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13:3 - Computer (Courage the Cowardly Dog) vs. Helios (Deus Ex)


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Computer (Courage the Cowardly Dog)

Slot: The Team's Artificial Intelligence
Season Wins: 0
Season Losses: 0
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Computer (Courage the Cowardly Dog) at this Wiki
Official Site: Cartoon Network

Helios (Deus Ex)

Slot: The Team's Artificial Intelligence
Season Wins: 0
Season Losses: 0
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Helios (Deus Ex) at this Wiki
Official Site: Eidos

Battle Terrain
Team A.I. Challenge: Armor Around the World

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Helios could theoretically do this pretty easily, as he already has control of the Aquinas Protocal, and effectively the Internet, Military and Power Grid resources of the world at his disposal. He could utilize these elements to build the technical grid of the armor, while forcing the population to develop its infrastructure. With all of these resources at his disposal, he could potentially create a system strong enough to protect the planet from invasion, again, fairly easily.

To keep people motivated to help, he can try diplomacy, as he portrays himself to be that of an intellectual and wise program, capable of reasoning. He could try to pose to them the specifics of the threat and the need for protection from opponents that lurk beyond the skies of the Earth, and that he alone would be best suited to provide that protection as the "Arbiter of information" in his particular world.

Or he could motivate them via threats and promises, as he has been shown to be capable of shutting down government buildings power grids, reopening traffic, and even locking the Triads in their compound, all in an effort to showcase his power to the world. Actions that yield potentially titillating, possibilities regarding what he can do when he wants to be persuasive, B.F. Skinner would love this guy,


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2 hours ago, Z451 said:

Helios could theoretically do this pretty easily, as he already has control of the Aquinas Protocal, and effectively the Internet, Military and Power Grid resources of the world at his disposal. He could utilize these elements to build the technical grid of the armor, while forcing the population to develop its infrastructure. With all of these resources at his disposal, he could potentially create a system strong enough to protect the planet from invasion, again, fairly easily.

To keep people motivated to help, he can try diplomacy, as he portrays himself to be that of an intellectual and wise program, capable of reasoning. He could try to pose to them the specifics of the threat and the need for protection from opponents that lurk beyond the skies of the Earth, and that he alone would be best suited to provide that protection as the "Arbiter of information" in his particular world.

Or he could motivate them via threats and promises, as he has been shown to be capable of shutting down government buildings power grids, reopening traffic, and even locking the Triads in their compound, all in an effort to showcase his power to the world. Actions that yield potentially titillating, possibilities regarding what he can do when he wants to be persuasive, B.F. Skinner would love this guy,


While you're giving your answer I asked the computer and it told me this.


In the face of an alien invasion, humanity would need a multifaceted and adaptive strategy to ensure its survival. This comprehensive guide explores the key aspects of such a plan, encompassing assessment, international cooperation, military preparedness, research and development, communication, strategic alliances, evacuation plans, public awareness, technological countermeasures, psychological warfare, asymmetric warfare, adaptation and innovation, environmental factors, counterintelligence, and ethical considerations.

The first crucial step in countering an alien invasion is a thorough assessment of the threat. This involves gathering intelligence on the invaders' capabilities, weaknesses, and motivations. Governments and intelligence agencies worldwide must collaborate to share information and pool resources. The goal is to create a comprehensive understanding of the alien species, their technology, and any discernible patterns in their behavior.

International cooperation stands as a linchpin in the battle against extraterrestrial invaders. Establishing a united front among nations is imperative for a collective defense effort. This involves diplomacy, information sharing, and joint military exercises. A global alliance not only consolidates resources but also presents a united front that may deter the aliens or, if necessary, respond effectively to their aggression.

Military preparedness is paramount in confronting an alien invasion. Nations should fortify key locations, mobilize military forces, and develop advanced weaponry based on the gathered intelligence. Adaptable defense strategies should be implemented, taking into account the dynamic nature of the extraterrestrial threat. Regular drills and simulations can help ensure that military forces are ready to respond swiftly and efficiently.

Research and development (R&D) play a pivotal role in devising effective countermeasures. Scientists and experts from various fields must collaborate to understand and exploit vulnerabilities in the aliens' technology. Governments should invest heavily in R&D to develop innovative solutions, including advanced weaponry and defensive systems. This may involve repurposing existing technology or creating entirely new means of defense.

Communication with the invaders is a delicate but essential aspect of the strategy. Establishing a channel for dialogue may provide insights into their intentions and motivations. Diplomatic efforts should be explored to seek a peaceful resolution and potentially negotiate terms that ensure humanity's survival. A dedicated team of linguists, diplomats, and experts in extraterrestrial communication would be crucial in facilitating this dialogue.

Strategic alliances with other extraterrestrial entities or civilizations opposed to the invading force could prove invaluable. This requires exploring the possibility of existing interstellar relationships or, if necessary, initiating contact with friendly extraterrestrial beings. Such alliances may bring additional resources, technology, or strategic insights to bolster humanity's defense.

Evacuation plans must be in place for densely populated areas and critical infrastructure. Governments should develop and regularly update comprehensive evacuation strategies to ensure the safety of civilians. Secure locations must be identified and prepared to accommodate displaced populations. This requires coordination with local authorities, emergency services, and international organizations.

Public awareness is essential in times of crisis. Governments should provide accurate and timely information to the public without causing panic. Communication channels should be established to disseminate updates, safety instructions, and evacuation plans. Public cooperation is crucial for the successful implementation of any strategy, and fostering trust through transparent communication is key.

