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Rumble 20716 Cleatus  vs. Frieren vs. Userkare (Frankenstein vs The Mummy)
Cleatus : 2
Frieren: 1
Userkare (Frankenstein vs The Mummy): 0

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Rumble 20649 Taskmaster and Bane vs. Crossbones and Azrael

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In the process of a mysterious merging between the DC and Marvel universes, all four villains search for the answers behind the chaos. By themselves at first, the loners eventually meet up with their teammate while agreeing on building a clan of fighters with them leading the charge.

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Learn More About
Read more about Bane at Wikipedia
Official Site: D.C Comics Links: Wikipedia Unoff. Guide to D.C Universe Dark Knight

Read more about Taskmaster at Wikipedia
Official Site: Marvel Entertainment Links: Wikipedia Marvel.com Marvel Database

Read more about Azrael at Wikipedia
Official Site: D.C Comics Links: Wikipedia The Dark Knight Unoff. Guide to D.C Universe

Read more about Crossbones at Wikipedia
Official Site: Marvel Entertainment Links: Wikipedia Marvel.com Marvel Database

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Bane destroys Azrael and Taskmaster crosses out Crossbones. Bane and Tasky are both consistently portrayed as very high end fighters, Azrael is slightly lower then them and Crossbones is much lower.

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4 hours ago, Pizza Guy said:

Bane destroys Azrael and Taskmaster crosses out Crossbones. Bane and Tasky are both consistently portrayed as very high end fighters, Azrael is slightly lower then them and Crossbones is much lower.

Yeah, my reply would pretty much be this. 

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