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Tournament - Korosensei vs. Lucy the Homicidal Diclonius


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After the military failed to bring down Lucy - a diclonius queen capable of vast destruction - she began to wander once more, causing countless deaths in her wake. A trail of severed limbs and pools of blood marked her aimless journey, but even Lucy herself was unsure of where she was truly headed. 

Diclonius were a mutated species of human, superior in almost every way, yet they had mostly been captured and subjected to cruel experimentation like lab rats. Lucy was one of the rare diclonius who had evaded such a fate, her vectors - invisible, telekinetic limbs - granting her unparalleled power. As she roamed, she sought out others like herself, diclonius she deemed "worthy" of evolving alongside her. 

It was only on these aimless travels that Lucy would find someone who had similarly evolved, and like herself, was capable of unbound destruction. 

Meanwhile, in the halls of the ramshackle school building, Korosensei's class was once again grappling with the bizarre circumstances of their education. 

"Students, today we are learning about the cultures of the world, and how only by working together and coexisting can we push towards a brighter tomorrow!" Korosensei exclaimed, his tentacles moving in a blur as he distributed pamphlets. 

"That's a weird thing for you to be teaching, considering you plan on blowing up our future in only a few months," Terasaka groused, ever the skeptic. 

"Unless, of course, you manage to assassinate your favorite teacher," Korosensei said proudly, folding his arms across his chest. 

"We're not trying to kill Mr. Karasuma," Hazama stated flatly. 

Korosensei let out a dramatic sigh. "You wound me deeply. I was only trying to keep the theme of this story consistent and culturally relevant." 

The students exchanged bewildered glances, unsure of how to respond to their teacher's enigmatic musings. 

Meanwhile, Lucy's aimless wandering had led her to the outskirts of the school grounds. Peering inside, she glimpsed the students wielding firearms - handguns and assault rifles loaded with anti-sensei BBs - laughing as they discussed a plan to kill the "unkillable." Her eyes narrowed with rage - these children dared to hunt her kind? She would not allow it. 

Lucy lashed out with her devastating vectors, tearing through the walls of the school building. The students scrambled to grab their weapons, opening fire, but the projectiles seemed to have no effect on the powerful diclonius. Seeing their attacks were useless, the students began to flee, only to be met with a barrage of high-speed BBs Lucy was now hurling back at them. 

Thankfully, Korosensei sprang into action, using his metal desk as a makeshift shield to deflect the deadly projectiles and protect his students. 

Korosensei, his usually cheerful demeanor now twisted with rage, flew towards Lucy, intent on stopping her rampage. But as he closed in, one of Lucy's invisible vectors lashed out, swiftly severing one of his limbs. Recoiling in shock, Korosensei flew back, his eyes narrowing as he focused his attention on this formidable new foe. 

"Interesting," she mused, raising her right hand and unleashing another devastating vector strike. 

Again, Korosensei felt another limb being torn from his body. Darting back, he studied Lucy's movements, trying to discern the nature of her invisible attacks. "Does she too have tentacles?" he wondered. "And if so, why are they unaffected by the anti-sensei BBs?" 

Korosensei knew he couldn't afford to keep his distance. Gathering his strength, he dove towards Lucy at Mach 45, smashing into the ground and kicking up a cloud of debris. As Lucy readied another strike, he saw the outline of the invisible arms and finally understood - her vectors extended from her back, invisible and incredibly powerful. If he could avoid them, he might just have a chance. 

Korosensei laughed, "It's a shame I'll only be here for a few more months." 

Lucy's eyes narrowed. "Then let us enjoy these last few months together. Perhaps we can even find a way to prevent your death." 

Korosensei's expression hardened. "I appreciate the offer, but my students' futures are my priority. It is up to them to decide my fate - whether they kill or to save me." 

"Then maybe," Lucy said, her voice dripping with menace, "I'll just eliminate them. Then your life will be my choice." 

Korosensei's tentacles tensed, his usually affable demeanor hardening. "Don't you dare threaten my students." In his anger and preparing to attack he used his regenerative abilities to regain his lost limbs.  

Lucy wins if she eliminates Korosensei.  
Korosensei wins if he kills Lucy, or if he can convince her to stop the attack. 

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Lucy should have this. I don't think Korosensei has what is needed to pacify her, and they are around the same power level theoretically, but I don't think it's ever proven whether Korosensei actually did what he did to the moon. Wiht Lucy, we have hard proof that her vectors can grow to encompass the Earth, so when I have to go and pick between theoretical tentacle power and proven tentacle power, I'll go with the one that has cold, hard proof.

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1 hour ago, Macklemore said:

Lucy should have this. I don't think Korosensei has what is needed to pacify her, and they are around the same power level theoretically, but I don't think it's ever proven whether Korosensei actually did what he did to the moon. Wiht Lucy, we have hard proof that her vectors can grow to encompass the Earth, so when I have to go and pick between theoretical tentacle power and proven tentacle power, I'll go with the one that has cold, hard proof.

It was shown that Koro did not do that to the moon, it was a mouse that has the same unstable genes. It's shown that Koro could do much more damage than that but it's only be when he self destructs. 

