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Psylocke vs. Danielle Moonstar
Psylocke: 6
Danielle Moonstar: 2

Rumble 20570 Arkin vs. Komodo
Arkin: 0
Komodo: 1

Rumble 20569 Minsu Kim vs. The Avengers
Minsu Kim: 2
The Avengers: 4

Donatello (Mirage) vs. Chun-Li
Donatello (Mirage): 9
Chun-Li: 3

Rumble 20567 Ed (Street Fighter) vs. Mama Odie vs. Pickle
Ed (Street Fighter): 0
Mama Odie: 0
Pickle (Baki the Grappler): 2

User of the Month July 2023: JohnnyChany


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It's crazy that it's already been a full month since the last time I posted one of these!  As a quick refresher, a member will be chosen based on who I believe is someone who really reflects the website in a positive way. I want to choose someone who is a strong writer, and debater, and can show off how much can be created with all the tools at play. 

It is with great pleasure I will be giving the member of the month spotlight to..

@JohnnyChany - I chose him because he is a prime example of how we can create anything we set our sites on. He is the member with by far the most written matches on the website with a whopping 411 setups to date! He doesn't only provide quality though as even with all of those matches he has maintained a 4.69 F.P.A. rating, to put that in perspective, our current holder of the highest average has a 4.86 only a 0.17 average difference! On top of all of that, he's great to debate with, he knows his stuff, and his humor is on point! He's also currently the only member to have fulfilled someone's suggestion in the battle suggestion sub forum. 

Let's learn more about our member of the month!


Q) Tell us about yourself. Where are you from, what do you do for a living?

A) I am from Las Vegas, and I currently manage a Dick's Sporting Goods in Texas.

Q) What brought you to this site, why do you stay? 

A) Many, many years ago I remember talking with friends about who would beat who, with our favorite characters, and then finding the old battles narrated by Harley Quinn and Callisto from the original site and thinking it was great and really enjoying the presentation. I stay because it scratches a creative writing itch that I otherwise don't pay attention to and because of the encouraging members that help keep me motivated to keep at it like leroypowell, Pizzaguy, DSkillz, Boratz, Mercenaryblade, and others. 

Q) If you had to choose, what member her would you say is your biggest rival? Who's do you look forward to reading the most?

A) I've never really viewed anyone as a rival, but I will say that the last few challenges I entered I always paid close attention to Broadwaybeyonder's entries. He is a strong writer and I particularly enjoy his choice of characters to use, it is always varied and creative.  Also, the fact that he consistently goes back to finish off his stories after the voting is completed is really awesome. 


A) A lot of my setups are connected to singular ideas that just spanned multiple fights. I did a gargoyles/batman villains crossover years ago, I tried a Final Fantasy crossover, the biggest one by far was my fighting games crossover that included well over a hundred characters in a story that progressed like a convoluted fighting game story mode. I'm trying to do a different version of it now. A huge chunk of my setups came from that. 

Q) What is your favorite setup you made?

A) I think my favorite setup that I've done was Mickey Mouse vs. Minnie Mouse for a contest from way back. Although I also really like Christine vs. the Michelin Man, if only because I had wanted to think of a fight for Bibendum for so long.

Q) What do we have to look forward to from you?

A) I am currently doing a fighting game crossover using franchises that I didn't use the first time around. I also plan to continue a beat em up game crossover story I had started. 

Q) With the writer's challenge just wrapping up, what would be a theme you would like to see be a challenge?

 A) I think a good challenge would be to specifically use comic book characters already in the database that have not been used in a cbub battle before. There haven't been a lot of comic book characters used recently and it would be fun to see who people would choose.

Again, a very special thanks to @JohnnyChany! Thank you for showing what this site can truly do!

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