mariah Carey's Christmas song play over the loud speak while thousands of shoppers scattered throughout the store. In the frenzy of shoppers, there was one that was bound determined to find the perfect gifts for all of her friends and comrades. Kate Bishop searched high and low for gifts for her fellow Avengers. For some of them, it was quite fun to find presents while others proved to be near impossible. "I mean what do you get for a billionaire, philanthropist, playboy?" She mumbled to herself while thinking of Tony Stark. As her mind raced, she let out a sigh. There was no way that she would be able to find the perfect gifts for an Asgardian such as Thor or the Sorcerer Supreme. While walking through the crowded store, she heard an older woman screaming at one of the overworked employees. Kate glanced over and tried to find the words to say to calm down the situation. Before she could walk over there to help, the older woman stormed away. With a warm smile, Kate thanked the employee for all that he was doing during the Christmas season and assured him that he was doing a great job. Kate then continued on with her quest and was able to find gifts for just about every one of her fellow Avengers. Several aisles away, she saw an item on one of the bare endcaps that would be perfect for Vision. A large smile formed across the archer's face while she started to push her cart toward that perfect gift. As fate would have it, her eyes then met that same bitter lady that she had seen earlier. With a determined gaze in her eyes, Kate knew that the bitter older woman was after the same gift. From where they stood, it was the only one left on the shelf. Both Kate and the stranger raced through the store to get to the end cap. They ran around the frenzy of holiday shoppers, and over the items that were thrown on the floors. With all of the skills that she had obtained since her early childhood and the experiences she had picked up since becoming an Avenger, Kate was bound determined to get to this item first. She pulled off extraordinary flips over shopping carts and slid across the slippery floors as if she was a major league baseball player trying to get to base. She reached her goal and grabbed the item that she felt would be a perfect gift for Vision. The older lady slammed her cart into the young archer and the item slipped out of Kate's grasp. The young Avenger's eyes widened as the item fell into the shopping cart of the bitter old woman. The woman scoffed while she pulled her cart away, and stormed off toward the check-out line. Kate thought about trying to take the item out of the old woman's cart but with everyone around, she did not want to make a scene. She found an item for Vision and the rest of her teammates. She checked out and stepped outside of the busy store. While leaving the store, she saw that same woman that she had encountered before. The woman rolled her eyes in triumph as she headed to her car. Kate shook her head and glanced over at her special companion, who waited outside for her. Lucky the Pizza Dog stood up with his tail wagging in all directions. Kate smiled as Lucky's mouth opened and his tongue flew out of his mouth. "You look hungry!" She exclaimed while patting Lucky's head. "I'm hungry too!" Kate bought a couple hotdogs from her favorite hotdog stand. Lucky ate his hotdogs with a couple bites, and followed his companion back to her apartment. The archer set out to wrap the gifts that she had purchased. While she was in the middle of wrapping, she turned on some music to hear the Christmas carols play in the background. She then heard a knock at her door and stood up from her chair. She turned down the sweet tunes of Christmas cheer and answered the door. Much to her surprise, Kate's sister stood in the doorway. Kate's eyes widened and her mouth dropped as silence fell between the two sisters. Susan broke the uncomfortable silence, "Well... Aren't you going to invite me in, Kate?" "Yes! Yes! Come in, Susan!" Kate said as she stood back and waved her sister in the apartment. Susan's eyes wandered around the apartment and Kate could see that her sister was not impressed by what she had seen. "You seem like you are...." Susan said while trying to find the right words. "Well, I suppose." "I'm great! Everything is great!" Kate said with a smile "Good I... Uh... What is that smell..." Susan said with a disgusted looked until her eyes caught onto Lucky. "Oh." "What are you doing here, Susan?" Kate asked with a sigh. "I need a favor. I need your help." Susan mumbled. "My help?" Kate said with a puzzled look. "With what?" Susan groaned while walking around the small apartment. "I recently purchased a logging company in the Appalachian Mountains. I figured it was not much of a risk and since taking over the family business, I have continued to search for new opportunities for growth." "I am not going to work at the company and I'm definitely not working at a logging company." Kate said while glaring at her sister. "That is not why I am here, Kate!" Susan hissed with a piercing stare. "Recently a blizzard shut down the roads. There were some workers that got stuck there over the weekend. Once things cleared up, they were nowhere to be found." "Sounds more like a job for the local authorities." Kate muttered. "They have searched but with the weather and the terrain... Look..." Susan sighed. "I know that you are some kind of superhero or whatever it is that you dress up as. We have more differences than similarities. I was just wanting to see if you could help find these people." Kate paused for a moment and let out a steady breath. She nodded as she looked her sister in the eyes. "Okay, I'll help." After Susan left, Kate packed her luggage and gathered her equipment. She met with her dear friend, Cassie Lang. Cassie agreed to watch over Lucky while Kate went on her quest to the Appalachian Mountains. While heading toward the logging company, a great many thoughts started running through Kate's mind. She thought about her sister and the Christmases that they used to have together. It was crazy how much had changed in their lives. The young Avenger saw that it was not long until she would arrive at the logging company. "Silent night, holy night! All is calm, all is bright. Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child. Holy infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace..." The young archer walked through the logging company with her bow drawn. Kate could hear the faint sound of the radio playing the Christmas carols, and slowly walked up the steps to the break room. She steadily turned off the radio and gazed around the abandoned facility. The young Avenger crept through the logging company; when all through the building. Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. There was an eerie silence within the building and an uneasy feeling in the pit of Kate's stomach. She walked outside into the cold winter night. From the distance, she could hear a faint screech. The young Avenger shook her head and walked toward the direction of the sound. She walked through snow and brush, until she reached the bottom of a cliff. On the other side of the cliff, a chilly river flowed by. Kate gazed at the flowing river and shook her head. The young Avenger took some steady breathes before deciding that she needed to head back to the logging facility. She then heard the crunching sound of snow from behind. "What the..." Kate muttered to herself as he eyes widened. She was surrounded by what appeared to be pale wraith like figures. These figures slowly made their way toward the young Avenger. Kate shuffled through her arrows until she took out a grapple arrow. She quickly aimed her arrow up above her. Kate launched an arrow for the top of the cliff. The grapple arrow latched onto the top of the cliff and quickly brought the young Avenger out of the reach of the wraith-like creatures. While she was ascending up, Kate glanced down at the pale beasts. She let out a sigh of relief as she reached the top of the cliff. Kate took over the cliff and stumbled back. For a split second, she thought she had escaped from harm's grasp. She then heard crunching snow and snapping twigs. The young archer glanced back and saw a figure with long black robes. It had a steel helmet over its head and stood high up in the cold winter's air. "Who dares disturb my kingdom?" The Witch-king growled. "What are you?" Kate asked while aiming an arrow at the Lord of the Nazgul. "I am your end, foolish girl." The Witch-king hissed with an unsettling screech. Kate sighed as she mumbled under her breath, "Why does this have to happen to me during Christmas?" ****************** Kate Bishop has her bow and arrows. She also has a wide variety of trick arrows. The Witch-king has his sword, flail and Morgul blade.
  18. Santa Claus looked around his workshop. He was pleased with the work his elves were doing. "No matter what anyone says, I want you all to know the appreciation I feel for all of you. Without you, my work would truly be meaningless," he said, his loud voice booming across the work place. "And due to me considering you all such an important part of our holiday process, I would like your opinion on something," he said, pulling out the coveted "Naughty or Nice" list in view of the elf workforce. The elves perked up, they knew the holiday icon respected them, but they never took part in decisions when it comes to who was naughty or nice. As it was new territory for them, they stopped what they were doing and listened to the man who started speaking up about a strange, strange man. "Waluigi," Santa uttered his name. "He doesn't really do anything other than play sports, but he is associated with a very, VERY, greedy man. A very bad man, one who only takes and takes. Could I truly justify giving him coal for being associated with someone bad?" Santa asked, looking around for any elf that was brave enough to be the first one to give their own opinion in a room full of 1000s of their colleagues. Suddenly, a lone elf raised a hand up high, and Santa pointed toward him, signaling over to him that he should start speaking. "If you want it to be fair, I think you should bet him over it. If he wins, he gets a present. If he loses, he gets coal," said the elf. No one else said anything else, almost as if they were agreeing with the only elf who gave a valid reply to the question posed by him. Looking around for any better way to deal with the situation, Santa found himself in a situation where he was essentially forced to take that answer and run with it. "As you wish," said Santa, snapping his fingers as a sled flied in front of him, carried by his trusted flying reindeer. Getting into it, he waved goodbye to his workforce and left them with a message. "You just make sure everything else is perfect on your end, and I'll deal with Waluigi," he said as he flied off to Diamond City. Seconds later Flying into Diamond City, his sled parked on thin air outside of Waluigi's apartment, he knocked on the window, causing Waluigi to open up the window, bewildered at Santa's sudden appearance in the middle of October. He was both starstruck and mad at the jolly man, saying "You haven't been here for the past thirty eight Christmases, and now you're suddenly willing to give me a chance?" asks Waluigi, his voice hurtful. "Not quite," replied Santa. "I'm here to have a contest with you, and if you win, only then will you get everything you want every Christmas from now on." Waluigi was still hurt, but he couldn't turn down the offer of Santa. After all, Waluigi was notoriously obsessed with winning. "Sure, what do you have in mind?" asked Waluigi. "You and I, when Christmas comes, will have a contest to see who can put up the most Christmas lights in 1 hour the moment the clock strikes twelve. We will have until 1 a.m. to put up Christmas lights, at which point the contest stops and we count however many lights we've put up." "And if I win, you promise to give me a prize?" asked Waluigi. "Anything you want," replied Santa, to which Waluigi smiles mischievously. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, really. Waluigi vs. Santa in a battle of who can put up the most Christmas lights in an hour. Who do you reckon takes this?
