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Jennifer Check: 1

Match 16242 Chun-Li vs. Naotora Li


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Yang deflected Li Long’s attacks with his nunchucks, he then assaulted the elder warrior with a flurry of fist strikes before lifting him in the air with a bicycle kick and then sending him crashing into the ground.  (REF: YANG VS. LI LONG

Li Long chuckled. “You win. You have certainly proven that you are more than capable of defending yourself.”

Li Long lifted his hand so that Yang could help him up. When Yang did not react accordingly, Li Long shrugged and lifted himself off the ground.

He then complimented his opponent. “You got some great moves kid. Have you ever considered adding nunchaku to your arsenal? I am an excellent teacher. One of my former pupils, a pirate, once used the techniques I taught him to help save the world.”  (REF: MAXI VS. CLAUDIO SERAFINO)

“I don’t care about any of that,” replied Yang. “Tell me what you know about my brother’s killer.”  (REF: LEI-FEI VS. YUN)

Li Long complied with this request. “Hundreds of years ago, the emperor outlawed all martial arts techniques that he himself deemed too powerful. To enforce this decree he created a secret clan of assassins that would eliminate anyone found practicing one of these forbidden arts. He populated this clan with Shaolin monks. Although there is no longer an emperor, this clan still exists and operates under the same principles as it did when it was founded.”

Yang listened intently.

Lin Long continued. “One of its most prominent current members is a monk by the name of Lei-Fei. He is a little less discrete than the others, as there are more than a few that know his name. I have no doubt in my mind that he is the man that murdered your brother. The real question is why? As impressive as your moves were I did not detect any of the old forbidden martial arts in your technique. Did your brother have a skill set much different than yours?”

Yang shook his head no.

“Then that would rule out Lei-Fei hunting him down because of his clan’’s edict. Unless they are increasing the range of martial artists that they are targeting. Or he was bribed. I wouldn’t put it past him or his clan,” noted Li Long.

“Who would pay to have Yun killed?” Yang wondered incredulously..

“He may not have even been the main target of the kill,” Li Long cautioned.

 “What do you mean?”

“His killing could have been used to get at someone close to him,” Li Long clarified. “Is there anyone close to you and your brother that would have those kind of enemies?”

“We have eight godparents,” noted Yang. “All of them are leaders of influence in the Hong Kong underworld.”

 Li Long considered this. “That could be the missing piece. Unless there is someone else?”




Chun-Li arrived at a small temple flanked by Interpol agents. She glanced back at the paper in her hands with the location that Gen had written down to verify that it was correct.

“Are you sure about this?” asked one of the interpol agents. “Maybe your informant was making some kind of joke.”

Chun-Li shook her head. “He is not the joking type. Just keep your eyes peeled.”

She hoped that Gen was right, that whatever or whoever was in this temple would help her find her friend’s killer. The group entered the temple together and carefully inspected their surroundings. It became quickly clear by the interior decor that this temple was an offshoot of the Shaolin Monastery. 

“Interesting,” Chun-Li noted.

They looked around, but could not find any inhabitants. It was silent. 

“There doesn’t appear to be anybody home,” said one of the agents.

“I have a funny feeling about this place,” stated another.

A yellow robed figure dashed away in the distance.

“Over there,” called out one of the Interpol agents.

“We are just here to talk,” shouted Chun-Li.

“Hurry, don’t let him get away.”

Chun-Li and the other Interpol agents gave chase to the robed figure and followed him throughout the temple until they arrived in an open courtyard.

“Where did he go?”

A woman dressed in red lacquered armor and bladed boots stepped into the courtyard. She appeared timid but determined.

“I am sorry, but I must insist that you all leave this place,” said the woman.

“We aren’t leaving until we get what we came for,” insisted one of the Interpol agents.

“You don’t have the look of a Shaolin monk,” Chun-Li remarked.

“I am protecting this order of monks. In exchange I was told by a man that he would help me find my way home,” stated the woman.

“Well that opens up a wide array of questions. Why this order of monks? What man?  (REF: KOLIN VS. LIEN NEVILLE) And where is your home?” Chun-Li inquired.

