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Match 13778 Feng Wei vs. Gen Fu


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As Wolf Hawkfield celebrated his impressive victory in the ring, Bass Armstrong tended to his disappointed daughter in her locker room. His eyes were filled with pity as she slowly tended to her injuries.


"I'm here for you honey, if you need help," he said.


"I've bandaged myself up before dad," she replied.


"Well I don't care what anyone says, I think you did great out there," said Bass.


Tina glared at her father. "I lost daddy." She tenderly grabbed her side. "And I think I may have cracked a rib. We might need to get a doctor in here."


Bass clinched his fists. "I'm going to go out there and break Wolf Hawkfield in half!"


"You'll do no such thing," Tina scolded.


The locker room door swung open and Zack and Kokoro entered in.


Bass tilted his head back. "You again?"


Tina sighed. "Sorry I couldn't put on a better show for y'all."


"I think you represented yourself quite well out there," said Kokoro.


Bass patted his daughter's knee. "You see? What did I tell you."


"We do have some pressing business to attend to," said Zack.


"I told you I don't know where Rig is," insisted Bass.


"Rig? From the Dead or Alive Tournament?" asked Tina.


"Yes," said Kokoro. "We were hoping one of you might have some information about him so we can ask him about his father's activities."


"What makes you think he would help you even if you did find him?" Tina wondered.


"I don't know. I guess we're just trying to explore all our options so that we can stop Victor Donovan," Kokoro confessed.


"If you want to find him, I think you should try to lure him out. Why don't you just gather up everybody from the DOA tournaments into one location?" suggested Tina. "I guarantee you Donovan will notice and send someone to investigate, maybe even Rig himself."


Zack pumped his fist. "That's a great idea. Let me call Helena, but I think you're onto something. Whatever is about to happen at least we can have strength in numbers."


"I don't know how much use I'd be right now if something went down," Tina lamented. "But you can count on my pop and me, right big daddy?"




The locker room door was opened again, this time by Wolf Hawkfield.


Rage flowed through Bass's body. "You got a lot of nerve coming in here, after what you did to my baby girl!"


"Daddy relax," said Tina. "He beat me fair and square, no use holding a grudge against him for it."


"I just wanted to come in here and see how you were doing and congratulate you on a hard fought match," said Wolf.


"I should be giving my congrats to you, you won. You were definitely one of the strongest guys I've ever tangled with."


"Yes he was." A light bulb went off in Zack's mind. "Mr. Wolf Hawkfield, may I introduce myself? My name is Zack and I represent one, Helena Douglas. We are currently embarking on a mission to stop a dangerous maniac from obtaining an object of unknown power so that he can use it to regain the DOATEC or some other evil purpose. We are gathering some of the strongest warriors in the world. Would you like to join?"


"I have no idea what you are talking about... will there be fights?" asked Wolf.


"Fights galore baby, I'm sure of it," responded Zack.


"Then count me in," said Wolf.


"Fine. But, if he is coming with us, I don't want to sit next to him," said Bass.


Tina smacked him on the arm. "Oh, grow up!"


Kokoro turned to Zack. "So where to next, captain?"


"Hmmmm..... I say we go to Gen Fu's residence. With any luck Eliot and Brad Wong will be there with him, so we can gather them all up in one trip."




Zack searched through Gen Fu's bookstore for him with no luck. He walked over to Gen Fu's house just in time to catch the end of a sparring session between Brad Wong and Eliot outside while Gen Fu watched. Eliot knocked Brad to the ground then extended an arm to help him back up.


"You're getting better by the day," Brad remarked.


"Thanks," replied Eliot.


"Hey guys," called Zack. "Can I chat with you for a minute?"


Zack summarized the situation. He told the three men about Victor Donovan's plans to obtain an ancient object for the G Corporation's Kazuya Mishima in exchange for unlimited access to G Corporation's vast resources and how an evil dictator named M. Bison was also after the object.


Gen Fu nodded. "It sounds very serious indeed." He pointed at Brad and Eliot. "I think you two should go with Zack and help in any way you can."


"What about you master?" asked Eliot.


"Eliot, you have surpassed all expectations, you don't need me out there. Besides, I am getting too old for this."


Brad scoffed. "Nonsense. You are the hardest hitter I know."


"My mind is set," stated Gen Fu. "I think I should like to go visit my granddaughter in these uncertain times. It has been too long since I have seen her smiling face."


Brad and Eliot respected Gen Fu's wishes and left with Zack. Gen Fu walked inside his house to make himself some tea. Suddenly he stopped and stood very still.


"I may be getting old, but it is still very hard to sneak up on me," he remarked.


"I had no intention of attacking you from behind, I could have just as well knocked your entire bookstore to the ground to get your attention."


Gen Fu turned around to get a full view of the intruder who proceeded to mock him.


"The legendary Gen Fu, a master of Xinyi Liuhe Quan, the great "Iron Fist' himself. And yet, he never had the courage to participate in the King of the Iron Fist tournament."


"I do not feel the need to prove anything to anyone. I joined the Dead or Alive tournament to get the prize money for my sick granddaughter. Through my ability and the connections that I made I was able to pay all her hospital bills and she made a full recovery. I no longer have an incentive to participate in any tournament," Gen Fu explained.


"You are a bigger fool than I thought."


"Who are you?" asked Gen Fu.


"I am Feng Wei, Kenpo fighter and master of the God Fist!"


Gen Fu lifted an eyebrow. "God Fist? I've never heard of it."


"Gen Fu, we are men of action, we have little use for false words," Feng Wei snarled.


"What do you want Feng Wei?" Gen Fu asked.


"I spent years hunting down the God Fist scrolls. I've been through countless dojos and destroyed everyone and everything in my path, leaving behind a pile of beaten and broken martial artists, until I was finally able to pry the scrolls away from the Mishima Zaibatsu. You know what they said?"


Gen Fu did not respond.


"Destroyer of all styles, the one true ultimate style, it transcends the power of the Dragon God, which exceeds all human ability," recited Feng Wei.


"Sounds like a fairy tale to me," said Gen Fu.


"You're about to find out old man. If I need to destroy all styles and their practitioners to truly master the God Fist, so be it!"




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I think Master Gen Fu might be in his last fight. That God Fist technique that Feng Wei uses is like Akuma level in power. He destroyed a huge volcano meteor with one punch. And since Feng is a bad guy, he won't be afraid to use such a powerful technique to kill Gen Fu.


My vote is for Feng Wei

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Guest bigballerju

Excellent setup and I agree Wei wins. Wei is more powerful and probably more skilled with that style he uses.

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Another good set-up, Johnny. It's good to see the story progress in an arc. 


As for the match, as mentioned, Feng Wei seems a good deal more powerful than Gen Fu. I think Feng wins here.

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