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Beast vs. Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski)
Beast: 1
Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski): 4

Cloud City vs. Cloverfield Creature (Clover)
Cloud City: 2
Cloverfield Creature (Clover): 4

Rumble 20614 Lydia Frye vs. Cana Alberona vs. Eve (Stellar Blade)
Lydia Frye: 0
Cana Alberona: 0
Eve (Stellar Blade): 2

Tournament - Adrian Monk vs. Lt. Columbo
Adrian Monk: 1
Lt. Columbo: 4

Rumble 20613 Batman (Terry McGinnis) vs. T-X (The Terminatrix)
Batman (Terry McGinnis): 2
T-X (The Terminatrix): 0

Rumble 19557 Medusa (Marvel) and Emma Peel vs. Willy Wonka and Astronema vs. Chloe Bourgeois and Lola Bunny


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Battlesphere 2 Part 11

Currently in the Ring:                                     Eliminated:

                                                Chloe Bourgeois                                                John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol)

                                                                                                                                John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol)

                                                Kylo Ren                                                               Michael Jordan (Strength/skill)

                                                                                                                                Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed)

                                                Chucky                                                                 Kitana (Powers/weapons)

                                                                                                                                Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed)

                                                Bride of Frankenstein                                      Miss America (Powers)

                                                                                                                                Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons)

                                                Bella Swan                                                          Miss America (Powers)

                                                                                                                                Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons)

                                                Medusa                                                                Sweet (Powers)

                                                                                                                                Sam (Powers)

                                                Moonwalker                                                       Michigan J. Frog (Toon physics)

Carmen Sandiego                                             None

                                                Gooey Gus                                                          None

                                                Lola Bunny                                                          None

                                                Phantom Lady                                                   None

                                                Xena                                                                      None

                                                Hawkgirl                                                               None

                                                Spring Heeled Jack                                           None

                                                Cain                                                                       None

                                                Callisto                                                                  None

                                                Ladybug                                                               None


Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois is howling with rage as she fires her pistols at Ladybug, but the yoyo causes the bullets to ricochet into the Battlesphere wall. 

Al Rossi: Hawkgirl is flying dangerously close to top of the sphere!  If her feet or Jack’s touch then they would be out!  Jack’s clawed hand tearing into her wings!  She swings her mace!  YOWCH!  Right in the face! 

Andel Sanap: He slips off Hawkgirl’s back and tumbles down, only to be met with another taste of Nth Metal!  Carried over the ropes and out of the Battlesphere! 

Al Rossi: We got Xena still trying to fend off Phantom Lady and Carmen while Gus lets loose a blast of slime towards Hawkgirl!  The clock is winding down!  Here comes #28! 

Crowd: 7!  6!  5!  4!  3!  2!  1! 


P.A.: The candyman can! 

Al Rossi: Uhhh, what? 

Andel Sanap: The most unlikely of combatants!  The master confectioner Willy Wonka has entered the Battlesphere.  He doesn’t seem all that impressed by the chaos around him. 

Al Rossi: But I hope he has a heck of strategy!  Here comes the demonic Medusa!  Wait!  Wonka’s pulling out a flask!  What’s he drinking? 

Andel Sanap: Medusa lunges for him and By the Force! 

Al Rossi: He’s floating in the air!  He must have some of that Fizzy Lifting Drink stuff!  Look out!  Hawkgirl zooms past him on a dive towards Gus!  The Battlesphere is trying to give her Jack’s powers as she charges up her mace and HOLY CRAP! 

Andel Sanap: Gooey Gus has been reduced to a puddle of goo that flies over the ropes the drips into the bowl of the Battlesphere! 

Al Rossi: Carmen and Phantom Lady are shocked by the brutality of that elimination!  But in comes Xena!  A throw of her chakram and both them are sent over the ropes onto the apron! 

Andel Sanap: Xena crouches down!  She runs towards the ropes where her opponents are stunned! 

Crowd: 3!  2!  1! 


P.A: The end of your era… and the beginning of mine. 

Al Rossi: A lot just happened there, folks!  Xena hit a double missile dropkick to Carmen and Phantom Lady, eliminating them both just as the buzzer sounded!  And now, we’ve got Dark Specter’s favorite warrior joining us at #29! 

Andel Sanap: She charges up her Wrath Staff and aims it but… um, now she appears to be dancing with it. 

