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Tournament - Wolverine vs. Deadpool
Wolverine: 4
Deadpool: 0

Erin Harson vs. Jennifer Remming
Erin Harson: 2
Jennifer Remming: 0

Erin Hardesty vs. Heather Miller
Erin Hardesty: 3
Heather Miller: 0

Son Goku vs. Godzilla
Son Goku: 2
Godzilla: 3

Teen Titans (2003 TV series) vs. Juggernaut
Teen Titans (2003 TV series): 1
Juggernaut: 3

Tournament - Wolverine vs. Deadpool
Wolverine: 4
Deadpool: 0

Erin Harson vs. Jennifer Remming
Erin Harson: 2
Jennifer Remming: 0

Erin Hardesty vs. Heather Miller
Erin Hardesty: 3
Heather Miller: 0

Son Goku vs. Godzilla
Son Goku: 2
Godzilla: 3

Teen Titans (2003 TV series) vs. Juggernaut
Teen Titans (2003 TV series): 1
Juggernaut: 3

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Kazuya Mishima barked over the phone at his desk. “Where is Gigas? Has he not returned with the girl yet?”

“No. We don’t know what has happened to him.”  (REF: HUGO ANDORE VS. GIGAS)

Kazuya gritted his teeth. “What good is this organization if I must do everything myself?”

“We have received information that two of Victor Donovan’s people are heading toward the facility where Anna was taken down.  (REF: CHRISTIE VS. IVY) Perhaps they will recapture the dolls that were taken from there.”   (REF: BLUE MARY VS. ANNA WILLIAMS)

“The dolls? Who cares about the dolls now?” snapped Kazuya. “We already have one working for us and she told us that Bison has already brought in five warriors to Shadoloo that are connected to the Soul Edge sword.  (REF: MOMIJI VS. VEGA)  He plans to use them to help him track down the weapon. Our spies in the Zaibatsu tell us Jin has done the same.  (REF: ROLENTO VS. BAYMAN)  Everyone working for us  needs to be hunting down one of these ancient warriors. We are falling behind.”

“Perhaps then that is what they are after instead of the dolls. Our mole within Shadoloo says that Bison is heading to a nearby area. No doubt in search of more of the ancient warriors.” (REF: CAMMY WHITE VS. LEONA HEIDERN)

Kazuya considered this information and rubbed his chin. “I don’t know if I trust them or Victor Donovan completely. I want one of our people to go there.”


“Has Angel returned yet?”

“Yes sir.”

“Have her come up here,” Kazuya ordered.

A few minutes later, the white haired, leather clad,  former NESTS agent entered Kazuya’s office.

Kazuya greeted her with a mischievous smile. “Angel, you did a great job in securing Violet Systems for us.  (REF: ANGEL VS. JULIA CHANG) It is nice to know that at least one good thing came from that NESTS debacle.”

“It was no problem,” answered Angel. “It was actually a lot of fun.”

“Are you up for some more fun?” Kazuya asked.

“Always,” replied Angel.

“We are sending you half way across the globe to capture someone for us,” Kazuya informed.

“Who is the target?” 

“There are several. But. I can’t give you an exact description because I do not know. You will know when you see them because they will look like someone dressed for a medieval play. You will also know because it will be the same target that the Mishima Zaibatsu and Shadoloo are after,” explained Kazuya.

“Pursuing this target will put me in conflict with both Shadoloo and the Mishima Zaibatsu?” Angel inquired.

Kazuya lifted an eyebrow. “Is that a problem?”

Angel laughed. “Not at all. If anything it should add some more excitement to the mission.”

“Excellent. We will make preparations for you to leave at once,” announced Kazuya.

Angel nodded and then exited Kazuya’s office. Kazuya returned his attention to his phone which was still on speaker.

“See what else we can pick up off the NESTS scrap heap. There may be some more untapped potential we can use,” he commanded. “Also arrange for Bruce to be picked up from Thailand. I gave him his leave for that ridiculous Muay Thai tournament, but the time for that is over. We will need everyone on board if we are to catch up with the other two.”




At the Muay Thai tournament in Thailand, many of the competitors stood in shock as the man responsible for putting the fight together, Sagat, struggled in his fight against a tall dark man in a white cloak.  (REF: ZASALAMEL VS. SAGAT)

“Tiger! Tiger!” shouted Sagat as he shot fireballs at the tournament intruder.

