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Sci-Fi vs Fantasy RP: All Out War Sign-Ups


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Sci-Fi vs Fantasy: All-Out War


For many years, there has been a feud between two genres, two nations, two beliefs. It started with a simple bout every year between various fighters. But it eventually escalated to something far beyond that. Beyond a simple competition. It ascended into all-out war. In the beginning, the tournament was just that, a simple competition among a great variety of warriors. As the years passed, this tournament became known for it's spectacular battles and awesome prizes. It became a universal hit, competitors from all planets fighting for said prizes. No one really knows when the tournament spiralled out of control, but it is assumed that it was after the five hundredth anniversary, where there was an all out free-for-all. Both sides were accused of cheating, and so the fighters were divided, the sides seizing them from the field and straining to find the leaders among them. A single person stood above all, a Viking by the name of Vialerhag. This cruel, heartless, man lead the Fantasy warriors to victory, a dirty victory that was won by cheating, but a victory none-the less. The prize, one wish. With a sickening smile, the twisted man, or whatever else he seemed or was, wished for the Fantasy side of things to start the entire thing over, every time it ended, thus rendering the entirety moot. But he enjoyed it nonetheless... but eventually, the Sci-Fi side became even more adaptive, conquering his forces and gaining the wish. They themselves wished for one thing, as the wishes of the past stand no matter what paradox happens upon it. They wished for warriors to conquer the Fantasy side. But the peacekeepers of their faction would not have it. Many strove for peace. Though the more warlike races compromised with them, allowing the Fantasy warriors the same type.


This is where your characters come in.








Bio (If OC; if not, link to the Wiki or Electric Ferret page of the character):




Gear (Non-Weapon Equipment):




Any questions, ask me.


And you get two characters, established or OCs.


Power limit: Dante at most; Street-level no matter what.

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Name: Cthulhu


Side: Sci-Fi





Bio (If OC; if not, link to the Wiki or Electric Ferret page of the character): Cthulhu


Weapons: None.


Gear (Non-Weapon Equipment): None.


Abilities: Water Elemental, instant regeneration, flight, shape-shifting, mastery of sorcery, psionic mastery.

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Guest hamtaroblazex

Name: John Johnson


Side: Si-Fi


Appearance: PED_Trooper_Render.jpg


Bio: An Elite PED Trooper, that has been in and survived many, countless battles. With the battles, many scars , here and there, everywhere, outside and inside, however that does not stop him from smiling everynow and then. He has seen it all, the death of many enemies, aliens, robots, monsters, and commrades alike. With his strong sense of justice, he will take down anybody that would be a threat to the entire galaxy.



-Galatic Federation Power Suit: Extremly Effective againts Plasma, Explosives, Slashing, Thrusting, Bashing, Ballistics and EMPs.

-PED: Increses the overall potential of the suit and the user.

-Visor that can see through most of the light spectrum: Infa Red, Ultra Violet, Thermal.

-Tether nanowire that can pull up to 10 tons, able to be fired off from the wrist.

-Radar that can reach up to 20 meters and can tell the size, shape and speed of a blip.

-A thruster pack, that allows him to fly.


-Battle Rifle with Scope and a GL attachment.

-Machine Gun

-Freeze Gun

-Plasma Gun

-Duel wrist mounted Scythes scaled down to his porportions, for combat effectiveness.



-John is a Super soilder(x2 Peak Human), with the suit to stregthen his abilties even further(by a factor of 2).

-An Expert Markemen.



Name: Cleric Kris Schmied


Side: Si-Fi

Appearance: a_5e17b4d6.jpg


Bio: Taken from his home at a young age, he was trained to be the Elite of the Elite, The Grammaton Cleric. Their job was to Search and Destroy any if all resistance forces that would revlot and cause anarchy against the goverment. They did these missions with the precision and effectiveness of their mastry in Gun Kata and their iconic autopistols. A Cleric does not let emotions cloud his mind, they train and take supplement pills to ensure this, to attain greater results in their efforts.