Al Rossi: Medusa’s tapping into Sweet’s magic!  She unleashes her hair and catches a hold of Astronema’s arm as Callisto works over Moonwalker in the corner! 

Andel Sanap: He opens his mouth for a sonic scream but BY THE FORCE! 

Al Rossi: Hard to sing with a sword in your mouth!  Callisto lifts Moonwalker by the remains of his throat and tosses over the top rope! 

Andel Sanap: The Battlesphere is quickly providing the combatants their new powers.  Hawkgirl looks barely recognizable with the twisted purple body of Jack and Gus, Xena is in Phantom Lady’s outfit and Carmen’s coat and hat… 

Al Rossi: And Callisto is sporting the Moonwalker’s look.  Which, to be honest, isn’t that bad. 

Crowd: 6!  5!  4!  3!  2!  1! 


P.A.: Mrs. Peel, you’re needed. 

Al Rossi: And with that we’ve reached #30!  Emma Peel is our final entrant!  Wonka burps down and offers her a chocolate. 

Andel Sanap: A gesture of friendship?  Mrs. Peel smiles and accepts. 

Al Rossi: Then she delivers a karate chop to Wonka’s head! 

Andel Sanap: Which allows him to miss the flying bodies of Miss Bunny, Miss Bourgeois, and Ladybug!  Another display of Cain’s power!  Ladybug and Miss Bourgeois desperately hurl their Miraculous to catch the bottom rope! 

Al Rossi: Lola scrambles into the ring, only to be met by a slash of Cain’s knife!  He grinning wickedly at the two Miraculous ropes as Chloe and Ladybug try to pull themselves up.  He’s pointing the First Blade back and forth between them, then brings it crashing down! 

Andel Sanap: I can’t believe it!  The First Blade cut Ladybug’s line!  The young hero falls and is eliminated! 

Al Rossi: Chloe clambers up the rest of the way and rejoins with Lola!  They watch as Astronema fires blasts at Medusa and Wonka desperately flees Peel!  No time to rest!  Back into the battle! 



Medusa (Full strength plus Sweet and Sam’s powers/weapons) and Emma Peel (Full strength) vs Willy Wonka (Full strength) and Astronema (Full strength) vs Chloe Bourgeois (Half strength plus John Wick and John Spartan’s abilities/weapons) and Lola Bunny (Half strength)

Pair/s with the least votes gets eliminated, and their powers/abilities/weapons go to the pair/s with the most votes. 

If a pair finishes 2nd in the voting or there is a tie, the pair/s take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. 

Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. 

Any questions feel free to ask them. 

Game On! 

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Medusa (Marvel)
Read more about Medusa (Marvel) at Wikipedia
Official Site: Marvel Entertainment Links: Wikipedia Marvel.com Toonopedia

Emma Peel
Read more about Emma Peel at Wikipedia
Official Site: itv Links: Wikipedia TV Acres The Avengers Forever!

Willy Wonka
Read more about Willy Wonka at Wikipedia
Official Site: Warner Bros. (at least the movie version Links: Wikipedia Entry Willy Wonka.Net Wonka Candies

Read more about Astronema at Wikipedia
Official Site: Saban Links: Wikipedia The Morphing Grid Writer's Guide to Power Rangers

Lola Bunny
Read more about Lola Bunny at Wikipedia
Official Site: Warner Bros. Studios Links: Wikipedia Space Jam Official Website Lola Bunny - Looney City Citizens

Chloe Bourgeois
Read more about Chloe Bourgeois at Wikipedia
Official Site: Zagtoon Links: Wikipedia

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Chloe as Queen Bee should be much stronger than a normal person. Plus since Chloe has John Wick and John Spartan’s abilities and weapons, she could easily take out Emma and Willy Wonka. Medusa and Astronema would be a challenge, but with Lola Bunny to add support, Chloe could pull a win here.

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Yep, Hawkgirl made short work of Jack and Gus, as predicted. Not sure MJ would've gone down quite that easily, though. 

From a pure physical and power standpoint, Chloe should have a pretty clear edge in this one. Medusa could still get into her head (and almost everyone else's, for that matter) with Sweet's and Sam's powers, though. 

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Astronema is a definite factor in this. but Madusa and Chloe with extra powers might be what's needed to put her down.

I'm going to go with Astronema anyway because the other two teams can wear each other down allowing her to finish them off. Not sure how Willy Wonka contributes here.

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