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Match 5259 The Romulan Star Empire and The Klingon Empire vs. Galactic Republic (Star Wars)

Guest callisto

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Guest callisto


Continuing my Star Wars vs. Star Trek arc piting both universes against each other at different eras of their histories.

results so far: KOTOR era republic vs. 22nd century Terran empire, Winner Republic

This time it's the 23rd century era Klingons and Romulans vs. the clone wars era Republic, at this time the Romulans and Klingons are allies, they have basicaly taken the place of the seperatists all planets that would be considered Seperatist are now their territory, like wise the seperatist are now in the Startrek universe, (But that's a different match)

Who will control the galaxy?  


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Guest thetrekker

You've made it more even giving the Klingon-Romulans Sepratists space. Is this only land or only space or both. If its only land I go Klingon-Romulans. With Klingons you're looking at angry even worse than wookies. If it's only space I go with the republic because birds of prey and warbirds can't compare with the precurser to ISDs. That'll be close though. If it's both I side with the R-K allience. The cloaks help both Romulans and Klingons.

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You've made it more even giving the Klingon-Romulans Sepratists space. Is this only land or only space or both. If its only land I go Klingon-Romulans. With Klingons you're looking at angry even worse than wookies. If it's only space I go with the republic because birds of prey and warbirds can't compare with the precurser to ISDs. That'll be close though. If it's both I side with the R-K allience. The cloaks help both Romulans and Klingons.


Well it's a full scale war so it's both land and space

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Guest Classic80s

The Death Star would be the deciding factor. It would end up blasting Romulas, Remus, & the Klingon homeworld. So I'll give my vote to the Galactic Republic.

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The Death Star would be the deciding factor. It would end up blasting Romulas, Remus, & the Klingon homeworld. So I'll give my vote to the Galactic Republic.


Really I don't think they had the death star during the clone wars

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Guest Classic80s
even if the deathstar was in the fight the klingons and the romulans would blow it up before it would charge it's weapons.


An entire fleet of Romulan and Klingon war ships could fire every photon they had, blast it with their phasers until they burnt out, and it still wouldn't be enough to hurt more than 30% of the Death Star.


I highly doubt they'd have the blueprints to the Death Star like the rebels did.

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Guest Classic80s
Really I don't think they had the death star during the clone wars


Ah, my bad. In that case, it would be a lot more even. The republic would probably fight more man to man, than ship to ship. If that was the case, they'd send legions of Sith to take out the Romulan & Kilingon warriors. Not to mention the clones are nearly limitless, so they'd outnumber the Romulans & Kilingons probably 3 to 1 or more.



As for ship vs ship, I think the cloaking device for Trek would give them a major uphand.

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Guest thetrekker

Uh 80s while I like your music alot better than today's crap, you NEED to LEARN your Star Wars. According to Darth Banes rule there can only be two sith. "One to hold the power and one to crave it". Infact Darth Tyrannus and his Sith Accolytes were fighting for the seperatists so their out of the match completly. If you were talking about Jedi, then they more commanders than normal soldiers. They would do some major fighting but not as much as the clones. The seperatists controlled Felucia which I believe puts them in good position to strike at the main clone base on Kamino. This would limit the clones to being Bantha Fodder because the other cloning facilities were more about quantity more than quality.

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Guest Classic80s

Huh. Well then I'm sure the Emperor would send his two Sith to lead the battle, commanding the hords of clones. Too bad Darth Maul wasn't still around by this time. He was awesome. Him & Dooku could have led the emperial forces.

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Guest thetrekker

Listen, Tyranus is Dooku. Dooku is on the seperests team. According to the set-up he is now in the Milky way with his trainees. Also this is Pre-imperials Galactic Repulic. Palpatine wouldn't risk letting everyone know that he is a sith lord. It is up to the Jedi to lead the forces.

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Guest Classic80s

I didn't see anything about Dooku in the setup.


But the Jedi should easily stomp the Romulan & Klingon warriors. Force + Lightsaber = uberstomp. As far as ship to ship battles, that would be a little more tricky.



Where does Warp Speed rate against Lightspeed in Star Wars? (The Falcon can travel across the galaxy back and forth, but at maximum warp it would take like 100 years for a warp ship to go that same distance, based on Voyager)

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Guest thetrekker

Listen I'll put this in childs' terms. You said that the Sith would come and murder the ground forces. I said that there were only two sith and one of them (along with his trainees) was in the Star Trek galaxy because they were allied with the seperatists. That one Sith was Dooku. The other Sith is Palpatine (but we're not supposed to know that.)

*There are other Sith out there but they don't ever really come out until after the Yuuzhan Vong war.

As for the Jedi, you make the mistake that many often make. You think of them as GODS. They are not even demigods (cept for some like Obi-wan and all, the main ones.). Have you watched episode three? One Legion of clones kills ALL the Jedi in the Jedi temple. the Jedi's home base. (granted tthey were led by Anakin but still. Jedi CAN DIE.

Likely roles

Klingons hand to hand with Batleths: Like Samuri v.s. longbows

Romulans have phasers: The long range army

In episode two did you see the collesium scene where MANY jedi were killed in a few minutes.