--High-calibur kevelar suit

--Watch with a heartbeat sensor exntending for 10 meters



--Duel Auto-Pistols with stubs attachment

--High-end katana



--Able to read and react towards the opponents emotions giving him a pusedo-precognition, from analyzing them for a bit.

--Slightly-above peak human refelexes

--Master class marksmen

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Guest KevinDWolf93

Guess whose back....


Character Sheet


Name: Kendra Remington


Side: Sci-Fi(Tech-Com Resistance)


Pic: Tech_Com_K_9_Unit_by_DustyGrafix.jpg


Bio: Born just before the machines declared Judgment day on the humans. She was five when they Skynet turned the world's nuclear missle supplies on each other. She spent the rest of her life in the wasteland and fighting Skynet as resistance. From a very young age, she learned extreme tactics on how to combat the physically superior machines as well as everything from mastering all kinds of weapons, hand to hand combat both unarmed as well as with a knife for how best to disarm any opponent(machine or human) and how to feel pain and move on. She rose through the ranks from her experiences on the battlefield and was put on a special strike team by one of John Connor's personal generals.




*M-27 Phased Plasma Pulse Rifle


*Military-grade Combat Ballistic knife


*Pipe Bombs




*full body armor-Worn on outside of uniform. Treated to be extremely resistant to plasma, ballistic, and bashing weaponry. Includes; helmet, chest plate, arm, leg, ankle, and knee plates.


*Fang the dog(pictured)- Female German Shepard, four(human) years old. Trained to sniff out "cybernetic organism" infiltrators and other cyborgs/androids. Very vicious when on the attack.


*Electro-Mech fazor- Capable of sending out a directional EMP pulse to fry technology



*Iron Will




*eye for detail



EDIT: 2nd man picked


Name: Clarence Larsons


Side: Sci-Fi(Starfire Squadron)


Pic: battleroyale_13_2.jpg


Bio: Born on the Earth defense ship, The Corsair, Clarence had at the time unknowingly been taken from a Black Op's Sh'ra program to create Genetically altered Super-Soldiers. Almost from birth, the baby Sh'ra had shown signs of enhanced intelligence as well as psykokinetic abilities, most likely bred for a tactical genius' mind. However his fate was shifted elsewhere, after several months of living with his 'rescuer', he began spending time with a geneticist known as Dr. Victoria Larsons. After the war, Clarence was spared from persecution the rest of his race suffered by taking on an apprenticeship with the Dr. and is on his way to becoming the foremost scientist on Genetics and electronics. Though he is a scientist first and a fighter second he is born from the Sh'ra, a warrior race, and as such grew up with several killer instincts he had to learn how to control. Every so often, he does embrace his warrior culture.




*Ceremonial Dagger


*Self-Defense Blaster Pistol

*Collapsible Stun Baton


Gear (Non-Weapon Equipment):


*Electrobinoculars- Capable of seeing objects from far away, regardless of most lighting conditions.


*Medical Gel- Capable of quickly cleansing and cauterizing wounds that could possibly be fatal.


*Motion Tracker




*Psionics(Telekinesis, Telepathy, Aura reading/empathy)


*Enhanced physical augmentation as well as reflexes/Reaction speed


* Razor sharp teeth, hand and feet claws, akin to a raptor

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I'm bringing this guy back.


Name: Trooper six


Pic: Kzinti-Sketch-Hunched.jpg


Age: 25 by his species standards


Height: 8ft


weight: (Not sure, 300 pounds maybe?)


Association: Scifi


Bio: A Kzin in service to the Patriarchy, his species is a warlike people who have fought many wars several against humans, he has no name because he has not yet earned it, Kzin earn their names. He is a veteran warrior with many scars, he lives for the thrill of battle.


Weapons: Flechette launcher,






Gear: Medium grade Armor,




Abilities: Strength: Kzin are at least twice as strong as humans


Reaction time: Kzin are like most felines very quick


Heigtened senses: partcularly eyesight though smell and hearing are excellent as well


Unable to go into shock: Curiously Kzin do not go into shock when wounded


And my second choice if allowed:


Name: Stith




Age: Unknown possibly young adult


Association: SciFi


Bio: Stith is a Mantrin from Sorbrecht like most of her race she had a nasty temper, Stith developed an interest in weaponry and ended up becoming an armourer for her planets military, Stith was well known for being an expert on every type of weapon imaginable, then the day came where she volunteered to accompany a group of humans into space, she had many adventures and ended up with a crew of misfits searching for "The Titan" A Human ship with great power.


