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Beast vs. Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski)
Beast: 1
Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski): 4

Cloud City vs. Cloverfield Creature (Clover)
Cloud City: 2
Cloverfield Creature (Clover): 4

Rumble 20614 Lydia Frye vs. Cana Alberona vs. Eve (Stellar Blade)
Lydia Frye: 0
Cana Alberona: 0
Eve (Stellar Blade): 2

Tournament - Adrian Monk vs. Lt. Columbo
Adrian Monk: 1
Lt. Columbo: 4

Rumble 20613 Batman (Terry McGinnis) vs. T-X (The Terminatrix)
Batman (Terry McGinnis): 2
T-X (The Terminatrix): 0

Match 14888 Sarah Bryant vs. Mature


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Inside his back alley hideout, Geese Howard looked down with disappointment at Tira’s unconscious body. He had worried the bipolar ring blade wielder was going to do something rash. His suspicions had been confirmed. (REF: MAI SHIRANUI VS. TIRA) He looked around the hideout for an answer he already knew. Mai Shiranui was gone. She had escaped, and with her all the strategic plans Geese had devised to trick the Bogard brothers into doing his dirty work. (REF: ANDY BOGARD VS. GUY) After a sigh of resignation, Geese picked up his cell phone to report his findings.

“The kunoichi is gone. Tira has failed,” Geese stated.

On the other end of the phone, a man in a finely tailored suit with metallic white hair clenched his fist in frustration. He then quickly regained his composure. “No matter. This is why we don’t put all our eggs in one basket. (REF: ZASALAMEL VS. SAGAT) What of Raphael?”

“Disappeared in Metro City after dueling Robert Garcia,” Geese replied. ”I do believe I have narrowed down the location of K’.” (REF: MAXIMA VS. BRYAN FURY)

“Good. We will work with what we have.”

Urien, the treacherous disciple, hung up his phone and turned to a long desk behind him where three beautiful women currently sat.

“Sorry for the interruption, where were we?” said Urien.

The blonde woman, Mature, answered first. “We were just about to deny your request to join your Secret Society.”

“We remain loyal only to Orochi,” added Shermie.

“Is that why you think I have brought you here?” asked Urien. “A recruitment pitch?”

“It was what was implied by the Russian woman who gathered us together,” stated Vice.

“Kolin knows only what I want her to know,” said Urien. 

“Then why are we here?”

Urien beamed with feigned benevolence. “I want to help you resurrect him.”

“Are you Hakkeshu?” asked Shermie.

“I could lie to you and say yes. But, I am sure you would see through it. So, I will be honest with you. I simply want to bring him back because the Secret Society wants him to remain sealed,” said Urien.

“Orochi is a punishment for all of mankind for its wickedness and callousness toward nature. You wish to bring it back just to undermine your organization?”  Shermie wondered.

Urien pounded his hand on the table. “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do just to undermine this organization.”

Mature lifted an eyebrow. “How do you suggest we unseal Orochi?”

“With the power of Soul Edge, an ancient sword with great power and untapped potential,” replied Urien.

“Where is this sword?”

“Being located as we speak. However, when it is found it will need a vessel. A vessel to become the azure night, Nightmare, and wield the mighty blade,” explained Urien.

“If it will free Orochi, then I will volunteer as a vessel,” Shermie offered.

Urien shook his head. “It cannot be any of you, because Nightmare will need you to locate the seal. It will need to be someone strong, however, very strong, but also corruptible.”

Vice looked skeptical. “How do you know all of this?”

“The same way I knew about all of you, and that you all had recently returned from the dead. It is why I know about the existence of Soul Edge in the first place. It is the business of the Secret Society to know everything that is happening in the world, and everything that has come before.”

“You want us to track down this ‘vessel’?” Vice guessed.

“Precisely, I have found some excellent candidates.”

Urien spread various pictures of warriors and fighters across the table.”Vice and Mature, it is your choice. Shermie, you will be going undercover to help keep our enemies at bay.”