  19. Basically, can Squirrel Girl be the one to convince the Grinch about the true meaning of Christmas and even prevent him from stealing?
  20. Club Villain With Christmas fast approaching, dangerous villains from all over the universe gathered at an exclusive club known as Club Villain. Across time and space, these villains gathered at a club that they could call their own. While this club was filled with the worst villains from the deepest darkest pits of their respective universes, they did not typically fight against one another. There was music all throughout and strobes of lights that shined high up on the ceiling. Drinks from all around and foods that were unique in the harshest of environments. As the music screeched and the villains danced, some gathered to recount their defeats. From the fashionable Cruella de Vil to the self-proclaimed king of the Pride Lands, Scar; these were some of the worst evil-doers of all time. Some of these wrongdoers had it all and achieved their goals, only for those plans to be thwarted by their enemies. As these villains gathered, waiting for yet another year to come to an end, they continued to reflect on their greatest defeats. While sitting around what seemed to be a lucrative lounge, one of the many villains that frequented the club spouted off an idea that got the crowd of scum talking. This particular villain was over confident in his ways as he looked over the many different evil-doers. He had a smile that would make the weakest of minds blush. "What about stealing Christmas?!" Gaston proclaimed in his confident smile. "It's been done before, you nitwit!" Jafar responded as he rolled his eyes. "By the Grinch who eventually had a change of heart." "But if we stole Christmas, maybe we could get what we want for a change!" Gaston boasted once again. Jafar let out a sigh as he rolled his eyes. There was much banter amongst the evil villains. The banter eventually became arguing as the many different villains started to fight amongst themselves. Gaston turned his attention from Jafar to the self-proclaimed King of the Pride Lands. Scar growled at the arrogant hunter as they were about to come to blows. While the boastful hunter and the power-hungry lion came to blows, the others sat to watch the entertainment unfold. Dr. Facilier sat back with Ursula with a great big laugh. Share Khan and Prince John both roared as they cheered on Scar. Prince John had to lifted the oversized crown out of his eyes, so he could watch the fight unfold. Hades giggled at the bar as he served hellish drinks to the Queen of Hearts and the strongest rum, he could find for Captain Hook. As the crowd grew larger, so did the fight. Jafar and Yzma found their way near the back of this brawling mob of villains, while Clayton and Shan Yu put up a decent bout with different henchmen. Cruella de Vil cursed as she tried to keep her cocktails from spilling, and Prince Hans tried to keep himself hidden under a table while Claude Frollo looked over the madness in disgust. Mother Gothel and Lady Tremaine joined Cruella at her table, while Mr. Smee tried to find his dear Captain in all of the chaos. Madam Mim danced and chuckled amongst the craziness that was occurring. Suddenly, the entire club filled with a blinding blue flash as lightning filled the air. Several of the selfish villains were overcome with a surge of lightning as the horned fairy that was the Mistress of Evil roared out amongst the Club of Villains. "ENOUGH!" Maleficent screamed as she stomped her staff against the floor. The club of scum and villains gazed upon Maleficent, the Club' owner Pete, and a seemingly wrinkled frail figure in a black robe. Everyone watched as the lightning faded from the hands of the old pale man in the black. Gaston's eyes widened as he gazed upon the trio. "I didn't know that old hag could do that! I thought she just gave out nasty bitter apples, and long chats with her magic mirror!" Gaston said as his mouth dropped. "That is the Evil Queen, you dimwitted buffoon, and she is over there in the corner." Scar pointed as he reluctantly pointed toward the Evil Queen. "Foolish people! I am the Dark Lord of the Sith and Supreme Emperor!" The Emperor declared with a sinister laugh. "Who? What is your name?" Prince Hans asked as he pulled himself out from underneath the table. "I am Emperor Palpatine, but you can call me Darth Sidious!" The Emperor responded with his wrinkled smile. The crowd stood in silence as they gazed upon the Darth Lord of the Sith and the Mistress of Evil. Suddenly, the silence broke as Pete let out a growl. "You morons made a mess in my club!" With a frenzy, the different evil-doers tried to clean up the mess that was made. There was still bickering as Gaston argued with Scar. A powerful bang echoed throughout the Club as silence once again fell amongst the scum. "Our fight is out there..." Maleficent said as she pointed her staff slightly in the air. "With all those self-righteous idiots that call themselves heroes!" Every one of the villains gathered around the Mistress of Evil as she continued with her speech. "Gaston is right." Maleficent declared while many in the room let out a gasp. Maleficent rolled her eyes as she continued to speak. "Stealing Christmas and getting what we deserve... Taking what we deserve!" "But how?" Prince John asked as he stared