Weapons: Matched pair of blaster cannons, they would qualify as light artillery pieces, also have built in acension cables.


Frag grenades four count


Legs: She's a kicker


Additional equipment: Tool kit: Comes with many handy mechanics tools though she hates to admit it Stith is pretty good at fixing things.




Weapons specialist: Stith knows just about anything about weapons


Mechanic: A pretty good one but she'd rather be shooting things


Strength: She is very strong able to lift heavy objects with ease and even once kicked a guard thru a steel door.

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Guest tomisntblue

Name: Emerald





Age: 27


Height: 5 ft 2 inches (158.5 CM)


Weight: 130 Lbs


Association: Fantasy


Bio: Emerald was born the daughter of a soldier and a slave woman. Her father bought her mother's freedom. Emerald grew up happily in the palace in Babylon. She developed a brother sister relationship with the Prince. He taught her how to scale walls and make the kingdom her playground. Her world changed when her father was killed and her and her mother were forced back into slavery. When her mother took her own life, at a very young age, Emerald's innocents was taken from her.


After a year of this the new Persian rulers, a man and woman from another world, met her and found out about the way she was treated. The king and queen were outraged. The king beat Emerald's slave owner to near death before saying, "I don't kill humans for any reason... but she does." and left the man's fate in the queen's hands. They then took Emerald in and raised her. They were a family, until the king was called away to save reality once again.


When the world fell to Ahriman and the queen, who was like Emerald's mother was taken captive, Emerald was forced to work as a servant for king Malik. He didn't mistreat her, she just had to work. The only thing that kept her going was the belief that the true king would return to save the queen and the world.


Instead of the king; 5 new warriors were sent to save Persia. Emerald accompanied them on their journey to save the world. the queen eventually joined the group and told them of a mask that would allow them to go back and stop Ahriman from being awakened.


They traveled back in time and battled outside of the Temple of Light, making their last stand. When the queen fell in this battle, Emerald was grief stricken. Ahriman promised to bring her back if Emerald just freed him. Emerald didn't care about the world anymore, and agreed. This resulted in Emerald being the one who freed Ahriman and doomed the world and the queen was brought back to life as the mysterious Woman who vexed the group during their journey.


The group was pulled from the dying world, into a strange ship that was a world in of itself. There Emerald made new friends who helped her overcome her grief. She was taught the magic of the ancient language and trained in combat by the warrior princess herself. From the age 13 until now she traveled the mutilverse with the mysterious doctor and honing her skills.



Sword: Enchanted to return to Emerald's hand when lost.

Persian Short bow

Kunai Knives

A special Kunai, recived from a fallen friend



"Adurna reisa." Water rise, used to levitate water into the air. The more water raised, the heavier the strain

"Adurna moi." Water, move, used to alter the general flow of water.

"Ganga." Go, used to launch objects/projectiles

"Adurna, malthinae unin bollr." Water, bind into an orb, used to create projectiles of dense nature.

"Adurna, lam-sverd." Water hand-blade, used to summon sharp blades of water from existing water.

"Draumr kópa" dream stare, used for scrying, used to view a person or place the user has seem before

"Brakka du sharjalví abr du adurna" reduce the movement of the water, can be used to freeze water


Equipment: Physic paper, Water pouch , Enchanted Quiver: Never runs out of arrows, Enchanted Arrows: Indestructible, Wire Strings


And if allowed


Name: Victoria Sparda


Side: Fantasy


Class: Hybrid


Age: 21


Bio: Victoria, the result of a single night of fun and daughter of Dante and Lady, was born shortly before the Order of the Sword surfaced the first time. Not long after Dante, along with Nero, brought down the order, Dante disappeared.


