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12:4 - Orcs vs. Mobile Infantry


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Slot: The Team's Cannon Fodder
Season Wins: 0
Season Losses: 0
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Orcs at this Wiki
Official Site: Public Domain

Mobile Infantry

Slot: The Team's Cannon Fodder
Season Wins: 0
Season Losses: 0
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Mobile Infantry at this Wiki
Official Site: Robert A. Heinlein

Battle Terrain
Cannon Fodder Challenge: Medieval Reenactment

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So here's the thing. This seems like an easy win for the Orcs.

The problem is. This is a historical reenactment. Not a fantasy one and Orcs didn't exist in the historical medieval period.

So being human is alone an advantage for the Mobile Infantry.

They also actually have access to Historical records of the time in question. Something that orcs do not have.

So if we grade this on historical accuracy than the Mobile Infantry is going to be able to do much better than the Orcs.

If it's just hand them historically appropriate equipment and have them fight it out.

Well even than the M.I has a shot. There are a lot of them and they have a surprisingly heavy focus on hand to hand combat for a space fairing marine force.

Coupled with more cohesion/discipline. Structured chain of command etc and likely at least a basic understanding of the weapons and tactics of the era. Given there cultures heavy focus on militaria. 

In other words I think the M.I has a better shot at beating Orcs on a medieval battle field then orcs do beating the M.I in terms of historical accuracy.

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3 hours ago, Boratz said:

While the infantry may have historical records, they may not necessarily know how to reenact those particular medieval events. Whereas orcs while not human, have skills more associated with medieval types

They are going to have records of tactics and gear. It may not be perfect, but it's bound to be more accurate and complete then that of a race with no knowledge of our history.

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1 hour ago, RiotGear said:

They are going to have records of tactics and gear. It may not be perfect, but it's bound to be more accurate and complete then that of a race with no knowledge of our history.

We have records today, that doesn't mean our army can compete with a race that spend their whole lives fighting in that style of combat. To argue that there are a whole lot of them, there are also a whole lot of orcs. 

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I'm going to throw my troops some support here. Even in the future we see the troops in basic in formations, moving in formation dates back all the way to the armies of antiquity. I can see the MI adapting their drill and ceremony to form a phalanx or a Roman style formation. 

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