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AVP vs The Terminator

CBUB Match Judges
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Everything posted by AVP vs The Terminator

  1. Uh... haven't seen the movie but even in the comics it's been acknowledged that the Silver Samurai's sword can cut through Wolverine's adamantium-laced claws and skeleton.
  2. I'd be his bro within the hour.
  3. While both would protect me to their dying breath... I'd wager Batman would be a whole lot more, shall we say, accommodating than lord Vader. No chance of me getting reached/killed either way, but Vader is a dick. Personalities would come into it to a certain extent in my opinion - naturally it wouldn't interfere with their primary goal of protecting me, but their methods of doing so, sure.
  4. I don't think he's the best choice. In a fight, probably, but he's not gonna be able to keep eight other guys off you if they're all coming at once, especially guys with ranged capability like Vader and Dredd. Not fast enough. Vader, on the other hand, can juggle said guys telekinetically, easily buying me enough time to escape.
  5. If there's prep, Batman. If it's a fight, Vader.
  6. Truly the greatest RPing experience I have ever had the pleasure of participating in
  7. Anyone else been reading Mark Waid's run on Daredevil? The current series, that started in 2011. Spectacular stuff.
  8. Man of Steel's Zod vs Avengers' Loki. Random encounter. Both have their battle armors. GO.
  9. He'd probably know anyway. People like Toxin and Hybrid went along with the SRA/Initiative stuff so he'd have more than likely been made aware of their strengths and weaknesses. There was also this one time with that Mighty Avengers team (Stark, Ares, Ms Marvel, Sentry, Wasp, etc) when Doctor Doom dropped like a Symbiote bomb or something on New York. Memory's hazy (mostly because it was written by Bendis) but... yeah. Was really most likely just a case of the writer wanting to make Carnage seem super awesome and everything, since it was his comeback after something like five years and all.
  10. Why Saiyan Saga level? Quasar likely wouldn't have a lot of trouble with DBZ characters at any stage.
  11. You underestimate the obliviousness of the people of Electricferret.
  12. Are they like threads from the past or something? Since Calabries and Dark Prince are wicked spirits who were banned aeons ago.
  13. Dinsdale is like the only one who took this thread for what it was supposed to be, lol.
  14. Cutting through Carnage won't do anything lol. Didn't he like beat Iron Man recently enough or something?
  15. Absolutely retarded. Keep this 616 shit out of Ultimate.
  16. That wasn't the real Fury the X-Men fought. And considering the real deal adapted to a universe quite literally blowing up around him, yeah...
  17. Jumpers track other Jumpers via jumpscars, which Scorpion doesn't leave after him.
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