Suddenly the hooded figure was in a different location much to Sagat’s surprise. The intruder, Zasalamel, then drove his scythe up Sagat’s chest, reopening the wound once made by Ryu’s shoryuken. Zasalamel then slashed horizontally across Sagat’s chest, and the eye-patched fighter was frozen in mid air before falling. Zasalamel turned his back on Sagat and snapped his fingers. An explosion of purple energy ignited on Sagat’s chest and sent him crashing to the ground.

Zasalamel stood over Sagat as he groaned in pain. “Thank you. I got the answer that I needed, Now I must go because the sword beckons me.”

Without another word, the reincarnated warrior stepped into a newly generated black portal and disappeared.

“Who the hell was that?” asked Bruce.

“Whoever he was, he is gone now so we can continue as we were,” Adon reasoned.  (REF: BRAD BURNS VS. BRUCE IRVIN)

“Are you crazy?” wondered Bruce. “Sagat is on the ground bleeding. We need to get him some medical attention. The finals can wait.”

Bruce Irvin made his way over to help Sagat up, but Adon quickly stood in his way.

“No, we have unfinished business, you and I,” Adon insisted. “If the God of Muay Thai can’t survive this flesh wound for a little longer than he isn’t a god at all.”

Bruce was stunned by Adon’s single minded obsession.

“He cannot be moved yet, because he must bear witness to my triumph with his one good eye. He will either die knowing that I am the one true king of Muay Thai or he will live on knowing that he is at best number 2,” Adon declared.

Bruce looked over in desperation and confusion at semi finals losers Brad Burns and Joe Higashi.  (REF: JOE HIGASHI VS. ADON)  Both men silently nodded. They walked over behind Adon and picked up Sagat.

“We will get him taken care of,” Joe promised.

Adon spun on his heel. “No! He must see my victory!”

Brad and Joe ignored him as they started to drag Sagat away.

“You will not take this moment away from me,” shouted Adon.

Bruce grabbed onto Adon's arm and goaded the prideful fighter. “Hey, isn’t your fight with me? Or are you going to forfeit the finals because deep down you are afraid?”

Adon sneered but it slowly transformed into a sly grin. “Me afraid? Ha! I know what you are trying to do.” He paused for a moment. “Very well then, Sagat can wait. I will crush you here and now and be declared champion and the best Muay Thai fighter in the world. If later on, Sagat needs a demonstration of that reality I will give it to him ten times over.”

Bruce shook his head. “You really love listening to yourself talk, don’t you?”

Adon lifted up his knee to fight. “Almost as much as I love winning.”



Learn More About
Read more about Adon at Wikipedia
Official Site: Capcom Links: Wikipedia Street Fighter Wiki Street Fighter

Bruce Irvin
Read more about Bruce Irvin at Wikipedia
Official Site: Namco Links: Wikipedia Tekken wikia Tekkepedia


Another epic match! Keep it up!


I must admit I am emotionally conflicted here. On one hand I have always found Bruce’s gameplay fighting abilities to be much better then Adon (I also personally hate the guy’s boasting and wanna see him lose). But I also cannot deny that in canon Adon has defeated the likes of Sagat and Ken before. I am so conflicted! 😡

On 3/8/2021 at 1:54 AM, Pizzaguy2995 said:

I must admit I am emotionally conflicted here. On one hand I have always found Bruce’s gameplay fighting abilities to be much better then Adon (I also personally hate the guy’s boasting and wanna see him lose). But I also cannot deny that in canon Adon has defeated the likes of Sagat and Ken before. I am so conflicted! 😡

I was not aware that Adon had a canon victory over Ken. That is impressive.

Combo videos:


Previously beat: Joe Higashi

Bruce Irvin

Previously beat: Brad Burns

15 hours ago, JohnnyChany said:

I was not aware that Adon had a canon victory over Ken. That is impressive.

Combo videos:


Previously beat: Joe Higashi

Bruce Irvin

Previously beat: Brad Burns


Yep. Trust me, gameplay wise I wouldn’t think Adon was that tough either. I’m still unsure about my vote though; I still think Bruce gameplay style is better in a fight (though that might be a personal preference) and Adon’s overconfidence has gotten him KOed before. Need more time to think on this.


Nice set up here. The circumstances don't feel forced but really natural.

I don't know either character very well to say who would win, but I think my money is on Bruce.


Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 -
5.00 - Boratz
4.20 - SSJRuss

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
14.20 Total Combined Score
14.20 / 3 = 4.73 Final Rating on the match

Adon: 1
Bruce Irvin: 3

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