Ok I believe that Warp is more reality than Lightspeed. Anyways Lightspeed has it's disadvatages though. You can only go on one course while in lightspeed. You must come out of lightspeed to change course. Warp you can change course while at full speed. You can pull off a few attacks while at warp (ie firing in a straight line, or the Picard Manuver [ask and I'll explain]) at lightspeed you can't fire at all.


My name might say "thetrekker" but I am still a Star Wars nerd as well

Edited by thetrekker
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Guest Classic80s

It'll be a lot harder to kill the Jedi if they KNOW what they're in for. Sure, they lost a few in Ep. II in the great battle, but they were massively outnumbered. But Ep. III was a total shock. They never figured the clones would turn on them so they didn't expect it. It was basically a hit from behind.



Anyway, Legion of Jedi + hundreds of thousands (if not MILLIONS) of clones = victory IMO.




But at Lightspeed they don't have to worry about anything. Once they're in the blue tunnel, they should be fairly safe. It's like Slipstream for Star Trek. (Since Lightspeed in Star Wars is SO fast and can take the ships across the galaxy in no time at all, why don't they use this to travel to other galaxies?)



With the clones, it's blasters vs Rom/Kling's phasers/swords, etc.


With Jedi, it's force + Lightsaber. Lightsabers pwn any hand held weapon the Rom/Klings have.

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Guest thetrekker

WRONG two Romulan ships, one stun phaser orbital bombardment (they did it in TOS: A Piece Of The Action)= clones stunned/Jedi disoriented= Klingons Bloodbath


2nd equation Romulan Klingon Fleet + what I've said about manuverability + any fleet commander with half a brain (obiosly a Romulan) = hit and run tactics to distract republic fleet = first equation


Oh and in episode two they started out with 200 jedi, only thrirty remained when reinforcements came Source? http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Battle_of_Geonosis

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Guest Classic80s

It's not like the Jedi will just sit there and get blasted. They're not that stupid.


So in Star Wars, when the ship is sitting still just getting ready to jump to hyperspace, what makes the stars stretch out?

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Guest thetrekker
It's not like the Jedi will just sit there and get blasted. They're not that stupid.


So in Star Wars, when the ship is sitting still just getting ready to jump to hyperspace, what makes the stars stretch out?


Hosnestly I don't know, the same thing happens in Star Trek.


Just saw this

"Since Lightspeed in Star Wars is SO fast and can take the ships across the galaxy in no time at all, why don't they use this to travel to other galaxies?"

In the novel Vector Prime they explain that the Yuuzhan Vong (extragalactic race) had been wandering in the space between galaxies for a couple thousand years I think. They sent a ship out in "Outbound Flight" but it crashed and never left the Galaxy.

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Guest Classic80s

But I thought in ST, the stars don't stretch out until they've reached Warp Speed?


Anyway, it seems like SW has the faster ships. I totally dig the Millenium Falcon. So any reason why the SW people don't travel outside their galaxy? With that type of travel, it wouldn't be hard or take very long.

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I didn't see anything about Dooku in the setup.


But the Jedi should easily stomp the Romulan & Klingon warriors. Force + Lightsaber = uberstomp. As far as ship to ship battles, that would be a little more tricky.



Where does Warp Speed rate against Lightspeed in Star Wars? (The Falcon can travel across the galaxy back and forth, but at maximum warp it would take like 100 years for a warp ship to go that same distance, based on Voyager)

warp 1 1x lightspeed

warp 2 10 x lightspeed

warp 3 39 x lightspeed

warp 4 102x lightspeed

warp 5 214xlightspeed

warp 6 392xlightspeed

warp 7 645xlightspeed

warp 8 1,024xlightspeed

warp 9 1,516xlightspeed


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Guest thetrekker

So wait who are you saying is faster comic book?


Anyways you do see the stars turn to lines in Star Trek

And heres what I'm saying Lightspeed is faster, but Warp is more able to be manuverable

Oh and for Voyager *God D**M it* it was supposed to take 70 years.

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Guest thetrekker

Yes good I idea we probably will kill each other over this and I know Mercenaryblade hates Technobabble (Star Trek Phrase)

Lets each go our seperate ways and let the votes decide.


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Guest Classic80s
So wait who are you saying is faster comic book?


Anyways you do see the stars turn to lines in Star Trek

And heres what I'm saying Lightspeed is faster, but Warp is more able to be manuverable

Oh and for Voyager *God D**M it* it was supposed to take 70 years.



70 years for Voyager to get from where they were back to Federation Territory and/or Earth. But from one side of the galaxy to the other, it would take 100+ years at Maximum Warp.


But in SW, at "lightspeed" (even though I think it's much faster than the speed of light) it can be done in a matter of hours/days (based on Han Solo's comments).



In ST, when they are at Warp Speed, they are still in danger. Things can still attack them. But in SW, once they go into hyperspace, they are completely safe from any outside attack.


(My guess is that they use lightspeed to reach hyperspace, which is significantly faster than the speed of light, but call it lightspeed anyway)




Maybe SW Lightspeed =/= ST Slipstream.

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