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Match 16604 Rita Repulsa vs. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Venom 2009

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Note: This takes place during the first episode of Season 2 of MMPR, The Mutiny Part 1.


Rita Repulsa couldn’t believe this was happening to her. After so many years, her lord and master, Lord Zedd had returned. He was very disappointed in her for failing to rule the Earth for him. To make matters worst, her once loyal servant, Goldar had betrayed her as soon as Lord Zedd showed back up. The golden alien was showing much glee towards Lord Zedd, and was enjoying seeing her suffer. She knew her time as empress was running out.

“Oh, Lord Zedd! Please, let me send down another monster! I’ll prove to you that I can finish this job!” Rita begged.

“I don’t think so.” Goldar said to Rita.

“Zip it, you gold monkey!” Rita yelled at Goldar.

Goldar just grumbled.

“Your days of control are over. There will be no more chances.” Lord Zedd said to Rita.

“Can’t we talk?” Rita asked.

“Silence! I have spoken.” Lord Zedd said.

“Ohhhhh noooo!” Rita cried as she knew it was over. She tried to think of something, anything that could get her out of this. But she couldn’t come up with a plan. How she wished she could be facing the Power Rangers instead of her old master. Then an idea appeared in her head.

“I hereby strip you of your.....” Lord Zedd was saying as he was about to remove Rita’s powers.

“But what if I destroyed the Power Rangers?!” Rita yelled.

This surprised both Goldar and Lord Zedd. “What?” The red alien asked.

“Hear me out. The only reason I failed to conquer the Earth is because I relied on Finster’s monsters, and this wanna-be warrior.” Rita said pointing at Goldar. “I have never fought the Power Rangers myself. But if you let me go down to Earth, I can destroy those teenagers with my own hands.”

“You can’t be serious!” Goldar yelled.

“I’m talking to Lord Zedd! Not You!” Rita yelled back at Goldar. She then looked back at Zedd. “With my powers, I will crush them like the insects they are. I will even bring back their heads for you. Please, Lord Zedd, let me redeem myself.”

Zedd put his hand on his chin as he was thinking about the offer. While Goldar and Rita couldn’t see it, Lord Zedd started to smile behind his mask. “Very well, Rita. You may go to Earth.” The Emperor of Evil said.

Goldar couldn’t believe what he just heard, while Rita was filled with joy. “Thank... Thank You, Lord Zedd!” Rita said happily to her master.

“Don’t Thank Me!” Lord Zedd yelled, which sent a chill down Rita’s spine. “I’m only doing this because I want those Power Rangers gone. This will be your last and final chance. If you put an end to those Rangers, you will be redeemed and remain as my servant. But fail me this time, well... You better hope the Power Rangers destroy you. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Lord Zedd. I shall not fail you again.” Rita said as she bowed to the red alien. She then looked at Goldar. “You’re in so much trouble after this.” She said quietly and angrily to the alien with wings. Rita then teleported away to Earth.

Goldar looked back at Lord Zedd. “Not to question you my lord, but was it wise to let her go? What if she is running, or is planning on teaming up with the Rangers against you?” Goldar said, hoping he could change Lord Zedd’s mind.

“Rita maybe a fool, but she’s not that stupid. She will do anything to keep her position. If she can destroy the Rangers, I will have the Earth in no time. If the Rangers win, they will help me get rid of a pest. Either way, I win.” Lord Zedd said.

“(Not for me if Rita wins.)” Goldar thinks to himself.


Meanwhile at the Command Center, Jason, Zack, Billy, Trini, Kimberly, and Tommy were on standby for when Lord Zedd starts his first attack on Earth. Just then the alarm to the Command Center went off. Alpha 5 looked at the control panel. "Aye-yi-yi! The city of Angel Grove is under attack!”

The Rangers looked at the Viewing Globe, and saw there were buildings on fire, people were running in the streets, and there were bodies on the ground. But what shocked the teenagers the most was behind the attack was Rita Repulsa herself. The space-witch was using her staff to fire off bolts of energy at everything around her.

“It’s Rita!” Kimberly yelled.

“But why is she attacking? She usually sends her monsters to do her dirty work.” Trini said.

“If I have to guess, I’d say Lord Zedd is forcing her to do this.” Zordon said.

“This is bad! Rita is a lot more powerful than her monsters! I don’t know if you all can beat her!” Alpha cried.

“We have to try. We can’t just set back and let her destroy the city.” Jason said.

“Besides, it is about time we took Rita down.” Zack said.

“Beware Rangers, Rita will be unlike any opponent you have faced before. She will use everything in her power to please Zedd.” Zordon said.

“We’ll be careful, Zordon.” Billy said.

“We’re going to make her sorry for ever setting foot on this planet.” Tommy said.

“Then go Rangers and may the power protect you.” Zordon said.

“Its Morphin Time!” Jason yelled.

“Dragonzord!” Tommy yelled as he morphed into the Green Ranger.

“Mastodon!” Zack yelled as he morphed into the Black Ranger.

“Pterodactyl!” Kimberly yelled as she morphed into the Pink Ranger.

“Triceratops!” Billy yelled as he morphed into the Blue Ranger.
“Saber-Toothed Tiger!” Trini yelled as she morphed into the Yellow Ranger.

“Tyrannosaurus!” Jason yelled as he morphed into the Red Ranger.

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were transported to the city, and they were standing far away from Rita.

“RITA!” The Red Ranger yelled as he and the rest of the team got into a fighting stance.

“Well, well, look who’s here. I knew if I keep on attacking the city, you brats would show up eventually.” Rita said.

“Your reign ends here, Rita. Whatever plans Lord Zedd has for us, you won’t win.” The Blue Ranger said.

“So Zordon has already told you about Lord Zedd. You know this is your fault. Everyone of you. If you six would have just let my monsters destroy you, then I wouldn’t be in this mess.” Rita said.

“You brought this upon yourself when you sided with Zedd. You are going pay for the crimes of attacking the Earth, attacking us, and what you did to me.” The Green Ranger said.

Rita let out a growl. “Why couldn’t you have just been an Evil Green Ranger, and did your job.”

“You will never hurt us ever again.” The Pink Ranger said.

“We’re going to put you down for good.” The Yellow Ranger said.

“After this, all we’ll have to worry about is your boss.” The Black Ranger said.

“We’ll see about that! Time to die Power Rangers!” Rita yelled.


So there you have it. The fight we never got on the tv show. Who do you think will win?

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Great idea for a match to finish a story from before. Must have been nice to write outside of your current story too. I liked this.

The MMPR, at their best, can probably take Rita imo. Most of the time they lose for dumb reasons.

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3 hours ago, SSJRuss said:

Great idea for a match to finish a story from before. Must have been nice to write outside of your current story too. I liked this.

The MMPR, at their best, can probably take Rita imo. Most of the time they lose for dumb reasons.

Thanks! I am taking a break from my Zombie Power Rangers story. I probably get back into the arc sometime in October since zombies are part of the Halloween theme. For now, I’m going to be working on one-story-matches.

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Good set-up, Venom. Good stand-alone story. 

I'm not so sure I agree with everyone's assessments here. If Rita can pull off feats like this, I'm not so sure the Rangers can take her so easily if she uses her full power and they don't teleport away.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.00 - DSkillz
4.40 - SSJRuss
5.00 - patrickthekid

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
13.40 Total Combined Score
13.40 / 3 = 4.47 Final Rating on the match

Rita Repulsa: 0
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: 6

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