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Rumble 20546 Killjoy vs. The Leprechaun
Killjoy: 2
The Leprechaun: 0

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Team Fortress 2: 0
Inhumanoids: 3

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Juggernaut: 10
Mr. Incredible: 0

Rumble 20544 General Kregg vs. Stripe vs. Brigade
General Kregg: 2
Stripe: 0
Brigade: 1

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Waspinator: 3
Grumble Bee: 2

Match 19096 Kida vs. Ursula


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Megastory 21.8

Dark Water


Previously: The destruction of Octopon inspired the RLS Legacy crew to acquire the Thirteen Treasures of Rule. Captain Amelia broke them up into different assignments and their quest began.



Pleased with his murder, Don Karnage activated his radio. “Move in.”

Beyond the RLS Legacy, was a much smaller attack boat filled with pirates.

They were brash and bold approaching the ship swiftly.

Sokka, on a recovery stroll, saw them first. He ran to the bridge where Snow White was working. The fear in her eyes denoted the she already knew what was going on.

“Where’s Captain Amelia?” asked Sokka.

“I don’t know.” Snow White answered.

“Paige her!” he yelled whiled going over the controls. “We have to lift off!”

Sweetly and way to quietly, Snow White paged the captain. “Captain Amelia, would you come the bridge please?”

Sokka huffed with exasperation. “No like this! Captain to the bridge or we’re all gonna die!”

A few moments later Ren came in.

“We’ve got a band of cutthroats coming our way!”

“I know!” Sakka said. “Where’s the captain?”

“I don’t know but we have to act now!” Ren said confidently. “We don’t have the fighting men to stave them off. The best thing to do is get airborne! That will make it much harder for them to board!”

“Moana’s not here either!” Sokka told him.

“We can do this!” Ren assured him. “Snow White take the autoguns and lay down some suppressive fire!”

“You want me to shoot them?!” the horror in her voice was tangible.

“Okay nevermind. Sokka, you take the guns! Snow White, initiate lift off asap!”

“Are you up for this, Ren?” Sokka addressed his injury.

“I’m fine. The Holographic Doctor is really good.”

A ways before the pirates reached it, the RLS Legacy lifted out of the water.

Still, none of them realized they had a stowaway.

Having killed Captain Amelia, Don Karnage was in blood lust, eager for more victims. But the captain had put up a fight and he was in no condition to confront another strong opponent. He decided to abandon ship and join the pirates he had called in for a proper massacre. Bloth had instructed him to keep the ship intact so that it could be donated to the Kingpin for his help in finding the Legacy.

When the closest boat picked him up, he informed them of the good news.

“The captain is dead. Their morale will be in the pooper. This will be an easy slaughter.”

These weren’t exactly top men but there were a lot of them, three boats full. And they weren’t squeemish. The ladies on board better hope they die least these degradents get to have fun with them.

Still there was the problem of getting to an airborne ship. Another of the Kingpin’s aid donations were jet packs. Bloth had described that the Legacy could fly so the crimelord had something sent that would still allow for hostile boarding.

The pirates put them on and soared upward.

Ren, Sokka and Snow White looked on with mouths ajar.

“Oh no.” Ren breathed.


Author’s note: More on this somewhere else.


* * * * * *



Their missions assigned, the RLS Legacy crew broke leaving Captain Amelia and Snow White and the injured- Ren, Sokka left on the ship.

A three man team of Tula, Moana, and Kida were to go to Kida’s Atlantis and collect the treasure that her kingdom possessed.

Kida assured them that she could easily make arrangements to get to Atlantis. With a device unique to her people, Kida called home. A transport arrived within two hours in the form of a strangely designed submarine. It was fashioned to carry a handful of passengers so Kida and the others boarded and were on their way.

“So do you know Aquaman?” Moana asked of Kida.

“I’ve met him before but just in passing at a ceremony. Namor’s people were causing problems and he left to deal with it.”

“The Sub-Mariner?” Tula looked at her. “How does that work? Namor is supposed to be the king of Atlantis but so is Aquaman. But then you say you’re from Atlantis.”

“They’re all different places. Different kingdoms. But one empire. Namor’s and Aquaman’s kingdoms are aquatic in nature but mine is air breathing. Surface dwellers call everything under the waters Atlantis and we simply let them do it. We find the confusion it makes amusing.”
“That’s just wrong.” Moana said but laughed while she said it.

The Atlantean vessel sank to the bottom of the ocean and a city started to laminate before them. Tula and Moana were dazzled.

When they were finally able to disembark, Kida lead her comrades to the throne room.

Kida’s father was the high priest to the king Arion.

“We need the heart of Atlantis.”

Arion kept his cool but was clearly appalled.

“That has been in our possession for thousands of years. Removing it would be catastrophic.”

