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Rumble 20821 Ben 10 vs. Whitespikes
Ben 10: 1
Whitespikes: 0

Rumble 20820 Spike Spiegel vs. Predalien
Spike Spiegel: 0
Predalien: 2

William Lennox vs. Leland "Silas" Bishop
William Lennox: 1
Leland \"Silas\" Bishop: 0

Katarina Alves vs. Azucena Ortiz
Katarina Alves: 3
Azucena Ortiz: 1

Rumble 20816 Slattern vs. The Son vs. Motor-Vaters
Slattern: 0
The Son: 2
Motor-Vaters: 1

Match 20819 Dino Ultrazord vs. The Technodrome

Venom 2009

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The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 55



Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle.


The Red Dragon Thunderzord, in its warrior mode, was fighting the Dino Ultrazord. Inside the Thunderzord is Rocky DeSantos as the Red Ranger. Normally a Thunderzord would be more powerful than a Dinozord, but in this case it was like a person going up against a tank.

The red zord tried to use its fists, feet, and rod to fight the Dino Ultrazord, but only made scratches and dents on the massive machine. The Red Dragon Thunderzord had to use its quick reflexes to avoid being run over, or to dodge the firepower of the Dino Ultrazord. But there were a few blasts that the Thunderzord couldn’t avoid. Especially one attack that hit the Thunderzord in the left leg, causing the humanoid machine to move slowly.

Inside the cockpit of the Dino Ultrazord were the Red Ranger (Jason), Black Ranger (Zack), Blue Ranger (Billy), Yellow Ranger (Trini), and Pink Ranger (Kimberly).

“Let’s finish him off.” Jason said.

“Right.” The rest of the Power Rangers said together.

“Lock on him and fire!” All five Power Rangers yelled together.

The Dino Ultrazord was firing all its weapons at the Red Dragon Thunderzord. The attacks were causing explosions to go off on the Thunderzord’s body, until the humanoid machine exploded. The head of the Red Dragon Thunderzord was sent flying, until it came crashing down on the ground.

The five original Power Rangers cheered in victory.

“Man, that felt good!” Jason yelled very happy.

Rocky came clawing out of the broken right eye of the Red Dragon Thunderzord.

“That isn’t over! I will have my revenge!” Rocky yelled.

But then Rocky heard the sound of rumbling. Before Rocky knew it, he along with the head of the Thunderzord, were crushed beneath the wheels of the Technodrome.

“Guys, looks like our next opponent has arrived.” The Blue Ranger said, as he and the others saw the Technodrome was heading towards them.

Inside the Technodrome was Krang (in his android body), Shredder, Bebop, Rocksteady, the Foot Soldiers, and Rock Soldiers.

“Ok, you Power Rangers. Get ready to face the might of the Technodrome.” Krang said, through the speakers of the mobile fortress.

“Yeah, right. Like that oversize golf ball is even a match for our zord.” Jason said back, through the speakers of the Dino Ultrazord.


So, here is the next part to my arc.

A fight between the Dino Ultrazord and Technodrome.

While there are other characters fighting each other in the dome, this match will focus on the two massive machines. Think of the other fights as obstacles for them.

I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who will win?

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One of my earliest matched was the Thunder Megazord against the Technodrome and the Thunder Meagazord won. The firepower of the Dino Ultrazord should get the job done but unlike a Megazord, it can't really evade attacks so it would kind of be a who falls first contest of blasting each other. This is the wrong kind of battle for and Ultrazord and I think the Technodrome wins.

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Pretty good set-up, Venom, if a little short. 

As for the match, I'm thinking even the average Megazord is taller than the Technodrome. Megazords often tower oven most buildings in a metropolis while the Technodrome's been shown to be the same height as most apartment duplexes, if not shorter. Given that the Dino Ultrazord is still one the biggest Zords in PR history and just about has the firepower to match, I think the Rangers almost comfortable take this.   

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