When he returned, there was a promise he had to fulfill. He left through a dimensional rift to rule over ancient Persia, and Lady followed him. However, they decided to leave their daughter. As much as it pained them, they felt it was best she was raised in her own time. And she could do much more for their world than this new world they were going to.


And so Victoria was raised by Nero and Kyrie. Trish even took her under her wing, and she was trained to be a powerful demon hunter. This was her family, though she heard stories of her parents and longed to meet them. During this time, the small Devil May Cry shop had turned into Devil May Cry Inc.


A year ago, Dante and Lady returned, and for Victoria adjusting has been hard.



Human Form


Devil Trigger




1) Blood & Tear: Guns with infinite ammo, firing demonic bullets. They function like her father's Ebony and Ivory, but can be charged like Nero's Blue Rose.

2) Tranquility: A specialized sword, with a handle resembling a gun. The trigger can be pulled to fire demonic energy in the form of a wave (pull trigger and slash with sword) or a spear-like blast (pull trigger normally/stabbing)



1) Healing Factor: Slightly less effective than her father's

2) Air Trick: A burst of Super Speed movement that allows Victoria to seem like she's teleporting.

3) Royal Guard: Ability to throw up a shield of demonic energy able to absorb enemy attacks. She can store, build, and release this energy.

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Guest Djgambrell

Name: Nicholi D. Trake


Class: Hybrid


Age: 22


Bio: Originally raised as a normal kid Nicholi showed no signs of any demonic power. Unless his parents were out hunting they seemed perfectly normal. Once he saw his mother die Nicholi changed completely. He seems like a nice person until you harm someone he cares about. When he saw his mother die he latched on to the demon and fired on it with his mothers gun. He kept firing until it was unrecognizable. When his father got home he saw this and trained Nicholi to hunt like him He has never cried since that day. His father showed him many things from their families great strength to their link with the animals. He loves demons and wishes for peace. Though when he finds an evil demon he will do all in his power to obliterate it. He has always kept a demon wolf with him as a companion. He has always survived when told to fight. His name is Zero. He is the largest and strongest of the demon wolves and a trusted friend of Nicholi's. After his father's death Nicholi inherited his father's weapon and decided to join devil may cry. He thought he could find something of a purpose.


Appearance:Human form-



Devil trigger-





Little boy: His moms revolver. It ain't that big but it fires big explosive bullets when charged..


Alligator: His Dads old weapon. The damn thing is freaking indestructible. At 6 feet 100 pound it a heavy piece of slaughtering fun. It can triple in size or shrink to a fist type weapon or split in half down the bladed side..




1) Super Senses: Nicholi can count the leaves on a tree from ten miles away. Not even high velocity movement can deter his sight. He can hear a fly land in the other room. He smell's like a bloodhound.


2) Summon Wolves: Bigger faster and stronger than Any wolf in the human world.


3) Animal Speak


Name: Lucius White


Kit: Werewolf






Lucius knows nothing of before his lycanthropy. If there was a before. He is very old. Not centuries old but he hasn't aged as far as he's noticed. All he can remember is one day waking up like this and running to the forest to hide. He is a traveler. Living wherever he goes away from the people. Every so often someone would find him and a few things might happen. They might scream and run. They might think he was a monster. Some even tried to befriend him. He usually ran if they screamed or attacked. He lives off whatever creatures are available around him. Bear, lion, rabbit, whatever. Wherever he is now we can be sure he is happy.




A brute. A killer. A bloodthirsty monster. These are the words to describe... Someone else. Lucius is a big softy. He especially loves children. The younger the better. Some may find that weird to some but Lucius knows better. That is when they are too young to know fear and do not run at the sight of him. He hates to see the suffering of others and will even show himself to help. Maybe he will defend the stupid hunter who couldn't kill the bear. Sometimes stop the crazy man with the gun. He would always do well to wear something to hide his appearance. For there is one thing he believed in. He was a monster.

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Guest tomisntblue
If I get established internet before the start date, I'll join. Otherwise, I won't be able to keep up.~


I really hope you can join. Because I think having Adult Emerald and Katrina together would kick serious ass.

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