Koro's real edge is in his vast knowledge and experience as the worlds greatest assassin. He also could talk her down from the fight, he's done it against a blood lust opponent befofe, but not against someone like Lucy. 


She is technically way more capable in terms of raw power and speed, but very little experience fighting anything that can keep up with her.

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Easy to read story with good brief intros to the characters. There was a sense of menace throughout especially from Lucy. Unfortunately I don't know much about either so can't comment as to the winner, but the story gives me the impression that Lucy is the more dangerous of the two and that Koro is not going to be able to talk her down! 

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On 4/14/2024 at 10:43 AM, Macklemore said:

Lucy should have this. I don't think Korosensei has what is needed to pacify her, and they are around the same power level theoretically, but I don't think it's ever proven whether Korosensei actually did what he did to the moon. Wiht Lucy, we have hard proof that her vectors can grow to encompass the Earth, so when I have to go and pick between theoretical tentacle power and proven tentacle power, I'll go with the one that has cold, hard proof.

Well the problem is how precisely is Lucy supposed to kill Korosensei exactly? He’s shown the ability to heal from complete dismemberment at rapid speeds with the only exception being government created bullets and knives that Lucy will have no access to. Whilst Lucy has a healing factor herself, unlike Korosensei it’s not unlimited and can be taxed out after prolonged damage. In a battle of attrition Korosensei will have the advantage in that his healing abilities are much reliable then Lucy’s.

On 4/14/2024 at 12:21 PM, IKA said:

She is technically way more capable in terms of raw power and speed, but very little experience fighting anything that can keep up with her.

I’ll give you Lucy’s raw power advantage but the above video is enough to convince me that Korosensei takes the speed advantage. After one of his students was skewered during battle Korosensei was able to catch every single drop of blood and cell before it could touch the ground and put it back inside her to save her life (spoiler alert but the student had a healing factor herself and could heal as long her body was whole). Keep in mind he was able to do that while dodging attacks from another enemy. So by speed feat’s Korosensei has Lucy beat and that plus his better healing factor and experience makes lean in favor of him during this fight.

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8 hours ago, Pizza Guy said:

Well the problem is how exactly is Lucy supposed to kill Korosensei exactly? He’s shown the ability to heal from complete dismemberment at rapid speeds with the only exception being government created bullets and knives that Lucy will have no access to. Whilst Lucy has a healing factor herself, unlike Korosensei it’s not unlimited and can be taxed out after prolonged damage. In a battle of attrition Korosensei will have the advantage in that his healing abilities are much reliable then Lucy’s.

I’ll give you Lucy’s raw power advantage but the above video is enough to convince me that Korosensei takes the speed advantage. After one of his students was skewered during battle Korosensei was able to catch every single drop of blood and cell before it could touch the ground and put it back inside her to save her life (spoiler alert but the student had a healing factor herself and could heal as long her body was whole). Keep in mind he was able to do that while dodging attacks from another enemy. So by speed feat’s Korosensei has Lucy beat and that plus his better healing factor and experience makes lean in favor of him during this fight.

While Koro is unable to be killed by standard weaponry, I'm hesitant to believe her vectors couldn't get the job done if she drains him through repeated damage and using a strike through his heart.  

Her vectors are vastly faster than Koro, she herself is not, it's more if she can catch and kill than an outright battle I'd think. Plus Koro would try his talk jutsu to get her to stay and learn to control her hatred and let everyone live. 


I think this could go either way personally. 

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14 hours ago, IKA said:

While Koro is unable to be killed by standard weaponry, I'm hesitant to believe her vectors couldn't get the job done if she drains him through repeated damage and using a strike through his heart.  

Dude I’ve watched Assassination Classroom from start to finish and according to established lore the only thing that can stop his healing factor are government designed weapons specifically designed to kill him or tentacles similar to his own, anything else he’ll eventually heal from. Again I’ve seen him heal from being complete dismemberment multiple times so I fail to see what Lucy can do that’s any different.

14 hours ago, IKA said:

Her vectors are vastly faster than Koro, she herself is not, it's more if she can catch and kill than an outright battle I'd think. Plus Koro would try his talk jutsu to get her to stay and learn to control her hatred and let everyone live. 


Sorry but I’m gonna need to see a feat faster then Korosensei literally catching half a gallon of blood and cells before it hits the ground before I buy Lucy’s vectors being faster then him. And even if she does catch him how does she kill him? According to lore not even nuclear weapons were said to be able to kill him. 

Also what’s stopping Korosensei from beating her in a battle of attrition? I’ve seen Lucy’s healing factor be taxed to the point her healing stops working by far inferior opponents then Korosensei, so I’m of the mind that if Koro attacks her full force her healing factor will fail long before his does.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
3.00 - C.T.
4.60 - Culwych1
4.00 - Macklemore
4.70 - Boratz
5.00 - Pizza Guy
5.00 - patrickthekid

FPA Calculation:
6 Total Votes cast
26.30 Total Combined Score
26.30 / 6 = 4.38 Final Rating on the match

Korosensei: 1
Lucy the Homicidal Diclonius: 5

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