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Rumble 20567 Ed (Street Fighter) vs. Mama Odie vs. Pickle
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Mama Odie: 0
Pickle (Baki the Grappler): 2

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Match 13957 Ryo Sakazaki vs. Akira Yuki


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Ryo Sakazaki stood across the street from King's Illusion Bar in South Town. He knew she was still feeling bad about losing to the girl that had challenged her the other night. (REF: LEO KLIESEN VS. KING (ART OF FIGHTING) ). He wanted to console her, encourage her, but he was never good at such things. As he got closer to the entrance, Ryo noticed Joe Higashi exiting the bar and scampering away in a hurry. He thought about calling out to him, but he didn't. Ryo entered the Illusion Bar. King noticed him immediately and beamed brightly.


Ryo motioned toward the door. "What was that about?"


"I told Joe about the Muay Thai tournament being held by Sagat," said King. "He got excited." (REF: JOE HIGASHI VS. ADON)


"Why aren't you going with him?" Ryo wondered.


"Ah, I've got too much to do here. I have some important deliveries arriving in the next couple of days and I don't think this place would really run without me anyway and..."


"You are full of doubt because you lost to that Kliesen girl the other night," Ryo concluded.


King turned so that she wasn't looking Ryo in the eye. "Yeah, that might have something to do with it too."


"There is nothing to feel ashamed of. At some point we all lose fights. Remember how you felt the first time I beat you? I personally gain great conviction after losing a fight, whether it be to Terry or Kyo or Robert or whomever. It helps me not get too comfortable with my level of skill. There is always room for improvement because there will always be someone out there who is better than you."


King smiled. "I can always count on your blunt honesty."


Ryo's phone rang, it was Robert Garcia.


"Hey. How did the meeting in Venice go?" asked Ryo.


"There's a lot to catch you up on, Ryo. I believe it is safe to say that the Japan Team and the Psycho Soldiers are amicable to joining forces with us. I can say that with confidence because it is already happening..."




"Long story short, a fortune teller named Rose interrupted our meeting in Venice and told us about a bunch of evil men searching for ancient evil sword that holds great power. She says it would be a dire situation for the world at large if any of these men succeeds. Athena scanned her mind and confirmed her story is legit," explained Robert. (REF: BENIMARU NIKAIDO VS. Z.W.E.I.)


"This is unbelievable. So what is the plan?" Ryo questioned.


"At the moment I am taking Rose around the world on my private jet to locate particular fighters that she thinks will be of good use to us to keep the evil sword from resurfacing. We just picked up the Bushinryu fighter, Guy, from Metro City."


"Do you need me to come with you?" asked Ryo.


"Actually no, there is something else we need you to do. There are fighters out there, warriors, who have been living for hundreds of years. They were the ones who originally fought against this evil sword and devised the plan to get rid of it. They all took a piece of the sword into their bodies to weaken it. Apparently, it has seriously reduced their aging, but also Rose says it is affecting their judgment. They are now inadvertently acting as servants for the sword in its quest to bring darkness upon the world.." (REF: ROSE VS. VIOLA)


"Hold on, wait a minute, slow down, what?"


"I know it's confusing, believe me. The point is these ancient warriors are now coming after us. Rose took on one and so did Benimaru after we left Venice. One even showed up in Metro City. (REF:MAKI GENRYUSAI VS. TALIM) The plan is to seal them up so that they won't interfere in our mission and to keep the sword in a weakened state. So that's exactly what Kyo, Athena, and Chizuru are doing over in Japan. We need to transport the one that came to Metro City over there as well. That is where we need your help. We've already sent her to Southtown. She is being brought down by another Bushinryu fighter named Maki. Heads up, I think Maki might have a bit of a temper. We need you to accompany Maki and take the girl to Japan so that we can seal her up with the others," Robert informed.


Ryo was still confused. "Ok..."


"Once you're there you will probably have to fight to keep them sealed. Rose believes that a high concentration of these ancient warriors will draw many of the remaining ones to your location," added Robert.


Ryo was silent.


"You still with me, buddy?"


"Just letting it all sink in," Ryo finally answered.


"The whole thing is crazy I know, but it's real and its happening. And to be honest it is kind of exciting. I got to let you go now, we are searching for a middle eastern astrologist. I told Maki to look for you at King's bar. I figured you would be there or at the Kyokugen dojo."


Ryo and Robert exchanged goodbyes and Ryo hung up the phone.


"Do I even want to know?" asked King.


"Probably not. Even if you did, I don't think I could explain it to you," Kyo replied.


A few hours later, Maki arrived in South Town with Talim bound and sedated. Ryo waited for her in the Illusion Bar.


