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10:1 - Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy vs. Danny Zucko

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Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy

Slot: The Team's Musical Interlude
Season Wins: 0
Season Losses: 0
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy at this Wiki
Official Site: Disney

Danny Zucko

Slot: The Team's Musical Interlude
Season Wins: 0
Season Losses: 0
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Danny Zucko at this Wiki
Official Site: Paramount Pictures

Battle Terrain
Planet of the Apes: The Musical!

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Even though Danny Zuko is my draftee, for some reason I'm under the impression that other animals would have a better chance of uniting apes and humans. Then again, I don't know if a species that isn't part of the one being united (a frog and a pig respectively) would have that big of a chance to unite apes and humans as good as a human (in this case) or an ape would. My initial thoughts are that Danny might not be that good when it comes to uniting other species, but we've never really seen him do anything like this.

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I like the pig and the frog in this scenario.

The humans and apes don't trust each other to begin with, so a completely outside the box event like a dancing Pig/Frog showing up might be just the thing to change some perceptions.

That said, the Human characters in the recent Planet of the Apes films have been portrayed as kinda xenophobic, so they might just shoot walking, talking Pig/Frog on sight.

If Pig/Frog gets their foot in the door though, one good musical number should be all that is needed.

Danny would be really good on the Human side but would have a real challenge on the Ape side.

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Also, another thought crossed my mind in that even though Kermit and Piggy might be a shoe in to teach others that being of different species means nothing when connecting to each other, they also argue very frequently. They would effectively be teaching the two species something they don't themselves partake in that much.

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I concur with the majority here, Kermit and Miss Piggy not only have the advantage of being the neutral third party in this ape vs man war, but their general harmless and wholesome disposition will help them in getting the apes and humans to lower their guard and trusting them.

Danny is a greaser, a teenage delinquent, so not only will he have trouble getting his own kind to take him seriously but the fact is I doubt he’d even know what to say if given the chance. The guys a teenager after all, the whole movie is him struggling to understand his own immaturity and be able to go against the peer pressure of his friends and what his clique deems cool or uncool and really I’m not sure if he actually learned it in the end. So if humanity is relying on him of all people to convince two races to let go of years of mistrust, hatred and fear for peace, then I think we are really screwed.

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My one pushback would be that if we are going by the latest iteration of the Planet of the Apes, I don't think Ceasar would like Kermit and Miss Piggy at all. On some subconscious level he would resent them and not even understand why because he is made of some of the finest CGI captured on film and they are simple felt puppets. 

I'm just kidding, I am also going with the muppets for all the above reasons already listed. If anything, I could see Danny making things worse by convincing the humans to play it cool instead of being sincere in any potential negotiations with the apes.


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