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Tournament - Sakura Kasugano vs. Ayane
Sakura Kasugano: 3
Ayane: 4

Tournament - Ladybug (Bullet Train) vs. John and Jane Smith
Ladybug (Bullet Train): 2
John and Jane Smith: 5

The Unit vs. Irina Spalko
The Unit: 2
Irina Spalko: 0

Rumble 20624 Martinique Jason vs. Danny Delgado vs. Rose Armitage
Martinique Jason: 3
Danny Delgado: 0
Rose Armitage: 0

Tournament - Nancy Wheeler vs. Jennifer Check
Nancy Wheeler: 3
Jennifer Check: 1

Match 14898 Athena Asamiya vs. Chai Xianghua


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Maki Genryusai and Ryo Sakazaki sat on the ground as they watched Chizuru Kagura and Kyo Kusanagi perform their ritual to seal up Viola, Z.W.E.I., and Talim with the Yata Mirror. On the opposite end of the hut Athena Asamiya also kept a watchful eye on the proceedings. (REF: BENIMARU NIKAIDO VS. Z.W.E.I)

“So with everything going on now, you felt the need to throw down with a random fighter just to clear your mind?” Taki asked. (REF: RYO SAKAZAKI VS. AKIRA YUKI)

“Yeah I know, it’s a little embarrassing. But, what can I say it has always worked for me. Whenever there is something I can’t quite get my head around, fighting has always helped me organize my thoughts,” said Ryo.

Maki smiled. “No, I get it. Whenever I had great mental stress there was no better therapy than knocking around some Mad Gear thugs back in Metro City.”

Outside the hut, Benimaru Nikaido had just completed his lookout shift and waltzed back inside.

“How is it going in here?”  Benimaru asked.

“Good, I guess,” replied Ryo. “To be honest, I am not actually sure. This stuff never made much sense to me. Chizuru thinks it is going to take them longer because Iori is not here with them.”

“Anything out there?” asked Athena.

“Nope, completely quiet,” said Benimaru.

“We have been fortunate so far,” noted Athena.

“Do you think maybe that fortune teller was wrong?” Maki wondered. (REF: MAKI GENRYUSAI VS. TALIM)

Athena shook her head.

Maki stood up and picked up her tonfas. “Well I guess it’s my turn for lookout.”

“Let me take this one,” stated Ryo. “None of the things in here make sense to me. But, protection I can do.”

“If you insist,” said Maki. She sat back down on the floor to watch the ritual.

Ryo opened the door and walked outside . He was immediately struck in the back by a red clad ninja. He defended himself from further attack when suddenly he was struck in the back of the leg by a Zanbatou, wielded by a woman sporting a long braid, a headband, and a bare midriff. The two female warriors worked in tandem strikes and quickly overwhelmed Ryo. He was pounded to the ground with severe cuts before anyone could react.

“Ryo!” shouted Maki and Benimaru in unison. They rushed to the doorway to engage his attackers. Maki went after the ninja in red, Taki, while Benimaru set his sights on her partner, Seong Mi Na. Kyo broke concentration when he noticed Ryo on the floor in pain. Chizuru also stopped.

“Stop!” shouted Athena.

Maki and Benimaru hesitated and were both knocked to the ground. 

“Yes please stop,” said another voice.

The fighting momentarily stopped as a third woman came into view behind Taki and Seong Mir Na, the sword wielding Chai Xianghua.

“There needs to be no more further violence here, if you return our allies to us we can all find a way to walk away peacefully,” Xianghua promised.

“Hard to trust your intentions when Ryo lays on the ground bleeding from your sneak attack,” Benimaru sneered.

“His wounds will heal. We simply want to relay the message that there are consequences for your actions,,” said Taki.

“All of our actions have only been motivated by trying to stop the resurrection of Soul Edge,” Chizuru insisted.

“What do you think we have been doing for all these centuries?” Seong Mi Na exclaimed.

“Your heart may have been in the right place initially, but the fragments of that evil sword are now clouding your judgment,” explained Athena. (REF: ROSE VS. VIOLA)

Taki snapped at this statement. “We will not tolerate having our decisions questioned by some high school girl who knows nothing of the wars we have fought.”

Kyo finally spoke up as he stepped into his fighting stance. “I could care less about what you are willing to tolerate. The fact remains that you aren’t getting your friends back.”

“No Kyo,” said Athena. “You can’t fight right now, there’s too much at risk. Don’t you see?”

“What are you talking about?” asked Kyo.

Chizuru gave a knowing glance to Athena. “It is just as Rose foretold. The presence of the three warriors we have already subdued has brought them here. It will only get worse the more we delay. Also, I don’t know if we will be able to keep them unconcious for much longer.” Chizuru turned her attention to Kyo. “We must get out of here so that we can complete our ritual.”

“You're crazy if you think we are going to let any of you leave with our allies,” said Xianghua.

Tables lifted in the air and crashed into Taki and Seong Mi Na. Athena used her psychokinesis to throw every object in the hut at the three Soul Calibur warriors. 

“I will hold them off as long we can. All of you, Go Now!”

“Everyone grab a body,” said Chizuru as she lifted up Viola.

Kyo picked up Z.W.E.I, Benimaru picked up Ryo, and Maki picked up Talim. Athena used the brief distraction to teleport the foursome away.

“You’re just full of surprises aren’t you?” Seong Mi Na remarked. “However, I don’t think all your tricks will be good enough to protect you from us.”

“Maybe not, but I will try my best,” said Athena.

Taki waved her hand in dismissal. “Forget about her. She is not what we are after. I can still sense the other Soul Edge fragments. She must not have transported them far,” Taki surmised.

“We will go after them,” said Seong Mi Na. She glanced over at Xianghua, “Do you think you can..”

Xianghua lifted her blade and aimed it at Athena. “Oh you bet I can.”

Taki and Seong Mi Na left in pursuit much to Athena’s dismay.

“Not going the way you thought it would, is it?” Xianghua asked.

“No. But, I never expected this to be easy.” Athena prepared for a fight. “I must say you aren’t what I pictured when I thought of ancient warriors coming to hunt us down.”

“You’re one to talk,” said Xianghua.


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1 hour ago, Macklemore said:

Does Soul Calibur have any characters that have telekinesis, I can't recall? If Chai has interacted with her, that'd be of good help.

Not really that I can think of. Cervantes can make his swords fly all over the place so that's something.

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So I'm starting to just watch battles from their respective games when I read one of your matches. It helps lol.

I'm much more impressed by Athena than Chai. Her skillset and combos do more damage and she does this DBZ power-up thing that's really cool. I don't think Chai is going to be much trouble at all.

Also, solid writing for this match. Keep it up bud.

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Another good set-up, Johnny. 

While Chai seems to have more fighting skill, it looks like Athena has a definite edge in power with her psychic attacks, so Athena might pull this one out.

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