Shermie’s eyes lit up behind her long bangs, Vice and Mature perused through the pictures and descriptions of the candidates in front of them. Vice zeroed in on blonde brainwashed assassin turned tournament fighter, Sarah Bryant.
‘I want this one,” Vice declared.

Mature read over the description. “Imbued with enhanced aggression and trained to be the ultimate fighting machine by the Judgment 6 Organization. Not familiar with them, but it sounds like fun.”

“Excellent choice.” Urien turned his attention to Shermie. “Come with me, we have much to go over before you begin your mission.”

Urien and Shermie left the room.

“I don’t like him,” said Vice.

“Neither do I, but it does not matter. Once he helps us unseal Orochi, we can kill him. Maybe then we go find Iori,” stated Mature.

Vice nodded in agreement.




Sarah Bryant entered into the gym with a smile on her face as she approached the long silver haired fighter, Vanessa Lewis. Sarah watched as Vanessa connected with a series of kicks on a low hanging heavy bag. Sarah had been trying to help Vanessa regain all of her memories since her J6 brainwashing. Sarah knew from personal experience that it would be a long, hard process. Sarah felt it would be worth it for the woman who once acted as her bodyguard.

“How are you feeling?” Sarah asked.

“Pretty good actually. Nothing like a good workout to get the blood pumping,” Vanessa answered. “Want to go a few rounds.”

“Maybe another time. I was thinking we could go grab some dinner,” Sarah suggested.

Vanessa stopped and held on to the rattling heavy bag. “OK. Just give me a few minutes to go grab my bag.”

Sarah waited as Vanessa went to the locker room. She looked around the deserted gym. Sarah really enjoyed this place because she and Vanessa could always train there in relative peace. Usually there would be a few others also getting a work out in, but now there was no one. Sarah chuckled. She figured the others must have been intimidated by Vanessa’s routine. The door swung open and in walked a stylishly dressed woman with short red hair.

“Are you ready to take me on?” Vice asked.

Sarah brushed off the challenge. “If you came to work out in that outfit, I have some bad news for you sweetie.”

Vice raised her fist. “I came here for you. I hope you enjoy a good beating.”


Vanessa tackled Vice from the side. The two women rolled around the floor with Vanessa eventually mounting Vice and striking her with her fists. Vice pushed Vanessa off and went on the attack. She grabbed Vanessa by the shoulders and threw her through a nearby window. Vice wiped some blood off her lips, laughed, and followed her adversary through the window. Sarah motioned to follow them outside, but stopped when she saw another woman in a black pantsuit standing in the doorway.

“Are you J6?” asked Sarah. “Just leave us alone.”

“Oh no, we are something much worse,” Mature proclaimed.

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For some reason I really like this one. I like the characters of course but I I think you did a nice job with the flow of the story. I actually can't wait to read the next part. I'm assuming you're going to expand on Vanessa fighting Vice?

Glad to see Urien make an appearance. Of course he'd be looking for the damn sword lol

As for this encounter, I'm in Mature's corner. She's very fast and could kill Sarah will little effort.

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Another good set-up, Johnny. 

Looking up both Sarah and Mature, I think Mature is faster, more experienced, more powerful, and likely more ruthless, so she'd pretty likely take this.

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Thanks for the comments. I was actually thinking no one was going to go for Mature and everyone would gravitate toward Sarah Bryant since she is not only a main character for her franchise (even if it is Virtua Fighter) but a crossover one too. But it has completely swung in the opposite direction. Interesting.

On 9/19/2020 at 4:05 PM, SSJRuss said:

For some reason I really like this one. I like the characters of course but I I think you did a nice job with the flow of the story. I actually can't wait to read the next part. I'm assuming you're going to expand on Vanessa fighting Vice?

Glad to see Urien make an appearance. Of course he'd be looking for the damn sword lol

As for this encounter, I'm in Mature's corner. She's very fast and could kill Sarah will little effort.

Vanessa vs. Vice was the plan but if no one thinks Vanessa would stand a chance against her I may have to audible.

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