The woman gasped. “Oh, my apologies. I haven’t properly introduced myself. I am Naotora li, ruler of the li Clan.” She bowed respectfully.

Chun-Li’s jaw dropped. She knew the woman looked familiar, but not this. “That’s not possible.”

“Are we supposed to know who this is?” asked one of the Interpol agents. 

“Only if you have studied Japanese history, it was one of my favorite electives in school.” Chun-Li regarded the red armored woman with confusion. “But, if you are really Naotora li, that would make you over 400 years old.”  

Another Interpol agent scoffed. “We don’t have time for this. The woman is obviously lying.”

The yellow robed figure again appeared in the distance,

“There he goes, after him!”

“No!” shouted Naotora Li. “Again I am sorry, but I can’t let you pass.”

Several agents moved in the direction of the yellow robed figure. Naotora Li cut them off and delivered a series of lightning quick kicks that blew back every single Interpol agent except for Chun-Li several feet.  They slammed into the ground and groaned in pain.

Chun-Li’s eyes widened and Naotora Li placed a hand over her own mouth in a little bit of shock over her own actions. 

“Hopefully your friends aren’t too hurt,” said Naotora Li. “Now you know I mean business. Please take this opportunity and leave.”

”I don’t know if you really are who you say you are, but if you are trying to intimidate me it won’t work,” Chun-Li declared. She lifted up her right leg. “I have some quick kicks of my own you know. If you are looking for a fight... I’m game.”

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I am probably going to have to go with Chun-Li here. Primarily because of her ability to control Ki which gives her some limited ranged ability. Also, she's relatively quick on her feet-- so she can edge out a win here.

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15 hours ago, RakaiThwei said:

I am probably going to have to go with Chun-Li here. Primarily because of her ability to control Ki which gives her some limited ranged ability. Also, she's relatively quick on her feet-- so she can edge out a win here.

I used to not think much of the kikoken, but it has definitely gotten more effective over the years. Thanks for the comments.

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15 minutes ago, JohnnyChany said:

I used to not think much of the kikoken, but it has definitely gotten more effective over the years. Thanks for the comments.

Chun-Li's Kikouken more or less varies... During her youth in the Alpha series, Chun-Li's Kikouken was able to travel longer distances up until her appearance in Super Street Fighter II Turbo, where it was able to travel depending on the strength of the punch input in the Kikouken command, so it could dissipate depending on the charge of the Kikouken. But the Kikousho... That's definitely something which Naotora has to watch out for.

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2 minutes ago, RakaiThwei said:

Chun-Li's Kikouken more or less varies... During her youth in the Alpha series, Chun-Li's Kikouken was able to travel longer distances up until her appearance in Super Street Fighter II Turbo, where it was able to travel depending on the strength of the punch input in the Kikouken command, so it could dissipate depending on the charge of the Kikouken. But the Kikousho... That's definitely something which Naotora has to watch out for.

Ah, I looked it up and yeah that's the one I'm thinking of.

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22 minutes ago, JohnnyChany said:

Ah, I looked it up and yeah that's the one I'm thinking of.

Naotora can hang it up if it's the MvC version of the Kikousho!

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Sorry I haven't commented on a match of yours in a while, Johnny. This is a another good one, revisiting previous storylines while giving us a good match-up. 

As for the match, I think Chun-Li might edge this out as well. It appears that Naotora may be quick in her own right and have harder-hitting attacks than Chun-Li, but her own DoA Wiki page mentions she tends to struggle against quicker opponents. Meanwhile, Chun-Li has consistently been one of the quickest fighters in just about every game she's been in, and she may have the edge in overall skill. Also, Naotora seems to be a reluctant fighter, so seeing that Chun-Li is a good person may cause Naotora to either stand down or let her guard down enough for Chun-Li to win.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.50 - Pizzaguy2995
4.70 - DSkillz
5.00 - patrickthekid

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
14.20 Total Combined Score
14.20 / 3 = 4.73 Final Rating on the match

Chun-Li: 8
Naotora Li: 0

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