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Match 16495 Sauron vs. Gozer the Gozerian

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Sauron stood on the top of Barad-dur, gazing down upon the blackened wastelands of Mordor.  Orcs, goblins, and trolls marched in formation before him.  Sauron let the head of his mace rest on the ground with his hands folding over the grip.  He knew that the last feeble attempt of Elves and Men was being made ready to stop him.  But with all of Mordor’s forces assembled, and the One Ring in his possession, all Middle Earth would soon fall to his will. 

Suddenly, through the air their came the sound of a horn blasting a warning.  Sauron looked in the direction where the Orcish cries were coming from.  Riding toward a column of Orcs on a brown horse, was a woman.  She was wearing a long, flowing, white dress and her black hair flowed behind her.  Sauron’s grip tightened around the handle of his mace.  Had the citizens of Gondor gone mad, that they should send their women to fight for them?  The column of Orcs laughed and growled menacingly at the fair maiden as she approached them.  But just as the front row of Orcs charged forward to seize her, they were instantly cast aside, flying backwards crying out in surprise.  Still she rode on through the contingent as the Orcs either were sent battered out of her way by some invisible force or ran in terror.  Was this some kind of Elvish trickery?  Sauron lifted his mace up to his shoulder and turned to go back down into Barad-dur, when his eyes saw another unusual sight.  Several feet behind the last garrison of Orcs, one of their kind stood in place.  It’s eyes were wide open in a look of rapture most unusual for an Orc.  It stood in front of the horse as the woman continued urging it onward.  The Orc reached out it’s hand to the woman, who reached out her own as she hoisted the Orc upon her steed without slowing it’s manic pace. 

Sauron brought the mace down on the battlements of Barad-dur, and gave a ear piercing cry.  The cry hung in the air until it was echoed by the scream of the fellbeast that landed on the tower next to him.  Sauron strode to the fearsome creature and mounted it.  This madness had gone on far enough.  Sauron would make certain that this Gondor rat and this incompetent Orc would suffer for this.  The fellbeast took flight off the roof of Barad-dur and followed the trail left by the horse.  The trail led straight to entrance to fire chasm of Mount Doom.  Sauron guided the fellbeast to land next to the prone body of horse, near dead from exhaustion and the poisonous fumes of Mordor.  Dismounting and landing on his feet, Sauron readied his mace entered into the mountain.  Before him, silhouetted in the flames and smoke on the edge of the stone precipice, stood the woman and the Orc locked in a passionate embrace.  

“Soldier of Mordor!” Sauron’s voice boomed over the crash of magma below.  “Kill this wanton of Gondor!  Your Lord commands you!”  The couple turned to face Sauron with looks of elation.  “I am the Keymaster!” called the Orc.  “And I am the Gatekeeper,” the woman huskily moaned.  They stood side to side on the precipice and raised their hands to the heavens.  Sauron could sense a powerful magic in the air, but before he could strike lighting shot down from the sky on the two spellbound victims.  There bodies convulsed as the air became alive with electricity.  They slowly collapsed to their hands and knees as their forms twisted and shifted into creatures that Sauron had not encountered before.  They were now beings larger than wargs with vicious fangs and horns, growling fiercely. 

And then, something began to stir from the pit of fire in Mount Doom.  A strange, glowing pyramid arose from the magma until it reached the precipice edge.  The pyramid opened up to reveal an androgynous being dressed in white with crystals covering it’s outfit.  It’s red eyes stared unblinking at Sauron as he pointed his mace at it.  “You dare bring your sorcery here, creature?!  Leave my domain or face the wrath of Sauron!”  The being tilted it’s head, inspecting the threat before it.  “Are you a god?” it asked.  Sauron raised the mace above his head, ready to strike.  “I am the Dark Lord of Mordor!  Servant of Morgoth!  The Shadow of the East!  Forger and Wielder of the One Ring!  I am Master of all of this Middle-Earth!”  Sauron charged forward toward his adversary and swung.  It raised his hands and lightning leapt from it’s fingers to stop the blow.  Gozer the Gozerian snarled at Sauron as the howls of it’s Terror Hounds echoed against the walls of Mount Doom.  “Then…DIE!” 



Sauron: Before the siege of Barad-dur (the battle in the prologue of the first movie).  He has the One Ring and is at full strength. 

Gozer the Gozerian: At full strength.  The Stay Puft Marshmellow Man form is specific to our Earth, so if Gozer decides to go “Choose and perish”, it must be a form brought about by Sauron’s mind during the battle. 

This is a one on one.  No interference from Sauron or Gozer’s minions.  Whoever destroys the other, wins. 

Game On!

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Wow you’ve been on a roll with these creative matches Broadway, props and respect.

Both are supremely powerful beings, but the fact of the matter is that Gozer is an actual Godlike being, while Sauron is actually just a dark messiah to an actual Dark God, so I think Gozer might have more firepower to bring to this fight.

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Definitely an interesting pairing. It's been so long since I've seen Ghostbusters that I have to look up Gozer. I had completely forgotten about him. The consensus thus far seems to favor him, but I will go refresh myself on Ghostbusters before I vote. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.00 - JohnnyChany
5.00 - patrickthekid
4.50 - Pizzaguy2995

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
13.50 Total Combined Score
13.50 / 3 = 4.50 Final Rating on the match

Sauron: 1
Gozer the Gozerian: 3

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Sauron stood on the edge of the precipice as Gozer blasted bolt after bolt of lightning at him.  He swatted the magical attacks away with a swing of his mace until it finally exploded into shards of metal.  Sauron dropped the handle to the stone floor in shock.  “What manner of Valar are you?!   None can stand against the wielder of the One Ring!”  Gozer lunged forward and grabbed Sauron by the throat, holding him up over the flames of Mount Doom.  It’s red eyes shone with fury.  “Then I shall take it.”   

Lightning coursed through the body of the Dark Lord of Mordor, and for the first time in his existence, Sauron screamed in pain.  With it’s free hand, Gozer yanked the One Ring from Sauron’s finger.   Then with a great heave and a final magical blast, Gozer hurled Sauron into the fiery abyss.  Sauron’s body was soon enveloped in the magma below.  His wails were drowned out by the howls of Gozer’s Terror Hounds. 

The armies of Mordor paraded and marched around the wasteland, oblivious to the conflict.  When suddenly they all heard the explosion as Mount Doom erupted.  But there was not merely flame and smoke from the volcano.  Rising out of the mountain was the pyramid temple of Gozer.  On either side stood the Terror Hounds snarling at the confused horde below.  And on the pinnacle of the pyramid and sitting on the back of a fellbeast was the new lord of Mordor: Gozer of the Gozerian, with the One Ring visible on it’s upraised fist.  The Destroyer was now a conqueror, and no lesser being of this Middle Earth would stand against it. 

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