at the powerful fairy. Maleficent gave a piercing glare upon the selfish lion. In a moment of fear, Prince John started to tremble as he sucked on his thumb. The Mistress of Evil rolled her eyes as she turned her attention back to the rest of the villains. "Taking all from Christmas itself!" She declared. "We kidnap the Jolly bearded red suited Christmas guy himself!" Pete yelled as he took a drink from his bar. "We take control of the North Pole." Palpatine said with a sinister voice as he found a lounge chair to sit upon. "One by one, we will take everything from Santa Claus and his kingdom! Then we will take the fight to those so-called heroes!" Maleficent said as she glared amongst the villains. "We will have to tolerate each other long enough to work together." "Yes..." Palpatine said as his yellow eyes stared upon the crowd. "In order for us to achieve a power greater than any of those pathetic fools, we have to work together!" "Together? Huh" Shere Kahn said as he circled around the Emperor. "Haven't you left your people to die for your own goals, until one of them threw you down a pit." "You foolish, animal!" Palpatine said as rage filled his veins. Palpatine lifted his hands, but stopped himself from unleashing a large surge of lightning onto the tiger. "We all have lost... Now is the time to steal Christmas, and we can obtain the power to achieve anything we want!" Maleficent glanced at the self-proclaimed King of the Pride Lands. "Do you still have resources in the Animal Kingdom? Do the hyenas still ally themselves with you?" "No... No... Once that Royal Pain in you know what returned... Let's just say... We had a falling out." Scar said as he licked one of the scars that he received from the hyenas that night of his battle with Simba. "You will need to go with Prince John and Shere Kahn to the Animal Kingdom. Gather animals, gather armies, gather everyone!" Maleficent yelled. "All of you will need to gather your forces! Hades, gather the titans! Dr. Facilier, get your friends on the other side! Hook, we need pirates! And the rest of you, gather everyone you can! There will be a New Year, but I assure you that it will not be a Happy New Year for those heroes!" Darkness filled the room as the great demon, Chernabog appeared over the crowd. Maleficent and Palpatine smiled as the villains started to chant. They all started to plan what they would he doing in order to steal Christmas. Some would kidnap Santa himself, while others would take the reindeer. One group would work to manipulate the elves, while another would take control of Santa's factory itself. Every one of these villains would have a role to play. Despite their common goal, there was still bickering among the crowd. Through their conniving and schemes, they came up with a plan that would abuse the heroes to scramble all throughout the different universes. While some of these evil-doers had a direct role in their plot against stealing Christmas, others would be mere decoys for the heroes. The North Pole With Christmas just around the corner, the many different elves of the North Pole scrambled around as they continued to make the deadlines that were put before them. The big jolly man himself walked through the workshop with a warm smile that went from ear to ear. His head elf, Bernard, quickly followed behind him with different reports. There was much anxiety within the head elf as he went over the reports. Santa dismissed most of the anxieties as he knew in his heart that this would be another successful Christmas in the long line of Christmases that they have had. Bernard reminded him of the fiasco that occurred almost a year ago with that Dick Dastardly, to which ol’ Saint Nick was quick to remind him that he was able to get that quickly resolved without any issue affecting the big day itself. Santa joked with other elves as Bernard grew more anxious about all that needed to be done before Christmas Eve. In the back of Bernard’s mind, he still had much fear that something else would happen right before Christmas that could cause everything to erupt into uncontrollable chaos. Santa handed the head elf a cub of hot chocolate. He looked into Bernard’s eyes and assured him that everything was going to be okay. A small half smile formed across Bernard’s face as he glanced down at the different reports. He shook his head and took a deep breath. “I am going to need a long vacation.” He said under his breath as he went back to his office close to the Workshop. Little did they know that there was trouble brewing. A nefarious plot was coming to a head. All throughout the North Pole, hyenas and lions ran throughout Elf Town. Pirates plundered through homes and buildings. Shadowy figures lurked through the Workshop, while a demonic force flew over the North Pole. Sirens echoed as the Elves scattered in a frenzy. Bernard led as many as he could into an escape shaft, while Santa sought to save his Workshop and his home from these evil-doers. It was no use as the villains came together to take over the North Pole. The many different villains stood out in the Main Square just outside Santa's Workshop. Palpatine stood alongside Maleficent, and both let out a horrifying laugh. Maleficent declared that Christmas was theirs. She pointed down at Captain Hook, who had a sinister smile cover his face. Maleficent ordered "Take Santa as far away from her as you can!" Hook nodded as he glared at Mr. Smee and the rest of his pirates. "Take him to the brig!" Hook ordered as his pirate minions led Santa away. Santa glared back at the villains. He yelled out, "You will not win! The naughty never do!" Maleficent glanced back at Palpatine. "You have control of the Workshop. You know that they will come with everything that they have." "It will go as planned..." Palpatine hissed. "The reindeer, the sleigh, the elves, and this Santa Claus will be spread to different universes. There is no defeating our combined strength. They will be foolish if they try." The Mistress of Evil gave the orders, and the villains went forward with their plans. The reindeer were taken far away. The elves that did not escape were trapped in another universe being guarded by different villains. The sleigh was taken by another group of evil-doers far, far away. Everything was going according to plan. Little did the villains know, that Bernard and a small group of elves escaped the North Pole. The head elf had heard about a hero that was Mayor of the Magic Kingdom. This Mayor was known far and wide as Mickey Mouse. There were rumors that Mickey had a way to communicate with heroes from all kinds of universes. The head elf knew that he would need help, and they would need heroes to save Christmas from the villains. Bernard let out a grunt as he knew this was not like last year. This was not just Santa stopping Dick Dastardly. This would have to be an ultimate alliance of heroes and universes. City Hall of the Magic Kingdom From the Mayor, Mickey Mouse himself to his most trusted companions in Pluto, Goofy and Donald; the heroes gathered for an annual winter meeting. While it initially started off with much humor coming from the silly antics of Goofy. They started discussing the upcoming Christmas celebration, and what all that would entail. Mickey wants to send invites to the Animal Kingdom, and other universes far, far away. He even wanted to send invites to all the friends that they made in between those universes; from Mount Olympus to under the sea. It would be a great celebration indeed. The meeting quickly shifted as an unexpected visitor knocked upon the City Hall door. Mickey's darling wife, Minnie opened the door and they saw what appeared to be a hyperventilating elf. Mickey and his friends greeted the elf as he walked into City Hall. The elf, Bernard tried to catch his breath but still had some trouble getting his words together. Mickey was able to get the Head Elf some water, and Bernard was able to catch his breath. Bernard recounted everything that had happened with the North Pole being taken over by the villains. Goofy yelled out, "Oh no!" While Minnie said, "This is terrible!" Mickey stood back for a moment before trying to find a solution. Mickey finally thought about his friends from the different universes that he had made over the years. As he sent out word, he received responses from all over. There were some heroes that were able to come, but many others had other matters of their own to attend to. As different heroes gathered, Mickey learned that Simba and Tarzan were busy dealing with problems that had recently risen in the Animal Kingdom. Hercules, Aladdin, and Genie had problems arise in Mount Olympus with Chernabog and some shadowy creatures from the other side. Many of the heroes were scattered throughout in having to deal with a variety of enemies. Mickey and his friends started to grow worried. Chip and Dale tried to offer their services, but they did not know where to even begin. With the nefarious Captain Hook holding Santa captive aboard the Jolly Roger, Donald thought that maybe Peter Pan could help against the Pirate captain. Mickey quickly reminded Donald Duck that Peter was on an adventure with Alice in Wonderland. There was word that the Queen of Hearts was causing mayhem there, and Peter offered to help Alice with that issue. As Mickey and his friends continued to discuss, there was a voice that offered a solution. "The Jolly Roger was last seen over the Monstropolis system. There is a ship in that system that had helped the Rebel Alliance in the early days of the Empire." Jedi Master Luke Skywalker said as he looked over Mickey and his friend. "Oh goody! What ship?" Goofy asked with a hopeful smile. "The Marauder." Obi-Wan replied as he stood beside Luke Skywalker. "It was a team that also helped throughout the Clone Wars." "No! Don't tell me!" Donald said with several drops of spit splashing out of his beak. "Clone Force 99." Obi-Wan said with a smirk. "Or better known as the Bad Batch." There were gasps in the rooms and even a gulp. There was a moment of silence in the room, but that brief moment had quickly come to an end. "Ah... Who are the Bad Batch?" Goofy asked. "A group of clones with desirable mutations..." Mickey said as he reflected on the stories that he had heard. "What have they been up too?" "A little bit of everything..." Obi-Wan responded. "But I heard that they were recently doing a job over one of the moons of Monstropolis. They are closest allies we have to the Jolly Roger." "If we save Santa, he could help in saving the rest of Christmas!" Mickey exclaimed as he looked upon his friends. "Oh shucks! This will be a busy Christmas!" Goofy yelled as he looked down for a