She extended a hand to Ryo after she entered the bar. "Hello, you must be Ryo Sakazaki. I am Maki Genryusai."


Ryo reciprocated. "It's a pleasure to meet you, although the circumstance of our meeting have me a little blown away at the moment."


"Nice firm hand shake, I like that," said Maki. "Yeah, it definitely hasn't been a typical day for me either. Although I suppose it is nice once in awhile to have an excuse to get out of Metro City."


"Well if the situation is as serious as Robert says, we better get going," said Ryo.


"Fine by me, the sooner I can stop carrying that girl around the better," said Maki.




Ryo and Maki traveled to a small village in Japan where Athena said they would be keeping the ancient warriors.

"So were you involved in any of those massive gang wars in Metro City that I would always read about?" asked Ryo.


"A few," answered Maki.


Maki looked at their surroundings as they walked through the streets. "I wish I had brought my motorcycle it would have made this trek much faster."


"If you race through town you might miss some of the sights," said Ryo. "Things just like that." Ryo pointed to two men fighting in the street surrounded by a crowd.


"Reminds me of home," said Maki.


Ryo lifted an eyebrow. "That one in the karate gi looks to be quite a skilled fighter. I wonder who he is?"


"Meh, he doesn't look that impressive. I'm sure I could beat him. I would show you right now, but we have more pressing matters," Maki reminded him. "I"˜m not really comfortable with this whole kidnaping thing so the quicker we get this done the better."


"You were the one who defeated the girl, right?" Ryo inquired.


"Yes." Maki squinted her eyes. "How much farther do we need to go?"


"It should be just up the next road," answered Ryo.


Soon after, they arrived at their destination and were immediately greeted by Athena Asamiya.


"Athena this is Maki. Maki this is Athena," said Ryo.


The girls shook hands.


"Maki, You should go inside and get to know everyone. Tell Kyo to get a truck and meet me at the field outside of town where we stashed the girl. That way we can bring her in without bringing any attention to ourselves. I need to go check something out real quick," said Ryo.


Ryo left the two girls, who stood for a moment in stunned silence.


"What was that about?" Athena asked.


Maki shrugged. "How should I know? I just met the guy."


Ryo wanted to clear his head. He was still trying to wrap his mind around all that Robert had told him. A good skirmish would help him out tremendously. He had actually been craving a good fight since he watched King and Leo Kliesen square off a few nights earlier. All this talk of powerful fighters and ancient warriors only strengthened that desire. He worried it might look irresponsible to the others to challenge one of them to a fight with serious threats looming in the distance. But, the scene he had walked by earlier with Maki gave him another way.


When Ryo arrived back at that location, the man in the gi was no longer fighting. He was now surrounded by a small group of adoring villagers.


"Are you still looking for a good challenge?" asked Ryo.


"Always," the man answered. He looked over Ryo with a curious expression. "Are you Ryo Sakazaki?"


"How did you know that?" Ryo asked.


The man nodded. "My name is Akira. I make it a point to know who all the strongest fighters from around the world are so that I may challenge them and fine tune my own skills. It is why I am here. I heard that the pop star, Athena Asamiya, was in the area and thought maybe Kyo Kusanagi would be around since they are on friendly terms. I've been wanting to challenge him for a long time. I still haven't had the opportunity, but I never thought I would find you on this side of the world. What a bizzare twist of fate." Akira assumed his fighting stance. "One that I want to take full advantage of."


Ryo also assumed his fighting stance. "You honor me with your words. I hope my abilities live up to whatever it is you have heard about me."







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Guest Magickal

Good fight here. I view Ryo to have similar skill and power as the Ryus and Terry Bogards and the world. Reading up on Akira, I feel that he has the potential to get there someday but he has to get past his own mental blocks to evole to the next level. Ryo wins after a solid fight and gives Akira another chance to learn the value of humility.

Great story!

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I want to vote for Akira so bad but I think that Ryo is too strong a fighter. Akira's skills are enough to win the Virtua Fighter tournaments, but the other fighting games are kind of the next level, making the top Vitua Fighter characters about upper mid range in those arenas.

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Guest bigballerju

Sounds like Akira was probably training for this fight if he already heard of Ryo. However I agree Ryo is more skilled and powerful. He definitely wins. I am loving the matches for this arc.

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Match Final Results


leroypowell3 gives it a grade of: A like that matchup

michalecs gives it a grade of: B

FoxFingers gives it a grade of: A

patrickthekid gives it a grade of: A

bigballerju gives it a grade of: A


Ryo Sakazaki: 10

Akira Yuki: 6

FPA: 3.8


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