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Match 19735 Zack Fair vs. Kagura Mutsuki


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In the 5th Hierarchical City of Ibukido, Colonel Kagura Mutsuki, leader of the Novus Obris Librarium Imperial Guard, discussed battle strategy with his steadfastly loyal servant, Captain Hibiki Kohaku. Their opponent was much different than the threats they had fought against together before. Although like Sector Seven, the opponent relied heavily on scientific technology, in its own unique way. Their adversary was the Shinra Electric Power Company. A force from another world who had entered into theirs when Shinra scientist, Dr. Hojo, stumbled upon an entrance to the Boundary during his maniacal research. 

After a few weeks of testing the waters with less than willing guinea pigs, Hojo had convinced President Shinra to lead an all out attack on the realm to secure the particle substance, seithr. Seithr was responsible for the construction of everything in Kagura’s world, however its overabundance after the Dark War had poisoned the entire world and forced the people to move upwards. They rebuilt their civilization  on the top of mountains, making the present day hierarchical cities. In Hojo’s point of view, it wasn’t too dissimilar to the mako energy currently used by Shinra and Hojo was convinced that seithr could be just as valuable to Shinra, if not more, due its abundance.

Currently, Kagura and Hibiki prepared to lead their troops out into the battlefield outside the Ibukido stronghold where Shinra’s military had gathered. Kagura was confident while Hibiki remained unsure.

“Forgive my ignorance, but couldn't all of this have been avoided?” Hibiki questioned.

“What do you mean?” asked Kagura.

“You instructed me to save the Imperator from Shinra’s assassination attempts from their Turks division. But, at the same time you have been plotting to overthrow Izanami since before this incursion began. Would it not have been to your advantage to turn a blind eye to the plot.” Hibiki wondered.

“We intend to replace Izanami with Homura. Allowing Izanami to be killed by outsiders would not put us any closer to getting Homura on the throne. Surely you are aware of the saying it is better to deal with the devil you know,” Kagura reminded.

“Of course, your logic is perfectly reasonable,” Hibiki concluded.

Kagura pointed out of the window of the stronghold. “Before we can do anything else, we must win the battle in front of us.”

“Their numbers are impressive. Should we concentrate on defense until we can get some reinforcements from Tsubaki or Jin?” Hibiki suggested.

“No. I do not want Shinra to gain any confidence in this war. I want to crush them here and now and send a clear message to them that this pursuit is futile,” Kagura declared. “I will lead a direct charge from the front and put down their strongest soldiers. I am putting you in charge of a smaller contingent of N.O.L. infantry to lead a surprise attack from behind to destroy their autonomous weapons. The resolve of the Shinra army will no doubt falter once they see their prized weapons of war being torn asunder.”

“It shall be done,” Hibiki promised.

Hibiki disappeared into a murder of crow shaped shadows and teleported away.


Below them, the N.O.L. had begun engagement with the Shinra military force. This Shinra unit was spearheaded by SOLDIER first class member, Zack Fair. Zack, along with the buster sword he had inherited from his mentor, Angeal, had risen in the ranks of Shinra after the defections of Genesis and Angeal. Zack’s main motivation was to become a great hero like the legendary Sephiroth. He hadn’t had many opportunities before and although he was slightly dubious about the motivations of the current war it was his shot and he didn’t want to pass it up. When it was done he could return to Midgar and reunite with Aerith. This only added to his resolve.

Zack held the buster sword close to his chest and said aloud. “Embrace your dreams and whatever happens protect your honor as SOLDIER!”

Zack charged into battle and cleaved through enemies with his strength and massive sword. He used fire materia to clear out a path in front of him. After the explosion of flames knocked away a few N.O.L. soldiers, a worthy challenger presented itself. Zack recognized him immediately. The man had black hair just like Zack and wore a black cape, he also wielded a massive black sword that easily rivaled the size of the buster sword itself. The man was leaning on his sword as Zack approached.

“You must be the Black Gale,” Zack guessed. “Head of the Librarium’s Imperial Guard and one of its fiercest warriors.”

“My reputation precedes me,” stated Kagura.

“I take pride in knowing my opponents,” said Zack.

“Judging from your uniform and your eyes you must be a member of those special Shinra soldiers, what was the name again? Oh yeah, SOLDIER!” Kagura chuckled a little. “What a name, a little on the nose don’t you think?”

Zack  lifted the buster sword to battle. “My name is Zack.”

Kagura continued with his questions. “Speaking of uniforms, while I have the chance, can I tell you how awful your army’s uniforms are? You may have some beautiful women amongst your ranks, but you would never be able to tell with those god awful dregs covering everything up.“

Zack wondered if Kagura was trying to throw him off his game with these seemingly inane observations. 

“I did come across one particularly attractive female from your forces when the Turks attempted their assassination. She had long red hair. I love a woman in a nice suit. Do you think it would be improper of me to ask her out once this is all over and you have been defeated?” Kagura asked.

Zack was upset about Kaura bringing up Cissnei, but he was determined to remain focused. “Are we here to talk or fight?”

Kagura kicked up his sword. “Fair enough. I was just excited to come across someone whose face wasn’t hidden by one of those hideous helmets.”

Zack lunged at Kagura. “Come and get it!”


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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - patrickthekid
5.00 - Macklemore
4.80 - Boratz
4.40 - Pizzaguy2995

FPA Calculation:
4 Total Votes cast
19.20 Total Combined Score
19.20 / 4 = 4.80 Final Rating on the match

Zack Fair: 5
Kagura Mutsuki: 2

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