moment. "I will send word to Clone Force 99." Luke said as he started walking away. The Marauder After another successful mission, Hunter and his crew sat back in the Marauder. They debated whether they should go report back to Cid or see what other adventures they could find. Tech noticed an incoming transmission, and alerted the rest of the crew. Omega and Wrecker were enjoying snacks that they were able to obtain from their recent mission, while Hunter and Echo were discussing where they would be going next. Tech opened up the transmission, and they saw Jedi Master Luke Skywalker standing before them. Wrecker made some joke about Luke being Anakin Junior, but he quickly went quiet when he saw Obi-Wan along with Mickey and his friends. Everyone in the transmission had a look of distress as they stood before the team of abnormal clones. "What can we do for you, sir?" Hunter asked as he stood before everyone in the transmission. "Several of our enemies have conspired recently and there has been an attack." Luke responded as the Bad Batch started to come in closer toward the transmission. "What kind of attack?" Hunter asked. "An attack on Christmas!" Donald said as spit shot out of his beak. "Santa was kidnapped by a crew of pirates, the reindeer were taken, the sleigh was stolen, and they have taken control of the North Pole." Luke said as Mickey stood by his side. "What do you want us to do?!" Omega asked as she stood front and center. Hunter glared down at Omega and then back at the heroes in the transmission. "Sorry about her..." Hunter said as he gently pushed Omega back toward Wrecker. "We are too far from the North Pole to provide any sort of support." "We are not asking for your help with the North Pole..." Mickey responded. "We have heard that Captain Hook and his pirates have Santa on the Jolly Roger over Monstropolis." "We need your help in rescuing Santa from Hook and his men." Luke requested. "You are our only hope right now. You are the closest allies that we have to that location." Hunter glanced at Omega, who looked more than ready to go on this mission. He then glanced at Echo, Tech, and Wrecker who nodded in agreement. "We are on it!" Hunter declared as he saw Mickey and his friends smile. The Jolly Roger With stealth technology, the Bad Batch approached the pirate ship of the Jolly Roger. Hunter told Omega to stay with him, while Wrecker and Tech were supposed to go to the take control of the ship’s wheel. Echo was given orders to find, and free Santa from the brig. As the team scattered throughout the ship, they heard the singing from the many different pirates that were on board. It was not long until, Wrecker was spotted by Mr. Smee. Fights broke loose as Wrecker and Tech fought off a wide variety of pirates. Hunter and Omega were going to try and take control of the main deck. After Hunter heard the commotion that he knew could only be from Wrecker, he and Omega started to engage the pirates on the top deck. Hunter was quickly disappointed to learn that the Captain of the Pirates was not on the deck with the rest of his men. He suspected that he must have been lower in the ship, looking over his prized prisoner. Hunter radioed in for Echo and informed him that there was a possibility that Captain Hook was with Santa Claus. After hearing the news over the radio, the big brute that is Wrecker let out a childish laugh. Tech glared at him and asked what he was laughing at. “OH YA KNOW! ECHO ONLY HAS ONE HAND HAHA!” Wrecker chuckled as he continued. “CAPTAIN HOOK ONLY HAS ONE HAND! WHAT A FIGHT THAT WILL BE!” Tech shook his head as he put some of his equipment around the ship’s wheel. “I swear you can find humor in the smallest of details.” Tech said as he rolled his eyes. Meanwhile… In the lower sections of the ship, Echo was approaching the brig area. He heard a voice not far from him, and saw a light up ahead. “Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the pirate's life is sure delightful, and since you've got no place to go... Let the villains win for a change… Wouldn’t you say, Mr. Sandy Claus?” Captain Hook said with a devilish grin as he mocked Ol' Saint Nick. "You will not win, Mr. Hook! You and your friends will surely lose!" Santa responded as he glanced over at the corner. Santa could sense that they were not alone, and felt the presence of someone coming to his rescue. Santa looked back at the Pirate Captain, hoping not to give away the location of the one that came to rescue him. Captain Hook continued to look over Santa with that same grin. He pointed his hook at the jolly bearded man. "Christmas is ours! We have won!" "Not yet!" Santa declared with a great big smile. Echo gazed from behind a corner that hid in shadows, and steadily let out a sigh. He glanced down at the blaster in his hand, and then he stared at the hand that was made into a cyborg part. He nodded to himself, and got ready for a battle. The former Arc trooper leaped out of the shadows, and confronted the pirate captain. Echo glared at Captain Hook, and ordered, "You will let Santa go now, or I will be force to stop you!" "Oh look! Haha..." Captain Hook said with a chuckle. "There are intruders on my ship! As long as you are not that despicable Peter Pan or that wretched croc!" "I will give you something to fear and I will stop you!" Echo yelled as he took out his blaster.