Kida argued. “A clear and present danger to the world has arisen. The original owners of the Heart of Atlantis has need of it.”

“I see no representative of Octapon.”

“Prince Ren is injured.” Tula responded. “We are here on his behalf.”

“I will speak with King Primus.” Arion declared to which Tula interrupted.

“King Primus is dead. Octapon is destroyed.”

Arion glared at her.

“There is more.” Kida took over. “Our finest warrior- Galtar- has somehow been turned. He works for whatever enemy is behind this. He killed King Primus.”

Arion raised his hand to silence them. “If not for Kida I would not believe you. The council must be informed. The generals must be briefed.”

That was all that Arion could speak. Guards burst into the room.

“King Arion! We are under attack!”

Arion shot to his feet.

The Atlanteans scrambled to defensive positions. It took a while but the enemy reached the throne room. Renegade Atlanteans stormed in, some water breathing, some air.

Before even the soldiers could engage them, King Arion showed his magical might by casting a restraining spell against all of the hostiles.

“Very good, Arion, very good.” in came a heafty woman. Instead of fins, her bottom half was like an octopus.

“Ursula.” Arion growled. Then he saw what was in her hand. A tident of great power. One that belonged to a friend of his.

“How did you get that. King Triton was noble ruler.”

“Was.” Ursula smiled.

Arion understood. But there was more. As he looked into her eyes, he was saw them glaze over completely black. For everything it could have meant, he knew which one it was.

“The Dark Dweller will take you to places even your twisted mind cannot fathom.”

“Don’t peach to me.” Ursula snapped. “I finally got my revenge.”

“And now you give him what he wants.” He turned to Kida and her companions.

“Do what you came to do. Take the heart of Atlantis away from here. I will fight off this witch.”

Tula looked to Kida. “Where is it?”

“This way!” Kida took off to the left.

Moana, awestruck by the incredible displays of power, had to be pulled along by Tula.

When they reached the chamber Tula and Moana stopped stared. Several giant mask-like faces swirled around a giant glowing crystal.

“What is this?” Tula whined. “Why didn’t you tell me this thing was so big? We can’t move that!”

Mesmerized but less so than the other two, Kida kept walking forward. “We don’t have to.”

The crystal around her neck was lifting up toward the Heart of Atlantis. Soon Kida herself started floating that way.

What happened next, Tula and Moana couldn’t say because Ursula entered the chamber. She had somehow enlarged herself to a degree that the chamber didn’t look so big.

With evil eyes and gritted teeth she gaze upon the two woman. “I came prepared for King Arion and he knew it!”

“But you are not prepared for this!” it was Kida’s voiced but enhanced ten times over. The young priestess was floating back down touching onto the water but she did not sink. More amazing about her was her translucent appearance.

Ursula beheld the development with malicious envy. “The Heart of Atlantis is too much for you little girl!”

Still in her booming voice Kida said, “The Heart of Atlantis doesn’t like you. Neither do I.”


Fight Parameters:


Kida- imbued with the power of the Heart of Atlantis (just like in the movie). vs.

Ursula with her own magic and King Triton’s Trident.

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A very well written story Leroy, I can tell you put real effort into it.

Afraid I’m gonna have to side with the villainess Ursula here. Honestly not sure just what are the upper limits on Kida’s powers are with the Heart of Atlantis or just how in control she is of them considering when she first got her powers she was rather easily taken in by Rourke’s men. So right now I’m leaning Ursula especially if she’s got the Trident!

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A fantastic water based Disney matchup, Leroy. Curious to see where the top part is leading to. I don't know what is a more amusing visual, a bloodlusted Don Karnage or the abject horror of Snow White being told to man the guns. 

I really want Kida to win, but it is hard to argue with Pizzaguy's assessment. 


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So glad people liked this. 

Where this is going? Pretty much all the Earth centered factions in the Megastory are going to fighting over the Thirteen Treasures of Rule.

If you remember, the Unicron saga is colliding with the Infinity Stone saga. and then there's a couple of other threats that haven't been introduced yet. The whole point behind the Megastory is to create a bunch of mixed teams and pit them against each other.

Lastly I just so glad that Captain Amelia is dead. I wanted her to die in her match with Bloth. He was going to feed her to the Constrictus (as he does in his own show). But you all voted for he so she had to stay a while longer. She's too solid a leader for this adventure. It's like having Captain Picard in command. I want the younger inexperienced Ren to lead the crew. Now I get what I want.


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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.50 - Pizzaguy2995
5.00 - Boratz
5.00 - JohnnyChany
5.00 - Mercenaryblade

FPA Calculation:
4 Total Votes cast
19.50 Total Combined Score
19.50 / 4 = 4.88 Final Rating on the match

Kida: 2
Ursula: 3

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