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Tournament - Wolverine vs. Deadpool
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Erin Harson vs. Jennifer Remming
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Erin Hardesty vs. Heather Miller
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Teen Titans (2003 TV series) vs. Juggernaut
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Battlesphere 3 Part 13


Currently in the Ring:                                 Eliminated:

Lord Zedd                                                           Connor MacLeod (powers, skills, and weapons)

                                                                                Elizabeth Swann (skills and weapons)

                                                                                Asajj Ventress (powers and weapons)

Exar Kun                                                              Barrett Wallace (powers, skills, and weapons)

                                                                                Azrael (skills and weapons)

                                                                                Raven (skills and powers)

Shrek                                                                    Black Knight (skills and weapons)

Faith the Vampire Slayer (powers, skills, and weapons)

Gamora                                                              Elle Driver (skills and weapons)

                                                                                Aloy (skills and weapons

Qui-Gon Jinn                                                     Ace the Bat-Hound (skills)

Kimberly Ann Hart                                          Ahsoka (powers and weapons)

Hawkman                                                          Seven of Nine (abilities and weapons)

Gooey Gus                                                         Black Canary (skills and powers)

Carrie White                                                     None

Alice                                                                     None

Demona                                                              None

Spider-Girl                                                         None


Andel Sanap: Exar Kun and Lord Zedd cross lightsabers and jockey for position.  Exar batters at Zedd with his gun arm but Zedd pushes back with the Force! 

Al Rossi: Exar steadies himself before he hits the ropes then moves on Zedd!  Meanwhile Gooey Gus is looking to be finishing his upgrades.  He’s now wearing a Black Canary outfit and is looking a lot more coordinated, Andel. 

Andle Sanap: A benefit of Canary’s training no doubt.  But the Slime Monster seems unsure of where to strike next.  Wait!  Look at Qui-Gon! 

Al Rossi: Our dog-eared Jedi has been snagged by Spider-Girl’s webbing!  The young hero swings on the web and sends Qui-Gon over the NO!  What a flip!  Grabbed a hold of the top rope and spun back in the ring!  Delivers a kick to Spider-Girl as he lands!  Slices himself free with the lightsaber! 

Andel Sanap: Spider-Girl charges!  Master Qui-Gon dodges and Force pushes her over the ropes!  Spider-Girl fires off a web line to catch herself on a turnbuckle!  She’s hanging under the ring, inches from elimination! 

Al Rossi: And she’s about to be a whole lot closer!  One slash of a lightsaber and down she goes!  Qui-Gon Jinn got ‘er!  @SSJRuss is out of the running!  And @ThePhenomenalOne and Deadpool are letting him have it in the VIP booth! 

Andel Sanap: The Jedi Master is getting his upgrades!  Gooey Gus charges forward!  He lets loose with his newly won Canary Cry! 

Al Rossi: Yikes!  Qui-Gon isn’t affected thanks to being shielded while getting his upgrade from Spider-Girl!  But the Gus is stopping!  He continues giving out that sonic wail on the shielded Jedi and the kickback is sending our combatants flying! 

Andel Sanap: Shrek and Gamora are hanging onto the turnbuckles!  Exar and Zedd are using their Force powers to anchor themselves!  Carrie remains motionless as Alice holds onto the top rope for dear life! 

Al Rossi: Demona just flies higher above the fray!  Hawkman is eyeing herLOOK!  There goes Kimberly!  She’s going over! HEY! 

Andel Sanap: Hawkman catches the Pink Ranger by one arm!  That heroic move was a questionable one in this contest, Al. 

Al Rossi: If questionable means dumb!  What was Hawkman thinking?  And there we go!  Demona swoops in and claws at Hawkman, forcing him to release Kimberly and drop her to the ring apron! 

Andel Sanap: Gooey Gus finally ceases his attack as the upgrade finishes.  Master Qui-Gon is now wearing a Spider-Girl costume, his Bat-Hound snout poking through the mask. 

Al Rossi: Things I didn’t expect to hear when I woke up this morning.  Are combatants are recuperating from the Slime Monster’s onslaught.  Can Qui-Gon’s powers be enough against Gus? 



Qui-Gon Jinn (Full strength, plus Ace the Bat-Hound and Spider-Girl’s powers and abilities) vs Gooey Gus (Full strength, plus Black Canary’s powers and skills). 

Winner gets the powers of the loser. 

Both take damage if there is a tie. 

Game On! 

Learn More About
Qui-Gon Jinn
Read more about Qui-Gon Jinn at Wikipedia
Official Site: Lucasfilm LTD Links: Qui-Gon Wikipedia page Qui-Gon StarWars.com page StarWars.com

Gooey Gus
Read more about Gooey Gus at Wikipedia
Official Site: PBS Links: Wikipedia


I'd give this to Qui-Gon Jinn, his powers + the powers he's gained are more impressive than the ones Gooey Gus has. Plus, if he's feeling proper, he can just force blitz him with the movement they showcase in episode 1.

  • Like 2

Qui-Gon Jinn: 3
Gooey Gus: 0

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