  21. A Verse City Christmas Twas the night before Christmas, and all through Verse City, Klaus was searching in earnest, getting down and gritty; Each house was filled with holiday cheer, But the one Klaus was looking for, was nowhere near. For miles he traveled, from Pop Culture District to Forgotten Zone, On the rooftops and alleyways, Klaus progressed alone; He could not give the good boys and girls their gifts, not just yet, For first his mission was to eliminate a threat. On a winter night just as this, Klaus heard a rumor that something amiss, That a demon had come to Verse City, summoned from a cold abyss; Santa Claus, they shared the name and magical power, But this one was unkind, a killer who made others cower. “Please help us!” the citizens prayed, their lives and holidays were cut short, “Violence is not the way,” Klaus regarded, “it will be my last resort;” So before Christmas he vowed, face-to-face two Santas would stand, Klaus would stop Santa at any cost, and bring yuletide spirit back to the land. But Christmas draws near, with no Santa Claus in sight, Klaus’ frustration grew, he wanted to find him before first light; He closed his eyes, letting the yuletide spirits guide his way, And just like that, Klaus came across Santa in his sleigh. He stood tall and muscular, not an ounce of fat on his frame, Santa's big red suit was covered in blood, a corpse at his feet was to blame; “I see you’ve found me,” Santa Claus said, "I was beginning to wonder if you would at all," “I hope you find it in yourself to surrender,” Klaus exclaimed, “Before we come to brawl." Santa gave a devil's grin, revealing his icy spike in hand, Klaus unsheathed his long sword, he was prepared to take a stand; The snow fell between them, not a soul dare intrude, One Santa Claus would die tonight, during this Christmas interlude. Before Klaus could make his last plea, Santa bellowed "I'll tell you who I am, because it seems you are perplexed," "I am the fucking Santa Claus," he yelled. "And guess what? You're next!"
  22. A Christmas themed rumble. Can the Doctor save Christmas from the Gremlins terrorizing a small town and Santa's workshop?
  23. Oh, the weather outside is frightful Less than a week until the big day, the elves were running frantic to get the toys ready. The reindeer were preparing themselves yet for another flight around the entire world all in one night! It is enough to stress out just about any normal person, but Old Saint Nick is no normal man. He made his list, he checked it twice, and is as jolly as ever! Walking past the elves, he glowed with powerful jolly good joy that inspired the elves to be as confident as ever! The Big Day of Christmas was fast approaching and the North Pole was crazy as all get out! Notty or nice, would mean nothing if everything failed on that one Big Night! While Santa prepared his list and checked it twice, there is one thing he did not see coming. There was a dastardly plot that was being hatched for this very Christmas! ************************ The North Pole While surveying the elves, Santa was walking alongside the head elf, Benard. While most elves were filled with joy and an optimistic spirit, Benard was almost the opposite. Meeting deadlines were his highest priority, and usually his pessimism turned off his fellow elves. While Santa had a jolly smile walking amongst the elves, Benard had his face down while he was looking over reports. As he followed closely behind Santa he spoke of his worries about the Big Day! "The numbers are in, Santa! There are just too many problems!" Benard pleaded as he followed Santa. "Oh Benny, there's problems every year and every year we have a wonderful Christmas!" Santa said with a jolly smile. "Please Santa, I've told you for centuries now that I don't like being called Benny. My name is Benard! And this year is different!" Benard replied as he stopped for a moment. "That is what you say every year! That's what you said when we had that year with the foggy Christmas Eve! Do you remember what happened then?" Santa asked as he stopped with a smirk. "Of course I remember, Santa. Rudolph even got a hit song and respect from all the other reindeer!" Benard said with a sigh. "Or that time that I crashed my sleigh in Central Park! I remember getting an ear full from you on that one! Can you remind me what happened then?" Santa quipped. "Buddy helped you get your sleigh running again with Christmas cheer, bu...." Benard replied before being interrupted. "The same Buddy that you were afraid would ruin this place since he was a human in an elf's world. How many times have we had problems and everything is more than good in the end?" Santa asked with his large smile. "How about that incident in Whoville? Or even that Pumpkin King guy from Halloween Town? I'm pretty sure you've gotten arrested before too?" Benard replied with a look of frustration. "And they all worked out in the end! Whoville became even more jolly than before. That ol' Grinch's heart grew larger because of it, and now he is loved by all the town! Jack is doing well in Halloween Town! And that miracle on 34th Street