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I am Lord Zedd: Part 12


So, here I am as Lord Zedd. I was inside the Moon Palace watching my Zeo Putty Rangers fight the Original Power Rangers in the city of Angel Grove. But I was both shocked and disappointed, as the Zeo Rangers were losing. Jason with the Dragon Shield and Sword of Power had made him into a beast. Especially with his friends backing him up. I sure if this was the Original Zeo Team, they would have made minced meat out of the Mighty Morphin Team. I guess that’s what I get for using Putties. But I wasn’t done yet. One way or another, I was going to breakthrough that Power Rangers Plot Armor.

I used my Z-Staff to fire lightning down at the Earth. After all five of my Zeo Rangers were hit by the lightning, they soon became giants.

“You’ve got to be kidding me?!” The Original Pink Ranger yelled.

“Ok, that’s new. Usually, Lord Zedd throws bombs to make the monsters bigger.” The Original Black Ranger said.

“Doesn’t matter. We always take them down in the end.” The Original Blue Ranger said.

“Yeah, let’s show those False Rangers what our Zords can do.” The Original Yellow Ranger said.

"Right, let's do it!" The Original Red Ranger yelled.

"We need Thunderzord power now!" All five of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers yelled together.

I watched as the Original Power Rangers jumped inside their Thunderzords. As usual, my creations just stood by, watching the zords combine into the Thunder Megazord. I will never understand why they don’t attack the zords during the transformation. Then I saw the Dragonzord rise out of the bay. The Thunder Megazord and Dragonzord stood side by side, ready to fight the Giant Zeo Power Rangers.

"Ok, you impostors. Let’s see how you do against our Zords." The Original Yellow Ranger said through the speakers of the Megazord.

The Green and Blue Zeo Rangers jumped through the air and did a kick to the Dragonzord, causing explosions to go off on the Zord’s body. The Pink and Yellow Zeo Rangers each threw a punch that knocked the Thunder Megazord a few feet back. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers cried after the attacks.


Back at the Command Center, Tommy could only watch helpless as the Zords were getting a beat down from the Zeo Rangers. Tommy wanted to go out to help his friends, but without his Dragon Coin, there was nothing he could do. Tommy turned around to look back at Zordon. “Zordon, there has to be something we can do to help them.” He spoke.

“There is.” Zordon said to Tommy. He then looked at Alpha 5. “Alpha, contact the Rangers.”

“Right away, Zordon.” Alpha said, as he started working on the control panel.


The Dragonzord swung its tail to hit the Red Zeo Ranger. But the red warrior grabbed the tail with his hands. The Giant Red Ranger swung the Dragonzord up in the air and spun the Zord around. After the Red Zeo Ranger let go of the tail, the Dragonzord crashed against the Thunder Megazord, causing both machines to fall to the ground.

“Guys, I don’t know how much more punishment the Zords can take.” The Original Black Ranger said.

Jason hears his wrist communicator was beeping, and he hits the button on the small device. “Zordon, please tell me you have some good news. We’re getting our butts kicked.” The Original Red Ranger said.


“Rangers, the only way you have a chance against these warriors, is if you combine the Thunder Megazord with the Dragonzord.” Zordon said.


This news shocked the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. “The Dragonzord is compatible with the Thunderzords?” The Original Blue Ranger asked.


“Not by normal means. I’m going to have Alpha transfer a huge amount of energy from the Morphin Grid onto the Zords. This should allow you to combine the Zords into the Dragon Thunderzord.” Zordon said.


“Ok, guys. Let’s get the Zords back on their feet.” The Original Red Ranger said to his teammates. Soon, both the Thunder Megazord and Dragonzord stood back up on their feet.


“Do it now, Alpha.” Zordon said.

"Yes, Zordon." Alpha said, as he was hitting buttons on the control panel.


Both the Thunder Megazord and Dragonzord transformed into big balls of white energy.

“We need Dragon Thunderzord power now!” The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers yelled.

The two white energy balls merged into one big ball. When the light died down, there stood a brand new Zord.

I was shocked as I saw the Dragon Thunderzord! But that was impossible! That only happened in the Comic Books! Never in the TV Show! I guess Zordon has some tricks that were never seen on television. But it didn’t matter if the Original Rangers had gotten a new Zord transformation; they were now just one target for my Zeo Putty Rangers.

“Ok, clay brains! Get ready to face the Dragon Thunderzord!” The Original Pink Ranger yelled.

The Zeo Power Rangers each let out a war-cry, as they came rushing towards the Dragon Thunderzord.


Here is the next part to my Lord Zedd arc.

So, yeah, the Dragon Thunderzord is a thing in the Power Rangers comic books.

I’m using the Thunder Megazord to represent the Dragon Thunderzord.

Now I could have just created a profile for the Dragon Thunderzord, but I saw the Zord more as a power-up for the Thunder Megazord. Besides, there isn’t that much info on the Dragon Thunderzord.

Just a reminder, these are Z-Putties as the Zeo Power Rangers.

I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who do you think will win here?

Learn More About
Thunder Megazord
Read more about Thunder Megazord at Wikipedia
Official Site: Saban Links: Wikipedia The Morphing Grid Rangers Central

Power Rangers (Zeo)
Read more about Power Rangers (Zeo) at Wikipedia
Official Site: Saban Links: Wikipedia Power Rangers Universe Tokustatsu Central


Here is a full picture of the Dragon Thunderzord.



Just a few months ago I read the comic that showed the Dragon Thunderzord. There are a lot of new Megazord combos (White Tiger/Dragonzord). 

Here again, I'm going with the Dragon Thunderzord.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - IKA
5.00 - Yazmal

FPA Calculation:
2 Total Votes cast
10.00 Total Combined Score
10.00 / 2 = 5.00 Final Rating on the match

Thunder Megazord: 2
Power Rangers (Zeo): 4


Wow, dunno how I missed this one. Sorry about that, Venom. It was another good I am Lord Zedd match, though. 

I guess you (Zedd) are going to have Tommy make his move on the Rangers a little later on in the arc, huh? 

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