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Match 5259 The Romulan Star Empire and The Klingon Empire vs. Galactic Republic (Star Wars)

Guest callisto

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Guest thetrekker

Yah I'm willing to let you win the Warp Lightspeed battle but I still say that an orbital bombardment would kill either side so it'll be a space space battle.

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Guest Classic80s

About a ship to ship space battle, the Star Destroyers are bigger (I think), for sure the Super Star Destroyers are, but the advantage would have to go to the Rom/Klings because of cloaking. The only disadvantage to that is that they can't fire while cloaked. When it comes down to it, the Clones would pilot the smaller fighters, and since there's so many of them, they sure outnumber the Rom/Klings.



I'll say this.... if Shinzon is leading the attack for the Rom/Klings, then the Rom/Klings win. If not, I think the Republic pulls it out.

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Guest thetrekker

Shinzon wasn't born back in the 23rd century but their were numerous commanders in both the Romulan Star Empire and the Klingon Empire who could equal him if not outdue him. Assuming Mercenary doesn't want to bring the power of the weapons and he wants to make them equal, "that's what you said last match mercenary right?" then I have to go with the Klingons and Romulans. After a few battles I'm sure the Ks and Rs could get their hands on a hyperdrive or two and EVENTUALLY adapt it to serve their purposes. So if Merc doesn't want to bring weapon power into the battle then I go with the Ks and Rs. If Merc does want to bring weapons power into it then the republic wins. Too bad I already voted for the Ks and Rs. But whenever power is brought into it It becomes an uneven match.


And with that I rest my closing statement. Good night all I look forward to more comments in the morning.

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Guest thetrekker

lol double post


Yes the stars do stretch out in the process of going to warp


and the extragalactical race Yuuzhan Vong who had far superior hyperdrives wandered out side the galaxy fdor about a thousand year - Vector Prime


Yes the Star Wars guys did try to explore outside the universe, a few small ships left never to be heard again and the main project was called Outbound Flight. Just google that to find out about it.

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Guest Classic80s

Outside the galaxy, not universe. :P


Anyway, I'm sure Solo could do it. Him & the Falcon would be good Galaxy jumpers. HA! That sounds like it would make one hell of a story!

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Guest Classic80s

From what I found, "Outbound Flight" was only to the extreme far reaches of the galaxy, but no galaxy hopping (like to other galaxies).






Speaking of which, it's so weird how neither Wars nor Trek go OUTSIDE their own galaxy. Both shows seems to be localized to their own home galaxy. The only exception I can think of is when Picard & the Enterprise-D traveled like 5 million lightyears to an alternate Galaxy (because of that alien traveler). But otherwise, it's completely unheard of.

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Guest thetrekker

I know in Star Trek thats their a galactic barrier that prevents ships from going in and out of the Galaxy. The only exeptions are when the Kelvans came (TOS: By Any Other Name) and when they got halfway through but were forced to give up. That experiment resulted in two crew members getting ESP and going crazy. Their are a few other cases. In the Captain's Glory series, the barrier breaks down and dark matter entities invade. The ship that first reported these aliens was a Federation ship loaded with a Borg Transwarp conduit. If you can think of any other exeptions, please let me know.


Outbound's flight mission was:

"an expeditionary project that sent a mission of six Jedi Masters, twelve Jedi Knights and 50,000 men, women and children beyond the borders of the Galactic Republic into the Unknown Regions where they hoped to pierce the edge of the galaxy and seek out extragalactic life."- Wookiepedia.org

It was planned to both explore the deep unknown reaches of the Galaxy and then to go into the distance between Galaxies. That mission would likley span 5,000 years if not more to go to one Galaxy. Read my comment about the YV. They had better hyperdrives than the Star Wars people.

Anyways, any ship that has gone beyond the galaxy was never heard from again. While Han and Chewy are great (and they are awesome) they would likely become the lost, because they ran out of feul in the Falcon.

The distance in Galaxies is notably less so in Star Trek than in Star Wars. While in Star Trek the original enterprise would take 250 years to get to Andrommeda Galaxy. (TOS: By Any Other Name) It took the YV thousands of years to traverse the grand beyond.