changed many lives that day!" Santa responded as he reached into his pocket. "They were all close calls! Eventually one of these is going to be too close and we lose everything!" Benard said with a worried look. Pulling a cookie out of his pocket. Santa took a bite and looked at his head elf for a moment. "I remember when those 3 children got lost on the Polar Express. You said that it a close call then too! Those kids' lives changed forever! Whether it was trusting others or simply believing! Benard, there is always going to be close calls... I need you to trust and believe!" Santa said with a warm smile. "Of course, Santa. You know me... I just get worried!" Benard said with a half smile. "That is why you are my head elf! You know what needs to be done and I thank you for that!" Santa replied as he finished off his cookie. Deep in another part of the world... With a twist of his mustache, the wicked and cruel Dick Dastardly let out a heinous laugh as he looked over his latest mischevious plans! Muttley stood by his side also letting out an evil laugh! Dastardly turned to his dog with a huge and wicked grin! Muttley got up in the table and looked over the blue prints for their plan! "This Christmas, we are going to steal Santa's sleigh and his precious reindeer! We will be faster than anything, Muttley!" Dastardy yelled while throwing out his arms. "Come Muttley, we are going to the North Pole!" Dick Dastardly and Muttley loaded in a rocket type air craft. As the ship lifted off the ground, Muttley let out a giggle as a bird flew into Dastardly's face! "DRAT!" Dastardly yelled as spit out a feather. The rocket launched into the clouds and soared through the skies! The North Pole The wicked duo landed near the North Pole! After sneaking into the land, they kept themselves hidden from elves and other magical creatures. As they crept passed Santa's workshop, they saw it up ahead! A luxurious massive building that was the stables for the reindeer and where the legendary sleigh was kept! Dick Dastardly twisted his mustache as a wicked grin formed across his face! "This is it, Muttley!" The two snuck into the stables and they saw the sleigh in the center of a large room! Lights shined down upon the legendary sleigh! Dastardly crept over to the sleigh and rubbed his hands across the shiney red siding! "Beautiful!" Dastardly said as he took out some of his equipment. Dastardly glanced over at his companion! "Now to get those reindeer!" Dastardly said as he gazed upon Muttley. Muttley let out a giggle as they roamed through the stables. After using a device to lure the reindeer into the sleigh room, Dick Dastardly captured the reindeer and attached them to Santa's sleigh. "Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen! Well that's eight, where's the last one!" Dastardly said as he looked around the stables. In a dark corner of the stables, he saw a red glow shining bright! "And Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer! That's nine! Muttley, do something!" Muttley was able to capture Rudolph and had him strapped in the front of the other reindeer. Everything was going according to plan! Until... Benard the Head Elf walked into the stables to do a check on the sleigh and Santa's reindeer! "OH MY!" Benard gasped! "Drat, and double drat!" Dastardly yelled as frustration engulfed his face. "Muttley, do something and get that elf!" Muttley charged at the Head Elf and captured poor Benard. Dastardly loaded the Head Elf into the back of Santa's sleigh! "You can't do this! You'll ruin Christmas!" Benard pleaded. "I don't care! I have other plans!" Dastardly responded as he mushed forward with the reindeer and with that the sleigh took off out of the North Pole. After seeing the Reindeer leaving, the elves started to panic. Mrs. Claus ran out to see the commotion and heard one of the elves saying that Santa's sleigh and all the reindeer had been stolen! Mrs. Claus pushed an alarm and Santa quickly made his way to the front of the workshop! "Your sleigh and the reindeer, they were STOLEN! And poor Benard was kidnapped!" Mrs. Claus exclaimed as she watched her husband grow worried. "I will do what I can to save my friend, to rescue my reindeer, and to get back my sleigh!" Santa replied as he tightened his gloves!
  24. 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; Everyone slept soundly; except for there next to the shelves, Low and behold, twas not one but two massive big elves! Swords and spears they carried, and bows as long as an arm, Smiles on their lovely faces, that promised each other much harm, For these weren't jolly Christmas elves, oh my dear no, These were warrior prince elves; that deadliest of foe! They clashed together with thunder and wrath, And the Christmas tree lay shredded in their path, They laughed as they fought, a most terrifying sound, So stay in your bed kids, lest they put YOU in the ground! Merry Christmas everyone! Hope Santa and some jollier elves that this visit you soon!
  25. Basically which of these duo teams can throw the best Christmas party.
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