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Rumble 20716 Cleatus  vs. Frieren vs. Userkare (Frankenstein vs The Mummy)
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Userkare (Frankenstein vs The Mummy): 0

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Rumble 20488 King Kong vs. Godzilla

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Seemed like it was a relevant match up.


Both are their most current version, Rumble in New York, no outside interference. 


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2 hours ago, RakaiThwei said:

Does Kong have his BEAST Glove and the Dorsal Fin Axe?


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2 hours ago, IKA said:


Having seen GxK: New Empire, and seeing how the fight in Egypt turns out... and with the axe and the BEAST glove?

Kong wins. Narrowly.

Kong was able to hold his own against a pissed off and evolved Godzilla, and the BEAST glove boosted Kong's powerful punches to enough of a level to knock Godzilla out for a good minute. And with the axe to block and absorb the Atomic Breath? Kong has an added offense and defense as well.

Now.... let me say that in the Egypt fight, Kong DIDN'T want to fight, his heart wasn't in it and he knows of Godzilla's importance. So obviously, he wasn't going to kill. He needed Godzilla's help. But when Godzilla got Kong pissed off enough to get him to fight back, Kong was trying to put him to sleep to drag him to Hollow Earth.

And YES, I know people are going to point out the Godzilla vs Kong commentary from Adam Wingard saying that through out the three fights in the previous movie, Godzilla was playing with Kong and not taking the fight seriously. The thing is about that statement, is Wingard retracted that statement and confirmed he said that jokingly in the commentary and clarified that Godzilla was fighting to kill Kong through those three fights in GVK, but when Kong humiliated him by hitting him with the axe that was charged, Godzilla lost his shit.

In GXK, Godzilla was bloodlusted from the get go. Kong was not.

But if we assume that Kong is bloodlusted as well, he can win this. If he hits Godzilla to the chin with an uppercut with the BEAST glove, and we all saw that it knocked Godzilla out for a solid thirty seconds to a good minute... and if Kong has that axe... Kong CAN kill Godzilla.

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32 minutes ago, C.T. said:

A scaled up monkey is never gonna beat a walking nuke reptile

He is so much more than that... It's so unfair that Kong is slept on.

Kong isn't the flashiest Titan but even MONARCH has him listed as one of the most powerful Titans out there. Even Rebecca Hall's character states this in New Empire.

So... let's see how strong Monsterverse Kong is according to Dangerville and WadeWillyTV.

Just because Kong doesn't have energy powers doesn't mean he can't beat Godzilla.

And guess what... a Kong HAS beaten Godzilla. Meet The Rival.



EDIT: Found the video of Adam Wingard debunking that Godzilla was toying with Kong and saying that commentary was a joke.

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Relevant is correct. 😆 I would lean towards Godzilla, but Kong is hella upgraded with the glove and axe. With their fighting styles in mind I think Kong is more mobile in this setup. I'm going to think about this one for a few hours. 

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Well now I feel I should have made this with an actual setup lol.

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As much as I see Godzilla (standard or buffed) gaining the upper hand on Kong, with Kongs glove and axe and his mobility he has especially in a city, I am going with buffed up Kong.

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