Last thing, I noticed you said ISDs. Back in the Galactic Republic's time they were called Acclaimator Assault Ships (AAS) and were noticibly weaker than their succesors the ISDs.

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Guest CrazyKid

KOTOR was a good game but even fighting the sith when the were starting and not to mintion yoda wasnt alive or he was and he was a baby any ways winners team 1 but if you added the jedi counsole winners team 2

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KOTOR was a good game but even fighting the sith when the were starting and not to mintion yoda wasnt alive or he was and he was a baby any ways winners team 1 but if you added the jedi counsole winners team 2

If they had Revan... Yoda, I believe, said that the Sith back then, around Revan's time, made the Masters of Yoda's time look like children... they were that good. But this is the Galactic Republic which is far after Revan's time and so, he's most definitely dead by this point.


And it was thousands of years ago... Yoda was 900 plus years old when he died... he wasn't alive in that time period. They did have Master Vandoor or something like that in that time period... same member of Yoda's race.

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Just to clear things up, Tech levels are close to equal even though some may be slightly superior, tech arguement get old.


The Romulans and Klingons are from the 23rd century "Kirks era"


The Republic is during the clone wars Episodes II-III

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Guest thetrekker

It was in response to crzykdd and Now that Mercs cleared it up I can officially go with The Romulan Star Empire and the Klingon Empire to win

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Guest CrazyKid
Actually, its Crzykrrd or something similar to that, so your name is actually a lot closer to what Trekker said.

yeah but we are not the same person heak if i knew there alredy was a CrazyKid I wouldnt of picked it

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Guest Ruinus

The Galactic Republic wins.


IF we assume the same technology that is showed in the shows:

Firepower, shielding and power generation all go to the Galactic Republic, single ships of the Star Destroyer class and higher could outgun entire fleets from the Klingon and Romulan sides. And as others have pointed out, a single SD can roam around the galaxy in a matter of hours/days/weeks, while the Romulan and Klingon forces will take years just to travel across their own territory. The GR literally has the capabilities to attack planets with small task forces that can roam around the Klingon and Romulan space with impunity and destroy any resistance it meets with little to no effort.


IF we assume the same technology for both sides:

The Klingons and Romulans <i>still</i> lose, since they would still be vastly outnumbered against the GRs forces. Not only would they have less ships and planets, but they don't have the major branch of armed forces that actually allows them to win a war: a ground army.


Clone Wars campaign guide

"Other words are practically enslaved to meet the demands of their military masters, and the natural resources of entire planets are consumed in a matter of months to keep the fight going.


Large-scale battles are common throughout the Clone Wars. Battles of the Clone Wars reach truly epic proportions, spanning multiple star systems or covering the surface of an entire planet."


Even IF the Klingons and Romulans somehow beat the orbital defenses of a planet, they suddenly land and find their soldiers armed with phaser rifles or handguns and protected by pajamas are suddenly fighting men with repeating weaponry, grenades, chemical weapons, armored in full body suits riding in mechanized tanks, IFVs, calling down artillery and air support and sending waves and waves of other weapons designed to kill you dead.


The GR wins, the Klingons and Romulans are boned.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest Zelecon


An entire fleet of Romulan and Klingon war ships could fire every photon they had, blast it with their phasers until they burnt out, and it still wouldn't be enough to hurt more than 30% of the Death Star.


I highly doubt they'd have the blueprints to the Death Star like the rebels did.

No Death Star during this time period, and if its the second one during building time like the Rebels did in blowing that thing to hell then it would stand no chance against the Klingon Empire and Romulan Star Empire.



Ah, my bad. In that case, it would be a lot more even. The republic would probably fight more man to man, than ship to ship. If that was the case, they'd send legions of Sith to take out the Romulan & Kilingon warriors. Not to mention the clones are nearly limitless, so they'd outnumber the Romulans & Kilingons probably 3 to 1 or more.



As for ship vs ship, I think the cloaking device for Trek would give them a major uphand.

Agreed two the second part but there are only two Sith that would join and as for the Stormtroopers, they can't hit shit, if they fell off a boat they couldnt hit water.

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Hello, Zelecon. Welcome to electricferret. 


While it's good to see enthusiasm from new members, this match is over 2 1/2 years old and is therefore really pointless to respond to. Next time, it would be best if you started a new topic on this subject.

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