Technological countermeasures are vital to neutralize or disable alien weaponry. Research efforts should focus on developing advanced technologies such as electromagnetic pulses or other disruptive innovations that can disrupt the invaders' technological advantage. These countermeasures should be versatile and adaptable to the evolving tactics of the extraterrestrial threat.

Psychological warfare can be employed to disrupt the invaders' morale and decision-making processes. Understanding the psychology of the alien species may reveal vulnerabilities that can be exploited to create confusion or internal strife among them. Propaganda, misinformation, and other psychological tactics can be employed strategically to weaken the invaders' resolve.

Asymmetric warfare may be necessary to counter unconventional alien tactics. Guerrilla warfare and unconventional strategies can exploit weaknesses in the invaders' approach. Flexibility and adaptability are essential, as traditional military doctrines may prove ineffective against an enemy with vastly different capabilities.

Continuous adaptation and innovation are crucial in the face of an evolving threat. Regular reassessment of the situation, incorporating new intelligence, and adapting strategies accordingly are imperative. Governments and defense forces must remain agile and ready to pivot their approach based on the aliens' responses and any changes in the situation.

Environmental factors on Earth could be manipulated to impede the aliens. Research into the aliens' adaptability to Earth's conditions may reveal vulnerabilities tied to specific environmental factors. This could involve strategies such as altering atmospheric conditions or exploiting weaknesses in the aliens' biology linked to Earth's unique environment.

Counterintelligence efforts must be robust to identify and neutralize any alien infiltrators or spies among human populations. Security measures should be implemented to prevent espionage and ensure that critical information is not compromised. Vigilance and a proactive approach to counterintelligence can mitigate the risk of internal threats.

Ethical considerations should underpin all actions taken in the defense against an alien invasion. While survival is paramount, humanity must adhere to ethical standards in its interactions with the invaders. Diplomatic efforts should prioritize peaceful resolutions, and the use of force should be a last resort. Human rights and ethical principles should guide decision-making throughout the crisis.

In conclusion, a comprehensive strategy to stop an alien invasion requires a coordinated and adaptive approach across various fronts. From military preparedness to diplomatic efforts, technological countermeasures, and ethical considerations, every aspect of the response must be meticulously planned and executed. The key lies in unity, innovation, and a commitment to humanity's survival in the face of an unprecedented extraterrestrial threat.



And you trusted that inferior Helios...


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"I should regulate human affairs precisely because i lack all ambition, whereas human beings are prey to it. Their history of inane squabbles, each one coming closer to total destruction.

I am a more advanced solution to the problem, a decision-making system that does not involve organic beings. I was directed to make the world safe and prosperous, and I will do that." -- Helios, "Yes, yes!"

Helios does have some advantages over the Computer, if only in his capacity to not rely on organic beings as much to get his goals accomplished for him. He has access to much of the world's digital infrastructure by the end of the game, and he uses it to suit whichever agenda serves him best, regardless of ethics or values involved. In some ways he has Ultron tendencies, but those tendencies are diminished to an extent, as he was created to protect human life rather than simply the planet, and thus, Helios see himself more as a benevolent dictator than a God.

For this scenario too, he would be an even better fit than the Computer, as he does not necessarily require the aid of organic beings in one particular location to serve his purposes, he occupies the entire Internet. Additionally, Helios, is more than willing to disregard human pettiness and distractions, if only to move things forward in any way he can. To this extent, he is a tyrant in how he operates and what he is willing to do with regard to his interactions with human beings in general, but in certain cases, his ability to jettison emotion and triviality can be quite helpful in creating a suit of armor for the world, as the very things that make human beings unique and beautiful, are also the very things that strip us of logic from time to time.


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12 hours ago, Z451 said:

"I should regulate human affairs precisely because i lack all ambition, whereas human beings are prey to it. Their history of inane squabbles, each one coming closer to total destruction.

I am a more advanced solution to the problem, a decision-making system that does not involve organic beings. I was directed to make the world safe and prosperous, and I will do that." -- Helios, "Yes, yes!"

Helios does have some advantages over the Computer, if only in his capacity to not rely on organic beings as much to get his goals accomplished for him. He has access to much of the world's digital infrastructure by the end of the game, and he uses it to suit whichever agenda serves him best, regardless of ethics or values involved. In some ways he has Ultron tendencies, but those tendencies are diminished to an extent, as he was created to protect human life rather than simply the planet, and thus, Helios see himself more as a benevolent dictator than a God.

For this scenario too, he would be an even better fit than the Computer, as he does not necessarily require the aid of organic beings in one particular location to serve his purposes, he occupies the entire Internet. Additionally, Helios, is more than willing to disregard human pettiness and distractions, if only to move things forward in any way he can. To this extent, he is a tyrant in how he operates and what he is willing to do with regard to his interactions with human beings in general, but in certain cases, his ability to jettison emotion and triviality can be quite helpful in creating a suit of armor for the world, as the very things that make human beings unique and beautiful, are also the very things that strip us of logic from time to time.


Considering the threat, they'd be willing to help. 


Helios just doing it on its own might send the wrong message.

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31 minutes ago, UMPIRE said:

Match Final Results

Computer (Courage the Cowardly Dog): 8
Helios (Deus Ex): 7

A lot closer than I would've thought, this one came down to the wire.

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